awildchelseaappeared — UPDATE I got fired/Reduced Adopt Prices
Published: 2019-09-03 16:53:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 663; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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- UPDATE I got a job! It’s not the most ideal thing in the world to be working retail at the mall again, but it works really well with my school schedule and the hours are flexible, and I was told benefits would be included! I’m being cautiously optimistic about it, wish me luck! -

I just realized I forgot to talk about this. I lost my job at the end of July, was let go with the only explanation being wasn't "the right fit" after two months. No severance pay like the last time I was dismissed, which was a huge help surviving three months of unemployment prior to this last job.

Honestly, it was kind of a relief, I know I was glowing about this job for the first few weeks, but after a while I started to see some red flags, but I was able to ignore them because I was still in love with the job and making more money than I ever had before, even if I was exhausted from almost 50 hrs of work every week. And stressed because I felt like I was always making mistakes, but I tried not to let it get me down because I was so new. Then one day I called the owner of the company to ask a question and he blew up on me for something I didn't even know I was doing, cussing me out over the phone and sending me home a sobbing wreck. So yea, I can't say I'm completely upset that it's over.

I had such high anxiety in the last couple of weeks after that happened that I could barely even be around the man without feeling like I was going to throw up from the stress, and cried myself to sleep several nights. I also had a few clients I was working really hard to help and I know are going to be ignored now that I'm gone because the company I worked for won't think they're worth the money, but hey, nothing I can do for them now...

Sooooooo ANYWAY while I'm putting out job applications left and right I'm still in need of funds cuz paying for college with almost no income (the amount I'm getting from unemployment benefits is barely enough to cover my bills, let alone groceries and gas) so I'm gonna offer reduced adopt prices again!

I have some new adopts coming up pretty soon here, but in the meantime, if any of you have had your eyes on these ladies, now is the time!

$25 $15

$30 $20 comes w/ unwatermarked shot from front and back

$40 $30 comes with unwatermarked fullbody and headshot

$30 each $20 each

As usual, shipping is extra if you'd like me to mail you the original, PLEASE ASK BEFORE PURCHASING cuz I need to make sure I still know where they are LOL

    - shipping charge is +$5 domestic, +$10 international

Also as per usual, once purchased you may do whatever you like with the design (change it, create backstory, draw or have it drawn) except claim it as your own, or resell. Trading and gifting are okay. You may repost to your gallery, but you must credit me as the original designer.

And last but not least, if you ever have them drawn or draw them yourself, I would love to see! It always makes me feel good to know my babies are being well loved.

Even if you can't or don't want to buy, thanks for stopping by, love you guys!

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Comments: 48

Tygerlanders-adopts [2019-09-15 12:32:56 +0000 UTC]

That's good to hear! I'll be cautiously optimistic with you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awildchelseaappeared In reply to Tygerlanders-adopts [2019-09-16 04:35:12 +0000 UTC]

good, I'm still somewhat nervous, but I'm sure it'll be better than the last place

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jkrolak [2019-09-15 07:56:21 +0000 UTC]

And there was much rejoicing

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to jkrolak [2019-09-16 04:34:48 +0000 UTC]


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TheBurningPrincess [2019-09-09 17:18:41 +0000 UTC]

I am sorry to hear about you loosing your job - good luck finding a new job and I hope its one you like and are happy in

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to TheBurningPrincess [2019-09-09 17:23:02 +0000 UTC]

thanks very much

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TheBurningPrincess In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-09 20:32:12 +0000 UTC]

You are welcome

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KittySib [2019-09-06 16:13:52 +0000 UTC]

Best wishes! Do  you know if points would be helpful? I occasionally get random points. Let me know, and I'll try and send some your way next time I have any if they would be helpful.

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to KittySib [2019-09-07 19:57:42 +0000 UTC]

I appreciate it love, I won't tell you not to donate, but they really only start to be helpful in the hundreds, so if you can think of a better use for them, you should keep them for yourself! I really appreciate the kind thought though!

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KittySib In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-07 21:14:04 +0000 UTC]

Oh... Ok. If there's something else I can do, please let me know?

