AneurysmGuy — Bug Town

Published: 2019-03-23 11:57:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 328; Favourites: 81; Downloads: 0
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Description From last Summer, I tried to photograph insects and out of ca. 100 pictures this is the best. I don't know what those big things are but I am happy that they aren't any bigger than that. 
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Comments: 49

StarburstingCrafts [2019-10-11 20:09:46 +0000 UTC]


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AneurysmGuy In reply to StarburstingCrafts [2019-10-14 12:14:26 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, rush hour.

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TheGameartist03 [2019-10-09 14:47:58 +0000 UTC]

You have no idea how long it took me to figure out that those crawly things were ladybug larvae XD

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AneurysmGuy In reply to TheGameartist03 [2019-10-11 16:35:42 +0000 UTC]

They don't look nothing like a ladybug sure. I didn't know that either until somebody told me that. 

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TheGameartist03 In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-10-12 00:31:59 +0000 UTC]

I found one crawling on a table once, made a whole character on it, found a bug identifier website halfway into making a story for an assignment and poof! Ladybug larva. I did a full on double take when I found out, lol

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AneurysmGuy In reply to TheGameartist03 [2019-10-14 13:52:52 +0000 UTC]

Bugs sometimes startles me if they crawl inside a house, like on a book that you just picked up. But here in the nature they don't bother me, well it's a good thing that they are so small that you don't see them like this all the time. They look interesting, don't they. 

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TheGameartist03 In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-10-14 23:37:33 +0000 UTC]

Certainly! Ever seen a Mantidfly?

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AneurysmGuy In reply to TheGameartist03 [2019-10-15 13:05:36 +0000 UTC]

No, we don't have them in here. We don't have any interesting insects (like praying mantis) or animals. 

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BillyNikoll [2019-06-05 19:34:23 +0000 UTC]

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AneurysmGuy In reply to BillyNikoll [2019-06-07 15:13:32 +0000 UTC]

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AKoukis [2019-04-04 22:20:03 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful detail!!

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AneurysmGuy In reply to AKoukis [2019-04-08 15:10:08 +0000 UTC]


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QueenslandChris [2019-03-25 11:47:38 +0000 UTC]

Invasion of the ...Big Things!?!  

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-03-25 16:45:34 +0000 UTC]

Big and small, I don't know what would be more hideous. Those big buses from Hell or those small critters. "Remember your training and you will make it back alive!

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QueenslandChris In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-03-25 21:16:41 +0000 UTC]

Did you ever see the old scifi movie based on the H.G. Wells from book. "From the Earth to the Moon."? Theres a bit with giant caterpillars and bug men. It was the first thing I thought of. www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMw6O6…

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-03-26 16:24:06 +0000 UTC]

I am sure that I haven't seen that. The upskirt scene in zero g caught my attention (add Groucho Marx rising eyebrows here ) It sure looks interesting, I had to add it to my watchlist with the Journey to the Center of the Earth. I did watch the Wizard of Oz, all I remember of it was on the beginning of the movie.

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QueenslandChris In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-03-26 21:16:04 +0000 UTC]

I had to re watch it, I think I missed the upskirt scene! It's pretty dated, it was one of my uncles. We watched the old 50's version of War of the Worlds this pass weekend. I thought it was so cool when I watched as a kid, still kind of cool.

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-03-28 13:30:43 +0000 UTC]

You missed the best part. Sometimes old films have a feeling that they are decades older than they are, I have still Lang's Metropolis to watch, I've seen excerpt for here and there but not the whole movie. It's pretty but really slow paced, for a modern viewer. There's one War of the Worlds on our television today, from 1953, same movie perhaps?

I've started the Voyager, it feels really familiar even if I've forgotten like everything. There's a female half Klingon half human, funny that she's prettier and smaller than the other Klingon females in the series.

