#fanart #illustration #painting #warcraft #worldofwarcraft #wow #wowart
Published: 2017-08-17 06:11:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 34720; Favourites: 1239; Downloads: 994
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Comments: 55
LunaTheEluneWarrior [2019-09-27 21:15:25 +0000 UTC]
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OoOLobombreOoO [2019-08-29 20:29:30 +0000 UTC]
Love this piece! one question, the character under Arthas is Uther or Tirion?Β
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gantzu [2019-05-05 21:08:54 +0000 UTC]
Well now, i follow you on weibo and twitter, there's nothing else to say.
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bman1990 [2019-02-02 22:08:07 +0000 UTC]
the first from the left i dont know who it is, the one near illidan , is that arthas? the one beneth him? also ... Β
why do we have 2 kurdan's wildhammar?
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OoOLobombreOoO In reply to bman1990 [2019-08-29 20:30:15 +0000 UTC]
one is Kurdran and the other is Falstaad
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GaboHank [2018-12-09 20:24:53 +0000 UTC]
1/1 Varian (When split in two) (?)
1/2 Onyxia (?)
1/3 Lo'Gosh
2/1 Aegwynn
2/2 Medivh
2/3 Sargeras
3/1 Khadgar
3/2 Gul'Dan
3/3 Garona
4/1 Thrall
4/2 Garrosh
4/3 Vol'Jin
5/1 Yrel
5/2 Maraad
5/3 Velen
6/1 Malfurion
6/2 Illidan
6/3 Tyrande
7/1 Jaina
7/2 Arthas
7/3 Uther
8/1 Loth'Remar
8/2 Kael'Thas (?)
8/3 Sylvannas
9/1 Draka
9/2 Blackhand
9/3 Durotan
10/1 Anduin
10/2 Deathwing
10/3 Wrathion
11/1 Baine
11/2 Magatha
11/3 Cairne
12/1 Muradin
12/2 One of these is Falstad (?)
12/3 The other is Kurdran maybe (?)
13/1 Zul'Jin
13/2 I have
13/3 No idea
14/1 Magni
14/2 Thaurissan
14/3 Moira
15/1 Nathanos
15/2 That guy from wrathgate in the best warlock armorset
15/3 Varimathras
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pjf3 In reply to GaboHank [2019-04-03 14:57:18 +0000 UTC]
Troll at 13/3 probably Zen'tabra the druid.
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vilov1234 In reply to GaboHank [2018-12-10 18:01:41 +0000 UTC]
The troll in 13/2 is Rokahn
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juankmlo In reply to GaboHank [2018-12-10 02:02:34 +0000 UTC]
We don't deserve heroes like you
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Boojthebeast [2018-03-09 04:05:14 +0000 UTC]
the vivid colours, style, attention to detail and clean subtle linework on this piece make me want to cry it's so perfect!!Β Β
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Epic-Tragedy267 [2018-02-10 19:38:20 +0000 UTC]
I am in love with the amount of diversity! Wonderful work
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pazzaar [2017-12-29 23:43:53 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely phenomenal, a piece of art that keeps on giving. Good stuff.
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GRAVEWEAVER [2017-12-21 19:20:29 +0000 UTC]
i love this picture more than i love myself
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Kureenbean [2017-09-15 10:19:36 +0000 UTC]
w-w-w-whoa this is incredible. I need to play this game again sometime
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Laurenas [2017-08-28 10:50:15 +0000 UTC]
Inspiration at his best. Astounding beautiful, thank your for sharing this work. :*Β
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Diinzumo [2017-08-25 23:01:05 +0000 UTC]
Not often you see mostly profiles. This is neat!
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Caydh [2017-08-20 11:47:34 +0000 UTC]
This is awesome! Great job! Every single portrait is already so good.
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pulyx [2017-08-18 18:34:30 +0000 UTC]
I see, left to right:
X, Aegwynn, Khadgar, Thrall, Yrel, Furion, Jaina, Lor'themar, Draka, Anduin, Bloodhoof, Muradin, Zuljin, Magni, Y
Katrana Prestor, Medivh, Gul'dan, Garrosh, Maraad, Illidan, Arthas, Kaelthas, Blackhand, Deathwing, Grimtotem, Kurdran, Z, Thaurissan, Putress
Lo'gosh, Sargeras, Garona, vol'jin, velen, tyrande, tyrion, sylvannas, durotan, wrathion, baine, W, zen'tabra, moira, varimathras
Who are ones i missed? X, Y, Z Β and W?
