Published: 2006-05-10 09:22:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 6889; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 199
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Yeah, this happens a lot, and it's totally legal!!!Well, at least I think it is.
It is really, really really painful to get stabbed in the neck (I got a bruise from last week because of that
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Comments: 71
Dakuu75 [2014-01-25 07:08:48 +0000 UTC]
That's crazy, I've always been curious about fencing so, it stings a bit to learn something like that (I would hope the same spot counts for women, even though it wouldn't have the same "effect"). Anyways, I like the little one page comic, it's funny and well done. Awesome-sauce~
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Ink-The-Plague [2013-11-26 21:25:41 +0000 UTC]
Yeah XD I got hit/scratched on the neck my opponemts epa slid under my mask I had a giant red mark for like a week XD
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Ryuuzaki-L-spy-19 [2013-06-19 15:50:51 +0000 UTC]
Great comic you have there, i guess what my fencing teacher Doug told us was the neck area is a target area in foil now
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invader-zim42 [2013-05-22 18:58:20 +0000 UTC]
Ah, I've done this to my friends an unfortunate number of times...my point control sucks and they never learn from it...
Still funny, though, in a sort of painful way
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Phantomon2010 [2011-02-14 05:04:36 +0000 UTC]
hehe. I've done this to the guys on my team. :3 It's good being one of the only girls. :3
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RawrMyRainbow [2011-01-08 02:52:00 +0000 UTC]
lol ouch. i remember someone hit me off target really close to that place and i got a huge bruise after XD
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soraac [2010-12-18 05:15:01 +0000 UTC]
hahahah, goodness. I always end up doing this in sabre! hahaa.. and always to the same person, i have no idea why
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Agrodolce [2010-07-07 02:40:12 +0000 UTC]
It's worse when the blade goes under the bib and nearly hits your neck. One of my friends got flicked behind the ear and lost hearing for an hour.
IT IS TOTALLY ON TARGET! Hooray for being the only girl on the team!
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FictionArtwing [2010-07-06 22:24:31 +0000 UTC]
Ha! yeah, that does happen a lot! I do it quite often to guys.. ..they call it The Sterilizer!
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ice-deathrunes [2010-07-06 19:29:48 +0000 UTC]
that sucks. but then again that's exactly why i don't play olympic style. for us, EVERY one of those shots was LEGAL and a KILL. but... our swords are heavier, and our armor thicker, so... i guess it makes sense. too bad you can't wear a gorget, that reduces the pain frm a neck shot hugely
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Gonnnondorf [2010-05-17 05:55:23 +0000 UTC]
Ugh, all of those happen to me WAY too often... It's painful. D:
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DaSpartan [2010-05-04 23:39:40 +0000 UTC]
Ouch... I think the neck shots actually hurt more, to be honest 0.o
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aki-nya-chan [2010-02-07 16:00:38 +0000 UTC]
yus! this i have done many times... and it works.... =w=
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kuro-woofwoof [2009-08-19 01:47:55 +0000 UTC]
Haha. That's why my coach makes all the boys wear cups. You must fence foil. In epee and sabre you get stabed in the neck A LOT, because it is target. And in sabre, you get nasty welts when people hit too hard.
Sorry...great comic, by the way. The sadistic side of me just fell off my chair laughing!
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va-za [2009-08-08 17:50:49 +0000 UTC]
If it's foil, then yeah - it's legal. Not that I'd know anything about rules, being an epeeist, although I have dabbled in sabre (and that isn't a mispelling - sabRE not sabER, if your british anyway)
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kai22430 [2009-07-13 00:29:08 +0000 UTC]
Its true yet funny, I hate it when this kinda stuff happens. It has happened to me in western fencing (this) AND in kendo (japanese fencing)it sucks DX
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RuffianWench [2009-04-29 04:27:28 +0000 UTC]
This is too funny! And true! This one competition my buddy got stabbed there three times, and the third time, even the judge looked at the other guy and was like, WTF?
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louiethemonster [2009-01-15 01:38:13 +0000 UTC]
Ohhhh. This happened last week. Everyone in the club just groaned. >_<. So painful.
