Published: 2009-12-04 22:10:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 14246; Favourites: 290; Downloads: 198
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[EDIT]I have altered her actual scale colors... Well see, crys used to be white... allwhite... and her scales used to be opalescent, like my birthstone... though opals shine mostly pink... she shines that blue color... the ONLY reason that I decided to change her color to light blue is because everyone kept drawing her like that... I understand that people have different screens and color codings on their computers that might scew the colors of something if it's not clearly explained... After looking at Shinerai's coloring of her I realized that I really missed her white scaling. and I have been neglecting my love for cream color ^^ so I have changed her colors back to WHITE! not light blue but have fun with the lighting when you draw her for in the right lights her scales shine that beautiful bluish-teal color ^^ however the shading color is more yellow-cream. Thank you for reading this if you have read this whole schpeal then go ahead and put an & in your comment <3
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Finally finished it! PHIEW! yay I love it... New crystacian!!... Version IDON'TEVENKNOW
lol I realized that I lazy-failed to put in the other back wing and the buttfluff feathers on the right leg side :b they are there for reals I swear!
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changed a few things... like... her teeth... bones... nails... even the stalk of each feather is a NEON GREEN COLOR
:> the eyes are switched around... what was yellow is white and what was white is yellow :>
I changed her back feet from that STUPID wierd three bigtoetwolittletoepieceofcrap... to more handlike feet...
changed the coloring a bit... on her hands instead of the WHOLE THING STOOPID RANDOM PINK, only the pads of her hands and feet are pink :>
where her wings used to connect all wierd to her underarms... (doesn't make sense?) I decided to make her wings NORMAL and connect from the shoulder like NORMAL ANIMAL WINGS... and added a fan of underarm feathers that are seperate from the wings...
the ear is a bit different... more pretty... like the way that =Shinerai drew her ear... I always loved it! so I made it more like that... and there is a little bit of hair in the ear... ^^
no stoopid earrings aymore!!!! D:< or tassles!!! DAMNIT I hated drawing those ROFL but she does have a NOSERING... on the right nostril
her build, specially her neck is more horsey as well... since she was born in the year of the horse... the back legs are a bit more stalky...
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Comments: 67
NorthSkyThunder [2010-11-22 00:35:26 +0000 UTC]
& holy shit awesome XD <3
hey hey... I missed ya
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StrayaObscura [2010-11-03 17:57:47 +0000 UTC]
I very much do like this character of yours! A unique design I cant say Ive seen before. Keep it up!
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H8tersgonaH8 [2010-09-26 18:18:09 +0000 UTC]
HORSES ARE NOT DRAGON I H8 you all learn real art and stop spaming the web with these copied cookie cutter abortions
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FarTooManyBees [2010-07-12 02:22:49 +0000 UTC]
What an incedible and totaly awesome dragon! definite favs!
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MangustoxRamone [2010-03-26 20:38:19 +0000 UTC]
loooove her new outlook!!! and sooo many details! even form of skelet! Great work! ♡____♡
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kyotosorae [2010-03-17 08:38:36 +0000 UTC]
amazing work! amazing colours! amazing EVERYTHING! i love it!!! x3
p.s. her tail remembers me from shrimp xD
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Turtle-Arts [2010-03-10 10:25:44 +0000 UTC]
Hoo-wee! That is one cracked out dragon! I really like it, but man, this thing is definately unusual!
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Anarchpeace In reply to EpicBeardGuy [2010-02-19 07:00:40 +0000 UTC]
AND if a lobster tail is all it takes to make a skinny cutey dragon original, then just shoot me now. Also, pointing her out as a sparkledragon is basically re-stating already known facts. Seriously though, I would like to see what kind of designs you believe to be worth while. No smart-alac intended
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Anarchpeace In reply to EpicBeardGuy [2010-02-19 06:32:58 +0000 UTC]
np, yeah her design is kind of odd, but she's not made for epic design, more just me. and there's nothing on there where I am freaking out about trying to be original or awesome, or all "don't stealy" anyways.
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Anarchpeace In reply to Anarchpeace [2010-02-19 06:33:52 +0000 UTC]
I mean, look at those emo bangs... how cheesy is that?
