Published: 2012-05-21 16:52:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 787; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 6
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Let's say that I tried designing some ball gowns for a story I'm currently illustrating...And I'm not a very good designer ...watercolour and black ballpont pen
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Comments: 25
Jess-morales [2012-06-20 18:22:58 +0000 UTC]
I really like the color combinations you choose. The warm colors really pop out nicely.
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AsharaNi In reply to Jess-morales [2012-06-21 14:01:04 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much! I'm very glad you like it!
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finnicky-dragon [2012-05-21 18:12:18 +0000 UTC]
i think ur designs are awesome! when i saw the blue one i got this funny image of wordsmith dancing around in it lol
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finnicky-dragon In reply to AsharaNi [2012-05-22 23:24:37 +0000 UTC]
her XD i did a little doodle of her in it and she looked do cute
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finnicky-dragon In reply to AsharaNi [2012-05-23 23:37:19 +0000 UTC]
yes, victory is mine mwahahaha (yes im wierd, my brain is kinda fried it was a long day)
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AsharaNi In reply to finnicky-dragon [2012-05-24 06:31:32 +0000 UTC]
Lol, you-weird? Please! I've witnessed so many people going absolutely nuts, that there's hardly anything that could surprise me...And yeah, you seem pretty normal to me!
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finnicky-dragon In reply to AsharaNi [2012-05-25 00:16:55 +0000 UTC]
well thats good, most people find me strange
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AsharaNi In reply to finnicky-dragon [2012-05-29 13:35:26 +0000 UTC]
Please, I see no reason for that...Plus, I read sometimes that the only people who are normal are the ones you don't know very well...And besides the people who really have some mental problems, I think everyone else can be pretty fine...
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finnicky-dragon In reply to AsharaNi [2012-05-29 23:31:16 +0000 UTC]
well i have ADD if that counts
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finnicky-dragon In reply to AsharaNi [2012-05-31 08:00:26 +0000 UTC]
atention deficet dissorder, basically im not soposed to be able to focus
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AsharaNi In reply to finnicky-dragon [2012-06-01 05:41:14 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that... However, you still seem perfectly fine!
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finnicky-dragon In reply to AsharaNi [2012-06-01 06:00:58 +0000 UTC]
ya, i actually like having , it makes me different. also i kinda like using myself as a human sycology gini pig, most people with ADD or ADHD have trouble learning, doing art or just plain focusing, i have this theory that the reason humans origanaly had ADD and ADHD was to help them servive in the bronze/before age, but in the modern world we have no use for it... i could go on but im probably boring u
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AsharaNi In reply to finnicky-dragon [2012-06-01 06:13:41 +0000 UTC]
Really? What about your theory, tell me more!
And no, you're not boring me at all, you actually made me interested..What is ADHD? How did it help the survival?
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finnicky-dragon In reply to AsharaNi [2012-06-01 17:38:37 +0000 UTC]
ADD and ADHD make the brain more um... whats the right word, hypertensive? not quite but basically it makes it harder to focus on one thing and easyer to focus on the big picture, it probably helped us hunt and do all that, ADD and ADHD often also sorta "highten" secnces, not a lot but a little, for instance i have a really good sence of smell and really good hearing. part of the reason ADD and ADHD kids have so much truble is beacuse they cant focus on one thing, so my theory is that if and ADD/ADHD kid trys to focus on multiple things at once it will actually help there calsroom performance. i always listen to music or draw when im doing home work, and i have some of the highest grades in my class, i also tested it on a kid with ADHD, he did better on the test when he was alowed to draw on it then when he wasn't. so ya thats basically most of it.
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AsharaNi In reply to finnicky-dragon [2012-06-02 05:43:56 +0000 UTC]
I see... Well, it's cool to have sertain abilities, I salute you for the super senses.
However, I'm not sure that all people had ADD and ADHD back then, but maybe some had it, anyway...
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finnicky-dragon In reply to AsharaNi [2012-06-02 05:47:58 +0000 UTC]
ya no one can prove wether or not they did, but its just a theory and its supper fun to listen in on conversations, super powers go!!!!!!!!!!
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Dawnsio-Pili-Pala [2012-05-21 16:53:54 +0000 UTC]
I like the bottom right one best. It looks like flames!
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AsharaNi In reply to Dawnsio-Pili-Pala [2012-05-21 16:57:42 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, yeah, as you mention it, it really looks like that!
I personally like 3 and 4, but the blue one would look way more awesome if it were on a human model..
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Dawnsio-Pili-Pala In reply to AsharaNi [2012-05-21 17:00:46 +0000 UTC]
Did you draw them and then colour them with pencil?
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AsharaNi In reply to Dawnsio-Pili-Pala [2012-05-21 17:03:44 +0000 UTC]
I drew the them with black ballpoint pen, and then coloured them with watercolors! I wanted to experiment with the colors, mostly..
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