Anisa-Mazaki — Give The Gift Of Art Contest Entry - ANGEL HEART

Published: 2014-12-16 04:47:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 1566; Favourites: 63; Downloads: 0
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(WARNING - PLEASE DO NOT CRITIQUE, or you will be "flamed" and blocked.)

So this is my finished Entry for the Official DA Contest > Give the Gift of Art Challenge.

 This is suppose to depict a girl, who people consider sweet, innocent and cute with many artistic skills. The markings on her wings are a representation of her art skills. The closest representation of such is sometimes an angel, hence her appearance. In this piece, she is offering up her affections to someone she really likes alot. To me a heart is a precious thing, cuz it's not easy to give someone your heart. You don't know if they will break it or not o.o
I'm really sorry about the "cute" stuff but this entire week since last Thursday, all I seem to think about is cute characters with pink, blue and green colours... (shrugs) 0.0 And sorry if it seems kinda "Valentines Day"-ish but this was how I was currently feeling since then. Even worse on Friday for the class party...

This is for2 people actually, who I know in real life...
> Marc Spencer, who is my close friend as of late ^.^ We've known each about a yr and a half and I have a crush on him... He's aware of it and he apparently has one on me too ^.^

> (Ex), cuz he was a sweet guy...It's just he doesn't know how to balance himself between work and spending quality time.


Using Adobe Illustrator CS6, I started drawing out the left hand on Saturday Night, when I saw the contest and remembered I said I would join.
On Sunday, daytime, I did this:
>Give the gift DA Contest WIP 1
>Give the gift DA Contest WIP 2

Sunday Night, I started the Colouring Process and Detailing Process in Photoshop CS6:
>Give the gift DA Contest WIP 3

Monday Morning to now in Photoshop:
Give the gift DA Contest WIP 4
>Give the gift DA Contest WIP 5

and now you have the final piece.

The colour Scheme I used is from this which I created for fun on Rinmaru's Avatar game Saturday Night before I remembered this contest. I had liked the colours so I used it in my Photoshop Colour Blends by using the dropper tool and zoom tool to get the pixels I wanted a colour from.
Maria Comic Rep Photo

Referances Used:
Anisa Mazaki
>Moltres Gijinka Entry (FINAL)
>Anatomy Study Ref Photos (Personal cuz those are photos of myself, nude from when I was talking my Drawing from Observation Classes last yr. You do not need to see them.)
>Rough Sketches of concept design. (Already thrown away)

TIME TOTAL: 45 HRS (almost 2 days) minus 7 hrs of sleep, (2 hrs Sunday, 2 hrs Monday Morning and 3hrs Monday Evening) so... 38 hrs really I worked on this entry.


> Adobe Illustrator CS6.
> Adobe Photoshop CS6.
> Optical Mouse (I don't have a tablet, and never did. Sorry)
> Gateway Laptop - Window 8.1 (Designed to run Animation Softwares from Adobe and Maya etc)
> Paper and Pen
> Inkjet all in one Scanner/Printer.


Layers, Eraser, Brush tool set at 0.05 pt and 0.01 pt.


Layers, Eraser Tool, Std Solid Brush Tool, Std Soft Brush Tool, Std Colour Palette, Colour Dropper (for the Maria img), Zoom, Opacity, Effects Tool (Outer Glow), Smudge Tool @ 50%, and a Bamboo Brush at 1000 something... oh and the Brightness and Contrast Tool.
(Please note that the Colouring Process has been recorded by Debut Screen Capture. I forgot to record the drawing process cuz I thought I would run out of time o.o )

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Comments: 23

Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-24 00:08:44 +0000 UTC]

Too bad.... Results are in for the Semi Finalist. I didn't "get it"
So... does that mean that I can change this file back to it's original size now or what??

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JCCJ756 [2014-12-17 19:36:17 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful Artwork!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Anisa-Mazaki In reply to JCCJ756 [2014-12-17 19:44:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks ^.^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JCCJ756 In reply to Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-17 19:52:29 +0000 UTC]

Your Welcome!

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Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-16 05:43:50 +0000 UTC]

This is the finished Entry.
What do you think?

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ronggo In reply to Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-16 05:57:36 +0000 UTC]

I think this is awesome!!! I can see & feel that you really put all your heart in this work,.. mind, body and soul!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Anisa-Mazaki In reply to ronggo [2014-12-16 06:03:56 +0000 UTC]

More like emotions really and how I feel about the 3rd guy I mentioned o.o and what I would do if he asked for a dating chances or something... but...

I always srew up around that guy o.o When I'm suppose to be nice to him, I act all mean and angry and he "runs away" everytime
The Class Party made me feel bad cuz I got to be alone with him again for the yr and I said something mean


But thanks for the compliment ^.^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ronggo In reply to Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-16 06:25:23 +0000 UTC]

the 3rd guy would be at a great loss if he does not see and capture the emotion behind this art work ^____^
don't worry about "screwing up" (which I don't think that is screwing up, I'm not saying I understand women 100%)
it is our duty to understand "signals" and "random noise" emitted from girls (that was a quote I've seen somewhere)
Men who does not understand or chose to ignore is at a loss that he is unaware, one who does however.. somehow 80% of them went to friend zone,

forgive my language if its "error" my english, I learn mostly from watching cartoons, movies or news (CNN) so stuff might not come out correctly as I meant

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Anisa-Mazaki In reply to ronggo [2014-12-16 08:22:49 +0000 UTC]

