Amiralo β€” Monochrome and Colors Chapter 5

Published: 2013-03-14 03:21:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 6673; Favourites: 41; Downloads: 11
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Description I SUGGEST YOU PLAY MR. GIN LAST SINCE HE IS THE OTP ( yes, he is the OTP.....for all of you other fans please don't kill me)
I want to adress Leroy......my least favorite son. sorry your ending was so....lack luster. but I can't make you too similar to Tom
...And face it. You are a bratty kid. Serves you right to be protected by a girl.
Thanks to wolf by starlight, silver death rose, and countless others for your support
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Comments: 116

tacticaldoll In reply to ??? [2024-08-13 16:43:23 +0000 UTC]

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peachkey2 [2020-12-29 04:25:08 +0000 UTC]

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petajamaja [2018-01-05 05:06:30 +0000 UTC]

I am now, after a long gap in playing your games, wondering: why was there no "Screw all you guys I am feminist! Let me live my own life and out of two evils not choose ANY! Bye!" ending  

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Otaku365 [2016-11-10 22:25:20 +0000 UTC]

LOVE IT. LOVE ALL YOUR GAMES. every single one of them (except for saccharine) has made me cry like a baby for the "real" endings. though i have to say, like you said leroy's ending was anti-climatic. makes sense bc he is hardly an involved character but I wished he would have had a better life/ending. i am biased here bc the quiz i took, leroy is my ideal mate lol.

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tyrhere [2016-08-09 14:18:05 +0000 UTC]

Good Lord, Claude is that Lord of time in the Adabana game.

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kamikazesparrow7 In reply to tyrhere [2020-05-22 00:44:04 +0000 UTC]

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aceredshirt13 [2016-04-07 05:35:23 +0000 UTC]

Dang, son, this game was great! I do agree that Leroy's ending was probably the most disappointing, since he actually wound up better off in the other endings (I mean, until he died in a car crash). Tom's was the cutest and the happiest, which is probably why Mr. Gin said it was the least likely ending because we just can't have nice things. But, because I'm an emotional masochist, Roland and Mr. Gin's endings were my favorite - Mr. Gin's for the bittersweet almost-romance-but-not-quite thing they had going on (and that Claude is kinda inconsiderate and just ditches all her problems instead of solving them), and Roland's for the tragic reversal of the princess story (my heart ached for him even though he was a total psycho) and the rather disturbingly casual way that Claude accepted him murdering second graders and trying to kill all her friends repeatedly because it was "all for love." Overall, it was really interesting and unique, and both Roland and Mr. Gin's endings broke my heart!

Also, out of curiosity, have you ever played Ib? Because in some ways, Roland reminds me of Mary, though he is desperate for Claude's love and Mary is desperate for Ib's friendship.

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Amiralo In reply to aceredshirt13 [2016-04-08 01:56:18 +0000 UTC]

I have played Ib! Though i was inspired more by Gary than Mary haha. But I agree that both Mary and Claude are desperate for looooove.

I liked how you picked up on Claude's inherently self centered and immaturenature.  Ultimately, she just didn't care that much about the rest of the world, and this is shown through her actions in Mr. Gin ending and Roland's ending lol. As long as she was happy, she was willing to overlook some moral transgressions and boundaries =-=

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aceredshirt13 In reply to aceredshirt13 [2016-04-07 06:08:33 +0000 UTC]

Oh, and one last thing - I was kinda confused about Leroy's death being a paradox? Is that explained in one of your later games, or did I miss something?

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Amiralo In reply to aceredshirt13 [2016-04-07 08:36:39 +0000 UTC]

It's a hint i buried for a future game that died in infancy. Maybe one day i will pick it up again.

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PrannyPandaBunny [2016-03-12 07:38:30 +0000 UTC]

Its quite nice that claude is more considerate than gin

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Amiralo In reply to PrannyPandaBunny [2016-03-12 11:00:10 +0000 UTC]

What a curious observation! How did you come to that conclusion? =v=

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PrannyPandaBunny In reply to Amiralo [2016-03-13 03:36:45 +0000 UTC]

Actually not really, now that i think about
the fact she made a paradox

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Amiralo In reply to PrannyPandaBunny [2016-03-13 04:28:13 +0000 UTC]

LOL yeah. Mr. Gin is actually a nicer and more considerate person than Claude can ever be. If you think about it, Claude is actually quite self-centered and oblivious.

