AmysLight — Hina's Profile [Guild Card]

#ft #fairytailoriginalcharacters #fairytailfemale #hinashuo
Published: 2015-09-03 22:28:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 2084; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 0
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Description   Name: Hina Shuo
 Alias: Hi-chan, Little baka, Dwarf (Tadashi)
 Age: 19
 Height: 1.65 cm
Weight: 52 kgs.
 Hair color: Light orange and pink
 Eyes color: Pink
 Birthday: April 24th, x774
  Magic: Wood God Slayer Magic
  Likes: Nature, cheerful people.
  Dislikes: Be alone, onions.
  Team: Karasu Team (With Kou, Akemi, Tadashi and Ikki)
  Occupation: Mage
  Exceed: Mariam
  Seiyuu: Atsumi Tanezaki[Voice's example -Natsume-]
  Affiliation: Sabertooth
  Guild mark: Left shoulder.
  Relatives: Parents (Unknown)
  Status: Alive
  Personal status: Taken
  Personality: Athletic | Cheerful | Energetic | Friendly | Lovely | Always Smiling |
  Story: Hina was born in a small village, she was the daughter of a farmer who took care of the people through the magic of his mother, a Godslayer of nature that had worked for the council so many years ago. At the age of five, Hina started learning magic to help the people with her, but soon after a fire swept through the whole village.
The villagers left the village and moved to the neighboring towns. There Hina heard talk about sabertooth and she was interested in the idea of ​​making money by helping other people with her magic, as his mother had taught her.
When Hina entered the guild was much disappointed to know how things were there, but she didn't leave because she had found people who wanted and she needed money to buy medicine for her father who was ill. After spending five months in a single work she got too gathers the money she needed and saved her father just in time. In those five months things had changed in the guild: Sting became master of the guild and all the tension in him disappeared, turning into the warm and cheerful place she always dreamed. Returning from work, Hina brought a new member, Mariam, one Exceed wound he had found the way to where he had to do his job.
  Quotes:"The world is already dark enough to be depressed"
                "I'm not alone, so there is no reason to be afraid of you"
                "Akemichii, ¡let's make pancakes!"
                "I do not care about the opinion of others, will you be with me?"                
  Theme: Nickelback - Lullaby
                 Breaking Benjamin - Evil Angel
                 Breaking Benjamin - Failure
                 Three Days Grace - Time of Dying
  Magic and habilities: She learned the magic of God slayer when she was five. Her mother -also a god slayer of woods- taught her all she knew and they moved to the forest where Hina could sense the heart of the nature and adapt her body to the plants. Later she found her magic on the woods, and then she specialised her magic in that.

  Is right-handed.
  Her room is always a mess
  She enjoys teasing people.
  She's always smiling
  Usually she says things without think
  She likes cute boys
  She has a scar on her back that is hidden by her clothes
  She has a bloody hand, pulling out only when someone who she loves is injured

Attack Power: 3/5
Defensive Power: 4/5
Speed: 3/5
Intelligence: 2/5
Especial (Destructive power): Cheerfulness!

Hina Shuo (c) AmysLight
Fairy Tail (c) Hiro Mashima
Base: Lucy Heartfilia
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Comments: 6

HannaYouDo [2015-12-13 21:14:24 +0000 UTC]

Wow Your art is amazing! I really love your art style~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AmysLight In reply to HannaYouDo [2015-12-13 21:18:03 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Thank you so much!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

nashidragneeldragon [2015-09-04 17:51:38 +0000 UTC]

Good work *^* <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AmysLight In reply to nashidragneeldragon [2015-09-04 20:58:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much*O*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Yuiccia [2015-09-03 23:30:56 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AmysLight In reply to Yuiccia [2015-09-03 23:46:21 +0000 UTC]


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