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to KittySib [2019-09-09 01:46:55 +0000 UTC]

I will, thanks love~

if nothing else, maybe just sharing the journal with anyone you think might need a new adopt? or someone who might be looking for a commission? it'd help me out a bunch just to get the word out!

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KittySib In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-09 13:14:13 +0000 UTC]

I will see what I can do. Have you tried submitting your journal to some of the groups where people sell things? If you look through the groups I'm part of, there might be some you haven't tried yet?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awildchelseaappeared In reply to KittySib [2019-09-09 16:49:27 +0000 UTC]

I've submitted my original commissions journal to a ton of groups I'm in, but I hadn't thought to submit this journal to them as well! thanks for the suggestion!

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KittySib In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-09 18:55:09 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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WonderlandTrades [2019-09-05 19:15:42 +0000 UTC]

I hope its better for u soon!

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to WonderlandTrades [2019-09-07 19:57:55 +0000 UTC]

thanks, you and me both!

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WonderlandTrades In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-07 20:54:09 +0000 UTC]

Yes bless ;w; ty too <3 pats i believe in ya!

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to WonderlandTrades [2019-09-09 04:14:14 +0000 UTC]

thank youuuuuu

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WonderlandTrades In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-09 12:28:19 +0000 UTC]


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Tygerlanders-adopts [2019-09-04 15:58:19 +0000 UTC]

Oh man that's rough. My previous job was similar. Nearly killed me with the anxiety and depression. Been out of there 5 years ago (almost to the day actually) and I know you'll be able to pull through this.

There are two adopts that I've had my eye on earlier and will get when I get some spending money. Hopefully tomorrow:

   and I'd love to have the originals too if you have them. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awildchelseaappeared In reply to Tygerlanders-adopts [2019-09-04 16:39:05 +0000 UTC]

I'll start looking around for them! I should have an answer for you if/when you decide to get them! thanks for the words of encouragement. I was feeling really low yesterday and it definitely helps.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tygerlanders-adopts In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-04 16:57:22 +0000 UTC]

I definitely do want to get them. and yeah, it was good that you got out of that toxic work environment one way or another. 

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to Tygerlanders-adopts [2019-09-04 18:23:19 +0000 UTC]

AGREED. In the meantime just gonna try to produce as many adopts as possible

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Tygerlanders-adopts In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-06 14:00:38 +0000 UTC]

I can send payment for those two adopts when you're ready

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goldenthyme [2019-09-04 02:24:36 +0000 UTC]

That really sucks but that place also sounds super toxic

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to goldenthyme [2019-09-04 04:15:04 +0000 UTC]

it does and it was. I'll be ok tho, eventually

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goldenthyme In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-04 14:08:55 +0000 UTC]

Hope the new job hunting goes well!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awildchelseaappeared In reply to goldenthyme [2019-09-04 18:22:23 +0000 UTC]


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mishigu-adopts [2019-09-04 01:42:37 +0000 UTC]

I know this doesn't help now, but when I get my first paycheque, I'll get something. I love everything I get from you.

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to mishigu-adopts [2019-09-04 02:09:15 +0000 UTC]

omg you don't need to feel obligated to! I want you to buy bc I have a design you want! Though if you think you'll love one of these kids anyway, I certainly won't stop you LOL

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mishigu-adopts In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-04 02:24:31 +0000 UTC]

There are a few I love a lot. The elves you let me buy last time are all being written into a terrible D&D campaign of all elves. 

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to mishigu-adopts [2019-09-04 03:43:13 +0000 UTC]

LOL I am 120% ok with this

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mishigu-adopts In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-12 17:26:47 +0000 UTC]

Turns out they forgot to pay me, so I won't be able to buy anything for another 15 days. I'll cross my fingers everything is sold by then, even if I want to get something from you!

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to mishigu-adopts [2019-09-13 00:08:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks love, but I’ve got at least 3 new babes I’m planning on uploading really soon, so even if all of these sell, I’ll have more for you to shop through!

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mishigu-adopts In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-14 13:42:38 +0000 UTC]

I'll keep my eyes peeled!

