angelamyrose — Reborn Prower family

Published: 2019-04-27 05:05:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 8152; Favourites: 186; Downloads: 14
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Description it’s kind of a complicated story how we ended up here but you’re looking at a family with 2 moms, a dad, 2 half brothers and their adopted older sister

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Comments: 44

PsychologyM [2022-01-14 12:02:32 +0000 UTC]

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angelamyrose In reply to PsychologyM [2022-01-24 17:02:50 +0000 UTC]

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SuperViewtifuljoe3 [2021-07-22 01:22:54 +0000 UTC]

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angelamyrose In reply to SuperViewtifuljoe3 [2021-07-24 06:04:14 +0000 UTC]

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SuperViewtifuljoe3 In reply to angelamyrose [2021-09-17 23:35:07 +0000 UTC]

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ROXYJAM101 [2019-04-30 12:27:39 +0000 UTC]


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ROXYJAM101 [2019-04-29 21:21:37 +0000 UTC]

I wonder what knuckles family is going to look like.

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angelamyrose In reply to ROXYJAM101 [2019-04-30 01:58:31 +0000 UTC]

I can do his next

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asteriartful [2019-04-28 16:39:01 +0000 UTC]

Okay... so Rose is now Dahlia (lovely name ngl)
Tailsmo is Ace relationship (always wholesome)
Cream hooked up with Scourge (I had such a visceral reaction when I read that) and had the green boi (Kale?)
Tailream finally got together and had Leo (I swear I remember him when he was a green-and-orange fox but I may be confused)

Tailsmoream is an OT3 poly fam (Tails and Cosmo are ace together, Tails and Cream got together, but Cream and Cosmo are just friends)

Do I have it right?

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angelamyrose In reply to asteriartful [2019-04-29 03:03:01 +0000 UTC]

Leo did used to be a green and yellow Tailsmo kid I changed him so yeah you're not crazy there, and as for Cosmo and Cream, I dunno I kinda of like imagining little things like Cream giving Cosmo a kiss on the cheek and an exaggerated "uhg I freaking love you, you're the best" as she grabs a homemade lunch from Cosmo on the way out the door on a busy morning.

but yeah that's basically all where I'm at now with the current version of my next gen.

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jshepard19 [2019-04-28 00:19:27 +0000 UTC]

I like Rose's outfit^^

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angelamyrose In reply to jshepard19 [2019-04-28 02:20:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, her name's been changed to Dahlia though so we don't have Rose Prower and Amy Rose, less roses y'know.

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jshepard19 In reply to angelamyrose [2019-04-28 02:52:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh, ok and you're welcome^^

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EijiMuto37 [2019-04-27 20:40:25 +0000 UTC]

Ok..... So I am making assumptions I know the 2 half brothers and I can only assume the older step sister is the one behind that Cosmo looking girl who kinda also looks like Cosmo... SO I assume that Cosmo had a child outside this family and married in and Cream had the green brother outside the family as well and married tails too and then had the younger tails looking, brother.

Feel free to correct me and also explain who the fathers of the older step sister and older half brother are and how the hell it happened. Cuz right now I am also assuming that Cream's older son either is the son of Manic or the son of Scourge (basically a green evil version of Sonic from the comics, I think you this know but just in case.) and I HAVE NO CLUE who Cosmos daughter is.

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angelamyrose In reply to EijiMuto37 [2019-04-28 02:24:05 +0000 UTC]

So the girl behind Cosmo is Dahlia, she's the oldest and she's adopted, not blood related to anyone. Then there's Tails and Cosmo who kind of broke up sort of? like they're in a sort of Ace relationship where they live together they raised Dahlia together and are real close emotionally but there's no sex. Cream got with Scourge while young and naïve then broke up with him when he went to prison. Raised her son by herself for a while in Chun-nan then moved back to Green Hill to help out her mom and eventually hooked up with Tails and they had Leo.

