Published: 2014-06-23 10:58:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 6827; Favourites: 448; Downloads: 0
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What programs or tools did you use?For this project I used Photoshop CC entirely, from sketch to final product!
Where did you find inspiration for your entry?
Crows are what I consider my "spirit animal" as well as an inspiration. For me, the crow is both something I already am and something I know I can be but am not yet, metaphorically speaking.
In addition, stormclouds are present because of my special connection with rain. When the weather is dark and broody, I feel it "unlocks" something inside me, like my true self, the way of being I am most comfortable with. It's a little transformation every time.
To make it simple, in my transformation the crow is both the starting and ending product (in different forms), and the rain is the catalyst.
What I consider special about this piece is that it couldn't be more personal than this. There is no day that goes by without me thinking or meditating about this kind of transformation, and it's very important to me.
How long did it take to complete?
I've worked on it on and off for a couple of days. It actually took a lot more time to come up with this kind of style synthetisation than with the subject itself. I'd say it took me about 7-8 hours.
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Comments: 43
ZephyrStranded [2014-12-31 08:37:19 +0000 UTC]
The mid transformation section is reeaaally cool looking, like howl from howl's moving castle. love this piece.
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Snorthweast1 [2014-07-06 03:29:13 +0000 UTC]
I really like how you did something so important to you, its very dark and powerful, not to mention beautiful. Nice work!
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BFlowing In reply to Snorthweast1 [2014-07-06 04:18:19 +0000 UTC]
that was a wonderful comment, extremely gratifying since, like you said, it depicts something very personal. Also, "dark and powerful" is almost always what I go for when drawing, so I'm glad I succeeded in it
Thank you so much for stopping by and appreciating my work!
If you are interested, please pop by my facebook page, I am much more active there than on DA!
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Snorthweast1 In reply to BFlowing [2014-07-06 16:40:40 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the link! Your work is very lovely! And congrats on making it to the semi-finals (I forgot to say that in the first comment)
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BFlowing In reply to Snorthweast1 [2014-07-06 16:46:06 +0000 UTC]
I was surprised by that myself!
Thanks again!
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BFlowing In reply to kingozzo [2014-07-05 16:03:34 +0000 UTC]
Hahhaah thank you, I appreciate the effort
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BFlowing In reply to kingozzo [2014-07-05 17:07:10 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much, though there's only one winner slot left, I doubt I'll get in....but I'm extremely happy to have made it this far!
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BFlowing In reply to SonicMasterHero [2014-07-04 02:31:52 +0000 UTC]
I'm not sure I get what you mean
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SonicMasterHero In reply to BFlowing [2014-07-04 02:36:22 +0000 UTC]
just amazing...
there a story?
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BFlowing In reply to SonicMasterHero [2014-07-05 15:09:23 +0000 UTC]
It's more a 'meaning' than a story I guess...it represents a transformation that can only take place in specific conditions and shows one's true self
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SonicMasterHero In reply to BFlowing [2014-07-06 15:17:07 +0000 UTC]
huh.....cant tell if this is good or bad.....
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BFlowing In reply to SonicMasterHero [2014-07-06 16:37:11 +0000 UTC]
I guess it's open to interpretation, to me it's good obviously
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SonicMasterHero In reply to BFlowing [2014-07-06 16:45:35 +0000 UTC]
Hm.....you make a point.
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Nokatoshi [2014-07-03 22:30:59 +0000 UTC]
So amazing I can't stop looking at it >< The inspiration is very inspirational, too.
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BFlowing In reply to Nokatoshi [2014-07-03 23:29:51 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much, it has a very personal meaning to it so your comment is extra appreciated!
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DOM-PANGY-DOM [2014-06-27 01:10:04 +0000 UTC]
super kawaii! the smoke effect & facial features are coolio yo
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DazzledStargazer [2014-06-25 17:09:20 +0000 UTC]
Mi piace molto *-* ricordo di quando mi hai parlato del corvo come tuo animale totem, rende bene l'idea!!
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BFlowing In reply to DazzledStargazer [2014-06-25 17:28:25 +0000 UTC]
UUUUUIIII come al solito grazie <3
spero di piazzarmi almeno tra i 25 semifinalisti, anche se non so.....dai un'occhio alle altre submission, ce ne sono alcune veramente belle che mi danno del filo da torcere.
Più che altro però la maggior parte fanno talmente cacare che mi domando se la loro esistenza sia possibile xD
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DazzledStargazer In reply to BFlowing [2014-06-25 17:38:14 +0000 UTC]
umm si ci stavo dando un'occhiata... in effetti alcune sono proprio fighe, anche se non tutte mi danno l'idea della trasformazione... non saprei! Dopotutto il tuo funziona ed è fatto bene, quindi potresti farcela : D
eee sì in effetti ho visto anche io un bel po' di merde ahhahahhaha ma vabbè xD un premio per lo sforzo xD
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BFlowing In reply to DazzledStargazer [2014-06-25 18:11:05 +0000 UTC]
più che altro una spaventosa percentuale di partecipanti non sembra in grado di leggere una semplice consegna!
Due cose chiedevano: di non cambiare misura e risoluzione del template in nessun modo, e di mostrare una TRASFORMAZIONE in qualcosa di completamente diverso.
Ho visto cose che mi han fatto cascare le braccia....ma la gente ce la fa? xD
Oh beh, più possibilità per me *huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh*
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DazzledStargazer In reply to BFlowing [2014-06-25 21:11:20 +0000 UTC]
ahahhaha ho notato!!! se fai un bel disegno può essere figo quanto vuoi, ma se non segui la consegna vale poco... bah si vede che alcuni non recepiscono il messaggio... peccato! ahahahahha e cmq meglio per te, hai ragione èUé
io non mi ero accorta di questo contest, sembra divertente ** ma non troverei il tempo di fare un disegno sensato e ben fatto t_t
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BFlowing In reply to DazzledStargazer [2014-06-25 21:22:25 +0000 UTC]
ehh è un peccato perchè il tuo stile ci sarebbe stato bene!
Io ho optato per uno stile un pò più stilizzato del solito perchè i tre artisti per la collaborazione sono molto cartoon, quindi ho pensato mi potesse dare un pò di vantaggio!
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DazzledStargazer In reply to BFlowing [2014-06-26 07:54:04 +0000 UTC]
beh dai, magari più avanti riuscirò a partecipare a qualcosa di simile xD nel frattempo, in bocca al lupo a te : D
ho notato infatti che eri un po' più fumettosa del solito : D ci sta, anche perchè è bello chiaro e diretto, e forse un'illustrazone molto pittorica sarebbe stata meno leggibile!
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ihcstil [2014-06-24 14:58:47 +0000 UTC]
One of my favourite entries so far! the style and shapes are really great
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BFlowing In reply to ihcstil [2014-06-24 23:43:36 +0000 UTC]
oh my, thank you so much! I'm glad my work is getting some recognition for this contest
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