That's....where you're wrong...
I did "Thank you" works for him already and the reaction I got was a negative one -.- but that was before when I was working with him last yr for my animations.
At the time I didn't know how to thank him for all the help he was giving me at the time and then his stupid friends kept making jokes about him and I being "a couple" or who like who -.- At the time  I was not attracted to him what-so-ever but he did make me feel comfortable for some reason. He doesn't have to say anything. He just has a nice aura ^.^ kinda like being by a fireplace when it's cold ^.^

I think the reason I'm so mean to him is because of his guy friends and their implications. A joke is a short thing and that's fine, but this time they taking things way too far -.- And they are causing confusion -.- I am literally on the verge of getting a gun and shooting him point blank in the face, just cuz of them -.- It's so annoying. And I have to hide my "real" emotions cuz of them -.- It's so pointless -.-
Here's what I mean by "implications"


Well that 80% need to learn how to approach a girl. You can't just walk up to any girl and say "Hey babe. What's up?" You have to observe them first -.- otherwise you'll get friend zoned.
As for this guy... well I don't know... I wouldn't friend zone him, cuz he's a nice guy. (Wwaaaaayyy nicer than the one who asked me to be his friend for benefit -.-  or any other guys in class)... but I can't really be in a relationship or anything with him either, cuz my education comes first and plus I don't want my dad to kill him like how he tried to do with my other boyfriends (exs)... If he asks, I hope he understands and is willing to wait...but then that's the other thing. I wish he would speak his mind instead of hiding his feelings and trying to act all "macho" Him trying to be "macho" aint a good look for him, cuz he's not that type of guy. And he's so difficult to read -.- Only his friends seem to give him away, but his attitude towards me is like a damn good counter offensive to cover himself -.-

BLAST! I wish I could read his mind... 

Oh wait... I can Only problem is how to get near him enough to actually touch him o.o That's the hard part -.-

Don't worry about it. I understand you completely.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ronggo In reply to Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-16 09:36:35 +0000 UTC]

wow after reading it "both" I see your point and story, at the end perhaps (later in the future which perhaps may not be an end but a beginning of another 'chapter'), it would be your decision based on his own action(courage?) and not his friends. Indeed education comes 1st and family, I am certain your father only wants what is best for you and your future. (still I was a teenage once.. and the hell with all of that lol)

I'm not saying 'men' are dumb but we do sometimes (most of the time...-___-") have difficulties of making the next move to someone we "adore", each 'men' are also different in how they approach the situation, many as you said and I previously stated.. went to friend zone , while some maybe successful, maybe half of the successful ones turns out to be "not so good person after a while" (if you know what I mean). 

here is something for a smile (i hope) , found this a few weeks ago on the net :
sta.sh/0i5zuth56v2 (a joke and a depiction of the world of men ..  well not all,.. some.. emm.. mostly...? hehehe otherwise they wouldn't created this as a joke )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Anisa-Mazaki In reply to ronggo [2014-12-16 21:04:15 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I know ^.^

Yeah, but try working with someone who is racist and a hypocrite. My dad is racist. He doesn't like "foreign" people and he doesn't like African type people (although he did sleep with my mom and made me and he cheats). He doesn't like stupid people who would take advantage of me either...

And I would much rather protect the guy from my parents than let things happen.

Yeah I know what you mean. I've dated 4 guys in real life, in my country and they turned out to be jerks... Ones that were online weren't good either cuz there's the absence of physical contact... eg you want to hug the person but can't and after I leave, they turn into jerks anyway...so....yeah...yep. I definitely know what you mean

(looks at it and laughs)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ronggo In reply to Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-17 05:23:18 +0000 UTC]

well.. I admit racism is still one of the big problems in the world, it is always easier to "spot the difference" than "find the similar" somehow perhaps it is embedded to our human nature, one must put them to good use other than negative.

Long distance relationships is always hard , but some do work

oh by the way.. thank you for faving my latest revision,.. it took me weeks to study about skin tone (that's why I'm always revisioning), but no more for that picture, I am happy and will not change anything otherwise it will take away the "life" I have put into from the beginning.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Anisa-Mazaki In reply to ronggo [2014-12-17 05:30:21 +0000 UTC]

Yeah that's for stupid people...
I'm not racist, but I am very picky and choosey about who I want to be with.

Well I guess the one with Dinesh didn't work because he's an engineer and he's always focused on work and he makes up excuses as to why he can't talk to me -.-
So I made his choice for him. I left his ass! and I could care less now.

You're welcome. I bet you didn't know that for this week's 3DShe Vid, I voted for you ^.^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ronggo In reply to Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-17 05:33:52 +0000 UTC]

WOWOW you did aahhhh sorry I didn't know... 

I was supposed to "appear" on one of the videos, but not yet I guess

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Anisa-Mazaki In reply to ronggo [2014-12-17 05:46:15 +0000 UTC]

Did what??


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ronggo In reply to Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-17 05:52:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Anisa-Mazaki In reply to ronggo [2014-12-17 06:06:14 +0000 UTC]


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ronggo In reply to Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-17 06:12:55 +0000 UTC]

visited the video link, I didn't see your comment a few days ago because of in a hurry  
anyway.. I sub your channel too, will visit your videos when I have the chance ^___^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Anisa-Mazaki In reply to ronggo [2014-12-17 07:07:02 +0000 UTC]

I just added the comment like 7 hrs ago o.o


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ronggo In reply to Anisa-Mazaki [2014-12-17 08:05:51 +0000 UTC]

hahaha sorry ^__^

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Anisa-Mazaki In reply to ronggo [2014-12-17 08:08:17 +0000 UTC]


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EvilKittyArtworks [2014-12-16 04:47:42 +0000 UTC]


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Anisa-Mazaki In reply to EvilKittyArtworks [2014-12-16 05:43:11 +0000 UTC]

Thanks ^.^

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