Branka-Artz — Into the Unknown

#nebula #outerspace #space #spacecraft #deviousdesktopsspaceout
Published: 2019-09-24 12:45:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 3895; Favourites: 136; Downloads: 45
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My entry for the Space Out Challenge


Devious Desktops - Space Out Challenge3... 2... 1... Space Out! It’s your chance to win a PAIR of LG UltraFine™ 4K Displays! Use outer space as an inspiration, and create a 4K Wallpaper to enter! #DeviousDesktopsSpaceOut

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DeviantArt is excited to bring you another Devious Desktops community wallpaper challenge! Throughout the year, these challenges serve as opportunities for you to create original desktop wallpaper deviations for the chance to win two


Stock I've Used:

Space Background and Nebula (middle) -  www.deviantart.com/era-7/art/3…   by

Nebula (left) - www.deviantart.com/paulinemoss…   by

Nebula (top right) - www.deviantart.com/mithgariel/…   by

Saturn - www.deviantart.com/annfrost-st…   by

Flaring Nebula - www.deviantart.com/tigers-stoc…  

Spacecraft - www.deviantart.com/hz-designs/…   by

Stars - www.deviantart.com/resurgere/a…   by and

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Comments: 204

Branka-Artz In reply to ??? [2019-12-17 07:38:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

fev-rocks [2019-11-04 18:42:14 +0000 UTC]

Very cool space scene. Love the way you have blended the two space pictures together, to get your own nebula of space. And, I like how the spacecraft seems to be coming out of a gateway of some sort. Like a point in space, which has just opened up.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to fev-rocks [2019-11-05 06:49:59 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot for the beautiful feedback, dear

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fev-rocks In reply to Branka-Artz [2019-11-08 13:29:26 +0000 UTC]

You are always welcome, for the feedback. Enjoy your day Branka!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

stalker034 [2019-10-13 14:03:42 +0000 UTC]

fantastically absolutely beautiful perfect diamond masterpiece!!!!!!!!               

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to stalker034 [2019-10-14 07:16:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so very much glomp:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

stalker034 In reply to Branka-Artz [2019-10-19 17:25:06 +0000 UTC]

my pleasure, my dear friend                                                                                                                          

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

faryba [2019-10-11 13:33:52 +0000 UTC]

This is really amazing my dear Branka!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to faryba [2019-10-13 07:42:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much, Faryba

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

YOKOKY [2019-10-09 11:40:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to YOKOKY [2019-10-10 06:56:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lauraypablo [2019-10-04 21:49:20 +0000 UTC]

you did a great work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to lauraypablo [2019-10-05 09:41:27 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, dear

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

thecamat [2019-10-02 01:01:54 +0000 UTC]

Oh, this one feels kinda different for your usual style, and I like it! I love me some sci-fi... reminds me of Star Trek: Voyager.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2019-10-02 07:14:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much, dear. Oh yeah, I didn't even think of

ST: Voy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2019-12-09 09:31:34 +0000 UTC]

So many Trek fans hate on Voyager because it attempted to alter some of the continuity, but I actually liked the series! I enjoyed the idea of them being stranded in deep space, trying to find their way back home, encountering all sorts of different alien cultures and strange new occurrences... took the exploration idea to whole new lengths.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2019-12-09 11:34:10 +0000 UTC]

I love ST: Voyager mostly because of Kate Mulgrew, who

played Capt. Kathryn Janeway. I've watched the season

3 time already, from start to finish. I just can't get enough

of the show and when the Borg became a bigger part with

Seven of Nine and the Borg Queen, it fascinated me even


Yeah, imagine if we can travel through space and encounter all

those different species. I think it would be fun

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2019-12-15 23:45:18 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, I did really enjoy Voyager, but I would still say my favorite captain is (and always will be) Picard. He’s stern but fair, haha. I love TNG as a whole as well... it has that ‘80s/early ‘90s charm to it that’s just super nostalgic for me, so I’m a bit biased, I guess. I agree, though, I did love that they expanded more on the Borg in Voyager. They were always really interesting (and legitimately terrifying, conceptually) to me, like a futuristic zombie. No one wants to become a zombie.
I’ve dreamt of space travel since I was a kid, but even just to explore the cosmos... even if there’s no other intelligent life out there, it would be fascinating just to see the natural beauty universe, I think.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2019-12-17 08:34:32 +0000 UTC]

