Published: 2013-01-26 22:32:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 1076; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 2
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#MPC1106Name: Aisling
Nickname: Ais (pronounced like Eyes)
Level: 4 (as of 11/24/13)
Age: 950
Birthday: February 19
Gender: Male
Race: Pandemonian
Division: Limbo Circle
Stats (as of 11/24/13)
Health: 210
Magic: 230
Attack: 200
Defense: 220
Speed: 240
Total: 1100
“This chaos is part of peace”
1. Semi-Aquatic
2. Toothless: Aisling only has gums, no teeth. His speech is greatly impaired by this and thus he only communicates by sign language or pad and paper.
3. Long Tongue: Uses for catching prey (insects/spiders/sometimes fish); This too impairs his speech. The tongue takes up so much space in his mouth that he can barely even growl. He can only make small sounds.
4. Lungless: Breathes through his skin and gills. This is due to his original underwater environment.
5. Webbing between digits: To aid in swimming; When on dry land, the webbing becomes flimsy and recedes, making it easier for Aisling to hold things and be a little more dexterous
6. Tailless: Swims like a frog
7. Moist skin: Dries out easily, requiring attention every so often, preferably with a bath in cool water. If that is not possible, it helps for Aisling to drink some sort of liquid to keep from cracking and bleeding.
Cool, moist weather: Goes shirtless, wearing only some shorts or a loin cloth
Dry weather of any kind: Wears a long black raincoat, trying to lock moisture in, though sometimes to no avail.
Hot weather: Keeps his larger canteen close at hand, in case there’s no water nearby to jump into.
Inquisitive|Patient|Passive|Easy to please|Accepting|Relatively optimistic|Often quiet|Shy in new situations|Socially inhibited|Creative under pressure|Balanced|Spiritual
Lounging in cool water
Eating savory food
Helping other Limbonians in menial tasks
Otherwise being solitary
Playing games of cards
Playing chess
Doing mathematics
His knives
The evening sun
Dancing (he’s very shy about his dances)
Hot weather
Bright lights
High noon
Animals, particularly feral ones (He's scared of them but I anticipate this changing over time)
Knife throwing: Aisling is exceptional at hitting targets, moving and still, with his nine dark blades. This skill in speed began to develop before his gift did, and so even without his telekinesis, he can throw accurately—and do a great deal of harm to an enemy. That is, if the enemy does not see it coming.
Being still: Learned in the way of the spirit, and being such a passive individual, Aisling has had a lot of practice in meditation and picking up on what he calls the ‘world’s energies.’ Whether or not he actually communes with the earth and skies and stars is a mystery (no seriously it’s not his actual magical gift)—but the calmness of his mind did help inspire the magic in him to grow stronger in terms of his telekinesis.
Swimming: It is a skill and also a given for his species.
Aisling was hatched near a river, from an egg laid by his mother, and crawled into the water and began his ‘tadpole’ years. He stayed mostly in water, the environment not overstimulating for him. It was easier for him to learn how to breathe and live, catch food and avoid dangers in the water. His mother stuck around and looked after him, making sure he didn’t get into any shenanigans. She was a blunt, direct woman who was pleasantly plump and a generally kindhearted person all around. During his youth, she resided in a grotto in the riverbend, and he spent most of his time nearby. She never once coddled him, and he quickly grew into a relatively resourceful and very independent person.
When Aisling finally started living out of water, emerging from what humans might define as earlier childhood, and into the ‘teenage years,’ Mother was satisfied and left Aisling to his own devices, bequeathing the grotto to him as she went out in search of another place. It was the nature of his people to leave the young behind at a certain time. He never saw her again, and she left behind no evidence of her existence, except a gift of several used knives. Aisling sharpened them and prettied them up. They were useful, and served as a fond memory of his mother. He was alone, but he didn’t think it was so bad. It suited him.
Exploration and experimentation were very important to his development from then until adulthood. He started going on brief excursions from his home, meeting other limbonians sometimes, but mostly finding peace in solitude. He often tried to find informative books and found he had a great and powerful love for savory dishes. They weren’t mandatory for his diet, but he loved the taste. And he had so many tastebuds to spare, how could he resist?
