Published: 2012-04-11 04:06:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 4493; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 29
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That's the sort of inspirational phrase that only a Pony could come up with...That Pegasus in the bottom panel is Derpy's dad, who I've been calling Herp, but if someone can come up with a better name, I'm all for it. ~Page-Mistress HAS NAMED HIM QUIRKY. BEST NAME EVER. DEBATE OVER. Might do more illustrations and back story if people want it.
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My Little Pony; Friendship is magic Belongs to Lauren Faust/Hasbro inc.
Star Wars belongs to George Lucas/ Lucasfilm
This is a parody series done entirely for the LULZ and out of a deep love of both series, no offense intended or profit made.
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Comments: 46
foldabotZ [2016-12-16 08:23:27 +0000 UTC]
Do the Impossible, See the Invisible! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER!
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xenogundian [2013-12-12 15:55:21 +0000 UTC]
Derpy is...so.....CUTE
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Allison-beriyani In reply to Yatzstar [2013-04-14 11:03:09 +0000 UTC]
Aw, thanks!
I think it's the manly pony beard.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to eregnar [2013-04-01 03:45:07 +0000 UTC]
Oh good.
I was worried i was getting sappy.
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FlyingOverTheGrass [2012-04-13 02:54:53 +0000 UTC]
This is a wonderful comic series. Seeing a bunch of updates totally made my day. ^0^
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Allison-beriyani In reply to FlyingOverTheGrass [2012-04-13 03:16:25 +0000 UTC]
~Page-Mistress named him Quirky. I'm running with it.I'm glad everyone likes him so far.
Ponies and fanservice make everything better!
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FlyingOverTheGrass In reply to Allison-beriyani [2012-04-15 03:06:01 +0000 UTC]
I was going to suggest Screwball after seeing his cutie mark, but I think Quirky suits him a lot better!
Obviously my destiny is to do some fanart for this. Or maybe just continue the proud tradition of Boba Fett Cheesecake.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to FlyingOverTheGrass [2012-04-15 22:30:01 +0000 UTC]
I think screwball exists in cannon already, but that also would have been a good suggestion.
I would absolutely adore fanarts of this.
Though I believe you mean Beefcake.
I'm not sure what Boba Fett Cheesecake is.
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FlyingOverTheGrass In reply to Allison-beriyani [2012-04-16 05:50:58 +0000 UTC]
Also, I did indeed mean beefcake.
But let no man say I am not a woman of my word. Here is some Boba Fett cheesecake. [link]
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Allison-beriyani In reply to FlyingOverTheGrass [2012-04-20 05:04:43 +0000 UTC]
I giggled uncontrolably at that for about two minutes.
Mostly because my brain was suppling drunk-Boba dialouge to go with it, most of it directed at Han and Luke.
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FlyingOverTheGrass In reply to Allison-beriyani [2012-04-20 05:21:31 +0000 UTC]
Obviously you know your destiny is now to draw a full-on cheesecake drunk Boba Fett because I am rubbish at drawing him.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to FlyingOverTheGrass [2012-04-20 06:19:23 +0000 UTC]
I will add him to the Beefcake!Masquerade!Vader drawing I already have in progress.
This drawing is rapidly turning into The Man-Whores of Star Wars.
Which is kinda your thing.
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FlyingOverTheGrass In reply to Allison-beriyani [2012-04-21 16:35:37 +0000 UTC]
Man-Whores of Star Wars... I APPROVE.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to FlyingOverTheGrass [2012-04-24 03:21:19 +0000 UTC]
I thought you would.
When is your birthday again?
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FlyingOverTheGrass In reply to Allison-beriyani [2012-04-24 03:47:13 +0000 UTC]
November 20th, so a ways away.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to FlyingOverTheGrass [2012-04-24 04:49:24 +0000 UTC]
Well, it might not be done until then.
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FlyingOverTheGrass In reply to Allison-beriyani [2012-04-30 03:37:43 +0000 UTC]
That is totally fine with me. ;u; You are a quality arteest so I don't mind the wait!! I've still got to officially commission you, too...