I saw the first ST with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock. I loved

it so much. I never saw the other series of ST, only all the

movies made

It's last year that I found ST Deep Space 9, but it was a

bit boring to me. I did finished the whole series, but ST:Voy

will always be my favorite. Did I mention I watched it 3 times

already. Oh and I promise you I will watch it a few more times

I always love sci-fi movies and series. Now this was long ago, maybe

you know it or you're too young..."Alpha 99" Oh gosh. It looked so

wonderful to fly around in space. I would also want to explore but I

will wait when they have more advanced spaceships

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2019-12-23 19:58:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh, me too! I love the original ST series as well. It was the first one I watched and Spock will always be one of my favorite characters, but I’m still more partial to The Next Generation as a whole. It felt like a more complete and cohesive series, in opinion. The original is a fun show, but it sometimes felt more like serial anthology of various ideas that they just kinda tried out each episode. While TNG did have that as well at times, you also got to know the characters and their stories and you watched them change and develop as the series went on, much like in Voyager. I do like DS9, but I agree with you, it’s not my favorite...  it’s more of a cultural exploration, as opposed to space exploration, which gives it a different vibe. It’s a slower burn of a series, for sure. 

And yeah, same here! My dad got me hooked on old sci-fi and horror. I remember watching old movies and shows like The Twilight Zone, Them, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Godzilla and King Kong, etc... but I haven’t heard of Alpha 99, I’ll have to look it up!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2019-12-26 07:56:52 +0000 UTC]

I never saw ST:TNG, I guess it's because back in the day, before

streaming, only some shows and movies were "allowed" in SA. So,

there were lots of shows we never saw here, good shows

IDK if I dreamed it but I'm sure there's a new ST movie on the way.

About Capt. Pickard. Gosh, I just need to straighten my facts on IMDB

and will let you know.

Speaking of ST, what do you think of the "new" show, ST: Discovery?

The 1st season wasn't too bad, but I struggle to finish the 2nd season

I think "Alpha99" was in the mid 70s, but it was dubbed to Afrikaans, my

mother tongue. Gosh, I loved that show

But I think if I watched it again, I wouldn't. CGI has spoiled us

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-01-01 16:43:19 +0000 UTC]

I think you'd really enjoy TNG! Voyager, to me, feels like an extension of TNG, and I love them both, so I say that as a compliment, not trying to downplay Voyager at all. Even though Roddenberry wasn't involved at all in the making of Voyager, it still had a lot of his "influence." And yeah, I saw they're making a Picard show! I hope it's better than Discovery, which took more after the movies than the original shows. It felt like they were trying way too hard to bring in new fans instead of being true to what Star Trek is all about, and in doing so, alienated actual Star Trek fans. The worst part is that both these shows are exclusive to an app... did they really think new and potential fans of the show are gonna pay a subscription to watch this? No, it's people that are/were already fans. Maybe this Picard show is a kind of apology, haha. 
I still enjoy old effects from time to time! I think I'll always prefer practical effects to digital in horror movies (if they're done well).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-01-03 09:06:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh then I must search for TNG. I hope I can find it. I looked

for Voy a very long time before I could get it. I'll definitely

start looking today

I hope the movie will be great too, but this Discovery, IDK if

I'm going to finish Season 2 and if they go on I'm not going

to bother with it further

Some old effects are okay, but some just put me off, because,

as I said, CGI spoiled us

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-01-11 08:49:22 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, so many great characters from TNG, too. It’s one of the few shows where I like all the characters, though I would have to say Data is most interesting to me personally. I always enjoy the episodes that focus on him, especially the one (no spoilers) where they discuss his rights as an android. I liked most of the characters in Voyager, but there were a couple that annoyed me at times, like Neelix. Maybe I just prefer Guinan as the bartender.
I do agree that good CGI is hard to beat. I mean, The Avengers would have been impossible 15-20 years ago. CGI is finally at the point where it looks (mostly) realistic. But there’s always a charm to practical effects and some old movies that use practical effects still hold up because they were done so well: Alien, The Thing, American Werewolf in London, Day of the Dead, I could go on...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-01-13 08:15:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh I found TNG, I'm already busy with S01

I just love Data. He's so sweet and he make me

chuckle when he can't understand human banter

I'm only at ep 4 or 5 so I haven't gone far yet. But I

like it thus far and it makes me think of ST:Voy as

you've said. It's just Pickard, OMG, isn't he a strict

and sometimes angry captain. That poor boy, Wesley I

think, wasn't allowed to sat foot on the bridge. He's

horrible sometimes and unfair too

Neelix was sometimes too much, but Kes annoyed me

sometimes. I think she was a too goody-two-shoes


I just love CGI and I think I'm addicted to it

Oh that is true too. Some old movies with their special

effects can't beat some of the newer movies. They did

great those day

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-01-14 15:57:44 +0000 UTC]

Oh, very nice! Brent Spiner (Data) managed to capture that innocence and aloofness perfectly. He’s almost like a super intelligent child that can effortlessly tackle anything technical, but his social side is undeveloped and actually immature at times. Haha, I always thought of Picard is stern but fair. He wants his crew to be qualified and deserving of a bridge station, so he refuses to let Wesley, who hasn’t finished training, on the bridge and possibly get in the way in a dire situation. But! The show goes on for 7 seasons, so characters develop and grow and learn...

