Published: 2005-01-11 05:14:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 1203; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 133
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Vent art that somehow turned into fanart O_o;Juska the mutant vampire wolf and now featuring the delightfully evil stylings of 's furrecat Vampiress!
I noticed a similarity between the personalities of both. Juska is usually seen grinning in that horrific cheshire grin of his, yet not as sylalised as vampiress's mania, both seem to be slightly unhinged and or totally mental, they both derive pleasure from killing!
heh.. two creatures of similar mindset so it seems but i think this encounter is still going to be violent.
Vampiress dosn't seem to be too peturbed by juska's recent meal spraying everywhere xD
Juska design and character © Holly Haworth
Furrecats and vampiress char © *tigrin
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Comments: 36
Celtic-Colour [2005-09-23 03:28:43 +0000 UTC]
now i'm scared.
i have a character named juska.
they're both so viciously cute. <3
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Bear-hybrid In reply to Celtic-Colour [2005-09-23 06:46:10 +0000 UTC]
relleh? D= ...*so badly wants to see your art now*
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Celtic-Colour In reply to Bear-hybrid [2005-09-23 20:27:05 +0000 UTC]
I'm putting it up as soon as I can afford a proper colouring tool, not paint. ;;
Which will be a while, because i'm poor. haha.
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Bear-hybrid In reply to Celtic-Colour [2005-09-24 00:25:52 +0000 UTC]
you mean...a digital art program? o.o if so i can send you the one I use seeing as its sharewre and a very small program
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Celtic-Colour In reply to Bear-hybrid [2005-09-24 01:08:47 +0000 UTC]
And it's okay, but thanks. <3
My computer is being rebooted soon- so no point.
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Illusion-Industries [2005-01-30 00:04:27 +0000 UTC]
Great expressions and colours again! Well done!
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Bear-hybrid In reply to Illusion-Industries [2005-01-30 07:46:01 +0000 UTC]
thankyou very much ^_^
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Redic-Nomad [2005-01-14 00:21:49 +0000 UTC]
Wow , I ahve never seen a wolf with a face mask Thats just awesome. I'll hagve to take a loot at her site
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Prowler7 [2005-01-13 04:46:16 +0000 UTC]
Oooo... I love wolves and I love vampires. Combining them together is just so... cool.
And I love the grin on Vampiress. It shows so much personality. Two great characters in one great pic. Thanks for sharing.
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soneko [2005-01-12 09:22:24 +0000 UTC]
Jeska looks like a mutant lupe. o_o *Wierdo* Indeed.
Anyhow, I look this. The blood is beautifully done, but mostly I love Vampiress's grin. Seriously, that kinda grin just looks SO demonic... x-x Awesome.
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Bear-hybrid In reply to soneko [2005-01-12 12:44:20 +0000 UTC]
*drags you over into a conspiritorial huddle* guesss what??? x3 he originated from the mutant lupe on my _moon_hunter_ account
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soneko In reply to Bear-hybrid [2005-01-12 14:18:18 +0000 UTC]
Ohmigod that is so cool o_o I actually knew something! *Brilliant* >>;
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kitfox-crimson [2005-01-12 06:29:57 +0000 UTC]
wow!! the uber smiley teeth are teh scary!!!!!!!!!!! XD cool helmet thing there! I like it!
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Bear-hybrid In reply to kitfox-crimson [2005-01-12 07:19:07 +0000 UTC]
xD lol cheshire! actually the helmet is actually a bone plate growing out of his skull it just has the same consistancy shine and texture as most metals :B no rust for him!
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Bear-hybrid In reply to Blitefox [2005-01-12 12:31:51 +0000 UTC]
hehe bloody indeed xD thankyou
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epicfox [2005-01-12 03:39:55 +0000 UTC]
Holly i don't comment enough, i think everyone knows that. I try n read the latest of whatever on my budd's favourites but im realllly glad i saw this one.
First off the picture is amazing, nothing short. I usually never critique but i think ya know me well enough to mean ye no disrespect. The one thing that caught my eye on this was the change in blood colors on the right side of vamp's mouth. goes from light to immediate dark...which with real blood it would have some...wait i just realized maybe you were thinking as of bitemarks as it would change depending on how deep the bite was ( the color of the blood is what im talking about ). In any case someone who doesn't think too much would notice the immediate change in blood color on the right canine tooth is the only thing that caught my eye. But none the less, i love it. +fav+.
The fact that you not only had an idea behind it but let us ( the readers ( and in my case fan ) ) see the idea is truely amazing to me as well....not only is it something very radical to look at but you know im a sucker for ideas. The idea of the two extreme's and yet you still found the similarity ( the same person )...well it trips me out to see someone else think like that AND be able to illustrate it.
I give you the TRUE ARTISTS AWARD. +++++< 3++++++.
you are amazing, keep it up.
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Bear-hybrid In reply to epicfox [2005-01-12 07:28:53 +0000 UTC]
woaaaah bigass comment! i love those!!
with the shading of the blood on the teeth i must admit i was rushing to complete the peice, usually i determine the colour of the blood as to the freshest (being the brightest) to the more exposed lifeless blood (the darker blood) but then again now i think about it.. the blood that might well from a stab in the neck would be brighter than that if stabbed in the abdomen, and the colour dosn't really depend on the freshness at all wooooah too many blood thoughts. I screwed that up a bit i'll think of that in the future ^_^ thanks for setting my mind on that course.
*bows graciously* thankyou for the award, first off i'd like to thank my mother...*goes on and on*
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epicfox In reply to Bear-hybrid [2005-01-13 00:44:26 +0000 UTC]
lol i adore you holly. keep it up though!
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SecretAgentRynn [2005-01-12 03:21:07 +0000 UTC]
Awww.... look at them smile. They like each other! ^^
Well done piece, mate.
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Bear-hybrid In reply to SecretAgentRynn [2005-01-12 07:16:21 +0000 UTC]
bwahaha suuure they do xD thanks
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tsunami-ryuu [2005-01-11 20:23:35 +0000 UTC]
Whoa, love the coloring! The simple background works wonderfully with this piece. Love Vampiress' scary cheshire cat grin.
My, what big teeth they both have.
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Bear-hybrid In reply to tsunami-ryuu [2005-01-12 01:33:54 +0000 UTC]
lol well Juska's an actuall vampire hence the teeth and vampiress well shes just a little emphasised on the cheshire side. ^_^ thankyou
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TimidBantam [2005-01-11 06:19:04 +0000 UTC]
Awesome Love both characters, and the coloring is great. Nice Blood.
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tigrin [2005-01-11 05:46:42 +0000 UTC]
haha... yessss.... >3 I love the coloring in this, very nice. the composition is also interesting, works well with the sorta "face-off" idea, except with the implication that Juska (currently) has the upperhand. :3 awesome.. thank yew!
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Bear-hybrid In reply to tigrin [2005-01-11 06:04:34 +0000 UTC]
Ah im thinking juska would be about as tall as vampiress or maybe a little sorter? I put him in the high corner to fit the most of his muzzle in so my explanation could be that hes rearing up on his back legs or flying. Oh and i don't have much of a doubt that vampiress would rip him to shreds and be on the upper hand if it suited her xD
hehe no problem, im glad you like it :3
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DarkMog [2005-01-11 05:39:24 +0000 UTC]
Ah wont this be a lovely sight? Two equally twisted creatures meeting face to face....i'd sure like to witness that. >:] this is a great pic, and NEEDS to be fav'd for all to see! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA
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Bear-hybrid In reply to Syndehy [2005-01-11 05:33:06 +0000 UTC]
drooly blood yes :3 thankyou
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