ALacroixx β€” Thanks for playing

Published: 2014-04-23 00:17:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 3168; Favourites: 87; Downloads: 19
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Description I'm on Chapter 12.Β 
I love this game's story so I made a quick end game picture! Those who got the bad ending of "The Witch and the Hundred Knight" would get this picture.

I think I lost track of how many times I cried from this game.
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Comments: 17

MarvelousElation [2016-01-27 13:36:49 +0000 UTC]

Wait, game has multiple endings ?
Wikipedia didnt say a word about it.

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RyanFiregem [2014-05-28 22:08:39 +0000 UTC]

She looks like a boy, sorry if any of you get mad. i am just saying she looks like a boy.

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lordtalesman100 [2014-05-13 14:16:02 +0000 UTC]

which ending do you think is the best overall?

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ALacroixx In reply to lordtalesman100 [2014-05-13 17:02:29 +0000 UTC]

Bad ending

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lordtalesman100 In reply to ALacroixx [2014-05-14 03:10:25 +0000 UTC]

care to explain it to me cause...

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AsukaRose [2014-04-23 17:41:21 +0000 UTC]

uwu So much love <3

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explodeprinny [2014-04-23 01:45:19 +0000 UTC]

The relationship between HK and Metallia is one filled with asΒ much D'awww as it has asskicking. ^^

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ALacroixx In reply to explodeprinny [2014-04-24 00:08:18 +0000 UTC]

Very true. Haha, just to let you know, I've finished the game! Chapter 13 is complete!Β 
I have.. No words though. Well actually I do, but I am very touched with it.Β 

Metallia really is an amazing person.Β 

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explodeprinny In reply to ALacroixx [2014-04-24 16:52:27 +0000 UTC]


Same. Dem feels, girl.

And that's why you play through the whole game instead of stopping after the beginning. Metallia's actually become one of my favorite female characters ever. ^^

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Dragonx347 In reply to ALacroixx [2014-04-24 01:37:31 +0000 UTC]

Just curios have you done the metallia boss fight by chance?
You should be able to when metallia ask you a question in ch.1 beginning of the game just O agree then X disagree.Β 

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ALacroixx In reply to Dragonx347 [2014-04-24 03:15:26 +0000 UTC]

Yup, I have! Silly Metallia keeps flying into a wall Β 

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Dragonx347 In reply to ALacroixx [2014-04-24 03:59:24 +0000 UTC]

In the game what scene would you consider to be your favorite?
Mine is when Metallia crash the walpurgis partyΒ 

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ALacroixx In reply to Dragonx347 [2014-04-24 04:01:33 +0000 UTC]

Mines when we get to meet Uruka Β 
I quite enjoy learning about history and legends.Β 

I can't say I have an absolute favourite. There are so many scenes I love, I don't think I have one I dislike.Β 

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Dragonx347 In reply to ALacroixx [2014-04-24 04:15:36 +0000 UTC]

I must say the game sure does love throwing surprises at you like Torude's and Uruka's true identity for example.
Β like really?! I did not see that coming.

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ALacroixx In reply to Dragonx347 [2014-04-24 04:16:58 +0000 UTC]

I basically just wanted to flip a table. I was surprised!Β 
There are so many surprises in the game, and I seriously love it

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Dragonx347 [2014-04-23 00:26:07 +0000 UTC]

The witch and the hundred knight is truly an awesome game with a wonderful story.

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ALacroixx In reply to Dragonx347 [2014-04-24 00:09:51 +0000 UTC]

I do have to agree with you on that one Β 
Honestly, probably one of the better stories I've seen in a long time.Β 

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