#collaboration #ocs #ocsoriginalcharacters
Published: 2016-10-06 21:27:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 1614; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 9
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Thank you
Forty two OCs started the training in June, thirty six take part till the end and seventeen completed all tasks. During three months most of us did eight art-works depicting own character, which makes a decent collection. We commended on team fellows' submissions and some of us went beyond that being chatty toward almost everyone.
Amount Flood of program inquiries surprised me. Each time I was going to comment on submissions, I ended up answering them. Really without our four devoted admins: Ulario, Ithilloth, Zakuro-Kona and MaddieJK, this round would not maintain its high standards, if not completely collapsed.
I hope you all are satisfied with the round outcome. There are a lot of opportunities to have fun with your developed trainees: Halloween theme contest at anime-manga-creation group or writing a novel during NaNoWriMo. Have fun!
My holiday
It would be great to meet you all in sixth, winter OC-Training round that starts on 10th December 2016. Its agenda has been already published. Meanwhile I am taking my well-earned off-line holiday. Do not expect me back before second week of November.
The composition
The photo was planned ahead. We knew it would be outdoor auditorium, so everyone would have equal space and the composition would be made of rows. However I faced some challenges like in real group photo sessions: different moods (smiling vs serious etc.), some OCs seem to look in a different direction. Plus typical for a photo-manipulation issue about setting figures in a background, when not all OCs fitted in seats I obtained in two (!) different stock sessions. No one made over-creative pose, but when details added up, simple rows turned out to be no solution this time.
In my seek for a composition that will match dynamic and energy of the OCs and be at the same time aesthetically pleasing, I put all eggs in one basket going for S-curve arrangement. Placement of the OCs depends on their bodies lean and direction that their knees point. However I wanted also mimic in this photo-manip a group dynamic, so a twist in arrangement is grouping according to commenting teams. So here they are: thirty exactly and all good looking.
Utilized tutorials
- "The Secret to Composition" tutorial by Lulie : lulie.deviantart.com/art/The-S…
- "16 does and don't to photograph large groups" by Jennifer Bacher: clickitupanotch.com/2012/05/ph…
OC from bottom to top, left to right:
- Isugoro Jintez: Gelus Soldier by MaddieJK , Nir, prehistoric hunter by Sauroctonus ,
- Riku Fujioka, captain of soccer club by KamiNoDarkWolf , Gyongyi, traveler with magic wand by cpmcpm13 , Travis, clone created with magic by AvocadoAfro , Sebastian, prince of Esout by Moonlit-Creator , Augustine II, the prince of Wesnorh by Sunlit-Creator , Naika Haunter, retired assassin by InkPawStudio777 , Puck, second in command on a spaceship by ProbablyImpossible , Nadasa, apothecary and herbalist by Drayah , Cora Saris, Jedi knight by DaiseyMae , Holly Shepherd, secretive schoolgirl by Zakuro-Kona ,
- Jalal, a stable boy by Akaszik , Rin, half-yokai writer and artist by isis2433 , Kahi, magic researcher by Naefa , Hakon the Bold, Viking warrior by HelevornArt ,
- Aurora Nightingale, spirit traveler by CelestialWolf66 , Jana Andersen, special force soldier by pheeph , Danika, kindred courtesan by Raqonteur , Levi, immortal sociopath by PsychosPsychosis , Tehuti Naeem, exorcist and time bender by constantinejohny , Devlin Fenix, vampire inventor by dargon899 , Zhad, Shadow Corraler by Iven-Furrpaw , Isillien, ranger in training by Ithilloth ,
- Até, aristocrat pyrokineticist by DrinkTeaOrDie , Margo, accountant married to a superhero by Birdhousebirdy , Auctus, a spacecraft pilot by Ulario , Marietta, steampunk maid by Petrotasia , Emily Templeman, military officer by MissSleeper , Ire, magical pet by Angry-Kitsune .
Arena at Suncity, a photo taken by Confussed-Stock : confussed-stock.deviantart.com…
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Comments: 16
Raqonteur [2016-11-16 19:24:23 +0000 UTC]
I can't believe i haven't commented on this yet
/slaps hand.
A wonderful job as usual. I can't imagine how hard it was to fit that many OC's into a single picture. I doff my hat to your skill and perserverence
And well done to everyone who stayed the course this round. All your OC's look wonderful here
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Akaszik In reply to Raqonteur [2016-11-16 22:05:43 +0000 UTC]
I'm happy that you like this.
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HelevornArt [2016-10-10 15:09:17 +0000 UTC]
It must have been such a difficult job with so many characters in such different styles, but you managed to put it together masterfully! You did an amazing job! And thank you for the opportunity we had to improve ourselves and our characters during this fun training time!
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lndubitably [2016-10-09 12:35:44 +0000 UTC]
Ah, this is fabulous~ ;v;
Everyone looks just a little bit more charming in your arrangement!
Great work.
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DrinkTeaOrDie [2016-10-09 05:41:51 +0000 UTC]
It looks amazing! Thank you for taking the time to put this together for the participants. And look at Até with her little graduation pin!
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SpaceCastaway [2016-10-08 10:07:25 +0000 UTC]
Came out perfect! Couldn't have put it together better
It seems like a good opportunity to tell you that I'm both impressed and proud that despite the odds you managed to stick around and run the group with just our humble help. Even Jalal's training didn't suffer on this. We all did great job, but you did the greatest
Thank you for yet another wonderful round of OC Training!
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Drayah [2016-10-08 01:30:14 +0000 UTC]
Wow this looks fantastic!!! Great job putting it all together!! I commend your hard work!! Thank you so much for being the best ever!!!
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Petrotasia [2016-10-07 12:43:54 +0000 UTC]
This is really amazing work!! I also love how all the OCs seemed to be grouped together in their respective groups too
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Angry-Kitsune [2016-10-07 00:17:10 +0000 UTC]
Aaah I love it. You did a wonderful job getting everyone to sit together.
And it's so cool to see everyone's different styles right next to each other.
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Birdhousebirdy [2016-10-07 00:04:13 +0000 UTC]
This is really nicely done. Great job with the composition! And thank you for spending the time. I hope you enjoy your well deserved holiday.
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pheeph [2016-10-06 22:09:38 +0000 UTC]
Wow... you really did a good job getting all those OCs in the right setting...
With Danika sitting next to Jana, I wonder if it's even safe for her...
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Naefa [2016-10-06 21:28:59 +0000 UTC]
Wow it's so cool love it. Thank you for your work and time
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