Published: 2009-04-06 20:52:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 9648; Favourites: 226; Downloads: 143
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The requested and long-awaited phoenix for .It took me much time and effort, whole 5 weekends of 000 brush work. I'm fully aware of ruined anatomy (both hands), I was too tired and overworked to even care. Your critique in this matter is not desired. Also, my scanner ate all the orange and made it look more red than it actually is (same old problem with orange). Check out the WIP photos, good colours there. Enjoy
size: 34x46 cm
medium: W&N Watercolours on Fabriano paper, 000 W&N brush, mech pencil.
stock: by =lindowyn-stock , though I can't seem to find this shot, perhaps it was removed.
One more thing, those 'bubbles' in the background were not my idea. They were invented (LOL) by a great artist known on dA as *puimun . Her magnificent watercolor walkthrough can be found here: [link]
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Comments: 107
anachsunamon In reply to Suicidal-InTake [2012-05-01 18:34:39 +0000 UTC]
Well thank you for visiting
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Stolvezen [2011-07-13 06:20:18 +0000 UTC]
Very nice colors ! I understand why it takes you a long time to do it
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anachsunamon In reply to Stolvezen [2011-07-24 20:23:48 +0000 UTC]
Indeed it has, my most time-consuming piece so far. Thanks!
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anachsunamon In reply to Lionsong [2010-06-06 21:14:26 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
And sorry for the late reply...
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Jenriann87 [2010-01-05 02:56:02 +0000 UTC]
I don't know how you managed to get such rich color and fine detail with water colors! its an amazing peace!
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anachsunamon In reply to Jenriann87 [2010-10-04 20:46:02 +0000 UTC]
I think the credit for rich and intense colours goes to Winsor&Newton watercolours, which have very, VERY agressive pigments. Credit for details goes to me, my "000" brushes, my patience, my "dry on dry" technique and over 5 whole weekends stolen from my life
Thank you so much for visiting & commenting!
And sorry for late (LOL) answer, I do that sometimes, hihi...
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manfishinc [2010-01-03 05:02:56 +0000 UTC]
the detail in this is incredible
i love the color palette and the way the concept was carried out
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anachsunamon In reply to manfishinc [2010-01-03 20:39:14 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, it was looong nd tiring project
Thank you for visiting!
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IgnoreMyExistence [2009-10-02 21:34:43 +0000 UTC]
You have some very wonderful and beautiful art work
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anachsunamon In reply to IgnoreMyExistence [2009-11-04 22:44:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much
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karemelancholia [2009-05-17 23:21:28 +0000 UTC]
I've featured this creation in the April Visual Art Features.
This feature is in the news : [link] .
Please check it to view other's art and fave the news article if you like it!
| deviantART en Français! | Looking for a Contest? They are all listed here : [link]
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anachsunamon In reply to karemelancholia [2009-05-24 21:06:12 +0000 UTC]
Ahh.. Kare... Thank you, once again!
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Lorelei-BRC [2009-05-17 22:43:37 +0000 UTC]
This is very nice, I love the colors you used and the flow of the phoenix.
Keep it up
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anachsunamon In reply to Lorelei-BRC [2009-06-03 09:19:41 +0000 UTC]
I'll do my best, although I don't have much time for painting lately Ah well, good times come and go. I'll wait for the next one
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littlevahn [2009-05-01 19:21:07 +0000 UTC]
This piece is amazing, You really have a way with colors
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anachsunamon In reply to littlevahn [2009-05-02 15:36:01 +0000 UTC]
I was going to point out my mistakes on this one, but hell, I've spent so much time on it I think I deserve few good words Thank you!
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Toolorjesus [2009-04-22 19:49:11 +0000 UTC]
The detail is incredible. Your own criticism is unnecessary, I think it is wonderful!
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anachsunamon In reply to Toolorjesus [2009-04-26 18:15:16 +0000 UTC]
Naaah, it's better when I point out my own mistakes (especially when I see them so clearly), than someone else does Thank you, I'm very glad you like it despite of all the flaws
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Toolorjesus In reply to anachsunamon [2009-04-27 17:47:34 +0000 UTC]
You do have a point . Keep on making the awesome things you do!
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ElyaThorn [2009-04-18 22:16:44 +0000 UTC]
Wow... ok so after seeing this... at this point I am thinking... am I an artist at all?
