Agent-Sarah — Malefactor concept sketches

Published: 2005-12-26 03:58:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 221; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 2
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Description My four newest creations that will appear in my roleplay (which it is in haitus), Remebrance of Things Past.

Creatures (c) me.
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Comments: 16

BaroqueWolfie [2007-02-26 18:09:42 +0000 UTC]

Wow, These are awsome! Were they inspired from The Suffering video game?

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BaroqueWolfie [2007-02-26 18:08:41 +0000 UTC]

Wow, These are awsome! Were they inspired from The Suffering video game?

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Agent-Sarah In reply to BaroqueWolfie [2007-02-26 23:03:37 +0000 UTC]

Yup! I wanted to come up with new creatures for a roleplay I did.

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beneil [2007-02-15 20:26:43 +0000 UTC]

so what execution your Malefactor Born from?

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Agent-Sarah In reply to beneil [2007-02-15 22:40:34 +0000 UTC]

Here's what they're born from:

Carrier: manifestation of diseases

Iron Maiden: People who died from the torture item, the iron maiden

Drowned: People who drowned to their death

Martyer: Religion extemeist and people who are blinded by their exteme faith

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beneil [2006-12-25 00:05:47 +0000 UTC]

Malefactor concept sketches?

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Agent-Sarah In reply to beneil [2006-12-25 01:46:18 +0000 UTC]

Yup, concept sketches. The complete drawings of the creatures are in the manin gallery.

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beneil In reply to Agent-Sarah [2006-12-25 09:55:11 +0000 UTC]

what are concept sketches

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Agent-Sarah In reply to beneil [2006-12-25 17:12:57 +0000 UTC]

...You're kidding me, right?

Concept sketching is when people do tons of sketches before making the final drawing. Look it up online.

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beneil In reply to Agent-Sarah [2006-12-25 19:07:30 +0000 UTC]

ok 1 thin what Malefactors are they?

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Agent-Sarah In reply to beneil [2006-12-25 22:43:40 +0000 UTC]

They're creatures from the surivor horror game, The Suffering. They are manifestions of executions, urban legends, or crime.

These four creatures I made are manifestions of virual outbreaks, torture, death and religion extremist.

I have a question to ask you: How old are you?

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beneil In reply to Agent-Sarah [2006-12-25 23:17:14 +0000 UTC]

I'm 18

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Agent-Sarah In reply to beneil [2006-12-25 23:39:02 +0000 UTC]

When are you going to post your own art soon?

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beneil In reply to Agent-Sarah [2006-12-25 23:16:18 +0000 UTC]

tell me about your four manifestions and thay executions.

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Agent-Sarah In reply to beneil [2006-12-25 23:38:04 +0000 UTC]

I said you can the main four creatures in my main gallery. It has the full information in the artist comment.

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Agent-Sarah In reply to Agent-Sarah [2006-12-25 23:38:16 +0000 UTC]

*you can find

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