Comments: 15
Tofusenshi [2021-07-12 21:15:58 +0000 UTC]
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Astaenes [2017-12-21 15:50:08 +0000 UTC]
I miss her too. Community wise, I think Ysayle's death is overshadowed by Haurchefant's, but I found Ysayle's much more sad and heartbreaking. Haurchefant died to save us and at least saw he succeeded, and he died surrounded by friends and with us giving him the last smile he wanted. Ysayle died not knowing of her sacrifice would let us make it (she halted the Gration but didn't destroy it, the Empire was still at large and on our tail), she died alone and she died without hope, seeing throwing her life away as the only option left to her to in some way help. I despise Hraesvelgr to this very day for enabling her to do what amounted to nothing less than suicide and then just buggering off doing jack shit. I hated the way the story and the game seemed to glorify throwing your life away in some sort of grand sacrifice and the fact that Alphinaud took us, the player, aside to say "hey, this is bullshit, no matter what, we're going to save Estinien despite what everyone else says, alright?!" is what sealed the deal for me in seeing him as our closest friend and ally in the Scions. It's made all the more bitter when in Stormblood, characters thought dead survived under circumstances far more ridiculous than Ysayle's... It's why HW's story had much more impact for me than SB's. HW really made me feel like the peace we brought was hard fought and hard earned.
Fare thee well, my lady.
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Ururuty [2017-10-05 05:09:29 +0000 UTC]
nice mood
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Wyzzel [2017-10-04 17:56:19 +0000 UTC]
So beautiful! I love that glowing blue!
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A3Kitsune [2017-10-04 10:13:42 +0000 UTC]
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SophieArdon [2017-10-04 10:08:29 +0000 UTC]
This is sooooo intense... And beautiful! XD
I miss Ysayle so much!! T.T Why did they let her die so soon!? I wanted to see her a bit longer T.T
Amazing job as always!
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Athena-Erocith In reply to SophieArdon [2017-10-05 02:53:03 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I feel that we all owe her so much...T_T
I think she is the best-portraited female in FF14's such a waste to kill her so soon...I was looking forward to our friendship to further develop...
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SophieArdon In reply to Athena-Erocith [2017-10-05 05:52:09 +0000 UTC]
Yeah me too... So bad... Let's hope to see her ghost at least XD Along with Haurchefant @.@
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General-Sedivh [2017-10-04 09:17:02 +0000 UTC]
Will you dedicate a drawing to Heavensward or just Bahamut at some point
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Athena-Erocith In reply to General-Sedivh [2017-10-06 05:43:10 +0000 UTC]
Commissions are temporarily closed until next February due to my heavy work and classes.
Just drop me a PM by then describe what you need and I will quote you. Thanks for the love!
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General-Sedivh In reply to Athena-Erocith [2017-10-06 08:25:12 +0000 UTC]
Ahh, I'd gladly wait!!! I've seen through your gallery and you've got astonishing art; I'm surprised you can actually fit time to draw with studying and work! I wish you good luck, and to forever keep making WoW art!
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