Published: 2010-07-10 12:06:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 11868; Favourites: 516; Downloads: 1274
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Everybody need personal Muse, Fella tooThis is work for "Spontaneous Contest" more informations here [link]
Dress my own and other painted
EDIT: Thank you so much for suggested and for the featured this
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Comments: 208
Angie-Pictures In reply to Alosa [2011-06-08 21:03:26 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure. You're always very welcome!
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Kjherstin [2011-06-04 07:17:01 +0000 UTC]
They should adopt this female muse on deviantART. She's just so cute with her long blue hair and Marylin Monroe style dress lifting in the wind. Sexy!
Congratulations on the DD. Sure made me smile this morning. Have a great day!
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jotazombie [2011-06-04 05:12:56 +0000 UTC]
people, the autor has nothing to do with the DD selection so this is not the place to rant about it if you REALLY need an explanation write to the one who featured it as DD.
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benteja [2011-06-04 04:47:52 +0000 UTC]
People seriously not looking at the written daily deviation. the category is deviantART Related / Devious Fun.
The artwork itself, with the category given, IS DD worthy for having a great and deviously FUN idea!
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lilboarder [2011-06-04 03:15:16 +0000 UTC]
I, personally, don't think this is DD material, while it is good. Just not worthy of a DD. Y'know?
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faldarkinn In reply to lilboarder [2011-06-04 04:26:37 +0000 UTC]
agreed, but unfortunately, at least one piece of 'dA related' material is given a DD each day.
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HannahFreakinBanana [2011-06-04 02:58:38 +0000 UTC]
So to get a DD, all I have to do is poorly photoshop Fella in a dress? cooool.
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KidateCalf [2011-06-04 01:18:52 +0000 UTC]
I also believe that the dress and stuff doesn't really fit well with the rest of the image in itself very well. But that's just my little critique there.
I am not going to speak against this being a DD, as I don't have any personal opinion, and don't believe people DON'T have the right to express their own, I just don't have anything with it, or against it. XD
Still though; the concept is pretty cute.
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KidateCalf [2011-06-04 01:15:31 +0000 UTC]
"Everybody need personal Muse, Fella too"
Hmm. Nope. It's not for everyone, truthfully. Sometimes people just believe a simple friend is enough in life to make them truly happy.
Besides that point, I find this image very amusing and nicely done. ^^
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Missvirginia In reply to KidateCalf [2011-06-04 06:35:01 +0000 UTC]
Your friend can be your muse. Muse basically means inspiration (as a noun), so a friend fits that rather nice I think.
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Skystalker [2011-06-04 00:23:25 +0000 UTC]
Get over yourselves, people. It's a daily feature. Don't make the artist feel awful about it; they didn't even choose this.
Anyway! Fantastic work on this! It's very cute and the concept itself is neat. Sorry you have to deal with the bullcrap from people.
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Cebius [2011-06-03 23:35:33 +0000 UTC]
People seems to epicly fail to see the reason why this one got an DD. Getting an DD has NOTHING to do with how realisticly you make an art, its how much love you give to an art. I can seen clearly how this one got an DD :3
Very nicely made, the coloring is cute and the parring is too.
The lightning is good as it is.
YOU! Alosa, truly deserves this! Billy Mays Approves this art!
People around DA can troll me as muhc as you want, but my opinion remains and wont be changed.
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Troppa-D In reply to Cebius [2011-06-04 05:45:40 +0000 UTC]
I agree. It's not meant to be compared to "The Best" artists (at least, I thought it wasn't).
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XXAnemia In reply to Troppa-D [2011-08-07 12:39:50 +0000 UTC]
i thought dd's were supposed to be for the best :I
i thought i wasn't getting one because i wasn't good enough
but if it's not for 'the best' then why don't i have one
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Cebius In reply to Troppa-D [2011-06-04 10:02:42 +0000 UTC]
Most people belive that people ho can draw the most''epic'' can get a n DD.