Yeah, Kes was very annoying as well, I agree, but at least she left the show early... Neelix, however, way outstayed his welcome, haha. I can’t think of any annoying characters in TNG other than ones that are supposed to be, like Q (also in Voyager and DS9, of course). He’s charmingly annoying, though.
Now that I finished Preacher, I’ve actually been watching and re-watching some old horror movies. It’s a good time! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-01-15 06:30:15 +0000 UTC]

A perfect description of Data

I don't know him that well. I only saw that one movie of him,

"Star Trek Nemesis" and I can't remember him being so strict

Ohhhh, I saw the trailer of his new movie "Picard", it looks promising.

Troy, and his commander is also there and believe it or not, Seven of

Nine of ST: Voy is also there, which to me is actually stupid and unfair

why didn't they give Kate Mulgrew a chance to be in it too. Be his No.1

or just play an admiral at Star Fleet or whatever. He and the Borg has

nothing in common cos she was never "with him" previously. But I guess

the one doing the cast and the producers knows what their doing

Yes, luckily she left early. I believe she made space for Seven of Nine

Oh gosh, Q was beyond annoying but yes, it was his role. I don't have much

love for him

You finished Preacher? Wow! Did you watch "V Wars"? I do recommend it. It's

about vampires but NOT your regular vamp, no siree

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-01-15 07:56:06 +0000 UTC]

Data does “mature” as the series goes and he learns from the crew. I’m sure you have questions about where he came from, too, and why he seems to be the only one of his kind? They get into that as well!
I think the best movie depiction of Picard is in Star Trek: First Contact. It shows his intelligent and thoughtful side, but also his stubbornness and pride. He’s a very headstrong captain and doesn’t compromise often, which has been and sometimes would have been his downfall. He’s been talked off the ledge, so to speak, by his crew on some occasions... also, I don’t want to spoil anything for you in TNG, but to address your Seven of Nine comment: Picard has encountered the Borg, and by association, Seven of Nine as well, since they’re a hive mind. If I recall, his crew were actually the first in the Federation to make contact with them. There’s an episode where Q kinda ”facilitates” a meeting between them in season 2, episode 16 (had to look it up!). Picard comes to know the Borg quite well throughout the series, but that’s all I’ll say. Also, I believe the 3 series, TNG, Voyager and DS9, are said to take place at or near the same time within the official timeline. Worf and Picard and some other characters have even been mentioned or appeared in multiple series, so a lot of it comes together if you’ve seen all 3.
I actually have to say, from what I’ve been hearing about Picard, I may not like it. It’s being made by the same people that did Discovery and Patrick Stewart has flat out said that TNG lore is irrelevant and outdated in Picard. I love Picard as a character, but Patrick Stewart doesn’t seem to care about the lore or the character of Picard. I found out he’s only ever been to, like, 3 Star Trek conventions, only to promote films. I mean, nothing against the guy, I think he’s a great actor, but if he doesn’t have the character in mind, maybe don’t let him in on a creative level? Same goes for the guy (Alex Kurtzman) that did Discovery and now this, who’s admitted he knew nothing about Star Trek. This guy was also responsible for two of the worst Spider-man movies and the attempted Universal Monsters franchise that failed miserably, so it makes sense that Discovery is so bad.
So yeah, I wouldn’t be upset that Kate Mulgrew isn’t in it, haha. Maybe she read the script and turned it down? Apparently they’ve even test screened Picard a few times and had very negative responses and had to re-write and various creatives have left the project entirely because it’s a disaster, so... my hopes aren’t high...
I did finish Preacher and yeah, I’ve heard about V Wars. Only heard about it, though, you’re the first to tell me if it’s good (or bad). I may have to check it out and see what it’s all about!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-01-15 09:21:20 +0000 UTC]

I guess he will learn more stuff as the series goes on, Data

has to grow, the Borg grew

But I like him like this, kinda childish oh a very clever child

might I add, but his "dumbness" makes him sweet

Oh, I haven't seen that one. Maybe I need to check it out

Ah, that makes sense why they put her in the movie. IDK they

had an encounter. I just know in other shows they talk about

Picard was changed into a Borg, or something...I'm not sure if

it was mentioned in DS9 or one of the newer movies

Yes, Worf was in DS9. He looked much better there than in TNG

Nooo, don't tell me that

Oh, Patrick is snotty and a snob in RL

Yeah, I feel much better now that Kate's not in the movie

Oh my gosh. Now what the hell? They want to make a movie about

Picard and that how the screening of Patrick went?

