Art-Zealot — RP Illustration: Routine Reversion

#heim #rp #tiago #tris #tristine #sybal
Published: 2016-08-17 12:00:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 4495; Favourites: 310; Downloads: 0
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Description RP Excerpt:

    Getting on took either courage or outright insanity, and Tiago had to credit the bright sybal on his back with one or the other. Something about the way she was riding now though seemed...off, and he tried to concentrate on slowing down a bit.

    What resulted was an odd stop-and-go shifting between a run and trot until they reached the borders of the forest, where he was finally able to slow the out of control Corcel to a walk.

    After a few moments of walking, the forest shifted, enveloping them in the profound quiet of the deep woods, and he finally stopped. He felt so tired he was almost dizzy, and running at full speed for so long left him panting, nostrils flared.

    His front leg quivered, and he dropped to his knees, then finally lay down, careful to not spill off his unwanted passenger.

    He finally felt in control at last, and gave the ugly wound across his shoulder an appraising frown before tipping his head back in frustration. He couldn't hide the pain in his voice, but it was more at the fact that he'd failed than the actual injury.  

    “...Damn it.”

    He'd almost made it a night in the city without disaster, and then ruined it in typical dismal failure.

    At least he hadn't hurt anyone but himself this time, unless something had happened to the glowing sybal on his back. He sighed, feeling defeated.

    “...are you...all right?”

You can read the  full RP here.

This RP is part of the Triage arc.

Click the thumbnail for the full RP Series!

So this RP might be one of my new favorites. It started off with a silly, lighthearted premise. Then it escalated so very quickly...

RP Details:

Word Count:
19,557 Words


Tristine  (Art-Zealot )
Tiago  (Starhorse )

Summary/RP Tags:
-Scrumptious Security Sabotage
-Tristine and Tiago's Truly Terrible Time in the Trees
-I Swear Officer It's not What it Looks Like
-Papa Bearstian
-Soul Searching and Schnapps

Additional Illustrations:

Art and Character (Tris) © H. Lazo
Tiago is © Starhorse
Sybal-Heim © Anna Earley

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Comments: 28

LordCherryPaw [2016-08-19 03:30:39 +0000 UTC]

So glowy! Even though their supposedly in peril. How'd you get her hair to glow like that?

I like the way one of her moth feather thingies is raised up. Almost as if she's hearing something, like a rabit. ^^

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Art-Zealot In reply to LordCherryPaw [2016-08-19 04:10:54 +0000 UTC]

Peril is all the more excuse to shine brighter! I used a combination of blending modes, custom brushes, and many hours of practice painting light.

Thanks! Drawing the antennae emotes is perhaps one of my favorite things about her Sybal. XD

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LordCherryPaw In reply to Art-Zealot [2016-08-19 06:34:37 +0000 UTC]

Agreed! Light, eh? One of thee hardest things to learn. Digital OR traditional...

You're welcome! I trust we'll see more of it in the future? ;3

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Art-Zealot In reply to LordCherryPaw [2016-08-19 06:39:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh there will be much more of it. She can hardly keep them still for more than two seconds. Makes for a terrible poker face...

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LordCherryPaw In reply to Art-Zealot [2016-08-19 15:45:26 +0000 UTC]

And even harder in her sybal form, I imagine. ;3

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Amazie-Star [2016-08-18 07:40:48 +0000 UTC]

Okay: Tristine not getting "distracted" by Tiago's bare chest and arms was worthy of a good chuckle, just had to put it out there.
Everything else was just... Wow. I never felt more sorry for Tiago than I did in this story, and Atamu was a character I hated very very deeply in this story (which I assume was the intent.)
And the end... LOVE the ending! 10 stars out of 10!

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Art-Zealot In reply to Amazie-Star [2016-08-18 18:37:55 +0000 UTC]

Heheheheh, Thanks much Amazie! And yes, goodness, Tiago needs so many hugs. And Atamu needs so many punches...