But i have seen arts that are just simply genius and got an DD. An DD sometimes means that an art is made in a smart way, or in a way not many people can do. But as long as an artist put love into their arts, i think they deserves an DD taht way :3
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Troppa-D In reply to Cebius [2011-06-05 22:34:43 +0000 UTC]
I've come across some really amazing, creative, and funny stories/drawings, but they're overlooked because its writing and/or they don't draw as "epic" as everyone else. >:[
Good to read people's idea for a DD are not all about the best looking art.
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Cebius In reply to Troppa-D [2011-06-05 22:45:12 +0000 UTC]
yeah, its very true what you say, but sadly, most people are looking for the best looking arts today wich kinda sucks to be honest. i mean, its just like video games really, lets take an example here, we have a game called Doom 1 and 2. Those 2 where and still is one of the best PC games of all times, but it did not became popular because it was best looking with ultra realistic graphics, it was the creative ideas behind it, and the time they put on it. But in today's games, people are looking for the best looking games with super graphics without even thinking about the creativity.
Sometimes i wonder if people became blind, or simply are not real artists people used to be.
Looking for something that looks epic can be very disapointing, like a poster on a movie that looks amazing on the comver, but the inside, aka the movie itself, is terrible. Some movies with not so epic posters might be the best movie ever made even if its not as popular as any Mickel bay movies.
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Troppa-D In reply to Cebius [2011-06-05 23:21:59 +0000 UTC]
I'll find a way to change that!
Perfect example Cebius . And there are some really awesome games and movies out there! I;ve seen planty of movies to know it doesn't have to depend on quality or well known actors to be fantastic.
I think they are not taking the time to actually -look- at someone's artwork now. If it is full of color and heavily detailed, and from a popular artist (or someone with a premium)-yea they're quickly look at it, say it's amazing and fav it. Maybe even suggest it to get a DD. But if you're an unpopular deviant who doesn't color their work and doesn't have a lot of detail in their work. It's completely ignored.
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Cebius In reply to Troppa-D [2011-06-05 23:55:12 +0000 UTC]
Yup, making games and movies are arts too, i mean, you need to work alot to make good concepts that works for a game or movie.
I remember see an art here on DA that was amazing, and very creativly made too but was sadly overlooked
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querulousArtisan In reply to Cebius [2011-06-04 00:24:32 +0000 UTC]
This. People also need to learn that, if they have a problem with a DD, they need to contact the GM who featured it, and not comment how it's not worth a DD on the deviation. It's rude and hurtful.
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Cebius In reply to querulousArtisan [2011-06-04 00:49:22 +0000 UTC]
Thats true, i mean some people seems to belive that speak for everyone or something.
heh, i have even seen people thinking that their arts ''deserves'' a DD and trolling others.
I agree with you, its rude and very hurtful, and also unprofessionel as an artist to comment like that.
I dont make arts just because i want an DD, never want one eiter, i just draw arts since i love it, not to become popular.
That said, art is supposed to be fun :3
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sugartigar [2011-06-03 23:25:50 +0000 UTC]
It's cute and all, but I'm suprised it got DD. I would say that artistically it's mediocre at best. It looks like a bad photoshop collage. All of the elements just don't blend well together.
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Arazmoth [2011-06-03 23:25:31 +0000 UTC]
Sorry to be part of the herd, but yeah not worthy of a DD
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Flara-Chan In reply to Arazmoth [2011-06-04 06:31:32 +0000 UTC]
Then why complain to the artist and hurt her feelings? It's not her fault that she got picked.
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jotazombie In reply to Arazmoth [2011-06-04 05:15:54 +0000 UTC]
and sorry but you're not the one who decide what is "worthy" of a DD
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jotazombie In reply to xXPitsLittleAngelXx [2011-06-04 05:18:02 +0000 UTC]
really? and where are the guidelines and rules to know what's DD worthy?
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xXPitsLittleAngelXx In reply to jotazombie [2011-06-04 05:20:50 +0000 UTC]
Yes really. I think I'm entitled to my honest opinion.
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jotazombie In reply to xXPitsLittleAngelXx [2011-06-04 05:39:11 +0000 UTC]
but the autor don't deserve a comment like that, cause has nothing to do with the DD selection. and now I'll be honest with you Who are you to say something is DD worthy or not? and if you still need to say something about it go and say it on the proper place but not on the deviation it self.
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