They should've taken some other bold guy for the role. RuPaul could've played Picard

Yeah, I really liked "V Wars" and I think you will too. Ohhhh, and there's "Evil" too. Really good,

you can watch it for sure

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-01-16 13:49:52 +0000 UTC]

Well, Data kinda retains a degree or innocence, I think, but he does learn and become much wiser. He’s always a bit awkward and some things are lost in translation with him, which is why he’s such an endearing character.
You’ll get there soon enough if you keep watching, and everything will begin to fall into place. TNG was the first series for a lot of things, actually, The Borg, Q, Klingon crew (and other aliens besides Vulcans). But yeah, I don’t think Picard and Seven of Nine ever met on screen, but it’s inferred and I’m sure they’ve met in some extended lore like books or something. They have to have! Seems you already knew Picard was assimilated, though, that’s what I was trying not to spoil, haha. Well, at least you’ll find out how and why since you’re watching TNG!
Haha, I don’t know if he’s a snob in real-life. He seems like a nice enough guy, but he’s expressly stated that he doesn’t care for sci-fi or the character of Picard, which is why he doesn’t go to conventions. He’s a classical theater actor, if I recall, and that’s his passion. But yeah, if he doesn’t like sci-fi and also has no interest in his character, letting him write for Picard seems wrong and unfair, to me. He and Kurtzman don’t care at all about the fans or the lore of the show and are just doing whatever they want. It’s biting them in the ass, though, since so many hate Discovery and Picard is already getting very negative responses from its screenings. It almost feels like CBS is trying to kill the whole franchise so people will shut up about it and leave them alone. That way they can retain the rights and keep making money from it but never have to actually do anything with it.
And I love RuPaul! Do you/have you watched RuPaul’s Drag Race? I highly recommend it if you haven’t. It’s such a fun show!

I’ll have to check out V Wars before it goes into more seasons. I prefer to watch newer shows when they debut, that way if I don’t like them, I can just take them off my list and ignore them, in favor of something else. Sounds like I’m being negative, but there’s just so much to watch, haha. I feel like I have to be selective with my time, so I don’t miss out on something I’d really love. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-01-20 14:28:47 +0000 UTC]

Yesterday I watched where they were at Data's home planet

and found his "brother" but the bugger was evil after they

assembled him...a grown-up Chucky, well close but not quite

Yeah, it was either in DS9 or Voy that they mention Picard was

assimilated by the Borg, but I didn't know that he had an encounter

with 7 of 9. Gosh, did you see the Picard's advertising board of Seven?

Whoa!!!! Hot man, hot...Oh I forgot you're not into fan fiction

I thought at first "Picard" was a movie then I saw, no, it's a damn

show. It's really stupid. They should've made it a movie, period.

Oh I love RuPaul

Have you seen AJ and the Queen. It's to die for. Watch it if you

haven't seen it yet

I've watch Drag Race All Stars 4 and of course Drag Race UK their

first season. I had my eye on The Vivienne from the beginning

In all stars 4 I soooo wanted Manila to win, but I guess Trinity is a second

best and Monet X Change wasn't too bad either

I can watch drag shows for hours and hours. I'm just in love with them, well

most of them. Some of them irritates the hell out of me, but there are so

many others that make up for them

Oh so true. There are too many shows and too little time

If a show is "old" but not too far gone I love to binge watch, but if it's

already 7 or more seasons, I really don't want to binge watch, except

if it's an exceptional show then I go with those 7 seasons

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-01-20 21:29:03 +0000 UTC]

You’ve met Lore! Yeah, he’s a jerk, haha. I believe he comes back in later episodes as well... not the last you’ll see of him, I’m sure!
I may not be into fan fiction, but Jeri Ryan has always been attractive! I also think Picard should’ve been a movie instead. I bet they’re giving up on Discovery and counting it as a loss, since it’s had such negative feedback, so now they’re trying (and still failing) to take advantage of peoples’ Trek nostalgia by bringing in familiar characters. They need new producers and writers that actually care about the subject matter, because it’s obvious they don’t. The funny thing is that Disney did the same thing with Star Wars and that also went down in flames. You can’t just coast on the name of a big franchise and neglect the story. The franchise should be the setting, and there’s already all this rich, established lore to work with... literally, ALL they had to do was write new stories on top of existing lore and insert new characters, which is what TNG, DS9 and Voy did and that’s why they worked. I don’t understand why these new showrunners trying to undo and edit all the history of these franchises that people already love. It’s actually kinda infuriating. No one wanted or asked for Star Trek or Star Wars replacements. They want continuations of existing storylines, at the very least, storylines adjacent to them. Sorry for the rant, haha... this “reboot” culture in the films and TV industry just annoys me so much.

