Published: 2010-07-07 07:55:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 7845; Favourites: 281; Downloads: 42
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Sometimes everything works out the way I want it to.Idk what the whole dress looks like, lol. Some sort of frothy confection for the win.
Inspiration taken from several of Mucha's Bernhardt posters.
ETA: BY THE BY, if you've come from the far corners of dA to participate in any wankage, I'll be hiding your comments or reporting it as spam. The discussion, such as it was, is over.
Photoshop CS3
Hellsing © Kohta Hirano
Art © Becky Ginn
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Comments: 54
TipsyBrighteh [2012-05-15 17:10:01 +0000 UTC]
wow cool!!! i know his grandson john mucha! my family is friends with him!
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seiko-neko [2012-05-06 11:33:57 +0000 UTC]
that's just awesome !!!!!!!! <3 i just want to see a seras like this ^^!!!!
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dazhouhui2004 [2012-03-15 20:08:21 +0000 UTC]
Me: Integra, you are always going to be beautiful in my eyes. :3 Just...we might have to hide this picture from a certain someone, though. >.> He will like this too much...
Integra: -nods and tries hard not to imagine Alucard smirking at her because of this and imagining her in inappropriate outfits-
Alucard: Master, did you just call me? -sees the picture-
Me: O.O!! X.X!! Damn it! -runs away with the pic-
Alucard: -chuckles evilly and runs after the picture as well to get it back-
Integra: -facepalms-
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ChrisTheJeweler [2011-01-07 11:27:15 +0000 UTC]
i LOVE the glasses.... it brings a personal touch to such a great style of art... great job!!!!
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hrwilliams [2010-12-30 01:14:01 +0000 UTC]
You capture the nouveau style much better than I do. I love!
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Artema In reply to hrwilliams [2010-12-30 10:02:57 +0000 UTC]
Aw, I think you do lovely work! Thank you very much though- I'll be watching you.
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pendraig71 [2010-11-08 18:54:26 +0000 UTC]
the glasses are an unusual touch.... makes it stand out
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Artema In reply to Aokojin [2010-08-20 17:44:30 +0000 UTC]
Ahh. Cute! I wouldn't say the similarity is "creepy" though?
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Elliekin [2010-08-14 20:51:59 +0000 UTC]
Oh man, the soft colours and flowing shapes and oh my goodness this is beautiful. <3
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Artema In reply to Elliekin [2010-08-14 23:35:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you bb! Art Nouveau is my roots. I learned how to do clothing folds properly due to just absorbing several Mucha print books one summer.
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FilledeMarius [2010-07-30 04:44:05 +0000 UTC]
This is above and beyond beautiful. It transcends a new plane that has no name.
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Artema In reply to FilledeMarius [2010-08-20 18:02:04 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! I love your excitement!
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FilledeMarius In reply to Artema [2010-08-20 21:51:39 +0000 UTC]
It's hard not to get excited about something this cool!
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HellsingThess [2010-07-29 20:54:09 +0000 UTC]
This is beyond gorgeous. The skin tone, the none-too big breasts, the composition, etc.
As for the wank: Curious, curious, despite of what "fans" say, the official sources (and canon interactions) sell Integra as a beauty, a lady, sometimes with less-than-polite compliments (which are all feminine: Babylon, slut lol Jan, etc). Anderson sees her as a lady he must escort in a dangerous night, she's called milady by Walter, 'miss' Hellsing sometimes by Alucard, Major's also charmed by a beautiful woman, Hirano insisted she was beautiful even after 30 years. Her official description is "cool, beautiful and quick to anger" (Seras and any other female characters, on the other hand, didn't get a pretty description by Word of God).
Pretty!Integra wouldn't be IC, I know, Beautiful!Integra on the other hand describes her as an adult. While cute as a little girl.
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allicia1 [2010-07-29 05:39:58 +0000 UTC]
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Artema In reply to allicia1 [2010-07-29 06:05:18 +0000 UTC]
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allicia1 In reply to Artema [2010-07-29 06:11:09 +0000 UTC]
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Artema In reply to allicia1 [2010-07-29 06:25:28 +0000 UTC]
Whatever, she's totally the guy in the Old Spice commercials.
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allicia1 In reply to Artema [2010-07-29 06:27:27 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad that we could come to this conclusion of Love and deliberation. Now draw Integra as the old spice guy.
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Artema In reply to allicia1 [2010-07-28 17:36:53 +0000 UTC]
Ty bb. I want to hear MOAR about your alligator antebellum dress and your new job btw.
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allicia1 In reply to Artema [2010-07-29 05:01:13 +0000 UTC]
lawl.. we need to hang out soon!
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Artema In reply to allicia1 [2010-07-29 05:10:48 +0000 UTC]
We need to do this, yes. I'll let you know asap about the shoot; hopefully my schedule will be open then. b
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Stagsleap [2010-07-28 04:57:04 +0000 UTC]
I haven't been around for a bit, but I finally found this, and WOW. A gorgeous piece and an entertaining flamewar to boot!
Her face is perfect. Sort of how I would imagine her if was depicted more realistically. The pose is spot on and hints to her deceptively young age and sexual innocence. Love the splash of red at her hand. Could it be a bleeding heart? It feels symbolic.
The only thing I would have to crit is the line quality of the figure compared to the background. Just a little too sketchy. Perhaps you might do a bigger, grander version of this?
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Artema In reply to Stagsleap [2010-07-28 17:35:40 +0000 UTC]
It's a shame the discussion became as ugly as it did. Integra's well-balanced androgyny is what drew me to her in the first place. *le shrug*
Ahhh, ilu Antlers, your in-depth critiques make me happy!
You're right, the line quality isn't up to par. I would like to do something similar in the future, likely a variation on the same theme v a complete redraw.
But then again who knows? x3
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kaylakirby [2010-07-27 12:49:32 +0000 UTC]
i think the glasses force you to think about the figure more in depth, makes you consider her intelligence as well as pleasing appearance giving her a more developed character.
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starfiregurl26 [2010-07-08 19:40:14 +0000 UTC]
Gorgeous! I love the texture feel in this piece
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AkidaxSen [2010-07-08 08:19:44 +0000 UTC]
This works so well!
I love art nouveau, and maybe someday I'll try it.... and cry >__> but enjoy it I shall!
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