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PrannyPandaBunny In reply to Amiralo [2016-03-20 11:43:12 +0000 UTC]

Will she ever get better

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Amiralo In reply to PrannyPandaBunny [2016-03-20 23:25:01 +0000 UTC]

Lol. Well she stops being oblivious, but she becomes even more self centered if she becomes lord of time. Loneliness does that to you haha.

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PrannyPandaBunny In reply to Amiralo [2016-03-21 10:39:26 +0000 UTC]

Naomi Kay: Mr Gin you have a terrible choice on people if it wasnt for her i wouldnt be in this paradox

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MagdaTz [2016-01-30 19:51:53 +0000 UTC]

So, that explains everything about the lord of time from your previous game! It was so romantic and deep.. I loved all of the endings.. except of Leroy's ending. He should have stayed, lol. mr. gins' ending was the one explaining everything but sad too because I thought he would stay =/. However, the game was full of love β™₯!

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Amiralo In reply to MagdaTz [2016-01-31 03:18:07 +0000 UTC]

I wanted to make Leroy's ending different than Tom's. And besides, Leroy has only known Claude for like...a couple months? And I am glad you liked the game, it was made on nothing but pure fan girl fantasies and love lol.

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MagdaTz In reply to Amiralo [2016-01-31 11:01:19 +0000 UTC]

That's true. Pure love is not developed in a few months, so he couldn't stay. Ahaha that's right!

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iYuuna [2015-12-08 12:22:12 +0000 UTC]

so leroy's kid is chengya(i forgot his name)  ? just making a opinion xD

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iYuuna In reply to iYuuna [2015-12-08 12:27:00 +0000 UTC]

oh nevermind! he's not,its just my fantasy xD 

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Shananigaaaans [2015-11-02 06:41:38 +0000 UTC]

In Mr. Gin's ending, was the person Clause talking to in the shop was Sou from Reverie?

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Amiralo In reply to Shananigaaaans [2015-11-02 07:06:27 +0000 UTC]

Nope. Sou never did make any deals with any lords. But if he wasn't so attached to asuka, Sou was well on the way of usurping the current lord of dreams (the blue haried boy in reverie. To know more about him, sleep to day 30 in reverie without dying in the middle)."

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Shananigaaaans In reply to Amiralo [2015-11-02 07:31:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I've played that too. Awesome game as always.

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artsykidatheart [2015-10-26 00:14:28 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I should've probably played this before your other games.

So Claude is the lord of time from Adabanas... then is the asiatic village Mr. Gin referred to the setting of the same game? Gin is a Chinese surname, I believe, so I guess it would make sense. 

Granted, I'm still confused about the true ending of Adabanas. Time paradox stuff makes very little sense to me. I suppose that's why it's referred to as a paradox.

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Amiralo In reply to artsykidatheart [2015-10-28 02:41:39 +0000 UTC]

Yep! You figured it out.
 As for the true ending....I think i probably explained it in the comments under the game? Sorry it didn't make sense..=-=

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artsykidatheart In reply to Amiralo [2015-10-28 20:54:49 +0000 UTC]

It's not so much that the ending didn't make sense as it is that anything related to time travel confuses me, even if it is well executed. 

Also. Would the rampage Mr Gin refers to then be connected to the war during Adabanas?

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Amiralo In reply to artsykidatheart [2015-10-28 21:27:55 +0000 UTC]

Yep. U got it hehe.

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RandomIncIsBored In reply to Amiralo [2017-04-12 14:48:42 +0000 UTC]

The Adabana paradox made me want to throw my computer against the wall to be honest (poor laptop!). So Gin, doesn't end up with Claude, he dies. Changya sends Naomi back (let's face it, he probably died a painful death alone due to his timeline), and Naomi DIES of cancer. Therefore, she would end up dying that death no matter who she ended up with, and that family we see her with (gay looking dude's end) would not have those younger editions, OR Naomi. SO GOD DAM IT!