I haven’t seen AJ and the Queen, but I need to! I think RuPaul is one of my favorite public figures. He (sometimes she) is comfortable being who he wants to be and doesn’t care what others think, and I love that. One of the most real and sincere people in media today, in my opinion. I haven’t seen Drag Race in a while, but I remember liking Jinkx Monsoon in season 5. I think seasons 4 and 5 were my favorite one, actually. And yeah, I love most of the queens, but some were very annoying. Alyssa Edwards comes to mind. She was... very hard to tolerate at times, haha. 
I’ve seen all but the first 3 seasons, if I recall? I watched them on Hulu, but they were missing the first 3 seasons. Then they removed all of them, and recently brought them back. I guess there were some streaming contract disputes or something. I noticed they switched networks, from Bravo to VH1, so maybe that caused issues. Anyway, I should watch the ones I missed, as well as the All Stars!
I don’t mind so much if a show has a lot of seasons/episodes, as long as it’s good and I don’t feel like I’m wasting time watching it. There are a lot of shows I’ve tried watching and by season 2 it begins to feel like a chore and I think: “Why am I watching this? I’m not even enjoying it!” I kinda dislike that about Netflix, now that I think of it, and probably why I don’t use it often. Everything is saved to a list to continue watching, which actually discourages me from trying new things, because if I don’t like it, it’s stuck on my continue list... unless I wanna go to their website, go through all the history settings, remove series, etc. 

Why is there no option to just do that within the app? There needs to be a dropdown on the thumbnails to just remove them from the list. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-01-21 14:25:29 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, they saw Discovery doesn't work, now they trying

something else. I mean, "Star Trek: Picard", sounds even

like a movie's name an not a series' title.

And that's what they do. Let's make a shark movie and

call it "Jaws the revenge" or whatever. Gosh, everyone will

go and watch the movie because of the name Jaws and this

is how it works with Star Trek and Star Wars. Gosh, those

are huge names and they have a enormous fan base. Now

they totally feck it up and that's how they lose fans. I know

many hate the new ST movies because of J.J. Abrams, but

I love them, especially "ST: Into Darkness" because of Benedict

Cumberbatch who played "Khan". OMG! I just love that man

Nah, rant all you want. Some rebooted movies gives me the

creeps too. Did you see the new "Terminator" movie? It's not

too bad but they had it so damn wrong. Sarah Conner and

her son was saved. In a later movie he did lead the Resistance

against the machines. In this movie Arnold Schwarzenegger"

character came where he was about a teen where they were

hiding and killed him. What a lot of crap. In the first movie,

Arnold was a Terminator and wanted to kill Sarah, but in the

2nd movie he came back and was a friend to her and kept her

safe. They stayed friend in the rest of the movies, just to

F it up in this movie. Can't they remember the bloody movies

or go back to the old ones and look through the scripts to

refresh your memory. Argh, now I'm ranting. I hope this was the

last "Terminator" movie too and good gawd I hope it was the last

of "Rambo" as well

YOU NEED TO SEE AJ AND THE QUEEN, you won't regret it

I don't know the queens of the original drag races, and I only

saw one All starts #4. I stumbled upon it btw. I didn't know

about it. I love drag queens so much. Some of them looks

like real women and not just the hair and make-up, the voice,

everything. Some of them looks hideous with that make-up. I

don't know if you know of, Trixi Mattel. Oh gawd those eyes

with the 30 inch white eyeliner is awful

Then in "All Stars 4" I wanted to kill Gia Gunn. I cannot, repeat

cannot stand her

Then Naomi Smalls was also irritating. I wanted Valentina to win

in this All stars but as I said, Trinity is a great 2nd best. There

were two winners. She shared the crown with Monet X Change

I wish I can get the previous ones to watch. I will do nothing that

whole time. There will be no food for us or the furry kids. I'll order in

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-01-22 23:41:28 +0000 UTC]

It really does feel that way. It’s always so obvious when a company starts a new project that’s in the same vein as an existing one, that something’s about to be replaced. Product companies do that all the time. They say that this new product coming out won’t replace the old one, because they still want you to buy the old one, too! If they admit defeat with an older product, no one will want it, of course, but it is a deceitful tactic to say the older one will still be there when everyone knows it’s about to get booted. 

And yeah, I feel like that’s all the film and TV industry does these days, is coast on known franchises. There are so few unique ideas now. Everything is a sequel or prequel or reboot, because all the studios care about is money, so none of them are willing to even take a chance on a new idea anymore. They see Star Wars and all they see is dollar signs. I love Star Wars and Star Trek, but I’m so glad it backfired on these studios when they tried to reboot them. They hired people that didn’t know or care at all about the franchises, to try to make some quick money, thinking the fans are stupid and would eat it up because just it had a familiar title. Hope they learned their lessons. My opinion is, unless you’re going to actually try to make something worthwhile, why even bother? And I feel that way about all art, whether it’s movies, music, visual, etc...  Why waste time (and money) with mediocre, uninspired filler?
That said, I do agree with you. I enjoyed the the Abrams Trek movies. And yeah, I think all Terminator fans disregard everything after the second movie, haha. Terminator 2 is one of my all-time favorite movies, then they waited years and years to make a third and it was such a huge let-down. I (and probably everyone else) lost faith after that. Then they did Salvation, which wasn’t any better. Now they’re just beating a dead horse, haha. Leave it alone or do it right!
I can’t recall all the Queen’s names, mostly just ones that stood out to me, like Jinkx Monsoon and Sharon Needles, Alyssa Edwards, a few others. Trixi Mattel does sound familiar, though. I looked her up and saw what you mean, haha... that’s a wild look! I need to watch the All-Stars. They have them on Hulu.