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EijiMuto37 In reply to angelamyrose [2019-04-29 04:00:34 +0000 UTC]

Heh ok, that's interesting Tails ended up with Scourges girl after he got with Fiona huh? Tails had a crush on her but she was never really interested in him. I am assuming you know who she is too so my question is 1 does she exist in your version of the Sonic universe or not and if so what's the story there? Sorry, I have a lot of questions, I'm just curious since I read the comics before I moved back to Huntsville.

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angelamyrose In reply to EijiMuto37 [2019-04-29 04:16:14 +0000 UTC]

yes Fiona exists here, no she and Tails have no background together in this universe. Fiona is Scourge's ex girlfriend who he eventually reluctantly gets back with years after he and Cream split up and he gets out of prison.

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EijiMuto37 In reply to angelamyrose [2019-05-01 21:29:52 +0000 UTC]

Ok just wondering cuz I really liked Fiona's design in the comics.... I don't remember you drawing her before so I would like to see that at some point.

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angelamyrose In reply to EijiMuto37 [2019-05-04 01:56:14 +0000 UTC]

she's tatoo'd on Scoruge's arm, dunno if you noticed.

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EijiMuto37 In reply to angelamyrose [2019-05-04 14:41:58 +0000 UTC]

No..... I don't think I even remember you drawing Scourge that or you have it on a website I haven't visited.

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angelamyrose In reply to EijiMuto37 [2019-05-04 20:53:11 +0000 UTC]

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EijiMuto37 In reply to angelamyrose [2019-05-05 13:06:03 +0000 UTC]

Alright, that's cool I like the tattoo with all the roses in the background and I like the interaction. Also that's probably the most badass thing I ever heard Cream say to anyone, Death knight looking mother fucker or anyone

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angelamyrose In reply to EijiMuto37 [2019-05-05 21:29:56 +0000 UTC]


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DocMelonhead [2019-04-27 15:15:33 +0000 UTC]

I hope most of the two shippers are okay with this.

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angelamyrose In reply to DocMelonhead [2019-04-27 16:41:31 +0000 UTC]

well the poly shippers on tumblr seem really happy with it

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KaoticKanine In reply to angelamyrose [2019-04-27 18:12:04 +0000 UTC]

I'll admit, I'm only a Tailream shipper and not too fond of Taismo But I'm always good with poly between the two ships, so long one character isn't favored over the other And so, I do love this take on Tails, Cream, and Cosmo a lot! And the kids are really lovely as well

Gotta ask though, how did Cream get with Scourge and have a child with him? lol Just really curious given how opposite Scourge is of Cream

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angelamyrose In reply to KaoticKanine [2019-04-28 02:20:06 +0000 UTC]

Well it's a long story, Tails and Cosmo are in an ace relationship for starters for reasons that will make sense when Cosmo shows up in Reborn. Cream was young and naïve and believed all that romantic crap about being able to fix the bad boy with love and kindness and shit, kind of got sucked into an abusive relationship for a few year, eventually he went to prison and she raised her son by herself for a while living in Chun-nan then moved back to Green Hill to help out her mom when he Kale was like 12, and then Dahlia (who Tail's adopts in reborn) and Kale got the idea to try and hook their parents up sooo... here we are.

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KaoticKanine In reply to angelamyrose [2019-04-28 11:59:28 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see!

I can actually see Cream being like that lol Trying to reform a villainous person into a good character. But alas, there's no reforming with Scourge. Though at least she got a good son out of him X3 And indeed, Kale and Dahlia earns great points with me for hooking Cream and Tails together!

I wonder if they use that to get Leo to do everything for them
"Hey Leo! Could you do the dishes for me?"
"Oh come on, I always do the dishes when you're supposed to!"
"Dude, I'm the reason you exist right now! *Laughs* It's the least I could ask for."

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angelamyrose In reply to KaoticKanine [2019-04-29 03:04:51 +0000 UTC]

XD I imagine Leo's older siblings probably mess with him a lot given how big the age gap is, he's the baby in the family, like his sister was probably already almost and adult by the time Leo was even born if not an adult.