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Amiralo In reply to RandomIncIsBored [2017-04-12 15:04:04 +0000 UTC]

w-well, gin has been wanting to die for a long time. ITS A HAPPY ENDING FOR HIM (if not for claude lmao)
And Changya got his wish fullfilled! He got to marry Naomi and see her healthy and alive again even after she died!
Naomi...is just generally an unlucky girl lmao.

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RandomIncIsBored In reply to Amiralo [2017-04-12 15:19:42 +0000 UTC]

-_- You seem to forget human nature. We always. Want. More. Changya... Just... I don't think, that with the selfish (but smexy lmao) personality that you gave him, would be very satisfied with seeing her for that MONTH she was there (you say that Leroy's love developed to quickly -_-). Yeah though, Naomi gets to fall in love, and then see tiny Changya (is this technically pedophilia...?) which she can't exactly spill her heart out to. So, Naomi's life just sucks. Like, it's about as great as Leroy's.

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Amiralo In reply to RandomIncIsBored [2017-04-12 15:40:31 +0000 UTC]


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RandomIncIsBored In reply to Amiralo [2017-04-12 17:05:13 +0000 UTC]

Meh *shrugs shoulders*. Still curious about her feelings revolving around tiny Changya.

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Amiralo In reply to RandomIncIsBored [2017-04-12 17:12:24 +0000 UTC]

She probably thinks of him just as a kid lmao. LIke she's an matured old lady by then. If anything, she probably thinks of Changya subconsciously as Older Changya's nephew or something.

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RandomIncIsBored In reply to Amiralo [2017-04-12 17:29:31 +0000 UTC]

Hm. You know, I've been thinking about it. But Changya probably would have had a much better chance of dying of old age than her. Think about it, she was predestined for breast cancer. Changya knew that. Let's say he takes the necklace and goes to the future. He just took away tiny Changya's ability to meet her. Therefore, he never makes the wish. Therefore, he isn't teleported to the past to become emperor. But then, nobody keeps adabana there. It really is this really messed up paradox where there ends up being an endless cycle of universes that keep switching the course of path. Therefor (last therefor), in some universes they never meet, and in other's they do. SO, let's say in one of these many many switches, adult Changya sees adult Naomi. Universe is officially fucked, all because Claude had to play with time. Plus, Claude is witnessing these multiple alternate universes. I hope she gets a migraine for being such a selfish bish, and mucking up my OTP.

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Amiralo In reply to RandomIncIsBored [2017-04-12 17:41:35 +0000 UTC]

Ahahahaha ur really being hard on poor Claude. She's really just doing her job. She already told Changya the price beforehand, he was the one who chose to pay.
  I ultimately think that in the end, we are mostly responsible for our own endings lmaoo. But that's just me haha.

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RandomIncIsBored In reply to Amiralo [2017-04-12 18:16:00 +0000 UTC]

Hm. Then let me present you with a question. If we are responsible for our own endings, do those endings not effect others? For example, Claude ultimately chose Mr.Gin, which then led to the Adabana paradox. Would such a paradox still have happened if she had chosen, let's say Tom? And if we are responsible for our own endings, and those endings influence other endings, does that not mean that we will forever be ending eachother? Does that not mean that we are all one? *Takes off philosopher glasses*.
Anywho, on that horribly deep note:
If Claude is the Lord(ess ?) of Time, and she witnesses past and present, and interacts with past, present, and future, does that not mean she can basically see Mr.Gin whenever? And old Mr.Gin can see her? I'm not exactly sure she can truly say she understands the pain of having one love that you can't act upon XD.
And don't get me wrong, Claude is one of my favorites. To me, Claude did the one thing many of us would do if given the chance:
basically just say 'Fuck you, universe!', and escape her problems. She did one of the very human things. Because, as Leroy said, humans are monsters, but as Claude said, we can still make beautiful choices. Her choice, was a mix, the most human of all.
And that was basically my five page essay, if I don't get an A I'm going to have to get my pitchfork...