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Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-01-27 09:49:36 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, I totally agree with you

There are so many reboots out there it makes me

sick. If they want to reboot them, make it better

than the old one, not worse

I watched the first episode of Picard and I was so

surprised. They knocked me almost off my chair. I didn't

expect that. I can't wait for episode two

Oh you looked her up...fugly and I bet if she change her

make-up she won't look half bad

I want to watch all the All Stars too. I can't remember

all the queens names, mostly those who irritate the hell

out of me

I see Drag Race Season 12 has begun. But I'm watching a

rerun of Drag Race UK. I can't take my eye of The Vivienne.

She really deserved to be the queen. She's beyond gorgeous

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thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-01-28 10:26:54 +0000 UTC]

I think the problem is that they keep trying to reboot things that are great as is, haha. Don’t mess with perfection, as the saying goes. A spin off or continuation is fine (sometimes), but something like Robocop, for instance, should have been left alone. Robocop was a time capsule and it worked because it was made at the right time.
Hmm, maybe Picard could be good. I mean, they did have to re-write and edit it many times because of negative responses, so I would hope it’s at least decent after all that work, haha. 
I’ve watched a lot of Drag Race... I don’t consider myself an expert on drag, by any means, but I’ve learned that there are many, many styles. I’d have to look some of them up, but I know one they call “fishy,” where the queen tries to look as realistically female as possible. There’s another based on being a gender-bender, where it’s hard to tell if it’s a guy or a girl. And then there are the classic pageant queens that have that showgirl look. Haha, all I’m getting at is that I’m also not a fan of Trixi Mattel’s look, but I’ve seen others with a similar look. Not sure what that look is called, but... it’s a look, for sure.

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Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-01-28 14:21:27 +0000 UTC]

It's as if the screenwriters have no ideas anymore that's why

they make reboots

They should just leave all the old movies alone so we can

remember it as it was. If they want to make a reboot, make

something with another name, similar character but also other

names. We can rather say, hey, this movie reminds me of "Rocky",

than, OMG another Rocky Balboa movie, don't you agree?

Oh when I was still going to clubs many moons ago, I knew so many

of Pretoria's drag queens. They had shows every Sunday and I was

there no matter what. Now IDK anyone anymore and one of my 2

favorite drag queens, they were brothers, died a few years ago and

I didn't even know it, until a month or two ago

OMG, don't even say that word out loud. The Vivienne is still a young

queen (27) and still learning what to do and what to say. She was

in a huge "fight" with a lot of the older queens because she said

"that" word

Apparently, you can't use that word in front of queens or transgender,

especially transgender. They have such a lot if issues I'm sick and

tired of their BS. I'm also gay, as you know, but good gawd, call me

what you like, except bitch, but this new thing going on with the

pronouns....them, they...WTF not it. You wanna be neutral, so you're

an it. Sorry, I'm ranting

IDK about the other stuff you mentioned, but I know Gender-Bender is

when you change a male character into a female character and vise

versa. Like Snow White becomes a man, or Peter Pan is now a girl,

that's what G-B is as far as I know

OMG I hate her face, or actually, that make-up of hers. It's fuggly. Her

eyes look horrible

I haven't seen other queens with that kind of make-up. I hope I'll

never see other queens with that make-up. Can't someone tell her

it's not pwetty at all and she was a winner of one of the Drag Races

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thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-01-29 15:50:04 +0000 UTC]

Funny you say that, haha. I watch a channel on YouTube sometimes where they review movies and shows. They reviewed both Discovery and Picard and said how it seems the writers only know as much about Star Trek as someone that’s never really watched the show, so they only know obvious things about major characters and the most commonly-seen races... they don’t know the relationships between character and are basically making things up to fit their purposes. Doesn’t sound funny the way I described it, but it was hilarious and probably very accurate, haha. I know you watched Picard and said you liked it, but I don’t think I would after seeing their review of it. It seems like they stripped it of everything that I like about the franchise (like its optimism and bright outlook) and actually reversed a lot of the lore completely, like turning the Federation into an uncaring and racist organization. Why?
Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your friends... I don’t know any drag queens in real life, but I’d like to see a drag show some day. I think it would be pretty cool. 
Haha, I wouldn’t ever use any of the words aloud, for fear of offending someone. I have to say, I don’t know and I’m obviously not actually involved in the drag world, but as an outsider looking in, it seems like that word is almost a compliment in the U.S. drag scene. I hear them use it all the time on RuPaul’s Drag Race, and they use it to describe a really cute and feminine queen. Maybe it’s because it’s coming from another queen and if I said it they would be upset?
I remember one queen that kinda had a similar style and really got on my nerves what Mimi Imfurst. There was another one as well that was also really annouing, but I can’t recall her name. 

