budlong — Ruined Temple W.I.P. 2.1

Published: 2007-02-23 05:45:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 778; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 10
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Description This is a updated render of my Ruined Temple for demo reel. This is using just basic lighting so far, and I still have assets and the windows to finish. Everything that is finished has normal mapping now. I plan on having torches where the lights are, but right now I don't want to worry about making fire.
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Comments: 21

tare-musume [2007-02-28 22:38:36 +0000 UTC]

dude i love the mood and the texture you're creating, keep it up!

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Iceman11029 [2007-02-26 17:33:55 +0000 UTC]

looks amazing. the statue in the back really does it for me. cant wait till see the final

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AykutKucukguzel [2007-02-26 14:41:35 +0000 UTC]

Very Nice..

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rytango [2007-02-26 08:42:49 +0000 UTC]

aw. . i wanted a print!!
:ees pant::

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budlong In reply to rytango [2007-02-26 16:48:58 +0000 UTC]

smart ass! I'll give you prints!!!

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CoffeePowered [2007-02-25 23:28:00 +0000 UTC]

Great interior! Is this low polly for gaming? Amazing scene regardless! ^_^

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budlong In reply to CoffeePowered [2007-02-25 23:44:49 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. Actually this is low poly for gaming, at least for a NextGen type game.

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AngryPotato [2007-02-24 09:15:05 +0000 UTC]

looking good..the lighting is a bit confusing but im sure you know that..and those polys in front ...need some texture..hahaha jk....very very cool cant wait for the final...haha im so buying a print of this dude jk

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budlong In reply to AngryPotato [2007-02-24 17:04:46 +0000 UTC]

The thing made me do the print options stuff. I didn't want to make it a print. I think D.A. just wants more money.

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AngryPotato In reply to budlong [2007-02-25 00:05:01 +0000 UTC]

yeah i had that happen to me too...go to manage prints if u want to fix it

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codenothing [2007-02-23 18:19:33 +0000 UTC]

Cool. Are those all point lights? or do you use lightmaps? What are lightmaps? do i realy work for a game company and not know what a light map is? Im gona go to wikipedia....

I like the normals on the bricks. Ive been messing with crazybump making a Ford Focus. 1000 Tri isnt a lot for a car is it? Ive run into some interesting problems with using a 2D normal generator though. Ill have to run them by you saturday and see if you can help me.

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budlong In reply to codenothing [2007-02-23 19:14:46 +0000 UTC]

What is a lightmap? The lights are just omni lights. I sure love that Crazybump. I've made all my normals from that program.

So your making your car in 3d? You can always make a high poly version of your car and bake the normals onto the low-poly version, instead of using Crazybump and it will look so much better too!

And the color textures I've found out over the last 2 months that you can have just flat color for the diffuse and the normal map will do the rest of the work. Too bad I didn't realize this until recently.

ANd adding a level that were going to be working on for my demo wont be able to be on my demo unless we can magically find time to get it done in the next 2 months along with everything else I plan on having in my demo reel. Well see...we can figure this out Saturday.

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codenothing In reply to budlong [2007-02-23 23:02:45 +0000 UTC]

you dont know what a lightmap is either? hmmm.... now ill deffinitely look into it. I hear it thrown around a lot here.

Yea as for the whole high rez baked normal into model deal.... I dont realy like modeling. Ill leave that up to you. But for props and things Crazybump works great. I just have discovered that you need to bake your normals while the mesh is rotated the right direction on screen or it will invert the normal once you import it back into 3D.

Basicaly.... You unwrap your model. and arrange the UV pieces to make the best use of the space. But, sense the pieces get moved, rotated, and flipped... They all get the same normal treatment in 2D, even though they face different directions in 3D. So if you want to be really accurate with the normal in Crazybump you need some trial/error and some photoshop post work.

Lets do a small environment to start. Like an alley or something. Something like Blade runner. All cool sci-fi and asian.

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budlong In reply to codenothing [2007-02-24 00:02:23 +0000 UTC]

I still ...have never seen Blade Runner.

And I think your going to show me what your talking about for the crazybump stuff. I know on your texture, lights push forward and darks push back. So some things on the texture that you want to push forward you might have to invert that color to make sure it pushes forward.

Also isn't there a lot of things that get thrown around at your work that they don't know how to do. Like adding damage on walls from gunshots? And having more than 8 characters on screen at once? lol

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rytango In reply to budlong [2007-02-26 08:41:33 +0000 UTC]

. . .
. . .
the fuk you guys talkin about?!

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budlong In reply to rytango [2007-02-26 16:59:24 +0000 UTC]

Part of it is making fun of the company he works for. You know all about that. The rest is beyond your range of intelegence, j/k. lol

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codenothing In reply to budlong [2007-02-24 03:08:23 +0000 UTC]

This is true.

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kheng [2007-02-23 08:41:54 +0000 UTC]

wow very nice textures and lighting man
reminds me of the original unreal kinda setting, or an rpg

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budlong In reply to kheng [2007-02-23 17:47:07 +0000 UTC]

This is kinda my NextGen version of the unreal ruined temple I did before. I defanitly pictured this as a level in an RPG or an action game like Devel May Cry or Ninja Gaiden, but being in an RPG like Oblivion fits best I think. The normal maps really bring out the textures, the level would look kinda lame without them.

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codenothing In reply to budlong [2007-02-23 18:25:31 +0000 UTC]

Yea ive found your 'color texture' realy doesnt need to be much of anything at all if you have a good normal. In fact, if you put too much info into the color texture of the model your normals start to make it look like crap. In a game i was looking at reciently, it was either GOW or PREY, we noticed the normal maps were 2X the resolution of the color texture. Also the color textures shouldent have any light information like in old-gen games. This whole texture business is fun for me. Modeling still isnt my thing. But lets go make something budlong! You can add it to the demo.

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CleverFoxImages [2007-02-23 05:49:20 +0000 UTC]

Ooo, this is gonna look nice when it's all done!

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