apiarona — Abime

#abyss #creepy #dark #grave #hands #hole #monochrome #soil #surreal #weird #woman #photomanipulation
Published: 2017-03-30 14:18:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 488; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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Description One of the most experimental things I've ever made.
All the pictures used are mine.
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Comments: 36

DrrrSpinnen [2018-05-23 22:36:52 +0000 UTC]

"Death equal to Abyss Death. Death merciless Black Mother I am."

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apiarona In reply to DrrrSpinnen [2018-05-24 18:41:42 +0000 UTC]

A meaningful quote  But where does it come from? Is it your own?

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DrrrSpinnen In reply to apiarona [2018-05-24 21:01:34 +0000 UTC]

It cames from the abyss --> soundcloud.com/drrr-spinnen/ni…

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apiarona In reply to DrrrSpinnen [2018-05-25 07:46:14 +0000 UTC]

Oo, you make music as well! Impressive! It's in Portuguese, right?  

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DrrrSpinnen In reply to apiarona [2018-05-25 13:56:36 +0000 UTC]

Quite impressive is this image of yours.

(yes, that's in pt language)

Perhaps in a soon future we could do an 'aesthetic amalgamation'/art collaboration, in concrete an atonal sound piece of mine with poetry/a poem of yours interpreted by yourself (in  quintessential Polish language)...

Dziękuję  : )

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apiarona In reply to DrrrSpinnen [2018-05-26 05:43:15 +0000 UTC]

Dziękuję również  

Hah, that sounds like something, although I don't know if Polish is so (quint)essential, it's very difficult for non-Polish speakers... Perhaps Latin or ancient Greek is more quintessential... I will think about it, I like this idea

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DrrrSpinnen In reply to apiarona [2018-05-26 15:30:30 +0000 UTC]

Indeed, polish language is almost unpronounceable for most of non-polish speakers. Anyway, i find it superb (as well as other eastern european languages). I confess when i try to speak Polish it's like stumbling on words, on almost every word... and falling...

Yes, Latin or Greek languages are two of the quintessential, without any doubt. Do you speak any of them? Surely, they would be quite adequate options for that hypothetical collaboration/art conjunction of ours. By the way, some of my early 'aesthetic (sound) amalgamations' also include ancient greek chants.

I also like the idea. Very much : )

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apiarona In reply to DrrrSpinnen [2018-05-27 07:24:58 +0000 UTC]

As a native speaker, I personally think Polish is a beautiful language, different from the rest of Slavic languages. And probably the most difficult, for example Russian pronounciation isn't this complex... 
And yes, I study Latin and ancient Greek and I know them I really like Byzantine music, I was looking for some of music that is saved. It's something that the middle Europe (we consider Poland as a "heart" of Europe) doesn't have, it's very unique and atmospheric... So are the Balkans, that I happily had an occasion to visit. 


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DrrrSpinnen In reply to apiarona [2018-05-27 13:20:33 +0000 UTC]

I agree 100%, Polish language is beautiful as well as the other slavic languages. Really great to know that you speak those two ancient languages, as well. Any of them - polish, latin, ancient greek - could result amazingly in our hipothetical sound collaboration.

Another one of my favorite is Romanian, for obvious reasons. Currently, this is one of the languages that sounds more similar to ancient latin.

Byzantine music and Balkan music (ethnic; sacred; secular)  are, as i use to say, quintessential  : )

Balkan music is, to me, completely 'hallucinating', delightful, addictive among other adjectives.

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apiarona In reply to DrrrSpinnen [2018-05-28 06:34:19 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I think we should make a collaboration, then! You have a broad idea about art, and aesthetics, it impresses me...
Haha, Romanian, it's quite a unique langauge... especially as for a Roman language, although I've read in 19th century it used to be considered as a Slavic language. And now I can see it uses some Slavic words I can understand. And I agree there are some similaritied to classic Latin, as well, I was surprised when I could notice them. It's a very specific combination... I have to say I love languages in general, and learning them as well... It's my little obsession

I sadly found only several examples of music from this region, at least, not enough for me. But for example Goran Bregović is renowned in Poland, and this music is really moving. And some music of Macedonia (I've been there). And Greece has Rembetiko, it's a bit like the Portuguese fado... Can you show me some examples that you like?  

