Ascavilya — Nothing hard about this...

Published: 2007-01-03 13:25:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 909; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 52
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Description I dunno why daddy thinks I'm too young to use a computer, I can do it just fine. See.


You know you play online games too much when you 6 month old sits on your lap and knows that if you press on the funny black thing in front of you, things happen on the screen.
Nik used to be quite happy just to watch the onscreen antics, but now he wants to join in too. And if you've ever been on a major raid or in the midst of some hardcore PvP and been trying to hold a wriggly little worm who wants to press the keys for you, you will know exactly what I mean.
So rather than fight him, we out thought him (we can still do that - just) and gave him one of his own to play with - keyboard, not computer that is.
The day we put him in his high chair next to me and put the keyboard on the table in front of him he thought he was it and a bit (as if you couldn't tell by the look on his face). It wasn't connected to anything, but we did have media player open with some music going and one of the visualization effects going and I'm sure he thought he was getting it to do something.

I've tried to clean the image as best I could as it was taken on my phones camera. I also added the nice little beveled boarder using XNView.
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Comments: 38

Deborah-Rose [2007-01-04 16:12:18 +0000 UTC]

so that explains the sudden readability of your posts.

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Ascavilya In reply to Deborah-Rose [2007-01-04 23:10:40 +0000 UTC]


Yeah, he's been proof reading them for me...lol

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Deborah-Rose In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-05 13:14:50 +0000 UTC]

yeah they are more readable

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Ascavilya In reply to Deborah-Rose [2007-01-06 00:06:09 +0000 UTC]

He must be doing al alright job then.


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RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-04 02:39:25 +0000 UTC]

that is just about the most precious thing!!! i'm getting all clucky here - he is soooooo cute hon!

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Ascavilya In reply to RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-04 04:29:37 +0000 UTC]

Thanks mate. Yeah he is a cutie.

I've got a couple of others that I'm going to post that we took over Xmas.

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RainfeatherPearl In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-04 14:42:52 +0000 UTC]

lol nice....soon he's going to keep you busy running after him. always remember, when they are playing quietly by themselves, they are always up to something

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Ascavilya In reply to RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-04 23:13:15 +0000 UTC]

He's started that already, although we don't have to run yet, a couple of steps and we can catch him.

Hmmm... Now you mention it, he's being awfully quiet right now...

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RainfeatherPearl In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-04 23:27:54 +0000 UTC]

lol uh-oh!

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Ascavilya In reply to RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-05 04:51:47 +0000 UTC]

Uh huh.

Thankfully he's just asleep.

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RainfeatherPearl In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-06 06:31:38 +0000 UTC]

awww, i love it when they're sleeping, they are sooo good that way

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Ascavilya In reply to RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-07 00:05:57 +0000 UTC]


Yeah, they are. And he's a good boy as he sleep through the night for us as well.

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RainfeatherPearl In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-07 08:17:58 +0000 UTC]

that is awesome...i haven't had a good night sleep since my two daughters were born. i take a lot of naps these days.

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Ascavilya In reply to RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-07 23:18:18 +0000 UTC]


I feel like I need a lot of naps, and I know it's gonna get more so.

How old are your daughters?

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RainfeatherPearl In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-08 15:54:35 +0000 UTC]

lol, you and wifey aren't ever going to have your sleep-ins anymore. my daughters are now 3 and 5.

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Ascavilya In reply to RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-09 00:44:48 +0000 UTC]


I just hope we get to have a few more before they end.


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RainfeatherPearl In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-10 06:51:00 +0000 UTC]

uh, they say it only gets worse because when they are grown you worry about them staying out late

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Ascavilya In reply to RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-10 07:13:54 +0000 UTC]

Damn, I'm more worried about him being his father's son. I know what I got up to as a kid and as I got older. lol

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RainfeatherPearl In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-10 07:19:41 +0000 UTC]

lol and guess what, they all grow up to be you...my mom still laughs at me...i hate "payback time" laughs. lol

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Ascavilya In reply to RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-11 00:29:57 +0000 UTC]


I'm doomed...lol

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RainfeatherPearl In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-16 08:39:57 +0000 UTC]

yep yep...my youngest daughter is exactly how i was when i was younger....i don't know how my mum put up with me lol.

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Ascavilya In reply to RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-16 09:45:46 +0000 UTC]


I'm hoping the lad won't be as bad as I was... Wishful thinking on my part tho I reckon...lol

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RainfeatherPearl In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-18 07:32:09 +0000 UTC]

uh-oh, you just jinxed yourself there

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Ascavilya In reply to RainfeatherPearl [2007-01-19 05:51:31 +0000 UTC]


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kyntha [2007-01-03 14:36:40 +0000 UTC]

That is just plain adorable!!
What a smart idea to let him play with a loose keyboard if he likes it.

What ever happend to blocks though, or good ol action figures
Today's youth's tssss...

He's so adorable!! *huggle*

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Ascavilya In reply to kyntha [2007-01-03 23:27:48 +0000 UTC]

Hahahaha. Yeah, he's a cutie alright.

He's got some blocks and a few other things (teddy bears and the like) but I think he's still a bit young for action figures just yet. Mind you, once he figures out how to climb, the ones I have on top of the bookshelf are no longer going to be safe.

I still say though that kids today get way better toys than I got as a child. Mind you, this means I get to buy stuff "on behalf" of Nik...lol
That's why I now have a Scalectrix car set...

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kyntha In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-04 17:38:22 +0000 UTC]

yeh action figures he might choke on still..
But blocks and teddybears are perfect ^-^

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Ascavilya In reply to kyntha [2007-01-04 23:09:47 +0000 UTC]

And believe me, he has plenty of teddy bears.

Did you ever see the big bear that Kel gave me while we were in Mackay - the one I named Pascoe?

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kyntha In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-05 11:21:05 +0000 UTC]

No I didn't!

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Ascavilya In reply to kyntha [2007-01-05 12:55:47 +0000 UTC]

I'll take one and post it. He's a classic.

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kyntha In reply to Ascavilya [2007-01-05 15:31:11 +0000 UTC]

Yey! :joy:

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Ascavilya In reply to kyntha [2007-01-10 02:51:09 +0000 UTC]

Ok, just posted a couple of quick snaps of Pascoe in my scraps for ya mate.

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mene [2007-01-03 13:34:04 +0000 UTC]

That's a good idea (^_^)
The picture looks nice too!

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Ascavilya In reply to mene [2007-01-03 23:56:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. He seems to enjoy bashing away on it.

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mYrAns [2007-01-03 13:27:26 +0000 UTC]

lol, thats nice

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Ascavilya In reply to mYrAns [2007-01-03 13:28:52 +0000 UTC]


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luchtpiloot [2007-01-03 13:26:24 +0000 UTC]

haha, he's cute

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Ascavilya In reply to luchtpiloot [2007-01-03 13:27:58 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, yeah he. His mum and I both think so too.

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