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QueenslandChris In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-03-28 21:59:43 +0000 UTC]

I think that's the same movie. Doesn't really go with the book but it was pretty cool when I was small. Especially those green skeleton beams...maybe they were x-rays. I liked the book too. We had a discussion once in class about the book and decided if those same Martians from the book landed today they would never make it out of the crater. I think the 1953 film guy knew that much even then. That's why they gave them the force shields I suppose. ...I could see Little Shicklegruber pulling that off.

I remember the half Klingon Voyager girl...I can see why they added the Borg girl 7 of 9...they really needed something to look at...or have you seen her yet? Personally I would skip Voyager and go to Enterprise and T'Pol ...I know..someone needs to make a T'Pol icon.

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-03-29 17:26:04 +0000 UTC]

It's pretty oblivious that Spielberg has seen that film, he either stole or made a homage to the farm scene. The aliens were something out of Star Trek TOS, remember the Kirk vs Gorn? When I was kid I loved a film where a kid sees UFO land in forest and then there's military confrontation with them, it's from same era as this film. Invaders From Space or something, I've seen a newer version of it too. What I wondered was why didn't the army just shell them with everything they had instead of waiting them to emerge from the crater. And I imagined an additional scene when the airplane dropped flares, in the light they've seen how the aliens were like 20 meters from the coming on foot with they phasers. Well, it would work in modern film better with one soldier's POV.

How a force field works, if it's constantly bombarded wouldn't it shut down or get overheated? Wasn't Dune has also force fields but you could penetrate them with slow moving objects? 

7 of 9 is from season 4 onwards, I've seen only 4 episodes. And I've seen her earlier, she was everywhere at the 90's, but not on our television.  

I did find this. 

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QueenslandChris In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-04-01 12:47:22 +0000 UTC]

I watched a video where Spielberg talks about making his film and he doesn't mention the 1953 version. It all came from his mind...sure...but it was obvious he had. There was even a cameo of the stars from the 53 movie at some point. I missed it honestly. I didn't like the 2005 version much, I really don't like Tom Cruise. Spielberg  said he could of made even more money if Cruise hadn't been such a wanker on the Oprah show.  I would like to see a version where the Martians land in Japan and encounter Godzilla. I thought there was similarities with "Independence Day" too.

I'm not sure how force fields work. I had a professor who talked about a field generator you could carry in your pocket that would create a static charge that would deflect rain. You wouldn't need an umbrella...cool right...except there was a huge danger it might cause brain cancer... so I suppose it would depend on the power source on rather it would over load..don't know. In Dune the force field prevented objects from traveling at a high rate of speed from penetrating. I think he used it to explain why everyone was carrying knives and swords. Plus using a laser on a Dune shield created a nuclear reaction. A big negative if you ask me.

I don't remember seeing 7 of 9 any where else, or T'Pol either for that matter. I think when you finally reach Enterprise you will be "Erittäin tyytyväinen"www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqbyrR…

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-04-02 16:09:54 +0000 UTC]

I now know what the other old alien film is, it's called Invaders From Mars and it's also made in 1953. And it's made because film studios had a race which one publishes the first technicolor alien film and the Invaders beat the War of the Worlds, now if I watched it it would probably appear made in a rush, I bet. There's also a 1986 version which should be really horrible, I remember it was quite exciting, but I was younger when I saw it. I vaguely remember the Cruise's crazy antics, but I don't know if it's just his fault that the film didn't succeed in box office, how his son survived and just walked in Boston or wherever they were going - that was a mystery me. I don't really remember a lot of it, same about the Independence Day - the old and new. If the new one is shown on telly I watch the first scene with Noonien Soong... Data...I mean Brent Spiner and end it there. Are you sure that there isn't a such film, there should be tons and tons film made in Asia that are newer heard in anywhere else. I've tried to find a clip about hopping ninjas, it was from some weird Hong Kong movie. But it's either taken down or I remember the name wrongly. 

So maybe they could use that particle thing to make people invisible too?

I've seen that clip earlier.