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iFrostByte In reply to EpicBeardGuy [2010-02-19 01:47:43 +0000 UTC]
Shin does that too, why don't you go complain to him?
and besides, it looks great, I don't kow what your brain is thinking there c:
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Anarchpeace In reply to KineaJynxx [2010-02-05 05:52:16 +0000 UTC]
rrrrrr, I guess look at this for a bit'o background :> Here is also moarrr about them a bit :>
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KineaJynxx In reply to Anarchpeace [2010-02-05 05:57:47 +0000 UTC]
mkayz. Thankies ^^. SHE SHALL BE THE SECONDARY COLORED lobstah dragun...if that is okay wif u?
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Anarchpeace In reply to KineaJynxx [2010-02-05 06:17:51 +0000 UTC]
lol wut??? XP secondary colored?
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KineaJynxx In reply to Anarchpeace [2010-02-05 15:24:56 +0000 UTC]
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Anarchpeace In reply to KineaJynxx [2010-03-02 16:38:31 +0000 UTC]
OH MF GOD I AM RLY SILLY... I must have been like... REALLY TIRED OR SOMETHING LOL I FEEL STUPID AS AN ARTIST... fffff not knowing what you mean by secondary colors omfg... *slaps self* D: when her design is BASED off of primary and secondary color ideas FFFFFF XP
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KineaJynxx In reply to Anarchpeace [2010-03-03 02:26:55 +0000 UTC]
GAWD CRYS UR SOOOO STOOPID! lol jk. WELL MINE IS GOING TO BE ALL PRETTY AND SHIT. JEBUS CRYS. Oh, can the scales on their back be pierced? I was thinking of giving her a corset piercing. AND IT WILL BE PINK.
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Anarchpeace In reply to KineaJynxx [2010-03-03 16:46:45 +0000 UTC]
LOL I'm sure they would find a way lol 8D
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KineaJynxx In reply to Anarchpeace [2010-03-03 22:14:09 +0000 UTC]
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DA-Critique [2010-02-03 08:04:36 +0000 UTC]
just randomly visiting, and i saw this pic. whether you comment back or not is obviously your choice... i just wish to leave my feedback here. i hope you don't mind.
i find her design unique. yes. but overdone.
i find it overdone due to the fact it seems like just about half of the things that's on her design seems like a simple 'add on' for the sake of being different, but not a sake of function.
the feathers on her shoulders and back legs, the extra huge puff of fur on her back feet, the dragging fur on her tail (i personally found the tail design a very unique idea on a dragon. but i thought it was too much with the added fur and what-not), what is the purpose of this? it seems like it'll be more of a hassle seeing as it might get tangled up or dirty, or get infected by insects crawling on the floor. unless she's supposed to look like a fashion creature (like a Shih Tzus dog?)... Is there also a reason her bones are green or was it just cause it "looks cool"?
i know this is your design, your species, your idea. so you have free will from whatever colors anything can be to whatever combination of things one can create. if anything i prob have no real say on this either.
But, I just thought of pointing out those specific elements since i usually think well created species rely more on function and the "why" (why they look like this, why they have these things) rather then just focusing on looks alone without the reason. if you do have reasons for it, i guess i'll just have to look into that.
i'm sorry other wise if this comment was pointless.
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Anarchpeace In reply to DA-Critique [2010-02-05 01:10:49 +0000 UTC]
It's no problem at all :> well... this was her official reference sheet and an attempt at making the species make sense, but I didn't enjoy the way she looked at all. :c Crys is ABOVE ANYTHING ELSE my personification as a dragon. What I would look like in a spiritual sense as a dragon. The lobster look sprouted solely since I am scorpio and cannot escape that. I would have given her a scorpion tail but I am not fond of that, but I do find lobsters to be adorable and in a similar family so I gave her a lobster tail instead :>. Scorpio is a water sign, yattayatta... so dispite my not-so-fondness of the water element, I decided I would be a water dragon, since I also cannot escape that. Her scales are opalescent since that is my birthstone. Her build (and fluff on her feet) sprung from the fact that my chinese new year sign is a horse. Also figured I would pull up the webbing in her mouth... thing... lol, up to around where a horses would be. I have also been fond of the alligator jaw, look ever since I drew dragons when I was little, which is why her mouth is so large, The eyes on her wings, since I absolutely LOVE moths<3. And also the eight limbs because of the arachnid in her,.