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DrrrSpinnen In reply to apiarona [2018-05-28 23:45:43 +0000 UTC]

Indeed we should. Your art is so subtle as intense, deep and disturbing.
Me, i can't write delightfully disturbing poetry with words as you can.

Romanian language has a mix of Slavic and Latin.
So interesting, you can understand Slavic words from Romanian as well as i also can understand many words and even sentences in
Romanian which is a Latin origin language (like Portuguese is). There is even a phrase almost equal in both languages portuguese-romanian.
Lucky you that have been in Makedonija! The mystical route of the Balkans... Have you also made the route of the Black Sea and the Carpathians?

Goran Bregović is one of greatest Balkan music references. You surely know that he had a collaboration with polish singer Kayah.
Bregović is one of my favorite contemporary-ethnic composers.

There is a greek composer Eleni Karaindrou that i consider 'a must'. I discovered her music watching the astonishing film 'Ulysses Gaze' by greek director Theo Angelopoulus with soundtrack by her:
2 other compositions by Eleni Karaindrou, also from other Angelopoulus films:

From Srbjia - Boris Kovac with LA CAMPANELLA ORCHESTRA:

The mystical, ethereal Bulgarian Voices:


Fanfare Ciocărlia -'the speed brass demons' from Zece Prăjini, Romania:



(they had play here in Lisbon for several times, their live concerts are absolutely stunning)

From Emir Kusturica's "Underground" film (masterpiece):

From Russia playing Balkan music:


From Portugal (but NOT fado!...)




I also leave you here a link to a special italian project:


From Poland two of my favorite classic contemporary composers: H. Mikołaj Górecki and Krzysztof Penderecki.

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apiarona In reply to DrrrSpinnen [2018-05-29 14:41:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you beautifully. My work is personal to me, and I can see it evolves all the time... I'll think what good I can give

Recently I was focused on making pictures, not as much poetry as before, but it's my love I have to return to it... It’s an intense experience for me to write poetry.

Before I used to think Portuguese is similar to Spanish (which I used to learn), but it has something different, a kind of “softness” Spanish doesn’t have.  So you can say you understand Romanian to some extent? Ooo

I haven’t been by the Black Sea, alas, but I visited Bulgaria as well, and through Macedonia to Greece as well (Thessaloniki). In Poland the Carpathians begin, but I haven’t been there either, I saw more of the western Polish mountains. But who knows, I might go there someday, to the central Carpathians I love watching mountains, and when I was in Makedonia, I swear I’ve never seen such high mountains

And wow! Thank you for sending me this much music!!! But of course I know of Bregović’s collaboration with Kayah, the result is magical… very memorable music. And I love “Ausencia” with Cesaria Evora. My mother has several cassettes with Goran Bregović’s music I sadly haven’t heard of the film “Ulysses Gaze”… But the music is very good, although I had some problems with playing the videos you sent me they’re not available in my country). But personally I can recommend the film and the music “Rembetiko” by Costas Ferris, somehow I managed to watch it in the internet, I don’t know if it’s ever been on Polish TV. It’s a beautiful and sad film. www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXJQmT… It’s about the famous (in Greece) singer Marika Ninou. I don’t even know how I found it, but it’s a precious finding… I also know about Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares… I adore these voices. And the album is released by 4AD, I love many artists from 4AD. Now I started to think I need to buy this album finally!

And Interestingly, Fanfare Ciocarlia were at Etno Port in my city (Poznań), one year or two years ago, and I was there! Hah, now I remember! And I’ve heard of Madredeus, but didn’t have a chance to listen to something… So it's not fado? Where can I listen to it then?

I love Górecki’s “Symphony of Sorrowful Songs”, but unfortunately I haven’t heard of his music until I read something about Ulver’s (the Norwegian band) inspirations… And Krzysztof Penderecki’s music, I’ve listened to it a while ago, it’s strange music (in a positive way), intriguing…I like the sense of experiment in music.

But have you heard of Zbigniew Preisner’s music? I love his filmscores, like in Krzysztof Kieślowski’s films

Thank you again for showing!!!

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DrrrSpinnen In reply to apiarona [2018-05-29 18:44:22 +0000 UTC]

Waiting for more pictures from you soon, your poetry made of light and shadows.