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QueenslandChris In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-04-04 12:53:00 +0000 UTC]

I vaguely remember Invaders from Mars, but not much. It may of been the awful later version. It didn't make an impression so must of not been enough explosions. I only heard about Cruises antics much later. I've always though him an egotist with an over inflated opinion of himself. I think Spielberg film was successful since it grossed over $700,000,000. I don't know how much more it would of been if Cruise had acted like a mature adult in public. I thought the 2005 plot was a little hard to follow. The two kids were wankers...but considering who their dad was

I'm pretty sure there's no Japanese version but there might be. I wonder how the Martian shields would stand up to Godzilla's atomic breath.

I didn't see the second Independence Day, I'm not sure anyone did. I thought Spiner died in the first film. What are "Hopping Ninjas"...tell me about it and I'll help you look.

I saw a video some where about how the military was trying to make Predator style camo and tanks with digital camo that matches their surrounding...I can't see how that would ever work outside in the dirt.

Where are you at with Voyager? Have you seen anything about the new Star Trek Discovery series. I hear it makes almost no sense. I also hear Picard is coming back...if he comes back Spiner can't be far behind.  

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-04-04 16:02:24 +0000 UTC]

Guess what, they are showing the 53 version on our television this night. It had some tunnels and rubber suit wearing alien guys, not so much action but suspense. Old version trailer is on youtube but it's so dark that I couldn't make much out of it, I'll see soon how much ham acting it contains. 

I am not a big Cruise fan, I like the first Jack Reacher film and Minority Report, but he has been sacked from the role. The Author didn't like that a petite guy like Cruise plays the Reacher's part. But isn't every major Hollywood star acting similar in their movies, like John Wayne, he was like the same "Duke" guy in every movie and he wore the same clothes in some of his films. Like Will Ferrell is angry in every movie, I has to honest that I've only seen scene here and there from his films because I can't stand him and I don't understand where's the humour in his acting. 

The ninja film was a clip where ninjas were bunny hopping when they attacked, it was a fight at a beach and they were circling the guy who beat them. It was very weird but I can't remember was it a film that was reviewed by James Rolfe (aka Angry video game nerd) or Nostalgia Critic. Or from where that clip was. Hmm, I did find a hopping zombie but could it be that I am that wrong?

This is a bit worrying, the Robocop of the future? www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSjKoE…

I've watched only 7 episodes so far, they are not but they feel like really dated. I haven't seen Discovery but what I've heard it's not good. But what kind of Picard they are giving us, how much they change him, do they make his personality darker? And they could bring Worf back too. 

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QueenslandChris In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-04-09 01:35:59 +0000 UTC]

I watched finally watched it on Youtube. Like you say it was dark in parts and it did seem like it might of been rushed. There was some really bad acting. They liked using te word "Atomic" a lot. Not sure how an atomic powered rocket would really work. I've read about the idea of a ship that was blasted into space with nuclear explosions. I don't think I'd want to hitch a ride on it.

Are you familiar with the show "Top Gear"? They have a segment where they let different celebrities drive a normal car around a race course and see who gets the best time. Tom Cruise got the best time but only because he destroyed 8 cars in the process. Cameron Diaz came on a few weeks later and beat his time with almost no experience. He demanded they let him return and defend his title. They said only if he paid for all the cars he went through. Didn't happen.

I found hopping bunny ninjas but I don't believe that's what you had in mind.

I'm not sure about Picard being in charge of any Starship these days.www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK9dlm…

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-04-09 15:44:34 +0000 UTC]

I watched the whole thing, well almost - it make me so drowsy that I got to bed. I understand why I liked it as a kid, it had a boy as a lead, there was a ton of old tank and halftrack footage, some action and mediocre suspense. Opposite to the 1982 The Thing film. It had a long scene where the astronomer lectures about UFO sightings, he told about real ones (Lubbock and Mantell) and he had a UFO models and of course one of them was the one the kid had seen. It was an atomic era, nuclear reactor is put in almost every machine in 50's scifi and reality. I've read about a different space ship where they would drop atom bombs and blast them behind the ship, there's a big shield at the end and that helps to push it to unbelievable speeds. 