Yes she has changed a lot and lots of her is just for show, and really I made a lot of stupid changes to her for stupid reasons, like she used to be pink, (like real opal) but I made her blue just to fit in with the water element more for show because I made a group where she represented her element as a representative for the group... V.V but I did like the changes enough to represent me of course! The tail is kind of fluffy because I am rather fluffy (as many people tell me :b) and I have an arctic fox tail that I wear sometimes, But as you can see in the other reference sheet, the excess hair does have purpose, in catching shrimpies! it's supposed to glitter and shimmer in the water. Crys just has short hair because I have short hair, even though I kind of miss my hair,and I want it to be long again so I can straighten it, so the aardriid hair being long kind of represents that... and I find long hair to be beautiful. The feathers on her arms... mmmmmmm I am actually thinking of removing those XC I'm not so fond of them and you make a good point... I tried a thing before (you can see in the other ref sheet) where the wing (or at least feathers) kind of attach under the arms, which would help with her swimming stearing design. I think this design looks kind of stupid that way... and on top of that it's hard to draw her XI I made a few changes like the feet here, her handlike feet, I love them... I love drawing hands, and I haven't really been as fond of drawing actual "feet" but they're kind of like otter feet, and still work while swimming... the fluff on her legs is more clydesdaleine than long and loose. it's attached hair by hair down the leg instead of a skirt like it used to be D:
frankly, you got me there, I just think those fluffy feet are cute and fun to draw @___@ The color of the mouth and eyes was something I kind of wanted to figure out how to explain (burn remedy and all that jazz from the other ref sheet) don't know exactly what element would make them yellow but I have been kind of lazy on that
Colors are because I am an advocate for primary colors Except for the bones...
those are like that because I have an affinity for "psychobilly" style :> and I also have some gloves with neon green bones on them, figured I would encorporate that to my personification<3 plus I just love limegreen the eyes changed from brown like mine, to yellow since someone drew her with yellow eyes on accident, to yellow with white because I have white contact lenses :> and I love how it completes the eye design including all primary colors now<3
lots of her are representations of me, and how I could twist that to make it pretty and fun to draw on DA because I LOVE gifts of her and I want to want to draw her... and other parts are because of maybe a scewed fan-art that I liked the look of, and inspiration from other artist's characters... but I did try to be original and ffffff maybe I tried too hard, but the lobster tail is my favorite part...
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DA-Critique In reply to Anarchpeace [2010-02-05 04:02:11 +0000 UTC]
Haha no problem for long comment. it's interesting to read what the artists has in mind. i'm just glad you didn't get mad haha. i have a tendency to be blunt though i try not to be too mean.
random note: i'm also a scorpio and a horse. xD what are the chances of that...
i understand the reasons for her design more now since you said she's more of a fur/drag-sona, while using your species idea in combination. i've seen many personas, fursonas, dragsonas..., and then some that tend to seem a lot more fanciful then the original species and what not that's used to describe themselves. if anything it seems like her design seems to grow and change just like yourself, but that's significant for any-sonas so that's okay
i personally did think you had a great design going at it. i always preferred creature designs that seemed more sharp and not so 'cute' though when i see lots of fluff, i start getting second thoughts
that was prob the main thing that made me question her design. i am for one, always did prefer 'simpler' designs, which is why i also questioned the sorta 'add-ons' she had. If it helps perhaps removing the shoulder/back-thigh feathers would help a lot. it's one of the main things that kinda stick out in an uncertain way.
i did see the other sheet and the wing connection and admittedly, you're right about it looking kinda funny. XD Her design now, would stand pretty well on her own w/o the use of those extra feathers. she has webbed feet and a long body, so i'm sure she can swim well w/o them. actually i feel like she can swim better since those feathers seem like they would hinder her more: there's too much surface area for the water to flow around. i think the sleeker and less surface area you posses on your body, the more elegant and faster swimmer you are. it's why those aquatic birds and animals in general are usually short furred and have flat feathers to begin with.
Wings: moth wings are awesome. i do like that eye illusions they have. As for the wings on your beastie however, .. it looks off to me probably because it seems way too close to the back? i feel like it should be on the wider part of the wing .. i think the purple also make it seem a bit too random since it's the only purple on the wings, and on one spot also. i wouldn't know what to suggest though, so sorry for that. i notice its in conjunction with their actual eye design?
