Comments: 11
NocturnaleOwl [2015-07-18 06:32:03 +0000 UTC]
I would love to see a mane and tail tutorial as well. <3 Ooo also maybe for lighting/coloration and body prep? Finding good tutorials for GIMP is very difficult since most are for Photoshop.
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ASTE-RAS In reply to NocturnaleOwl [2015-07-31 19:18:11 +0000 UTC]
well..i would love to,but since I'm very clumpsy at explaining things and i hardly find some time to make it i probably won't be making one anytime soon! (I only created a tutorial once,and it was pretty difficult to arrange) :/...I'm very sorry for this inconvenience!!
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KijaniKinyonga [2015-02-11 09:40:21 +0000 UTC]
Pleeeease make a mane and tail tutorial...and a hoof tutorial...that would be so useful ^.^
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heidi137 [2014-04-19 05:41:01 +0000 UTC]
Very nice resource, congratulations to you
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heidi137 In reply to ASTE-RAS [2014-04-22 05:45:59 +0000 UTC]
The pleasure for me is my dear friend
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Elvish-Legacies [2014-04-17 22:48:54 +0000 UTC]
Just so you know, you don't need a screenshot program. Every computer has the ability to take a screenshot. You just hit PRTSC, which means Print Screen, though with some computers you may need to hit a secondary key as well, like Function or Alt, and then Paste it into whatever program you use, like GIMP. =3
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ASTE-RAS In reply to Elvish-Legacies [2014-04-18 18:57:04 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the tip...I'll try to take some,and make a tutorial!
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