Astronblackmoon — Incorrect Madness

Published: 2010-05-27 19:04:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 3624; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 74
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Description Greetings. Little something for 's Feature.
The Entire Cast! Well Except for the Sheriff, MAG Agents, and the Hot Dog Vendor...
Also random victims (1337, ATP, Zombies) don't count.

And there Chibi and cell shaded because I'm a lazy bitch. D:<
And yeah I took my sweet ass time with this.
Background can't get much more of a Madness vibe...

CHARACTER LIST (from left to right)

Hex as Jebus. Because she so summons zombies, except she uses 'big cat' zombies.

Astron as Deimos. I can see him and Deimos doing similar things. Stupid things. Also they both get along well with technology.

Seth as Sanford. I'm not sure why.

Jericho as Hank. Both homicidal madmen that can kill you with just about anything possible for a weapon.
...I want to see him or Hank kill someone with a baguette. |D

Zephyros as Tricky. Both seemingly insane, both zombies, both ridiculously speedy; I imagine them both having a disturbing laugh...

Arashi as Auditor. I'm a lazy ass that sits at the computer all day. And I have the ability to sneak up on just about anyone. Caffeine Addict.

Layers - 140 ...Fffff...
Program - Paint Tool Sai
Music - Madness 6.5 - Cheshyre
(each characters also has a particular song, but I'm to lazy to list all of them.)

I have overused the words Zombie and Lazy today~

Madness Combat (there costumes) © Krinkels
All Characters © *Astronblackmoon (ME)
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Comments: 40

Ilitiaorthefrog [2010-09-25 23:28:15 +0000 UTC]

Freaking awesome...I wanna do this...but I wanna be the auditor, too! D:

X] They're so cute! Little chibis with weapons! I wanna touch their hair. e_e

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Astronblackmoon In reply to Ilitiaorthefrog [2010-09-26 00:08:32 +0000 UTC]

Go ahead. It shall be interesting... wait they'll all be anthro won't they? XD
Orly? I picked him for me because he's probably the one I look/act like the most. Even though I cosplayed as Hank J. Wimbelton. c:
I so have the suit I'm wearing in this though. :V

See how I ninjafully admitted the guns... WITH BLADES. Derp.
Shiny dark hair and fluffy looking light hair. :3 Because dark hair is usually more oily. |:
Just don't pet Jericho, he might bite you or something.
Did you catch that Jericho's sword says DIE LOL? You can see it if you look really close... XD

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Ilitiaorthefrog In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-09-26 00:16:04 +0000 UTC]

I'll try not to make them furries...I need human practice. I'm sick of my own furfaggotry. X3
Hurrr...sits on the computer all day; enjoys playing god and haxxing things (if an improbability drive isn't haxx, idunno what is); disappears and reappears without warning...yupp me.

Hurrrrr...the hair touching thing is weird. I, like, compulsively do it when I meet someone. |]

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FengatorMx6 [2010-08-05 05:03:55 +0000 UTC]

I've often pondered the weapon effectiveness of a road sign...

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Astronblackmoon In reply to FengatorMx6 [2010-08-05 05:21:58 +0000 UTC]

Sure is an interesting weapon, but the weight of it and the drag the sign itself would cause while swinging... Wonder how Tricky manages? D:
O wait Madness Combat makes no sense...no reason just madness.
But still a test of said weapon would be nice. I should have jacked a street sign like I wanted in one of those hurricanes aftermaths. Then I could totally answer your question. But I can't so I guess you'll have to keep wondering my random friend.

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FengatorMx6 In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-08-05 05:25:50 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I would wield the sign like a halberd, using the sign like a blade. But yeah, madness combat is MADNESS combat for a reason... It isn't Sparta.