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Amiralo In reply to RandomIncIsBored [2017-04-12 19:01:03 +0000 UTC]

oadsjfkajsdfhkajsdfh thank you for your philosophical musings.
 1.I think it is mentioned in Mr. Gin's timeline that when one becomes the lord of time, they cease to properly exist in any timeline. They can travel to different timelines at will, but basically history holds no trace of them. The only trace of their existence is through memories. So no, Claude can't see Mr. Gin whenever; all she has are memories akjdfhkasjdfhlkasdhf

2. Yeah haha, Claude is definetly my most relatable heroine, i think.

As for the we are responsible for our own endings question:
  I amend my original phrasing. What I mean is we are responsible for whether our endings are happy or not. It could be the same ending fact wise. But to different people, an ending filled with death and suffering can still be a happy and fulfilling ending, while an ending filled with abundance can still be a tragedy for others.  It all really depends on the viewer's perspective. While I don't deny that some circumstances are incredibly cruel and unfair,  everyone is still technically of being happy through the sheer power of perspective.

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RandomIncIsBored In reply to Amiralo [2017-04-13 18:20:36 +0000 UTC]

Ha ha! I love how I basically just spent too much time arguing against the logic of a game, to the creator of the game, as if that changes shit XD. Welp, life is horrible, amazing, sad, happy, ugly, and beautiful all at the same time. I guess that's why we decide to live it? Ha ha, well, thanks for indulging in my conversation of absolute nonsensical ramblings. And great work!

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Amiralo In reply to RandomIncIsBored [2017-04-13 20:01:37 +0000 UTC]

ajkdfhlkashfkasdjfh i hope i did not offend you haha. It was really interesting to talk to you!
 Thank you for playing my game, and good luck with everything!

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DuchessYukineSuoh [2015-09-04 14:37:14 +0000 UTC]

Ah, that was amazing! All of it!  That scene with Mr. Gin...my heart! Your games are all a real work of art. <3 (Reverie is my favorite, just a tbh.)

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stember [2015-08-30 06:24:24 +0000 UTC]

Mr. Gin makes me laugh so hard I feel like he wants entertainment and hes like lol i wanna make a drama and messes up everyones lives

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stember In reply to stember [2015-08-30 06:28:22 +0000 UTC]

why the f*ck am i crying omg lol oops

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stember In reply to stember [2015-08-30 06:36:29 +0000 UTC]

wow this was written so amazingly well it gives me such a feeling of loneliness this is reallygood

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swiftstrike111 [2015-08-25 22:31:30 +0000 UTC]

I really love all of the music in your games.

Now, on to the important things. "Lord of Time". Now, where have I heard that before? Is there a connection to Adabanas? "Make imagination into reality". That seems similar to both Saccharine and Reverie, in different ways. Branwen's entire existence is the result of that. Asuka's predicament seemed similar, even if it was a dream (or nightmare). Is there any connection there, as well?

Endings, now. I played them in order of choice appearance and saved Mr. Gin for last. Though much less touching, the hospital scene in Leroy's ending reminded me of Sou's ending, slightly. Tom's ending surprised me in that you actually showed what happened, years later. The high school reunion in Roland's amused me. When Mr. Gin was at the funeral, I half-expected him to offer his position to Roland. Recalling memories from Adabanas, Mr. Gin's ending fits with that game's canon. I believe the description of the Lord of Time was a "high school girl wearing black".

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Amiralo In reply to swiftstrike111 [2015-08-26 01:11:00 +0000 UTC]

Claude is the lord of time in Where adabanas grow. In Where Adabanas grow and Mr Gin's ending, Claude becomes the lord of time and adopts Mr.Gin's style of clothing (a.k.a black and grey) As you can see in Changya's ending, Claude makes an appearance in a black turtle knecked mini dress. Since Claude is forever 17, she is the high school girl wearing black.

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swiftstrike111 In reply to Amiralo [2015-08-26 01:15:18 +0000 UTC]

Did you originally write Adabanas or Reverie with the intent of making them connected? Also, I see how Adabanas is connected, but how exactly is Reverie connected? Thank you for answering my questions.

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Amiralo In reply to swiftstrike111 [2015-08-26 01:57:22 +0000 UTC]

Yes, i did write them with the intent of being connected.
 In reverie, Claude already became the lord of time, since Mr. Gin relinquished his title to her. The little boy with the blue hair is the lord of dreams. Originally there was going to be a game where the lord of desires shows up, but I couldn't find the right stroke of inspiration.

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Kiddoriddo [2015-08-14 10:08:47 +0000 UTC]


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