Color: it seems very lenient. i'm glad she doesn't have like 10 colors going at it that woulda been auto sparkle-dragon status haha. you said her colors represent your stone, but i also see a lot of cotton candy X'D As for her bones, is she the only one with the green?
her mouth seems okay. i didn't have any problems with that (: although maybe just her tongue should be yellow while the mouth-flap-skin is same as her body color.. Hm.
Hair: i definitely prefer the hair design now then before which was longer. I know long hair is pretty, but at the same time, if she really is gonna be in the wilderness, unless she ties her hair in some form.. i have a hard time seeing elegant flowing hair on anything unless they don't have an active life. not saying people with long hair should just stay home doing nothing, but it's just that long hair can be troublesome and hard to manage on a daily basis if one will be active or does crazy things. swimming with a lot of hair seems a bit of a burden too cause it'll be heavier and easier to tangle. i understand manes like a horse, since those look like Mohawks as it is haha, but yeah, anything longer pass the face.. it starts to seem "too much". Although the shrimp catching idea was pretty nifty (though..how do they grab the shrimp afterward? the front legs seem a bit on the stubby side XD) Perhaps you can figure out a solution to that? i wouldn't know w/o sounding stupid. Same reason goes to the hind-leg fluff. i had a feeling it was like a horse, but even horses the fluff prob isn't that long.. i know i seen a horse species with some epic fluff but i don't think it drags down to the floor. of course it helps they have hoofs instead of flat feet...
i think her design just looks off to me because she loos extremely back-heavy. i know the lobster tail is boneless, but it is big, plus with the addition of the fur hanging down from it and then the secondary wings, plus the fur on the back legs, it gives off a very back-heavy impression. her first ref, she didn't seem as heavy... hm perhaps you can try your chance at combing both new and old features next time?
in conclusion, i give you kudos for having a good sense of anatomy and knowledge (i like the skeleton!). i'm at least happy there's reasons for her design rather then the whole "it looks cool" that most people love to give. i personally do like the feet (i love that paw print!) and her lobster tail idea. i find that to be my favorite parts. coc/alli jaws are great too. i like the more sinister looking jaws time to time. i also understand the feeling of being inspired by others ideas, interpretations and style. it happens to me too much. it almost hurts trying to tell myself not to take too many ideas though and sticking them into one character/design/ideas, since it can get a bit too complicated and messy. although since she is more of your representation, you can get away with it, though for future, and more 'realistic' ideas for species and such, it may be best to lessen the load. if done well it can work though, but that is definitely not an easy task.
good luck regardless i'm sure you can do it. i don't think you're that far down anyways.
not sure if i missed anything o_o
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Anarchpeace In reply to DA-Critique [2010-02-05 05:46:44 +0000 UTC]
I also hate changing her too much because of all of the art that I have recieved that shows her already that then becomes useless since her design is not the same anymore... :/ but there is a line to where I must change things acoording to how I change... I have the right since it's me! even if some will complain :b...and yeah, it's better to choose whether I want it to be realistic or just a representation and I think I just want her to be a representation, whilst still letting others design from her species as just fun... and personally I do have a place in my heart for all sorts of designs, be it... realistic, the DA dragon type, I still love that little bit of punkyness, (ie sparkle-whateveranimallol)I do like bright colors. I also like to be kind of blendable into as many people's interests as possible in real life so I think that works well with her, being that it's not too obnoxious to interpret her realisticly than it would be a full fledged sparkledragon or so :b
I was contemplating the mouthflapskinthing being the skin color too, but =Shinerai did that already recently with his Shin who'se already been heavily dissected by other artists, so I still don't want to seem like I'm taking ideas from people... :c I was gonna do a half'n'half with that... but then like I said, all of the fanart and gifts that I love would be useless... and her basic image and form would be more gawdy I think... I just need to take those stupid underarm feathers of tho, that will sum her up a bit more and make her more simple :>
I'm glad you took the time to analyze my crys<3 I appreciate the thoughts!
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DA-Critique In reply to Anarchpeace [2010-02-05 21:16:50 +0000 UTC]
ahaha no problem. it is your right, so it's your ultimate decision to draw any of ur charas as you see fit. Sonas can probably get really crazy anyways but i think that's okay since it's technically the person themselves as it is. the only time that can get troublesome is usually when you want them in like a serious full-story since i think they would stick out too much. being a representation is just fine though.
sparkle-animals are fun since i been through that stage and many of my friends has also. but i've been starting to get inspired by the artists who draw more.. natural/realistic? like *kesame and her designs. XD
the gift-art thing, i can see your problem there too. i change my charas almost every year, usually because the way i draw changes, i find better/new ideas to give them, or the fact i feel like i'm copying someone so i try to change that. probably why i never make the time to make actual ref sheets for my charas since they end up changing anyways XD almost all the fanart i have is wrong if based on my current designs XD fail.
