Published: 2005-01-17 05:47:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 2481; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 104
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[Full View for better quality please dearies]Oh yeah. FIN.
Beware of the sort-of dead guy riding a threehead creature with no skin/muscle-mass. T'will eat you.
Drawn with: Pencil, Miron Inks 03, 01, 005
CG with: Photoshop 7
Sketch Time: 1 hr or so
Ink Time: 'boot the same
CG time: 2 hours
Music (during sketching, drawing and CGing and wandering around house):
Entire FF8 Album
Two Dir en Grey albums
Two or three songs from The Cure
Maaya Sakamoto
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Album
Part of Ghost in the Shell: Be Human album.
yeeeeah. @_@
Gluuse (c) ME
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Comments: 40
milo2 [2005-08-07 13:59:01 +0000 UTC]
i didn't get to do any commenting or fav-ing last night cuz it was sooooooooo laaaaaaaaaaate BUT! here i go.
i love this. because it's red, black, swirly, skeletal, swishy, and there's a sort-of-dead-guy in it ^_^ all the things i adore IN ONE. this one i like most. of your whole gallery, although 'tis all nifty O_O so !!!
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burloire In reply to milo2 [2005-08-07 18:58:39 +0000 UTC]
Yay! <3
Thank you so much!
This is one of my favourites as well! I appreicate your comments!
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lohhw [2005-06-25 13:19:16 +0000 UTC]
Wow, this is really cool! I like the way you draw his cloak, especially the coloring. Really nice! O_o
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lohhw In reply to burloire [2005-07-02 16:46:28 +0000 UTC]
its also my most favorite color! ^^ Crimson RED!!! XD
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XxXrEdRuMXxX [2005-04-04 03:47:21 +0000 UTC]
yet another favourite. there's so much to comment on in your gallery. i love your drawings. there's just too much to comment on. geez.
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burloire In reply to XxXrEdRuMXxX [2005-04-05 02:28:26 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! ^__^
I'm sorry I have so much! ;___;
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XxXrEdRuMXxX In reply to burloire [2005-04-05 02:29:57 +0000 UTC]
Its a good thing! All of its great!
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Cyanide-dreams [2005-01-18 00:58:22 +0000 UTC]
very nice! ^^ i like this alot, the charater designs, look of the cape, and of the three headed monster especally ^^
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shuu-bunni [2005-01-17 22:41:40 +0000 UTC]
What is it about black and red that makes things so smexy? <3 He looks like Dante, mayhaps. Lovelyfull! I adore Glucose <3
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burloire In reply to shuu-bunni [2005-01-17 22:50:52 +0000 UTC]
If it's ebil and red, Gluuse probably admires them. XD
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shuu-bunni In reply to burloire [2005-01-27 20:12:09 +0000 UTC]
Well, Dante isnt really ebil, he's just...different. *snikers*
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SykoRyoko [2005-01-17 22:12:31 +0000 UTC]
A BIG shadow-y mass! I heart it~ Like, <3< 3<3
*drools all over the place* I so so heart the hair. OMG, it's the smex~
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burloire In reply to SykoRyoko [2005-01-17 23:10:04 +0000 UTC]
Thank you Ryoko-minion! *glomps and pettles yee*
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TeenyDemon [2005-01-17 18:53:39 +0000 UTC]
Oi oi Burry-chan! That is sooo awesome! The cg on this pic is sooo stellar. I lurve it!
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burloire In reply to TeenyDemon [2005-01-17 21:09:42 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! *glomps*
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Aya-shi [2005-01-17 17:36:23 +0000 UTC]
*Sighs and falls before you* WOW...your so awesome burry!
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SailorDarkness [2005-01-17 13:53:28 +0000 UTC]
*drools* oh wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Bur-chan, you have really out done yourself on this one. ^_^ I just love it!!! ^_^ *checks to see if anyone else has stolen the picture yet* yeah, no one has yet. ^^ *steals picture and tries to hide* ^^
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burloire In reply to SailorDarkness [2005-01-17 21:52:18 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Thank you!
EE! *chases after*
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burloire In reply to kashoku [2005-01-17 21:46:08 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, Vincent was actually the inspiration for this. XD
I was looking at VIncent fanart on some korean site. @_@
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DeadlySapphire In reply to burloire [2005-01-17 06:18:17 +0000 UTC]
oooo like the sound u make with your mouth like ouuuu or when u see sumthin shiny and your like ooooo
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hokuto [2005-01-17 05:50:31 +0000 UTC]
Mmmmmmmmmmshinyreddeliciousgoodness. =d Oh my yes. I love the bony creature and the lovely dark swirlies, and - it is just highly nifty dark artness.
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