Indeed, Portuguese is softer and quite different from spanish although we can understand well each other... yes, you are right, i can understand Romanian to some extent (although not to much...)

Then, you could make the route of "Nosferatu" : ) --> Curtea de Arges, Varna, Galati, and so on...

Yes, i know Zbigniew Preisner’s filmscores from Kieślowski’s films and have the trilogy "Bleu Blanc Rouge" and "Decalog" (filmscores).

Also very interesting is Wojciech Kilar composer.

Sorry then for the links of 'Ulysses Gaze' and 'Trojan Women'. Actually, i' m having now (but not in the past) the same issue, i can't see those videos for the same reason as you. I hoped they were available for your country.... anyway, if you have opportunity, please, do not miss this film! It is really impressive. One of the best films i ever saw.
Thank you so much for your recommendation of the film by greek director Costas Ferri that i didn't knew. Surely i want to see it. I trust in your refined good taste.

I first met Bregović music by seeing "Queen Margot" film with filmscore by him.

Well, so let me say that your mother has very good music taste too  : )

I like a lot the musical side of Emir Kusturica with his band The No Smoking Orchestra... They also played live here in Lisbon for various times. That was mind-boggling!...

Voix Bulgares i think i have the first volume from 4AD, anyway, there are also several other interesting bulgarian voices albums not from 4AD, like, for example, The Bulgarian Voices Angelite

www.discogs.com/artist/340242-… .

I confess i do not like fado, in general. With this exception: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwhV1i…

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apiarona In reply to DrrrSpinnen [2018-05-30 16:36:25 +0000 UTC]

I'm working on something recently, it's a little photomanipulation, I hope to upload it soon. Although I know, I'm not too fast at creating...

BUT - I actually wrote something yesterday, but I will show it to you in a note as a private message.

Haha, yes, that would be great to visit the places & cities according to the "Dracula" Even though Stoker never visited these places... But I guess there's already something like "vampire tourism"
Well, that was a bit silly of me, I would be REALLY surprised if it turned out you haven't heard of Zbigniew Preisner... "Trzy kolory"  and "Dekalog" are magnificent! And I really love the music from "La Double Vie de Veronique". And Wojciech Kilar as well (thinking of the music from Coppola's Dracula, ahhh....)

I will look up for sure these two films, I'm curious to see them. Sometimes on YT there are full movies I wouldn't guess I can find. But well, they of course disappear quickly...

Haha, I don't know if my taste is "refined", I just like looking for things on my own, mostly out of curiosity

My first contact with Bregović's music wasn't through a film, it was thanks to his collaboration with Kayah, I could hear it on the radio often, when it was new. And later I found my mother's cassettes and it helped me to discover more I can say, this "type" of music is liked by people sensitive for aesthetic and beauty "La Reine Margot", that's a difficult film, actually it made me cry, it's very powerful.... 
I saw some films by Emir Kusturica but didn't know he makes music as well... I must check it out!  

Ahhh, yes, the Portuguese guitar... I like its sound. Why don't you like fado actually?

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DrrrSpinnen In reply to apiarona [2018-05-30 22:58:45 +0000 UTC]

I will wait for your poem in pvt, then : )

Sometime ago even Vlad Dracul’s castle was on sale...

Wojciech Kilar’s  filmscore of Coppola’s "Dracula" is very intense, indeed, and also had the participation of the amazing greek singer Diamanda Galás! Do you know her Work?

Not bad the “Dracula” by Coppola but my favorite are Murnau’s (masterpiece) “Nosferatu, Eine symphonie des Grauens” as well as the 1979 version by Werner Herzog - “Nosferatu, Phantom der Nacht” with the ‘quintessential’ Isabelle Adjani.

This scene (of the dance of death and the last supper), in particular, is absolutely impressive and 'mesmerizing' → www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdzHAK…

I was quite sure that you knew the collaboration Bregović/Kayah  : )

Yes, “La Reine Margot” is a powerful and disturbing film, as well as the filmscore by Bregović.