Considering you're a star, Erika's a star, and Tris is a star, I shall humbly hoard all of these stars. XD

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Amazie-Star In reply to Art-Zealot [2016-08-19 03:16:38 +0000 UTC]

//happily hoarded~

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Starhorse [2016-08-18 02:31:42 +0000 UTC]

Still loving the art you made for this <3 this was a fun story to take them through [even if it does make us terrible character moms ]

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Art-Zealot In reply to Starhorse [2016-08-18 03:37:17 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh thank you, Erika! It certainly was!
They're fiiiiine... They'll live.

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Ilchymis [2016-08-18 02:07:42 +0000 UTC]

Hnnn, so pretty, such emotions *w* I love your illustrations of these various adventures.

Makes me just a teeny little bitty bit jelly tho, Nagi has no epic adventures for me to doodle  //sadness

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Art-Zealot In reply to Ilchymis [2016-08-18 03:40:27 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much, Marsh!

Ahaha, this one honestly started silly and fun and just...spiraled out of control the more we added to it. All you need are those jumping points and you can manipulate a lot of situations to become interesting developments.

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weirdsketch [2016-08-18 00:09:25 +0000 UTC]

man... this pic, the colors, the atmosphere, you put alot of work into it! you weren't horsing around!
i'm not sorry.

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Art-Zealot In reply to weirdsketch [2016-08-18 01:02:33 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much, Sketch!
...*slow clap*

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kiako [2016-08-17 23:01:22 +0000 UTC]

Holy smokes 

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Art-Zealot In reply to kiako [2016-08-18 00:04:07 +0000 UTC]

It was a pretty bad morning for both of them.

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Nikolai-Kalahan [2016-08-17 16:41:49 +0000 UTC]

I'm not sure what I love about this more...Tristine's expression, your art being badass as usual...or the fact that there's a horse. 83 How on earth did a horsey sybal slip past my notice?! This absurd! Ah well, either way you drew him gloriously.

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Art-Zealot In reply to Nikolai-Kalahan [2016-08-17 18:20:53 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much, Knight! There are actually quite a few other equestrian sybals, if I recall correctly. None of them have saddles though. Not that it keeps Tris from riding them anyway...

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Nikolai-Kalahan In reply to Art-Zealot [2016-08-18 06:14:23 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome!

lol Tris doesn't seem like the kind of person to let minor details dissuade her. X3

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Droemar [2016-08-17 16:09:02 +0000 UTC]

Love the way this turned out.
Next time she'll need to meet Kenshin in the woods with Tiago.

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Art-Zealot In reply to Droemar [2016-08-17 18:11:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, Droe! Your horse tutorial is, as ever, a great touchstone for reference.

And ohoho, I'm sure nothing could go wrong with that scenario... XJ She'll definitely be a while before visiting the woods again, but she's got a new respect for the plight of Ferals like him now.

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Droemar In reply to Art-Zealot [2016-08-17 19:25:30 +0000 UTC]

I hope you didn't use my horse tutorial. That thing is so old ...
You work so fast; how could you possibly need reference?

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Art-Zealot In reply to Droemar [2016-08-17 20:08:32 +0000 UTC]

Ah, well Star promised to set me straight this September and teach me to draw horses like the pros. *thumbsup*

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Droemar In reply to Art-Zealot [2016-08-18 01:27:36 +0000 UTC]

You'll mention horse genetics once. I promise.

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Starhorse In reply to Droemar [2016-08-18 18:46:25 +0000 UTC]

//pokes you for this. Don't deny me at least one horse genetics schpeel. 

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Droemar In reply to Starhorse [2016-08-18 20:46:06 +0000 UTC]

As long as you don't deny be either the physics of Idominus rex vs. Ankylosaurus or one dinosaur schpeel.

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Blue-Starr [2016-08-17 14:31:37 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhh this is so pretty!!! Also, the other Sybal sort of reminds me of the bog unicorns from Dragon Age Inquisition with that sword for a horn I love it, though!

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Art-Zealot In reply to Blue-Starr [2016-08-17 18:07:31 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much, Starr!
*Googles this thing* WHOA. Fortunately Tiago's a bit more handsome than that. :'D That is a scary beastie!

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