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ALZP [2010-06-16 23:05:15 +0000 UTC]

This crew can play the part well, yus. =3 But damn i wish I had fire swirl around me like that. :< Then again it might make it uncomfortable to pilot Riz if I forgot it was there. :C

Riz: Raa. [Ya, really.] :I

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Astronblackmoon In reply to ALZP [2010-06-17 03:18:02 +0000 UTC]

[ The internet is being a bitch again. Ever since the power when out for half a second. |: ]

I never noticed how good they could play it until I set down to think about making this pic. XD
Just wish I could have found someone better matching for San.

Oh yes that fire blob I somehow made work. Still, if I was gonna draw you as a Madness Character it have to be Hank. I'm not sure why, I think your personality somehow reminds me of him. I donno. :/

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ALZP In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-06-17 03:30:06 +0000 UTC]

[Ah ours does some crazy shit when it feels like it. Not so much in our new house but sometimes it'd just go out whenever it felt like it. :<]

Yeah sometimes things just don't click until you actually have to think about it. ...That sentence sounded much less retarded the half second it took to think of it. D:
I can't help but think San would be kindof a difficult character to match up with. =/

It is a badass fire blob. =3
Really? That's cool. ^^

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Astronblackmoon In reply to ALZP [2010-06-18 12:32:40 +0000 UTC]

Oh I hear you. Most of the time I don't think at all. Really.
Ffff I do that all the time but then I don't send it because it sounded mildly retarded and it takes me then 30 minutes to reply because I fail. D:
Yeah, but I think I could have done better than my axe wielding maniac Seth.

Indeed Hankette. :3
...Now you do realize I'm going to have to draw you as Hank one of these days.

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ALZP In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-06-18 22:04:12 +0000 UTC]

Yus, thought power is usually kept at a minimum for me.
I do the saaame thing, yezzir. =<
He looks fine there to me, though. So I think he fit in as good as needed. :3

Haa, that sounds fun. =3
Now that I thought about it I thought of a scene with you as the Auditor and Hank. |3

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Riczilla364 [2010-06-02 12:42:47 +0000 UTC]

amazing in deed! putting people that you know and putting them as madness characters is very clever!

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Astronblackmoon In reply to Riczilla364 [2010-06-02 13:02:13 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. c:

But Naw it's not clever, it's just #MadnessClub 's feature - [link]

The only thing slightly clever is the character placements.
And what's written on Astron/Deimos's screen. 'IMPROB DRIVE 02 STILL ACTIVE D:'
Well that and Jericho/Hank's Katana says 'DIE LOL' Instead of the symbols it's suppose to have, but that's not clever at all now is it?

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Riczilla364 In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-06-03 13:59:00 +0000 UTC]

heh but still good to me. even for a #MadnessClub's feature

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Raymendye [2010-06-01 18:35:49 +0000 UTC]

Ray: ok we got it. i like Hex 9w9


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Astronblackmoon In reply to Raymendye [2010-06-02 01:52:49 +0000 UTC]


That makes 4 for Hex, 2 for Arashi, 2 for Zephyr, and 1 for Jericho.

Both Zephyr's would be me and my brothers vote.
lol Astron and Seth are being ignored. Probably because there poses lack the most movement, but I couldn't give them decent poses without making the image too long for DA's liking. Bleh, new DA and it's "fancy arrows". =_=

And I didn't know people would like the girls so much. :3
I even thought someone would come along and shoot me for not making the cast all male. ._.'

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Raymendye In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-06-03 10:18:18 +0000 UTC]

damn you updates ><

oh how meny o.cs do ya have any way?

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Astronblackmoon In reply to Raymendye [2010-06-04 05:56:13 +0000 UTC]

Too many. o_o
This is going to take a while.
KARA and Falx the Cyberwolves.
Astron the Fallen angel.
The reapers, Arashi, Zephyros, Ghast, Cage, (unnamed reaper of the south), The gate keeper Grimm and a "Sealed reaper".
A spirit for the elements that I never gave solid names, Ice, Wind, Water, Fire, Nature, Earth, Thunder.
"Vile" a bizarre creature I can't really put a real label on.
Some demons, Jericho, Hex, Divine, Surge, Seth, Rex, Damon, Maris. There is more, but they don't show up much, and could be counted as 'extras' in the comic I will eventually make.
Some humans, Ashley, Brook, Carli, Leon, Thomas, Arron.
Some Angels that remain nameless. About 5 that are useful to storyline.
So I'd say I have about 37 if I counted what I wrote down right. '-'

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Raymendye In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-06-04 19:29:28 +0000 UTC]

o.o 37?!