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anachsunamon In reply to ElyaThorn [2009-04-26 18:18:35 +0000 UTC]
Don't be silly I'm not an artist, this word is way too strong. Just because I'm patient enough to spend an entire month on one picture doesn't make me an artist. Just like the fact that you don't doesn't say you're not
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Ka7 [2009-04-12 14:33:48 +0000 UTC]
Kolorystyka przepiękna, ilość detali powalająca, a sposób wykonania piór feniksa roxuje niepomiernie!
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anachsunamon In reply to Ka7 [2009-04-12 15:22:49 +0000 UTC]
OU MAJ GAD! To Ty zyjesz?! I jeszcze tutaj? Niesamowite! Kope lat Cie nie bylo
A dziekuje, dziekuje. To dla mnie zaszczyt, iz moge Szanowna Pania jeszcze czyms pozytywnie zaskoczyc
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Ka7 In reply to anachsunamon [2009-04-12 15:42:49 +0000 UTC]
Żyję, żyję. Choć z moim zacięciem do malowania czegokolwiek przeróżnie bywało
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Skellus [2009-04-12 09:16:43 +0000 UTC]
Co tu dużo mówić - naprawdę, ewidentnie, absolutnie, bezpardonowo, definitywnie, bezsprzecznie i bez możliwości veta: Wspaniałe ^^
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anachsunamon In reply to Skellus [2009-04-12 20:18:56 +0000 UTC]
Mogloby byc lepiej, troche rzeczy spieprzylam. Ale chyba naklad pracy zrobil swoje i nie jest tak tragicznie
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KSteinhoff [2009-04-09 21:36:39 +0000 UTC]
Sorry not commenting earlier, Crappy connection the whole week o.o
Really truly amazing
I'm Speechless, amazing work again
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Grisznak [2009-04-09 18:35:13 +0000 UTC]
Nie chciałbym palnąć głupoty, ale nie widząc stosownej informacji dochodzę do wniosku, że nie jest to fanart Jean Grey z X-Men. Może i po trochu szkoda, bo idealnie pasuje do tej postaci.
To, co podoba mi się tu najbardziej, to fakt, że całość faktycznie "płonie". Intensywne, mocne, wręcz soczyste barwy to poniekąd twój znak firmowy, jednak za każdym razem gdy je widzę, nieodmiennie budzą mój zachwyt i podziw. Z operowania barwą uczyniłaś markę, co rzadkie, bo zwykle większość artystów raczej koncentruje się na kresce lub tematyce. U Ciebie może być zaś cokolwiek, ale po sposobie, w jaki nałożono barwy bez trudu będzie można poznać kto to malował.
Nie bawiłaś się tu w malowanie "realistycznych" płomieni, wszystko ma typowy dla ciebie, magiczny wymiar a jednocześnie niemal czuć od tego namacalny gorąc. Nie bez kozery mówi się, że ogień jest jedną z najtrudniejszych rzeczy do namalowania. Nie dla Ciebie, jak widać.
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anachsunamon In reply to Grisznak [2009-04-12 22:02:54 +0000 UTC]
Mysle, ze nie ma tu co oszukiwac - nie poradzilabym sobie z namalowaniem realistycznych plomieni akwarela. Tak sobie teraz o tym mysle i chyba rzeczywiscie nie dalabym sobie rady, jakos mi sie to po porstu w glowie nie miesci. No to juz sie nie sililam na realizm, chociaz moze kiedys i do tego dorosne. Na razie tak mi odpowiada. Jak powiedziales, jest wystarczajaco gorace.
Jean Grey pasuje jak najbardziej, ale zauwazylam to dopiero po Twoim komentarzu. Troche to glupie, bo calkiem niedawno po raz kolejny przeszlam przez wszystkie czesci X-Men. Mozna sobie mowic o tych filmach rozne rzeczy, ale naprawde pobudzaja wyobraznie i chocby z powodu sposobu przedstawienia postaci bardzo dobrze mi sie je ogladalo. A ewoluujaca Jean az sie prosi o fanarty.
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Doom-Fox [2009-04-09 04:54:50 +0000 UTC]
Amazing composition and concept. Beautiful artwork
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anachsunamon In reply to Doom-Fox [2009-04-11 19:56:15 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, for visiting and commenting
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Doom-Fox In reply to anachsunamon [2009-04-11 21:35:13 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! I've always loved your style since I watched you!
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Genny-Raskin [2009-04-08 12:01:39 +0000 UTC]
This is breathtaking! Wow! The colours, lines, details, the technique! It's all amazing! Well done!
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