In his reading, Aisling found he liked the subject of mathematics the most. The other material was okay. He did not have a knack for literature analysis or writing poetry. The sciences were easier but not as delightful to him. Mathematics helped explain the mechanics of the world around him on a base level, and helped him access some spiritual understanding of the physical world as well. He saw patterns in theory that manifested in the world, and that helped him grow calm and meditate, clear his mind and fill it simultaneously with the sounds and sights and feel of the environment.
Beyond that, as he grew closer to adulthood, he fell into a routine that pleased him, spending most of his time breathing, doing spiritual exercises, solving equations, swimming and practicing his knife skills.
As a cave is wont to do, his home collapsed into rubble. That's the way of the world. It is in that way the Ais found himself homeless. This brought a radical change in his content nature and he used it as an excuse for adventure. He seeks the Key as a new Purpose in his life, with no thought to what he'd do with it.
+Meditates for concentration and understanding of the world around
+Seems melancholic only due to his lack of teeth (which prevents him from giving gummy smiles) (also is nearly incapable of laughter) (close mouthed smiles only, man)
+Sees the silver lining, despite looking so serious all the time
+Not materialistic at all
+Floats during meditation
+Likes to lose: He sees it as an accomplishment of learning. (Like I said. Optimistic kind of guy actually)
Prior Ownership: His weapons, His Canteen
Store Bought:
-Grims and Luciana
-Goran Toran (Chess Tournament)
-Four Headed Hound; Team Botvinnik (Chess Tournament)
Contract Availability
Not Available
Telekinesis: As long as he has touched it, Aisling can move it—the exception being…people. He cannot move people other than himself because he does not have the capacity to understand how other people work, but he does understand himself and how his spirit interacts with his body. Objects are much easier to understand than actual people because their ‘spirit’ is muted, whereas the energy of another individual would be hectic and in flux.
As a kinesthetic learner, he must interact with a thing by touching it before he can actually make it move. The longer he has been in contact with an object, the better control he has over it. But, the larger the object, the longer it takes for him to get it to move swiftly. Additionally, the more complicated a device is, the harder it is for him to move the entire figure. His knives (as discussed below) have been at his side for years, therefore allowing him to be more and more connected to them. He has great control over their movement.
Aisling, in battle, uses his nine throwing knives to deal damage to the opposing player. These knives are seven inches long; the blade is dark steel and the handle is obsidian.
Battling Style
Depending on the enemies stats, Aisling will not use his power and will instead just wield them as a human would. It makes good practice for his mastery at the art, and he sometimes feels as though he is cheating by using his power against a weaker opponent. He oftentimes underestimates opponents and is not very good defensively. He is also quite bad at camouflage. But his power has yet to grow.
(In Progress)
-Luciana imunchymoo.deviantart.com/art/… Moirail, Best Friend
-Eriya lshiionl.deviantart.com/art/Co… Teammate, Friend
-Pax dearuu.deviantart.com/art/Comb… Teammate, Friend??????, Crush?????
-Charisma amux90.deviantart.com/art/CL-C… Teammate, Friend
Main Theme:
Battle Themes:
Sad Theme:
Happy Theme:
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Comments: 25
PiruuMi [2013-11-24 21:26:08 +0000 UTC]
Congrats! You have reached LVL 4! You Lucky dog you~!
You may add +160 SP to your current numbers below!
HP: 180
MGK: 200
ATK: 140
DEF: 220
SPD: 200
TOTAL: 940
Your total will be 1100, Please reply with freshly smoked up stats!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Before-Knights In reply to PiruuMi [2013-11-24 22:22:32 +0000 UTC]
HP: 210
TOTAL: 1100
WAAAAA YESSSSS!!!!!! SMOKIN!! thanks piruu
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
PiruuMi [2013-09-04 17:10:48 +0000 UTC]
Congratulations~! You have leveled up! You are now Level 3~!
You now get +160 SP to anywhere you please.
