Published: 2009-11-15 07:48:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 1253; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 31
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For 's latest contest [link]Name: Mirror
Nickname: Mi
Faction: Decepticon
Subgroup: Serves under Cell Commander Mayhem (oc)
Loyalty: To Megatron
Gender: Femme
Size: Small for a Decepticon (A little shorter than Bumblebee)
Function: Spy/Intelligence/Special operations
Age: Young (About 22 if she was human)
Alt Mode: Small Motorcycle (Might look something like this: [link] )
Abilities: Trained in the art of Circuit-Su and good with small projectiles (cutting discs mostly). She uses the holo-projectors and signal disruptors in her armor to disguise and/or hide herself. The Decepticon brand on her chest is easily cloaked as well. This makes her an excellent spy and allows her to get close to enemies without risking harm to herself.
Personality: 'Born' a high class Neutral, Mirror joined the Decepticons for her own personal reasons. She retains a regal air, is well spoken, polite and has a sweet, kind way about her.
Mirror is what you might call a ' Pacifist' Decepticon, believing that Autobots and Decepticons should be able to leave together in peace. However, that peace can't be achieved with the way Cybertron is now and it's up to Megatron's followers to take their rightful place in society, by force if necessary.
She personally has never offlined anyone, preferring to take down bots without causing them permanent harm. She really doesn't like hurting anyone but will let someone else do the dirty work if it comes down to it.
Overall, Mirror would be a sweet, cheerful gentle little femme…if she weren’t a Decepitcon.
Things to know for the OC Contest:
Mirror gets along with most bots unless she ‘has’ to fight them. She appreciates fine things (High grade, Energon tea) but dislikes snobs, preferring to share what she has with ‘the less fortunate’. She ends up looking down on others without meaning too. Mirror tends to see other Decepticon femmes as her ‘sisters’, Mechs she’s usually just polite too (unless she feel some kind of connection to or sympathy for one in which case she may go into her own all out "protective big sister" mode)
Because she’s quite colorful (I really had no idea what her colors would be when I started) I made a color key.
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Comments: 3
Kaiju-popsicle [2010-01-29 01:13:59 +0000 UTC]
Eaglefire:*is being ganged up on by a group of seekers* someone! Help!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
beanchan In reply to Kaiju-popsicle [2010-01-29 02:15:17 +0000 UTC]
Mirror: *waves* Sorry Mister, you're on your own
👍: 0 ⏩: 0