Top Gear episodes are still rerun here, not my favourite show. My friend has a BBC's channel that publishes shows to Europe or worldwide, it's easier to watch them from there, it doesn't have commercials. But I prefer QI over Top Gear. They should've have let him come back and make a funny edit about his driving, put cartoon effects to his lap. 

That's weird, I thought it was a joke but it's real?  I keep thinking it's holodeck program...

Have you ever seen Auf Wiedersehen Pet? Jimmy Nail who plays Oz on that series talks and looks like brick. He's here on the first and last two clips on the spotlight www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhTtv5…  But his singing voice is totally different.

Really better than Patrick Stewart.

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QueenslandChris In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-04-12 11:49:03 +0000 UTC]

I watched the old Thunderbirds movie. Anderson had a lot of imagination if not a realistic understanding of physics. I love the models though. I also found this www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CvURi… I then he did a much better job with the marionettes

I think ufos were a really popular theme in 50's sci fi and atomics. I believe a lot of the Robert A. Heinlein ships were those atom bomb ships. That was back in the days when they were doing open air testing and thought it a good thing. "Oh look the pretty cloud!"   I read that in the U.S. people would gather around, at a distance, and have picnics and watch the blasts. Atomic tourism!mentalfloss.com/article/52631/…

I think the craze died down pretty quickly though...cancer I suspect.

My uncle told me about another show he remembered called "The Invaders"www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOLGrX… I watched a little. Looked kind of boring really but the model was pretty cool.

I've never seen Auf Wiedersehen Pet. Don't think it ever aired here. Better than Patrick Steward...you're not setting the bar very high

sorry about all the video links mate

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-04-15 16:04:54 +0000 UTC]

They did this show also www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLAsBz…  I am sure that I've seen some episodes of it but I don't have any memories what they were. I was so little back then. Your one was like Thunderbirds with actors, the vehicles were very similar to the puppet ones. 
I haven't read a lot contemporary sci-fi so I don't know if it's all now environmental or cyberpunk related. 
Here's a clip that's topical at this time of the year, at least it's to me. It should start around 18:50 where the interesting part is. 
youtu.be/FfDa8tR25dk?t=1131 It's atomic related. There was a Castle Bravo test that got out the hands, it was bigger than expected, I saw a 5 years ago a good documentary about it. I am sure that even today people would gather to watch those go off, some one's in a lifetime thing. Did you know how close the closest Hiroshima survivors where related to the bomb? www.inicom.com/hibakusha/akiko…

I have to admit that that Invaders intro was really slow and boring. But comparing it to this it's not that bad, this is slow and boring too. It's funny how much the music changes everything. www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHk5kC…

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QueenslandChris In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-04-16 12:18:45 +0000 UTC]

I don't much much about Hiroshima. I did read somewhere that everything within 1 mile was destroyed but I'm not sure if that mean people. The bomb they used was apparently small compared to today. Thanks for the link. What the hell were the guys with the shovels trying to do? Was that an actual clean up effort? If so it was pitiful.

I did read about the Castle Bravo test. I think that scared the hell out of them. The military only had a vague idea of what they were dealing with. It scares me to think about what kind of chain reaction they could of triggered. I understand that during the Korean conflict in the early 50's the generals wanted to use nukes on the Chinese but the physicists were afraid that uranium deposits in Northern Korea might trigger unknown reactions. Bloody wanks.

Yeah the Invaders was pretty bloody boring. Maybe because it's 50 years old now. I just liked the ship. I was driving home late one foggy night a few months back and saw a pulsing light that was getting closer and closer. I thought helicopter at first then "OMG that's a ufo and it's going to land right on me!!" I hit the brakes and skidded to a stop! Yeah it was a faulty street light,  

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-04-16 13:49:08 +0000 UTC]

Yes, Hiroshima's bomb wasn't similar to those like today, nowadays it would be considered only a tactical nuke. The building that's preserved as a memorial was almost directly under the explosion but it had a copper roof that melted milliseconds before the shockwave hit it and that saved it. Building were mainly timber ones, those who survived that close to the blast were inside a concrete buildings and lower levels. 