You can check for Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra. It is stunning. But they are really great when playing live…

Actually, i don't like fado because, in general, the lyrics are almost always about the subject of self pity, self pain and so on... : )

Anyway, there's also another kind of fado, with other kind of lyrics, good to listen live in typical Lisbon 'casas de fado' (fado houses). For example, there’s one in particular whose lyrics are an ode to Lisbon and 'her' beauty. A poem in which Lisbon is portrayed as a beloved woman-muse-city, whose breasts are their hills, and so on…

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apiarona In reply to DrrrSpinnen [2018-05-31 06:18:53 +0000 UTC]

You will receive it soon, with English translation of course

Yes! I do know Diamanda Galas, she is a very unusual musician, with almighty voice... It's not so easy to find albums to listen to online, though :/ But when I found it, it's music you can't be indifferent to. I have seen Murnau's "Nosferatu", yes it is wonderful (for some reason I became fond of silent films, seen some others as well... the reconstructed music (recorded later to the films) is something I find special). And have seen Herzog's Phantom der Nacht, too. I loved this film. And yes, Isabelle Adjani, there is something magical about her (Haha, "Quintessential" again, is a meaningful word for you) I actually didn't know before the song is Georgian  

I must check Emir Kusturica and the No Smoking Orchestra (interesting name, hah) then, after I'll come back from work today

I see, it's about the lyrical content then. But the music is very interesting, obviously there's no such thing in Poland... Just different sensitivity, not to mention modern Polish people like to complain about their own country not in a refined way. But one thing interesting music-wise in Poland is sung poetry for example


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Jarovit6 [2017-05-20 21:19:06 +0000 UTC]

"Śmierć jest sztuką
Ciało i ziemia przeznaczone są sobie"

Bardzo podoba mi się zamysł jak i jego realizacja.
Mocna świetna praca trafiająca w mój gust.

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apiarona In reply to Jarovit6 [2017-05-21 19:56:38 +0000 UTC]

Pięknie dziękuję

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Jarovit6 In reply to apiarona [2017-05-21 20:40:31 +0000 UTC]

Cała przyjemność po mojej stronie.

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LukreziaTate [2017-04-21 10:53:34 +0000 UTC]

zakopana...wszystko z ziemi do ziemi wraca, intrygujesz mnie

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ewelajnai In reply to LukreziaTate [2017-04-27 17:09:20 +0000 UTC]

Niezwykle ciekawe 

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apiarona In reply to ewelajnai [2017-04-27 17:29:27 +0000 UTC]

Dziękuję Ci (:

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apiarona In reply to LukreziaTate [2017-04-21 12:13:05 +0000 UTC]

Czasami moje pomysły mnie zaskakują

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nicotiniac [2017-03-31 19:06:17 +0000 UTC]

oh, it is so disturbing
being buried alive is a deep fear
i sense the earth and tones pushing down on a living being…
on you!

it worries me so much
it's a fantastic image, well done!

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ewelajnai In reply to nicotiniac [2017-04-06 19:32:55 +0000 UTC]

Wspaniałe. Gratuluję.

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apiarona In reply to nicotiniac [2017-04-01 03:43:52 +0000 UTC]

Either being buried alive or realizing the truth about oneself which is buried within. Disturbance and viscerality are some of my tools. Thank you so much!

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ritakomi [2017-03-31 07:35:31 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful!!! Very intense!

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apiarona In reply to ritakomi [2017-03-31 08:03:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!

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ritakomi In reply to apiarona [2017-03-31 08:19:55 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome!  

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SophieDereal [2017-03-30 20:08:13 +0000 UTC]

so intense!
" je serai sous la terre et fantôme sans os, par les ombres myrteux je prendrai mon repos" Pierre de Ronsard

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apiarona In reply to SophieDereal [2017-03-31 08:03:01 +0000 UTC]

Ohh! Thank you! And the quote is beautiful! So happy you showed it to me!

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SophieDereal In reply to apiarona [2017-03-31 09:49:26 +0000 UTC]

a great pleasure, dear Edyta!

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KingsOfEvilArt [2017-03-30 17:29:02 +0000 UTC]

No no, ciekawe. Plus ładne łapki

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apiarona In reply to KingsOfEvilArt [2017-03-30 17:51:49 +0000 UTC]

Dzięki ładne łapki? Zabawny jesteś

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KingsOfEvilArt In reply to apiarona [2017-03-30 18:00:27 +0000 UTC]

czemu? Mówię poważnie.

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apiarona In reply to KingsOfEvilArt [2017-03-30 18:03:19 +0000 UTC]

OK (:

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