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hitsugayaluver123 [2008-11-17 00:03:20 +0000 UTC]
haha omg i did that before! i was fencing this guy in my class and i hit him there and he fell down in pain XD i felt really bad
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GuardianJohn [2008-04-01 00:39:28 +0000 UTC]
...Sadly enough, I've had several close calls of that exact nature against female fencers. ><
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FabledFaith [2008-02-05 16:59:23 +0000 UTC]
-giggles- it's so true!
It also really sucks getting stabbed like.. RIGHT above the BP. Like, the collarbone. ><
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hplanii [2007-12-03 01:43:07 +0000 UTC]
Yup, I'm guilty to that too. Lol... I mean, it IS on-target!
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lunecramoisie [2007-10-15 04:01:30 +0000 UTC]
I just started fencing a few weeks ago and the thing I think I said most was, "OH MY GOD STOP AIMING FOR MY CHEST YOU PERVERTED PSYCHOPATH!"
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lunecramoisie In reply to lunecramoisie [2007-10-16 21:56:50 +0000 UTC]
*bows before the Salad Bowl* Of course. But I'm so flat I could prolly use a men's chest guard. XD
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Angel-Uriel In reply to lunecramoisie [2007-10-16 02:35:30 +0000 UTC]
Unfortunately, that happens to be the main target zone in fencing. Thank the lord for incredibly un-sexy xena-style breastplates.
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Bahamut-egh In reply to Angel-Uriel [2009-02-09 06:18:47 +0000 UTC]
you may dislike the breastplates for that reason but they're also incredible hard to fence against, the damn swords keep bouncing off without landing properly.
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snazzypoo [2007-10-14 11:24:14 +0000 UTC]
Brilliant ;D
Im learning fencing @ Uni. I've been hit in the neck before. *Gag* Was with a foil & it wasn't on purpose.
But God, you should see all the bruises the epee-ists have on their arms!
Ace pic - loving your work.
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Dark-Shinigami In reply to snazzypoo [2008-03-23 22:55:55 +0000 UTC]
I'm an epee-ist and you're right we do get lots of bruises on our arms and legs...
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photogenicx [2007-09-18 01:41:03 +0000 UTC]
I'm epee, so the only off-target is really...the floor. But I got hit in the neck the other day under my mask, and it left like...a welt. My dad thought it was a hickey. XDD
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Angel-Uriel In reply to photogenicx [2007-09-18 07:44:59 +0000 UTC]
You know, you're the second person to inform me about epees in one day...funny that.
Anywho, shame your dad thought it was a hickey, hope it didn't hurt too much... I think my dad would congratulate me if I had a hickey though, or at least tease me to oblivion
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photogenicx In reply to Angel-Uriel [2007-09-18 10:46:20 +0000 UTC]
Haha, oh..yeah, I see that. My bad.
And it wasn't bad. Dads are...like that. With the teasing and the weirdness. XD I think it was more of a joke-question than...an actual one, hahaha
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espressotherapy [2007-09-18 00:11:59 +0000 UTC]
haha!! xD. this is priceless. except that i fence epee where the only off target is the floor, but this is hysterical. lol. fav-ing.
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Angel-Uriel In reply to espressotherapy [2007-09-18 07:41:13 +0000 UTC]
Heh heh, and thanks for the fav!
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Angel-Uriel In reply to l33tshinobi [2007-09-17 03:04:44 +0000 UTC]
Glad you find it funny (instead of tragic ) and thanks for the fav!
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l33tshinobi In reply to Angel-Uriel [2007-09-17 21:20:32 +0000 UTC]
ur welcome^^...it was very funny, but i dont know why considering im a guy...(it was painful and funny at the same time...) and about it being tragic...there is a lot worse out there.^^
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l33tshinobi [2007-09-16 02:22:29 +0000 UTC]
lmao...i had to steal this from u... "ooooo...my future children!"..lol!!
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Stranger-In-Black [2007-09-13 01:17:16 +0000 UTC]
He11 yeah! I've actually done this to someone....
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TheTiminator1 [2007-09-12 23:37:00 +0000 UTC]
I learned the hard way you need a cup if your going to fence. But it is a very fun sport, and amazing art!
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Angel-Uriel In reply to TheTiminator1 [2007-09-13 05:10:46 +0000 UTC]
ooo, ouchies. I hope the lesson wasn't TOO hard.
Much thanks for the comment and fav!
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