And about the shovelling bio-robots, they did clean that roof after all, it took some time and hundreds of men but they did it. This was one of the first groups and their job was to remove the most radioactive parts first,  those were scouted beforehand. Probably small fuel particles or graphite blocks. Did you notice that there was graphite modulators with their channels visible, usually those are inside the reactor. Their job was to throw all that material to the reactor 4's open hole or pit that was right next to this one. Here's a Igor Kostin's photo from that roof, notice how the radiation has affected the picture. www.chernobylwel.com/blog-deta…  They tried to use robots but those couldn't handle the radiation. 

It was Douglas MacArthur who proposed that, or so I remember. There was also a one crazy general in Air Force who gave a permission to dog fights high over our Lapplandish airspace. After that Soviets realised that our Air Force couldn't stop USA planes so we got modern jet planes (well Mig 21's) cheaply.  

Lamp encounter of the third kind. 

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QueenslandChris In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-04-17 20:13:57 +0000 UTC]

I watched the Chenobly video a couple more times and not sure what I think about it. Even with the english subtiles it's still unclear. Who is Masha? Some of the protective gear they were wearing looks like they picked it up at K-Rauta at best. I wonder about what was said about the German equipment being so bad as opposed the their own. If my math is right the guy said he was 13 when the accident occurred and that was 25 years ago at the time of the video...that would make him 38 years old...he looked 60. What do you know about the stuff they were spraying from the helicopters? I wonder how effective it really was...is.

I've heard of MacArthur...none of it was good. USA jets over Finand. I feel sorry for the Mig 21 pilots. www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa_z57…  

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-04-18 15:34:51 +0000 UTC]

Masha was that area of the roof, either the whole roof or just part, M area or M zone was the official name, it was a nickname of some sort. K-rauta isn't that bad, if it's from Motonet that's other story. What I've read and seen they did those themselves, they used what material they had and they were used only one and thrown away, but I doubt that they recycled them liquidators were conscripts after all and Soviet regime never cared about it's people. 

The guy who shows what to pick, the guy with a plank, is in shorter clips narrating who and what is happening, he speaks Russian and those are translated in English - but even a non native like myself understands that translating isn't really on the spot, you have to really think sometime what they are trying to say. On one of them he tells that Soviets asked for help and West Germany and Japan built robots for removing rubble, but Soviets lied the radiation levels (they told that those were lower than they actually were) and that's one reason why the western robots didn't last for long. I have understood that there isn't single robot that could have survived those conditions. The tallest crane in the background that's from west too, it disappeared after the cleaning and sarcophagus was built, probably used to built something else - no worries for it's radiation levels. 

I remembered only boron that they dropped but when I checked it was the smallest amount of the stuff they used. It was lead, sand and clay etc that was also dropped to the graphite fire, and only small amount of it hit the target. So all in all it was pretty useless. It gave to the helicopter pilots and crews a healthy nuclear tan thought. I assume that you meant that.

Mig 21's are good planes, still in use in North Korea. 
That was really slow-paced trailer, today they would use the dogfight scenes more prominent. Somewhere in the youtube there's a interview from one of the real pilots who did the flying in Top Gun, when they filmed the air traffic tower scene (low and high speed pass) there was personnel from the base everywhere to see that. Mainly because it's forbidden and ends one career if done without permission like in the movie. It's now defunct but there was a site where real pilots did list everything that's wrong with the film, in real life after all the stunts Cruise would've been flying a desk in Greenland. 

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QueenslandChris In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-04-19 13:01:09 +0000 UTC]

So does any of this have to do with this..digg.com/video/finland-buildin… ?

I suppose with neighbors like the Soviets ... Why did the Soviets supply Finland with Migs...I didn't think you two got along all that well. I really don't keep up with world events like I should.