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KaoticKanine In reply to angelamyrose [2019-04-30 03:07:42 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow Poor Leo! Both his sibs are borderline adults (or already adults), with all the perks that come with the age, and he's just a babby lol 

Oh man, and I just realized that Cream's relationship with Scourge is like a repeat of Vanilla's relationship with Cream's father Assuming that video is canon to Reborn, very clever  

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angelamyrose In reply to KaoticKanine [2019-04-30 19:26:57 +0000 UTC]

It is cannon to this universe and yes that is some deliberate theming there. Vanilla never really talked to her daughter openly and honestly about her dad. Cream fell into a similar pitfall in part because her mom was the kind of mom who says "you shouldn't date that guy, I don't like him" but doesn't explain her own experiences and thus her child fails to learn from her mistakes. It pays to be honest with your kids about your failings or they're likely to make the same mistakes.

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KaoticKanine In reply to angelamyrose [2019-04-30 20:23:18 +0000 UTC]

I see :'O

Most indeed! As is said many times, history is doomed to repeat itself unless we learn from the past. And alas for poor Cream, her mother did not tell of her own past v_v

But at least Cream is hooked up with Tails now lol Who I hope gives her much love (and maybe a third child *wink wink* 😅)

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angelamyrose In reply to KaoticKanine [2019-05-01 01:27:48 +0000 UTC]

Well if you count Dahlia she kind of does have 3 kids now
she got a new kid that just came with the package when they got together

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KaoticKanine In reply to angelamyrose [2019-05-01 01:41:45 +0000 UTC]

Oh right 😅 I'm so sorry, I forgot to count her lol

On that note, what is Dahlia's story? She's a Seedrian but apparently unrelated to Cosmo, so I'm going to assume that she's just another member of the species who turned out to survive the Metarex?

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angelamyrose In reply to KaoticKanine [2019-05-04 01:58:16 +0000 UTC]

in this universe, instead of spreading Cosmo's seeds specifically there's a slight retcon that the Meterex had a stash of seeds they planned to spread after wiping out animal life, sort of like creating this new peaceful utopian universe for the new generation of seedrians. Dahlia is just one of those who landed on mobius.

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KaoticKanine In reply to angelamyrose [2019-05-04 02:30:28 +0000 UTC]

Oooooohhh :3 Very interesting!

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ROXYJAM101 [2019-04-27 14:09:51 +0000 UTC]

Wait is cream and tails so name? Because I already know that's Kale is the son of Cream and Scrouge ( I think) and tails adopted Rose,right. So let me guess, I think that tails kinda felt sorry for cream and kale at that time because this was a first time for cream to raise a kid. I mean I know that Vanilla would have helped her. So time went by and tails and cream saw each other and maybe talk about how each have been lately, but Cream haven't told home EVERYTHING. So they been meeting up and having drinks and all and eventually meeting tails family but by the time tails meet her son he was shocked but cream finally told him everything going on and so he felt sorry for her. And he thought that maybe she can live with tails family for a liitle bit until things go good for them( that's my opinion hope u like it )

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angelamyrose In reply to ROXYJAM101 [2019-04-28 02:27:56 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome to write a story like that yourself if you like, in this universe Tails and Crema got together in a sort of parent trap scenario where their kids gave them a little push, also Tails and Cosmo are in a sort of ace relationship, they're not actually committed romantic partners but they did raise Rose (who's name is now Dahlia) together and are really close

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ROXYJAM101 In reply to angelamyrose [2019-04-28 02:36:35 +0000 UTC]

Thx, Mate.

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angelamyrose In reply to ROXYJAM101 [2019-04-28 02:56:39 +0000 UTC]


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ROXYJAM101 In reply to ROXYJAM101 [2019-04-27 14:50:52 +0000 UTC]

Sorry I mean what is Tails and Cream son name?

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angelamyrose In reply to ROXYJAM101 [2019-04-28 02:25:28 +0000 UTC]

Leo (originally this kid was an old tailsmo OC of mine but I changed him, his names still the same though)

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Shelly345 [2019-04-27 13:28:36 +0000 UTC]

This looks great! 

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Backjack-Kitsune [2019-04-27 05:59:14 +0000 UTC]

so afte her ordel cosmos became crippled and who else would except the idea of having a sister like cosmos other than cream this is so nice and such a great idea  and tails just looks so dapper 

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