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Aidanna In reply to pulyx [2018-12-09 19:50:08 +0000 UTC]
Lo'gosh rather say it's Varian, and X would be King Llane propably
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Tonlor In reply to pulyx [2018-08-06 17:32:09 +0000 UTC]
Y: Nathanos Blightcaller
Z: Rohkan (I think)
W: Falstad Wildhammer
X: still not sure
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Tonlor In reply to pulyx [2017-12-01 03:28:51 +0000 UTC]
X could be Alodi? the first guardian.
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TenderDiamant In reply to Tonlor [2018-07-14 08:10:57 +0000 UTC]
Or Lothar ? But, like you, I really think it's Alodi.
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Oryctolagus520 In reply to pulyx [2017-08-19 04:06:07 +0000 UTC]
I believe Z is Kurdran and W is Falstad. We were beating between Tirion and Greymane for the bottom middle old man lol. My friends insisted Greymane, I thought it was Tirion.
Nathanos BlightcallerΒ looks like Y.
NO ONE knows who X is. He is the mystery man of the bunch.
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pulyx In reply to Oryctolagus520 [2017-08-19 05:54:20 +0000 UTC]
Oh Falstad and Nathanos. good call. I agree. Damn, Totally forgot about Falstad. Z is Sen'jin. Had forgotten about him too.
I think the white haired dude is Tirion 100%. Greymane has a pony tail and a full goatee. Not a full beard.
Maybe X is Lord Daval Prestor? King Llane ?
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Oryctolagus520 In reply to pulyx [2017-08-19 06:25:41 +0000 UTC]
Oops, you're right. I got off one on my counting and thought you were missing the dwarf rather than the troll for Z.
I agree with you on Tirion. They're starting to see it my way! lol
As for X, I believe we found a tweet from the artist saying it was Varian pre Lo'gosh? But I could be wrong.
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pulyx In reply to Oryctolagus520 [2017-08-20 21:56:27 +0000 UTC]
Makes sense. I just saw the gif she posted of the process and the first sketch he had a much more stern, serious expression on his face. She softened him up while painting.
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Daemarus In reply to pulyx [2017-11-15 00:06:55 +0000 UTC]
The old man is Uthar. Look down each column, they all have to do with each other. Jaina, Arthas, Uther. The only one I cannot figure out is the first one. Someone, Onyxia, Logash... I cant figure out who he is. It could be Vancleef, but I doubt it...
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pulyx In reply to Daemarus [2017-11-17 11:39:40 +0000 UTC]
The old Man is Tirion Fordring. Uther has red hair with white streaks. Tirion's got that sideways white hair. And he was the one who actually slayed Arthas. so there's your connection.
The first dude though, still a mystery. Might just be pre-amnesia Varian.
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bubu2993 In reply to pulyx [2018-04-14 23:56:24 +0000 UTC]
I'm a bit late for this, but couldn't it be the other Varian? The charming one who was on Stormwind while Lo'Gosh was a gladiator. Onyxia is the one who separated them so it would make sense she is in the middle of both.
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Lyna-ZF [2017-08-18 02:11:13 +0000 UTC]
Can't describe how much I LOVE itοΌοΌοΌοΌοΌοΌοΌοΌοΌ
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Dakuato [2017-08-18 00:51:42 +0000 UTC]
Wow, these look stunning!
Some of these take me back to the good old days in Vanilla WoW+ TBC <3
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coppertrouble [2017-08-18 00:03:39 +0000 UTC]
This is amazing, they all look insanely good!
Also, it was fun to figure out who they are (still in doubt about a couple of them)...
Cheers Β
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ChrisGalaxy [2017-08-17 21:12:35 +0000 UTC]
Amazing. As someone not that familiar with WoW lore and characters, anyone mind telling me who is who?Β
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Wyzzel [2017-08-17 16:17:27 +0000 UTC]
Β Fantastic work! I wish to see everyone completely! β€
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NicholasExxonite [2017-08-17 15:34:15 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely gorgeous! How much time did it take you?
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344262 [2017-08-17 14:49:03 +0000 UTC]
"These heroes have saved millions of lives across the galaxy each new hero we get another life is saved"
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MelanaAdara [2017-08-17 11:02:49 +0000 UTC]
This is a beautiful picture; but do you have a list of all their names. I can't put a name to all of them and I'd really like to know who they all are.
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