I was only kidding about Top Gun. I never watched it. I just remembered Tom Cruise was in it and I think he's an ass. I also didn't realize that the Mig 21 has been out for so many years...and they're still in use. I understand some of the Middle Eastern countries still fly them. Like Iran and Syria and probably Argentina too.  I read some where that Korean pilots were handicapped by the Korean Language. In a situation where fractions of seconds count their language is to involved. A Finnish pilot might say "turn left" it might take a Korean several seconds to say the same. Not sure if it's true. There were several Vietnamese aces who flew Mig 21s though...according to Wikipedia at least. I wonder if Ilmari Juutilainen ever flew in a Mig?

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AneurysmGuy In reply to QueenslandChris [2019-04-23 15:32:52 +0000 UTC]

Yes, it could be used for a air-raid shelter or just a shelter, but similar structures have been build in every city. In Helsinki those are bigger thought and it's easier to build underground and our bedrock is stable, no earthquakes here - not big ones at least. So it's safe to go underground. 

Soviets and Finns did have a good relationship, it was important state to our import and export, even thought we had a huge self-censorship about anything negative press about Soviets, did I mention earlier "suomettuminen" finlandization or something. Sometimes Soviets did pressure our government if they wanted something but all in all our relations were good, even we were then and still all a little bit wary about our neighbour's intentions. We got Mig because our air defence was a poor one, I remember that it has something to do with the treaty after the Second World War. 

You might still want to see the air combat scenes, 80's rock and spinning planes, sadly those F-14's are retired from the Navy. 

Didn't they use Soviet pilots in Korean War? When the situation was really hairy they started to swear in Russian and gave themselves out. It was Curtis Lemay who was the crazy general who was really trying to start a war with Soviets. 

Ilmari Juutilainen was retired from the armed forces when the Migs arrived, he was a quite a character, didn't have any remorse about the war and blankly said that it was the best time of his life. He said that in one documentary. 

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ch-a [2019-03-25 02:51:58 +0000 UTC]

oooh, can't belive those turn into ladybugs.  

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AneurysmGuy In reply to ch-a [2019-03-25 16:48:45 +0000 UTC]

It's like butterflies from hairy caterpillars to beautiful things. 

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ch-a In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-03-25 21:49:14 +0000 UTC]

Yes! I agree. They are very useful too, they eat the aphids that make bumps on my fruit trees.

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RealMantis [2019-03-24 08:50:21 +0000 UTC]

these Ladybugs in the state of larva... 

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AneurysmGuy In reply to RealMantis [2019-03-25 16:47:46 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I must admit that those aren't the most pleasant bugs to look.

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travelie [2019-03-24 06:13:13 +0000 UTC]

quite busy   

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AneurysmGuy In reply to travelie [2019-03-24 07:44:44 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes! It's funny that those hideous thing turn at the end to ladybugs.  

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travelie In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-03-24 08:54:09 +0000 UTC]

oh they are larvae! didn't know that.   

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AneurysmGuy In reply to travelie [2019-03-24 09:02:11 +0000 UTC]

I didn't either until yesterday when I published this picture.

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travelie In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-03-25 16:41:43 +0000 UTC]

nature is just awesome   

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stalker034 [2019-03-23 21:15:57 +0000 UTC]

absolutely awesome gorgeous diamond photo!!!!!                  

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AneurysmGuy In reply to stalker034 [2019-03-24 07:45:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'll hope I have patience to photograph better macros this Summer.

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stalker034 In reply to AneurysmGuy [2019-03-24 11:32:26 +0000 UTC]

my pleasure, my dear friend                                            t is absolutely wonderful, I wish you good luck and great success

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emortalcoil [2019-03-23 12:25:39 +0000 UTC]

The rather hideous looking insects that are beside the adult ladybug are larval-stage ladybugs.


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AneurysmGuy In reply to emortalcoil [2019-03-23 12:49:27 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I thought that those are aphids but really big ones, or just bugs. Not the pleasant looking things, like some living trucks from Hell. 

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