Published: 2008-11-15 17:05:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 12309; Favourites: 221; Downloads: 295
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EDIT: Actual reference is here -> [link] in this one are some incorrect informations so don't use it if you would like to draw her ^^I thought that Iskra really need some new character sheet (the old one is here: [link] )
Height - 14.2 hh
Breed - Solven
Colour - red dun
Eye colour - azure
Markings - bronze/white masking on head, azure wing markings, black/white socks, golden hooves
Age - 12 / immortal
Sire - Cavien
Dam - Vilandra
More about her personality: When it goes about meeting new horses she is a little shy at the beginning, but after she forms an opinion and fell sympathy to this horse she becomes more trustful. She have a big temper, easy gets angry and easy forge and apologize. She is a little immature and sometimes acts like some crybaby., but sometimes can get really charming and tender. Especially when it goes about her most-uber-favorite stallion Hurricane (as an example of her babyish character is that she would never (ever!) admit that). She is a big friend of her cousin Wena and likes to wander around with Sol Bianca. Iskra really loves night, sunsets and sunrises and snow.
When I was designing her I played a lot at Zoo Tycoon 2, there I noticed that Okapi really have wonderful markings (I liked this animal before but idea to use it as a horse design appear just then) In some places she is a little similar to myself: her ‘skinny’ colour of a coat, blue eyes, dark markings (I like black details in my clothes, especially shoes), brown feathering…
BTW: Her name means Spark in English and I chose this in cause of her temper ;3
And yes this breed is not existing anywhere. I really wanted to draw a horse like this one for looong (when I was younger someday I designed a horse helmet with a horns like this one, but I think in this version it looks better. ^^
sorry for my bad english
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Comments: 67
GoldenCopperMare [2011-05-07 13:27:23 +0000 UTC]
I love her zebra stripes. Really striking mare
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Monti-Panther-4-Life [2011-03-07 21:56:23 +0000 UTC]
I love your mane and tails! Is there any chance you can make some tutorials about how you do your work?
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
AonikaArt In reply to Monti-Panther-4-Life [2011-03-08 09:35:46 +0000 UTC]
I already made few tutorials, check my gallery to find them
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Monti-Panther-4-Life In reply to Monti-Panther-4-Life [2011-03-07 21:57:33 +0000 UTC]
xD scratch that! I just looked farther into your gallery and found some
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AonikaArt In reply to weaver1217 [2009-06-14 17:43:34 +0000 UTC]
She is qutie small - 14.2 hh. I have to add this info to the description, I don't know why it is not here
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jeffreymypony [2009-05-27 17:08:35 +0000 UTC]
She's beautiful!!! I have a question: How do all you horse artists make such perfect manes? Is there a special brush or something? Because I cannot figure out how to do that... Thanks in advance for any answer you can give!
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AonikaArt In reply to jeffreymypony [2009-05-28 16:59:28 +0000 UTC]
There is any special brush to draw a mane or tail. It's just a shape created of thin lines nothing more
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Eliloves13 [2009-05-10 01:52:07 +0000 UTC]
wow shes a kickass horse i love her design love the shading coloring and the horns are the best shes soo unique one of coolest horses here on dA
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AonikaArt In reply to Eliloves13 [2009-05-16 09:02:03 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for this comment ^.^ Now I'm going to create some new Solven, actually their designs are done I just have to paint them ...
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Eliloves13 In reply to AonikaArt [2009-05-16 12:00:35 +0000 UTC]
wow cool i can't wait to see somemore of this awsome breed
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bunnkie [2009-02-17 13:03:40 +0000 UTC]
i totally love the desgin!and are you thinking of making a solven breed refrence?I would really like to make one!
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AonikaArt In reply to bunnkie [2009-02-17 13:48:15 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. I'm thinking about doing a reference, but for now I have many unspecified details about them ^^
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Eclipsedwolf [2008-12-11 22:41:05 +0000 UTC]
nice, what a cool character. i really like her design aswell as the horns x3
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Anti-lioness [2008-12-09 09:51:45 +0000 UTC]
Bardzo pomysłowe . I świetne kolory
No brawooo ^^^-
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DorinaQ [2008-11-17 15:22:19 +0000 UTC]
śliczna postać pomysl z rogami byl strzalem w 10 ,nie mowiac juz o kolorach.
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MichelleWalker [2008-11-16 19:18:27 +0000 UTC]
This has to be one of the most unique equine characters on dA - I simply love her design! Gorgeous ref sheet.
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AonikaArt In reply to MichelleWalker [2008-11-18 14:15:37 +0000 UTC]
There are much more unique designs here on DA, but I wanted to be original in my own way ^^ Thank you ^^
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orochi-rob [2008-11-16 03:26:22 +0000 UTC]
nice work, but i think that you have to include more draws of the character, for example the head and others parts that could be special or diferent!
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AonikaArt In reply to orochi-rob [2008-11-18 14:17:24 +0000 UTC]
You're right. The back view would be usefull, but it's a very hard angle to draw and I was to lazy to draw it when I finished the rest xD I'll try to add some more details soon ^^
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FaeTian [2008-11-16 02:15:39 +0000 UTC]
That's very beautiful! I love her markings. She looks so unique!
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Blue-Star1 [2008-11-16 01:48:43 +0000 UTC]
She looks awesome! Just wondering did you use a program?
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AonikaArt In reply to Blue-Star1 [2008-11-18 14:17:58 +0000 UTC]
Thanks =3 And about a programm I'm using Photoshop
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Blue-Star1 In reply to AonikaArt [2008-11-18 23:46:24 +0000 UTC]
That is amazing! Also wondering what photoshop model?
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AonikaArt In reply to Blue-Star1 [2008-11-20 12:27:22 +0000 UTC]
it was half 0.7 and half CS2.
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KathyKnodoff [2008-11-15 23:04:56 +0000 UTC]
*zakochała się w tym cieniowaniu i wywijasach na ogonie*
Btw to fursona czy taki zwykły OC?
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AonikaArt In reply to KathyKnodoff [2008-11-18 14:18:50 +0000 UTC]
Właściwie to takie furosono - OC... nie do końca jej charakter odpowiada mojemu, ale bardzo ją na sobie bazowałam
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AonikaArt In reply to PuroArt [2008-11-18 14:19:16 +0000 UTC]
Nie ukrywam, że tak Grałam trochę za dużo w tego zoo tycoon kiedy myślałam o jej wygldzie
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AonikaArt In reply to Velliena [2008-11-18 14:20:05 +0000 UTC]
Mogłabym zrobić podobny dla Weny, co byłoby nawet prostrze, bo nie musiałabym jej nic dorysowywać, jak mojej Iskrze. Jakbyś kiedyś potrzebowała czegoś tego typu, możesz dać mi znać ^^
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Velliena In reply to AonikaArt [2008-11-18 15:31:10 +0000 UTC]
Jeżeli masz ochotę, to proszę bardzo
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