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Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-01-31 17:23:03 +0000 UTC]

I'm done with ST TNG the first season and I can't see

any resemblance of ST Picard and TNG. They could as well

taken any other actor and made up a new title calling it

ST Nelson, made a whole new character. I wish they rather took

Janeway and made the story about her. I mean 7 of 9 plays in this

one, so they might as well made it ST Janeway. I think Kate Mulgrew

hope and wish for a movie with Janeway in it. On last year she made

a joke that she's ready to come back for a movie with her as Janeway.

I've watched the 2nd episode of it and it wasn't too bad either, but in

the end they keep showing you snippets of what's to come. You know,

lure you so that you give the show a chance. Very clever of them, eh

Thank you

Oh gosh, not in British country anyway

Yeah, it's like the word "nigger". They call each other that but if I call one

of them that, they probably slit my throat

There's a few of them that can be very annoying

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thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-01-31 19:11:06 +0000 UTC]

Yup, that’s what they pointed out in the Picard review. He’s not even the same character.

I would give some examples or contradictions between TNG Picard and Picard Picard, but I don’t want to spoil the show for you. But I will say the whole tone has shifted. It’s okay if some people enjoy these shows, but they’re not ST, to me (and many other Trek fans, it seems). Oh well... maybe one day we’ll get another faithful ST show. Until then, I’ll keep watch The Orville.
I actually really like Kate Mulgrew, because she cares about the character and the ST fandom. She’s been to a lot of cons, much like Shatner and Nimoy and the others that respect the franchise and what it represents. So, I really hope, if she does come back to it, that she gets a REAL ST show, not any of this dark mirror universe stuff they’re doing with Discover and Picard. 

Oh yeah, that word is a huge no-no over here, too, as with some other racial and gender slurs I won’t type. 

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Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-02-04 09:54:38 +0000 UTC]

I'm done with only one season and I noticed that he's

not the same in Picard as in TNG. They always make

a balls-up instead of rather leaving the stuff alone and

do something else

Another reboot is on the way - "The Matrix" for crying out


Are they going to keep the original actors who has age

by how many years or are they going to let it be different

actors, characters and let the story be the same but just

a 100yrs in the future or whatever

They really don't have new ideas anymore, that's why

they do these reboots. They are just bloody crazy

Oh I know. Kate Mulgrew loves the cons. I've seen a few

of them on YouTube of her and she totally enjoys it

Yip, rather not. We don't want to get in trouble

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thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-02-04 19:25:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, from what I’ve seen, he’s a totally different man from what he was in TNG. To be completely honest, he can be a bit of a pompous and elitist jerk in TNG and his crew often has to reason with him, as I mentioned a few messages ago, because of his stubbornness. There were even instances where he was unfairly strict with his crew and flat out refused some of their requests. The review show I mentioned brought up how Picard was never Data’s friend and usually just kind of tolerated him because he would annoy Picard. Picard hated children and Data was basically like a genius child that Picard had to “school” and explain things to. But this new show makes it out like they were the best of friends, like two close colleagues. They never were... in fact, Picard was never close to ANYONE. He was married to his job and made no time for love or friendship, even with his crew. There are multiple scenes in TNG where the crew are playing poker or enjoying holosuite activities or just spending leisure time with each other, and Picard is never with them, least of all with Data. If anyone was Picard’s best friend in TNG, it was probably Riker, but even that’s a stretch.
I really hope they don’t ruin The Matrix. Well, any more than the sequels did, haha. I feel like those two movies were the biggest drop in quality of any popular movie sequels. The original movie was so amazing and iconic and actually almost became its own genre and popularized many themes and filming techniques... and then came the second movie, which didn’t even feel like it fit with the first and didn’t need to be made at all. And then, to make or even worse, they made a third!

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Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-02-06 12:34:15 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, "Picard" began with showing that he and Data was such

great friends and even I know it's not true because when Data

explain something and he goes a bit overboard, Picard always

interrupted him with a "thank you, Data". I just love that bloody

android. I hope there's more episodes where they focus more

on him for a bit. I would like to know him better. IDK, but Deanna

Troi drives me up the wall

For some reason she irritates the hell out of me. She's too calm

and collective and butter can't melt in her mouth

You're telling me. But we know by now how they ruin the reboots

I can't even properly remember "The Matrix". I just know Trinity made

my knees week

I think it's time to re-watch it again. Yeah, we'll have to wait and see

what they're going to do with it

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thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-02-08 01:05:07 +0000 UTC]

Haha, Picard barely ever even spoke to Data. There were many scenes where Data greeted him with, “Captain,” and Picard just gave a slight nod. But yeah, I know many more Data episodes are to come! Not to spoil things, since you may be able to guess, he becomes a pretty important character in the fight against the Borg. 

