alicexz β€” Rosalie Hale

Published: 2008-11-22 07:12:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 56282; Favourites: 1637; Downloads: 1623
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Description Portrait of what I imagine Rosalie to look like. Reference from this beautiful photo of Diane Kruger: [link]

Painted in Adobe Photoshop CS3, one of my first drawings using a tablet.
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Comments: 138

AJInu-Okami [2014-01-15 01:09:23 +0000 UTC]

Rosalie - The only vampire that has personality and not a Mary Sue. I like her and her back story was sad yet cool.

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plastic-geektastic [2013-01-23 06:11:04 +0000 UTC]


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amitisART [2012-03-18 10:22:36 +0000 UTC]


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ABA999 [2012-03-06 15:01:13 +0000 UTC]

beautiful, she is just how i imagined her

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wolfie157 [2012-01-24 19:05:22 +0000 UTC]

beautiful, i would say this is how i imagined her also

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conradkcat [2011-12-14 20:41:55 +0000 UTC]

That's so beautiful.

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Tisii [2011-08-06 02:40:38 +0000 UTC]

Wow, really good!

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SamanthaTCole [2011-01-26 22:05:36 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful, i love this image! i wanted to tell you that I am currently using this on a website of mine, of course i have no income (profit) from my website, it is a fan-fiction i write :/ I hope this does not bother you and i hope you give me permission to use this, it is simply wonderful and i feel horrid for not thinking of asking you in the first place.

Anyways beautiful picture and you are VERY talented, i hope you give me permission to use.

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PurpleHope [2011-01-25 01:20:14 +0000 UTC]

I like your version better
Also , how much time does it takes you to draw a quick portrait like this one ?

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OtherNamesAreTaken [2011-01-09 05:13:00 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful!

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tsukikoyukio [2010-12-07 06:04:08 +0000 UTC]


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drop-of-sun [2010-12-02 16:06:38 +0000 UTC]

funny! i prefer this version to te "real" rosalie interpreted by nikki reed...

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sara05550 [2010-10-17 21:24:14 +0000 UTC]

great job!

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Nathiest [2010-09-27 23:48:40 +0000 UTC]

Now THATS Rosalie!

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Amphrebie [2010-09-07 19:49:29 +0000 UTC]

wow! much more pretty than Nicci Reed in the movie

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MisMackenna [2010-08-05 12:45:08 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful!

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xXx-Becca-Boo-Xxx [2010-07-23 18:19:14 +0000 UTC]

Nevermind that last comment it was for another picture xD

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xXx-Becca-Boo-Xxx [2010-07-23 18:17:48 +0000 UTC]

this isn't my art. I just have it cause I like the picture. I wish I could draw like that.

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Silverblue-Tink [2010-07-22 18:33:30 +0000 UTC]

this is how I imagined Rosalie, she looks so pretty!

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Selene344 [2010-07-17 04:48:38 +0000 UTC]


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Todd-the-fox [2010-07-10 12:55:53 +0000 UTC]

You have such a beautiful style. It suits the twilight characters perfectly

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GravityOnHold [2010-07-08 02:55:12 +0000 UTC]

This is actually really close to what I thought she looked like!

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LyraLafae [2010-07-01 21:36:57 +0000 UTC]

ooooooo! so pretty!

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fantom125 [2010-07-01 09:31:52 +0000 UTC]

I love these eyes and the shadow on the face! And the lips of course

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AstartePorcelain [2010-07-01 07:26:33 +0000 UTC]

I hate whole Twilight series But I'm impressed with this picture. It's beautiful.

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alexluna [2010-06-28 01:10:32 +0000 UTC]

Right on! I love Nikki Reed as an actress, but she's not our Rose. (Although, I think that has more to do with the script than the actress - they're completely wasting her talents. Rosalie is a force to be reckoned with, not a silent, scowling, passive mean-girl. Not to mention, Rosalie has one of the best story arcs, and a pretty damn important one considering her pivotal role in Breaking Dawn - which won't make much sense without her background story. Argh.)

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Dursley [2010-06-27 12:28:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I love it Rosalie is my favourite character, and I think you captured her perfectly

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witchhuntergio [2010-06-25 20:12:37 +0000 UTC]

I love it! Even though I always imagined her to look like doutzen kroes...

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vasogoma [2010-06-08 02:34:02 +0000 UTC]

amazing, awesome, perfect <3

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ava-angel [2010-06-01 14:20:36 +0000 UTC]

She is perfect Rosalie! Exactly how I've been imagining her!

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o0-SaRuMa-0o [2010-03-27 17:15:19 +0000 UTC]

She sure looks beautiful!! It's amazing!!

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strryeyedreamr27 [2010-02-19 08:07:34 +0000 UTC]

I LOVE how you draw Rosalie! So amazingly beautiful!

So much better than a Nikki Reed referenced image...oops...did I just type that? Oh well, it's true...

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fanpire05 [2010-02-13 22:50:59 +0000 UTC]

I have a Question. I am going to do this little Video for youtube of the best Twilight related art
-in my opinion -from Deviant art. I would love to use this pic for that video. I will be giving credit to those of whos art I use. I will also send u the video when its done. If u dont want me to use it than thats ok. I thought I would ask. Thanx for ur time.

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BlueAngel-Mermaid [2010-02-13 11:11:10 +0000 UTC]

OH MY GOD! ThatΒ΄s just totally awesome. Love it!

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vampirelover18 [2010-01-21 23:47:20 +0000 UTC]

like t-o-t-a-l-l-y! u really master photoshop, love ur drawings!

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XMagicalPrincessX [2009-12-28 16:22:23 +0000 UTC]

It's great! There aren't much portraits of Rose, which actually show her real beauty, but you did perfectly. Though I think it's a little bit too childlike.

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Jessica--95 [2009-12-20 14:05:08 +0000 UTC]


Love it!

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foxyDJ [2009-12-16 21:55:03 +0000 UTC]

Awsome love it

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amethyst--rose [2009-12-12 09:16:25 +0000 UTC]

so beautiful

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JeanHar [2009-12-07 18:50:39 +0000 UTC]

omg love it! This was beautifully done. The eyes and the hair gave it some serious life

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Animefetish85 [2009-11-16 19:10:36 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this makes me not wanna hate Rosalie!

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GinnyWeasley-13 [2009-10-21 07:35:13 +0000 UTC]

This is really beautiful. Great work with the hair and expression.

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sheawaits [2009-10-20 22:18:34 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful <3
Did you draw this out first?

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BrokenViolet [2009-10-06 18:24:55 +0000 UTC]

this how Rosalie should be!
very well done and awesome work

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minako366 [2009-10-06 07:09:02 +0000 UTC]

I seriously LOVE your style *nods* definitely jealousy on my part

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whispery-voice [2009-10-01 23:10:46 +0000 UTC]

I have nothing against Niki, but this picture is SOO much more suitable for Rosalie

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thejediknight1 [2009-10-01 00:35:12 +0000 UTC]

ooo thats soo pretty!

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Stellablue7 [2009-09-29 21:17:23 +0000 UTC]

Gorgeous too

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YuriKoVIII [2009-09-13 17:14:44 +0000 UTC]


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hapg [2009-09-10 19:36:20 +0000 UTC]

Perfect! Thats how she should have looked like! Really wonderful art

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