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Page-Mistress [2012-04-12 17:32:21 +0000 UTC]
I think I like Quirky better.
Quirky Hooves, Derpy Hooves.
Anypony who suggests kicking the moon when it falls from the sky has to be quirky.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to Page-Mistress [2012-04-13 03:15:31 +0000 UTC]
That shall henceforth be his name.
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AbbyCatWolff [2012-04-11 12:41:39 +0000 UTC]
Man I love Herp! He looks like a cool daddy I like the little "Kick the Moom" inspirational phrase also well
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Allison-beriyani In reply to AbbyCatWolff [2012-04-11 20:17:51 +0000 UTC]
The only way he could get cooler would be to carbonite-freeze him.
It sounded like a good motivational phrase.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to AbbyCatWolff [2012-04-13 06:10:40 +0000 UTC]
...which is not going to happen, because, as mentioned in previous pages, he has passed on.
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Ana-Shadow-Wolf [2012-04-11 08:28:22 +0000 UTC]
A page of emotion and some inteligence and she is back to the game "I would kick the moon!". Hey, who knows, it may work (hell, at this point we're all accepting any ideas).
Live snakes? Is that movie of the snakes in a plaaaane! (Are those things in the glass pokeballs or am I seeing things? XD)
Her father is so adorable!
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Allison-beriyani In reply to Ana-Shadow-Wolf [2012-04-11 20:16:14 +0000 UTC]
Derpy's dialouge is hard to write- I can't make her too sharp, but she's not an idiot either.
The crate is being recycled from an earlier assassination attempt on mace windu, and those are pokeballs behind special blaster-proof-glass, which cuts out the color.
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Ana-Shadow-Wolf In reply to Allison-beriyani [2012-04-18 07:37:45 +0000 UTC]
I guess she is one of those beings that may be taken for a dummy, but are not. In her own style, since she sees things from another perspective, sometimes she knows better how to take strange situations than others. And plus, sometimes, crazy (I call creative) measures may work better than others. Or maybe I'm just over analyzing...
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Allison-beriyani In reply to Ana-Shadow-Wolf [2012-04-20 04:51:21 +0000 UTC]
We'll learn more as the show progresses.
Until then I'm writing what I think sounds right for her and what suits the plot.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to Reprogrammed [2012-04-11 04:41:12 +0000 UTC]
Oh good, I was worried people wouldn't like him!
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NovDecJan [2012-04-11 04:12:21 +0000 UTC]
The only name I can think of off hand is Fritz (like something is on the fritz)
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Allison-beriyani In reply to NovDecJan [2012-04-11 04:40:57 +0000 UTC]
Hmm... not bad, but doesn't quite fit the mark I gave him.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to The-12th-Doctor86 [2012-04-11 04:39:31 +0000 UTC]
Boba has no idea what they actually are- he thinks they're odd-looking grenades. He's in for a big surprise the first time he chucks one at an adversary!
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dragonsong56 In reply to Allison-beriyani [2012-04-20 20:29:15 +0000 UTC]
I'd imagine that they would contain a Magickarp and a Feebas.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to dragonsong56 [2012-04-21 05:40:15 +0000 UTC]
Boba and his dad would go fishing a lot.
He might eat them.
I'd like to think one contains a lame non-edible-looking pokemon, and the other contains something ridiculously powerful, but I can't decide what.
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dragonsong56 In reply to Allison-beriyani [2012-04-21 15:22:48 +0000 UTC]
One has a Burmy, and the other has a Hydreigon. That would be awesome....
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The-12th-Doctor86 In reply to Allison-beriyani [2012-04-11 04:41:43 +0000 UTC]
LOL! You have a ton of crossovers in this. I caught the snakes on a plane reference too.
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Allison-beriyani In reply to The-12th-Doctor86 [2012-04-11 05:43:16 +0000 UTC]
The only way I can even vaguely justify this is that it's taking place in some sort of smashed-up multiverse, where all nerd-doms collide.
Somewhere else out there, The men of TF2 and the Senshi Scouts have teamed up to fight everything from Sonic the Hedgehog.
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