Published: 2013-12-28 20:57:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1889; Favourites: 346; Downloads: 28
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Comments: 56
cherellewright [2015-10-13 01:55:31 +0000 UTC]
This is very pretty! I love how warm this painting is.
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Filiana [2015-08-19 15:49:08 +0000 UTC]
Wow, this is really great! Such an interesting mix of colours
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BlueCaroline In reply to miirex [2014-11-20 23:08:54 +0000 UTC]
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Peterhamond [2014-11-16 11:17:32 +0000 UTC]
You make me want to be like you! BlueCaroline!(*^^*)
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BlueCaroline In reply to Peterhamond [2014-11-20 23:07:29 +0000 UTC]
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Peterhamond In reply to BlueCaroline [2014-11-21 02:28:25 +0000 UTC]
You too! BlueCaroline!(≧∇≦)
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Peterhamond In reply to BlueCaroline [2014-11-14 04:39:09 +0000 UTC]
(*^^*)(*^^*)Thank You! BlueCaroline!
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argontus [2014-11-06 21:54:03 +0000 UTC]
This is almost like the story books from my childhood. Amazingly warm and slightly mysterious atmosphere!
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BlueCaroline In reply to mozer1a0x [2014-11-06 03:09:55 +0000 UTC]
Thank you Moses. It is the first river I ever painted.
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mozer1a0x In reply to BlueCaroline [2014-11-06 03:15:16 +0000 UTC]
you're very welcome Caroline
it is beautiful
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PauliMabelMC [2014-10-18 04:33:33 +0000 UTC]
I´m watching even more pics from you and I´m getting really surprised by the beauty of each one!
It remembered me of the colours of the sky of a city which is about 6 hours far from mine, when I used to visit some cousins there.
*Nostalgy*, faved!!!!
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ivanna31 [2014-04-16 19:12:59 +0000 UTC]
cette aquarelle est très belle , je la trouve vraiment lumineuse
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HetaliasHero [2014-02-25 22:42:42 +0000 UTC]
Simply stunning! Je suis en amour avec tes oeuvres.
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BlueCaroline In reply to HetaliasHero [2014-02-25 23:18:34 +0000 UTC]
Wow! Une québécoise! Maudit que j'ennuie d'écrire en français! J'te suis!
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HetaliasHero In reply to BlueCaroline [2014-02-25 23:24:01 +0000 UTC]
Oh cool! J'suis Ontarienne mais c'est encore proche! J'te suis aussi!!
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BlueCaroline In reply to HetaliasHero [2014-02-25 23:27:21 +0000 UTC]
awww... on va pouvoir parler français...
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BlueCaroline In reply to HetaliasHero [2014-02-25 23:46:00 +0000 UTC]
C'est parce que c'est long pour moi écrire en anglais. C'est une langue seconde pour moi, et je dois tout traduire dans ma tête et souvent sur BingTranslator. J'aime çà communiquer en anglais, c'est juste que çà ne coule pas super facilement. Pour toi, oui, je suppose, puisque que si tu es Ontarienne, donc tu dois parler/écrire couramment en anglais.
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HetaliasHero In reply to BlueCaroline [2014-02-26 00:02:09 +0000 UTC]
Ah! Pour moi c'est mon français qu'il faut que je travaille, je peut parler vraiment bon en français, mais.. c'est ma grammaire et l'écriture; j'ai un peut de la misère avec ça. Mais j'essaye! J'èspere que je fait du sens, lol
Et oui, j'écrit beaucoup en anglais, et je lis plein de livre en anglais, j'aime ça! Mais j'aime aussi les langues comme Danois et Norvergienne! Je veut apprendre c'est langue!
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BlueCaroline In reply to HetaliasHero [2014-02-26 01:20:55 +0000 UTC]
Oui, le français doit être une des langues écrites les plus compliquées qui existent. On rencontre régulièrement des gens sur Internet qui sont natifs de langue française mais qui ont tout de même de la difficulté à écrire, même si on suppose qu'ils s'expriment parfaitement quand ils parlent. Ton écriture est beaucoup mieux que ces gens là, et de toute façon, ce n'est pas un défaut abominable de faire des fautes d'orthographe. Y'a pas mal pire que çà dans la vie. Ces gens là ne devraient pas avoir honte de s'exprimer sur Internet juste parce qu'ils font des fautes d'orthographe.
Le Danois & le Norvégien, c'est super! Bonne chance, çà doit être difficile, mais surtout difficile à prononcer plus qu'à écrire.
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Cheesebath [2014-02-13 07:17:36 +0000 UTC]
Well it makes me want go there and that's how I gauge a scene
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BlueCaroline In reply to Cheesebath [2014-02-13 19:23:38 +0000 UTC]
I would be just so happy to welcome you in Quebec & show you all rivers! One day, maybe.
I'm starting now another river scenery in watercolour. In fact, my next 4-5 paintings are all gonna be rivers. I intend to master the rivers that be.
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Cheesebath In reply to BlueCaroline [2014-02-14 13:27:12 +0000 UTC]
Would love to visit Canada ( no, not just because of Cliff Thorburn! ) and look you up...
like you say, one day perchance.
Look forward to seeing your river output and picturing you splashing about,
with the bears and mongooses!
Can't beat drinking out of a mountain stream and there's a little wish for when I'm next off
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BlueCaroline In reply to Cheesebath [2014-02-14 18:28:40 +0000 UTC]
You play snooker? You look like a snooker/pool player, so I'm not surprised. I bet you keep the table all evening long. Snooker is a bit different than billiard, from what I understand. I like to play pool but I'm usually not good at it, except on some rare weird evenings.
Thank you my darling for the 'Bear on jazz guitar and Stream on percussion'. I dare to think that 'for C' meant 'for Caroline'... It's like your Valentine gift for me? That is candid & I adore !
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Cheesebath In reply to BlueCaroline [2014-02-14 19:48:20 +0000 UTC]
What I like about snooker is the fact that I think its ok and I don't have to obsess about it!
Haven't actually played for years and I too much prefered pool.
Phew! That's a relief, we've got the boring pool/snooker discussion outta the way
Final thought, tis a very beautiful sport to watch though.
Of course that little ditty was for you x
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BlueCaroline In reply to Cheesebath [2014-02-14 21:07:25 +0000 UTC]
"Phew! That's a relief, we've got the boring pool/snooker discussion outta the way" LOL!
It is darn tootin perfect, with notes to bears, jazz(jazzy? ), rivers/mountain streams (and a wishing coin/touch piece? ). You are full of spirit.
Only thing; all your dA fangirls with names beginning by a 'C' will hope it's for them.
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BlueCaroline In reply to khmania [2014-01-19 22:20:31 +0000 UTC]
khmania! How are you?! I'm happy to hear from you.
*heading to your gallery*
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