Of course.. it mainly does come down to taste.
But thank YOU for taking the time to reply i love commenting. i love criticing. but i also love receiving replies from people and being able to converse with them in a calm manner.
it's been rad talking to you even through just a few replies.
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Kyalona-Teh-Wonderer [2010-01-30 13:13:58 +0000 UTC]
This is an awesome ref!
I love the wings and tail!
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Ravenflyssouth [2010-01-19 05:34:11 +0000 UTC]
& i love your characters and refs and your style is just GUH LAHV <3333333333333
you put so much effort in to yours it makes me feel like i need to try harder but that is okay : D because i honestly do
i would love to draw crys or THE SEX but i'm afraid i'd kill them D:
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TornxDragon [2010-01-09 05:39:30 +0000 UTC]
omg she's so adorablee! ^^ hehe sorry if this insults u but i dont mean it that way but her tail kind of reminds me of a shrimp tail ^^ ITs so cute ^^
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Zerucune [2010-01-05 21:09:17 +0000 UTC]
i really like the feathers on her arms and legs...it looks so dynamic x3
Very beautiful dragon..reminds me on sweet shrimps..i looove shrimps..so yummy
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mudpaw [2009-12-29 13:36:53 +0000 UTC]
Wow..this is beyond lovely, down right beautiful and so unique! Very nice
and oh my the detail. The scales and feathers are so wonderful done
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Anarchpeace In reply to mudpaw [2009-12-31 01:18:38 +0000 UTC]
aww thank you ever so much! C:
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Shadowwolf [2009-12-29 02:06:27 +0000 UTC]
This is a BEAUTIFUL character and I am freaking in love with that tail. It reminds me of a lobster. And that skeletal view of her in the corner is gorgeous.
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Anarchpeace In reply to Shadowwolf [2009-12-29 02:18:57 +0000 UTC]
PFff! Wow! It is such an honor to hear that from you ^^ your art and designs are so inspiring to me! Thank you so much for the kind comment! Hehe the tail is my special part ^^ I'm a scorpio which greatly influences her whole character... being water and all since really water to me isn't one of my more favorite of the elements :b but I am stuck with it from birth ohsnap! Figured that scorpion tails are too overdone and not what I was looking for for myself, so I decided to design her with a curlycuteandfluffylarge lobster tail since I find them oddly adorable for some reason? lulz
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Shadowwolf In reply to Anarchpeace [2009-12-29 07:35:51 +0000 UTC]
Aww, I'm a Pisces so I know what you mean about being stuck with water but not really liking it xD All the same, water creatures have got to be some of the coolest out there and it's great to see someone who implements elements of them into their characters
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Anarchpeace In reply to Shadowwolf [2009-12-31 01:20:20 +0000 UTC]
:3 I figure... everyone's got so much individual detail to them anyways! Why not use what's there and revert it to a different form ^^
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alaeries [2009-12-27 20:44:17 +0000 UTC]
nice new design! 8D
haha, her tail reminds me of a lobster's tail. x3
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JoelAmatGuell [2009-12-22 14:30:37 +0000 UTC]
love the mouth detail and the skeletal structure nicely done!!
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Queenofdragins [2009-12-22 02:55:13 +0000 UTC]
WOAH!*gasps and faints*
THIS IS CRYS!After watching ya for awhile and browsing through your shtuff,this is how i pictured her,the almighty-ness in her "ness"
You did change quite alot
But for the better,i do love her eyes naow,they look more demonic,and her teeth as well as her bone structure :>
Youre so creative i must say!Ive never seen anything ever remotely similar to this
Youre feckin fabulous XD
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Anarchpeace In reply to Queenofdragins [2009-12-22 03:04:37 +0000 UTC]
HABLLLFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Thank you so much hun!!!!!!!! I your comments so muchly ^^
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Queenofdragins In reply to Anarchpeace [2009-12-22 03:08:58 +0000 UTC]
I should be thanking you for the amazing awesome sauce covered artwork!:> <3
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