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SylveraDrake [2019-09-03 22:48:44 +0000 UTC]

Sadly I don't have any money to spare, and I already have so many unused characters OTL

BUT I'll share this around on a few pages and see if I can get some peeps headed your way!

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to SylveraDrake [2019-09-03 23:02:24 +0000 UTC]

hnnnggg thanks, it really helps

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SylveraDrake In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-04 02:50:55 +0000 UTC]

I hope it brings some more eyes your way ;w;

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Skornos [2019-09-03 19:35:27 +0000 UTC]

I'm so sorry for you! Having no job isn't fun, already experienced it, too.
I hope you will find a new and better job soon!

Anyway,  I would be interested in the Kitty, but I don't have money, at the moment (I'm getting paid at the tenth of the month).
How urgent is it the situation for you?
If it's really bad, I could probably try to channel of some money that I originally wanted to use for something different.
But if you can wait around seven days, then I would prefer that.

Anyway, I hope your situation will solve soon and I wish you a nice day

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awildchelseaappeared In reply to Skornos [2019-09-03 22:46:51 +0000 UTC]

it's not so urgent that you need to do that, though I do appreciate the thought!

I can't put her on hold, but if she's still available when you get paid and you still want her (I'm guessing by "kitty" you mean the taur adopt cuz that's the only one that resembles a cat LOL) then you're welcome to buy her. It'd definitely help me out.

Thanks, hon

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Skornos In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-09 16:50:42 +0000 UTC]

Hey, If the Kitty (and yes, I mean the taur adopt ) is still open, I could pay now!
Btw, if this one still open, too?

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

awildchelseaappeared In reply to Skornos [2019-09-10 13:34:57 +0000 UTC]

Hey, no worries, I totally understand the wait, no problem! I did have to hide your comment because my personal email is given out on a need to know basis to buyers, not out for everyone to see I’ve never drawn a sphinx, but they’re pretty cool!

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Skornos In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-11 17:48:35 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'm glad to hear that! And I will immediately send it when it works again!

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I've just didn't thought of that possibility at all!
So I guess this means that was the right mail.

Yes they are! Dragons and sphinxes are my favorite mythological creatures!
Btw, since you like sphinxes so much, I can recommend you this two awesome artists, with mostly sphinx related content:

the-lone-nomad has even drawn this beautiful pic as part of an Commission:
And this is my part, that I will upload as soon as I have her confirmation that it has enough credit in the description:
Btw, what do you think of the Description? Any obvious Mistakes?
Ye know, English isn't my native language.

And Oracle-Sphinx is currently creating an three-parted Commission for me, of that I personally think that it's awesome!

Thanks for your patience, and have a nice day

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to Skornos [2019-09-12 02:37:59 +0000 UTC]

I don’t usually notice any big mistakes in your writing, I think you’re fine~ But yes, that was the correct email

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Skornos In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-12 07:42:08 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to hear that!

Well, since I'm now finally able to pay, that is good to hear! I will immediately pay it!

Btw, would it be allowed to upload her, with credit of course, in my gallery?

And what can you tell me about her?
Also, if she doesn't already has a Name, do you have Ideas?

Anyway, sorry again for the waiting, and have a nice day

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to Skornos [2019-09-12 14:21:53 +0000 UTC]

I received payment, thank you!

yes, you may upload with the proper credits, I’ll send you the original files right now. I can’t tell you anything, I only drew the design, and didn’t make up any other details, I don’t do that for my adopts so unfortunately I don’t have a name for her either. But I’d be willing to bet this could help you out: www.fantasynamegen.com

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Skornos In reply to awildchelseaappeared [2019-09-12 14:54:49 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to hear that! Could you send me the fullsize pic via Notes?

That's good to know!

Ah, okay, thank you! I will take a look! But until then what do you think about "Kitty", Lol? I know it's kinda silly, but I'm starting to feel that it's a fitting name.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to your Note and I wish you a nice day

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awildchelseaappeared In reply to Skornos [2019-09-09 17:05:11 +0000 UTC]

sorry, no, she was sold on my old adoptables page but yes, the taur adopt is still open, if you want her! feel free to send over payment and she's yours! seeing that you like the taur adopts so much, maybe I should think about making a few more for my next batch!

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