Haha, Troi does have her moments, I admit. To be honest, though, all Betazoids that have been in the show have been a bit annoying. Not sure if you’ve gotten to the episode yet where her parents show up?
The main reason I worry about The Matrix is because of the creators themselves... they have a way of going way off the rails and ruining their own ideas, kinda like George Lucas. But I would love if they suddenly announced everything that happened after the first movie is moot and they’re going to rewrite the sequels to make them better. I really doubt that, but I can dream!

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Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-02-12 06:25:10 +0000 UTC]

Picard is bombastic and that's not how a captain should be

when running/managing his crew

Gosh, Data has more emotion than him. Oh, oh, I'm now there

where Q shoves them into time to meet the Borg. I hate, hate,

hate Q. But luckily nothing serious happened cos he took

them back where they were when he kidnapped Picard. I guess

that stupid Q will make a few more appearance in TNG?

Now I can't wait when they encounter the Borg to see Data

in action

Yes, I "met" her mother. Gosh, she ten times more worse than Deanna

I think I've already said it. Some movies shouldn't have sequels, some

maybe just one, but not more and to add to that, they should NEVER

reboot old movies

Yeah, dream on

But you never know, your wish/dream just may come true

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thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-02-12 11:06:47 +0000 UTC]

Well, I think Picard is a great captain, but he’s definitely not a people person. He does his job and only that and doesn’t even try to make time for anything else, even personal leisure time. 

I actually enjoy Q! Well, I enjoy the Q episodes, I should say. His character is a cosmic-level troll, haha. Every time he shows up in an episode, though, you know it’s gonna be a wild ride, which I love. His episodes are always a fun adventure and departure from reality and regular procedure.
Yeah, there have been Betazoids in TNG, DS9 and Voy, and they always range from abrasive to annoying, haha. If I recall, their whole culture is very snooty, like the rich, over-privileged people in our societies. They have pretty much everything handed to them, and so very few choose to work or join the service (Federation) to actually help. 

I feel the same way about many sequels. A story is told and it leads to a natural conclusion... after that, leave it alone! This is why Breaking Bad is (and probably always will be) my favorite show. Walter White’s story was told and then the show ended right when it was supposed to. That said, there is a spin-off show (Better Call Saul)that focuses on another character, but it actually has almost nothing to do specifically with the events on Breaking Bad, because most of it takes place before and after. It’s a spin-off show done exactly the way it should be, because you could watch each show independently and not need to see the other to understand or enjoy them.

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Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-02-14 09:30:09 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, Picard is a formidable captain. Yip I agree with you

Q is a menace and he makes me think of a little boy who breaks

his mother's expensive stuff until she gives into his demands. I

don't like him at all. He just as annoying as Deanna's mom. Don't

like either of them


I've heard about "Better Call Saul" but I've never watched it. Oh,

and sometimes spin-offs don't work either. Shonda Rhimes has

2 spin-offs of "Grey's Anatomy". The one "Private Practice"

died a slow death and we'll see how long "Station 19" will last. But

to be honest, "Grey's Anatomy" should've ended about 3 seasons

ago, but Shonda just goes on and on

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thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-02-14 17:08:08 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I guess I just love the actor of Q, John de Lancie, as well. He plays the character so well!
Better Call Saul is amazing! Just as good as Breaking Bad, if you're into crime dramas. If I'm not watching horror or sci-fi, I'm most likely watching a crime drama. Good Fellas, Heat, Boyz n the Hood...

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Branka-Artz In reply to thecamat [2020-02-17 10:58:55 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I guess each to its own

Oh he does play the role fantastic. I heard once

they said if you hate someone in a movie or series

they play their part well. I think it was in the time

when "Dallas" with JR was around

Ah, I see. I'm mostly into hospitals, horror and sci-fi

shows. Some crime shows wasn't too bad but they

bore me easily

I'll check it out on IMDB

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thecamat In reply to Branka-Artz [2020-02-17 17:04:05 +0000 UTC]

I’ve heard that as well before and I definitely agree. There are some actors that are even typecast as villains because they play the bad guy (or gal) so well. You love to hate them.
Crime shows are a favorite of mine. I even watch true crime documentaries from time to time as well. There’s a good show on Netflix called Mindhunter that’s about the conception of the FBI criminal profiling system, by studying serial killers and their motives. It’s a scripted show, but based on real events and real people. 

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