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Astronblackmoon In reply to Raymendye [2010-06-07 21:56:53 +0000 UTC]


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Raymendye In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-06-08 10:44:23 +0000 UTC]

GOOODNIGHT! o.o(um thats my way of saying holy crap and stuff....its a n.c. thing )

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yellowdragons [2010-06-01 01:21:46 +0000 UTC]





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Astronblackmoon In reply to yellowdragons [2010-06-02 01:38:16 +0000 UTC]

Gracias. ^-^

Cual es tu favorita? :3

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yellowdragons In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-06-03 01:32:34 +0000 UTC]

el que la ase de tricky


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xRobin [2010-05-28 16:00:55 +0000 UTC]

Fuck. Ok, I don't know what else to do other then click "Submit to a group" off to the right side of this. D:

Amazing as always though! I think my favorite is Hex and Arashi. c:

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Astronblackmoon In reply to xRobin [2010-05-29 00:05:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh well. It's in so that's all I care about. :3

Yay. Somebody finally picked a favorite! XD
lol you pick me? Really? c:
And it seems Hex is the fave. My mom picked her too. Cause she's 'flying'. XD
And my brother liked her and Zephyr.
I swear Astron/Deimos would be the favorite just cause. |:

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Raymendye [2010-05-28 00:59:26 +0000 UTC]


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Astronblackmoon In reply to Raymendye [2010-05-28 01:00:53 +0000 UTC]


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Raymendye In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-05-28 01:05:16 +0000 UTC]

Ray:nothing....just wow

Gray:*black fox with wight ears and black and red eyes sitting on his hat* very^^

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Astronblackmoon In reply to Raymendye [2010-05-28 01:12:02 +0000 UTC]

Speechless then? Lol thanks! XD
It really pisses me off that I can't submit it to then damned group I made it for though. I get a "user is not allowed to use this process" message, or something like that. D'X

Anyways I have to ask, Which one of these is your favorite? :3

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Raymendye In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-05-28 01:13:20 +0000 UTC]

*both stumped*

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Astronblackmoon In reply to Raymendye [2010-05-28 01:18:12 +0000 UTC]

° _ °
Eah... Oh well.
So how have you been lately?

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Raymendye In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-05-28 18:35:17 +0000 UTC]



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Astronblackmoon In reply to Raymendye [2010-05-29 00:12:22 +0000 UTC]

Pretty damn sleepy myself lately. D:
It's all this calming rain. Making me pass out before I can finish my days worth of drawing. Which I do LATE at night which is when I feel like it for some reason. :/

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Raymendye In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-05-30 14:08:20 +0000 UTC]

night is the best time to draw...

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PuppetMaster456 [2010-05-27 23:08:59 +0000 UTC]

idk these characters but this is still amazing!

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Astronblackmoon In reply to PuppetMaster456 [2010-05-27 23:15:22 +0000 UTC]

There all my characters. :3
I'm sure you've seen most of them, except for the ones playing Jebus and Sanford. I drew them all in that Art Meme.
And the Auditor is me... XD

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PuppetMaster456 In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-05-28 20:19:04 +0000 UTC]

I see, but I like them!

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Astronblackmoon In reply to PuppetMaster456 [2010-05-29 00:15:49 +0000 UTC]

What ones your favorite? I must ask.

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PuppetMaster456 In reply to Astronblackmoon [2010-05-29 20:53:45 +0000 UTC]

hank :3

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