You're current SP is
Health: 150
Magic: 150
Attack: 120
Defense: 190
Speed: 170
Your total after adding all the SP should be 940, so comment back ASAP~!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Before-Knights In reply to PiruuMi [2013-09-04 19:16:27 +0000 UTC]
AaaaallRIGHT!!! YEAH!!! Thank you!!
Health: +30 =180
Magic: +50 =200
Attack: +20 =140
Defense: +30=220
Speed:+30 = 200
Total! 940.
(also on the spreadsheet it says my exp is 40?? do we restart the count once certain levels are reached?)
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
PiruuMi In reply to Before-Knights [2013-09-04 19:21:10 +0000 UTC]
Yes you do we knock off the 800 or 1000 and whatever is left over is the EXP you have to work with now OvO
Alright all added~!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
cocoajaee [2013-07-22 18:21:49 +0000 UTC]
ohhh what a darling I love his design and personality o v o
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Before-Knights In reply to cocoajaee [2013-07-22 21:34:02 +0000 UTC]
oh my gosh thank you!!! your character Raiza is cute as heck she's a bitey little thing i love her
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
cocoajaee In reply to Before-Knights [2013-07-22 22:18:42 +0000 UTC]
ahhh thank you~ We should RP sometime o v o
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Before-Knights In reply to cocoajaee [2013-08-20 04:46:01 +0000 UTC]
I WOULD LOVE TO. a water kid and a dust baby (two cave dwellers lol) i think their dynamic would be sO COOL. (sorry it takes so long for me to get back,,, i've been working on so much stuff esp the chess tournament)
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
cocoajaee In reply to Before-Knights [2013-08-20 04:51:28 +0000 UTC]
amg yeah school just started for me but if we ever had time then yeah definitely! I was thinking bout the way they'd interact ovo and it'd be really interesting to see how it pans out! ovo
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Before-Knights In reply to cocoajaee [2013-08-20 05:11:07 +0000 UTC]
yeah!! i hope we find time to rp @2@
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
whitty-boo [2013-07-11 22:20:50 +0000 UTC]
You have leveled up! With +160SP, please reply with your new stats!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Before-Knights In reply to whitty-boo [2013-07-12 06:37:41 +0000 UTC]
Ah!!! Awesome!!!!
Attack: 120
Defense: 170
Speed: 150
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Before-Knights In reply to DevilAntRat [2013-06-24 20:36:55 +0000 UTC]
woo!!! thanks! he's actually a huge dork.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
iMunchyMoo [2013-03-08 04:18:24 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to CL, friend! Aisling is really unique amg. I'd love to rp with you at some point, if you'd like. uwu
//shot because i've been eyeing this cutie for a while now
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Before-Knights In reply to iMunchyMoo [2013-03-08 05:56:30 +0000 UTC]
hhyes i'd love to rp! Luciana is such a sweetie cute dang greed creatures more like adorable little monsters gosh.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
iMunchyMoo In reply to Before-Knights [2013-03-09 01:02:04 +0000 UTC]
hahah i'll send a note then uwu and omfg i know. Pandemonians are supposed to be all scary but literally every one i've seen is frickin adorable as heck jeez.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
ssspitfire [2013-03-07 00:03:38 +0000 UTC]
I really love how you described and explained his power. It makes it all the more interesting!
But seriously, welcome to the group! I hope to RP with you sometime! Note me anytime!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Before-Knights In reply to ssspitfire [2013-03-07 00:37:38 +0000 UTC]
heck yeah i'd love to roleplay! i like your character a lot she's a real gem (total cutie too)
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
ssspitfire In reply to Before-Knights [2013-03-07 00:44:02 +0000 UTC]
Oh how sweet of you! I really need to finish her revamp... She'd be a whole lot more concrete.
Note me anytime!like, now if ya' want LOL
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Scrubbish [2013-02-16 04:33:06 +0000 UTC]
Really unique! Both in design and power
He seems so sad D: //rahl hugs
~Love his kinesthetic learning + telekinesis. Makes for a pretty flexible ability
👍: 0 ⏩: 0