Published: 2007-11-18 11:13:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 16985; Favourites: 781; Downloads: 170
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I wanted to dedicate this picture to my friends and which are big fans of RyukxRem. It is a present for them but also for all the fans of these two Gods of Death.
Quería dedicarle este dibujo a unas amigas mias y las cuales son grandes fans de RyukxRem. Es un regalo para ellas pero también para todos los fans de estos dos dioses de la muerte.
Death Note © Tsugumi Ōba & Takeshi Obata
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Comments: 216
KewlJewel [2017-11-11 08:10:35 +0000 UTC]
Nooo! This picture makes me wanna hug Rem more than I already do! 😣😗😟😢😍
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ArthurDrakoni [2017-11-07 03:36:17 +0000 UTC]
This looks nice, I really like the art style here
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AdeLeanis In reply to ArthurDrakoni [2017-11-07 11:30:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Very glad you like it!
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MyLifeIsSin [2017-02-10 02:08:21 +0000 UTC]
Well now I got an idea about the bandage... I've always wondered about that thing >.<
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MyLifeIsSin In reply to AdeLeanis [2017-02-17 01:25:32 +0000 UTC]
Maybe... I'LL MOVE TO JAPAN FIND THE CREATORS AND ASK THEM WHY SHE HAS THE BANDAGE! And a few other questions so I don't seem very weird.
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MyLifeIsSin In reply to MyLifeIsSin [2017-02-10 14:06:36 +0000 UTC]
Wait never mind he playing with them
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AdeLeanis In reply to AnSmoll [2015-10-26 14:03:27 +0000 UTC]
Thanks!!! Very glad you like them! ^^
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Aritzi [2015-07-06 02:09:18 +0000 UTC]
Throughout the whole Death Note series I got very confused when everyone kept referring Rem as ''she'' or ''her''. I thought Rem was a guy.
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AdeLeanis In reply to Aritzi [2015-07-08 21:51:03 +0000 UTC]
That's one of the reasons why I love her design. In my opinion, a shinigami doesn't have to looks particularly feminine o girly even if she is female. That way is more original.
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Laineyfantasy [2015-01-23 19:46:35 +0000 UTC]
awww i love this! Rem looks a bit bored though!
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AdeLeanis In reply to Laineyfantasy [2015-01-27 21:37:50 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, pal! Very glad you like it!
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AdeLeanis In reply to Laerta820 [2014-11-24 00:40:38 +0000 UTC]
I don't understand what you mean, sorry
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AdeLeanis In reply to ihexx [2013-11-14 22:48:37 +0000 UTC]
Rem is actually a female shinigami. But not in the movie.
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MaYoDi [2013-08-13 10:22:23 +0000 UTC]
OMG the ART and the scene!!! It's so cuteeeeeeeeeeee
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AdeLeanis In reply to MaYoDi [2013-08-29 10:05:53 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Very glad you like this work ^^
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flo0115 [2013-05-22 13:13:42 +0000 UTC]
OMG! Esta genial!! La sonrisa de Ryuk *.*
Rem se ve increible, creo que es de las mejores versiones de ella (¿Ella? xD) que he visto.
Lejos uno de los mejores fanarts que he visto de los shinigamis :3
Por cierto, ¡Hablas español!
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AdeLeanis In reply to flo0115 [2013-05-22 21:48:09 +0000 UTC]
Sí, sí, Rem es "ella" está confirmado oficialmente
Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado este dibujo, pero no sé que decirte ante tu idea de que este es el mejor fanart que has visto de estos shinigamis. En realidad de puede mejorar, pero tu amabilidad me halaga.
Así que muchísimas gracias
Y sí, hablo español, como ves. Soy española, de hecho.
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flo0115 In reply to AdeLeanis [2013-05-22 23:06:43 +0000 UTC]
Oh, pues de nada ^^
Pues yo creo que Rem esta perfecta *.* Y Ryuk... Amo a Ryuk xD
Jum~~ Yo soy de Chile :3
Iba a intentar, haciendo uso de mi "excelente" inglés -.- decirte lo mismo, cuando me dí cuenta de que hablabas español XD
En fin~ Me encanta tu estilo de dibujo~~
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AdeLeanis In reply to kittyfinn [2013-05-21 16:53:22 +0000 UTC]
¡Gracias! Es un placer que te haya gustado mi dibujo
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AdeLeanis In reply to Speisla [2013-05-02 18:54:01 +0000 UTC]
In my opinion they both are the best of Death Note ^^
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Veganotron [2013-02-04 05:05:21 +0000 UTC]
Aww, this is really nice! Poor Rem looks rather depressed, while Ryuk seems to be having fun with those bandages. Their usual personalities are actually pretty well summarized in this picture.
But seriously, I just love your drawing. To be honest, I never thought these two in the same picture could be believable, but this is surprisingly heartwarming.
And your style is great! It must have been complicated to draw Rem in this posture (she's already hard to draw when she's just standing, with all that shadowing to do everywhere ) and the details on Ryuk's "outfit" are simply awesome!
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AdeLeanis In reply to Veganotron [2013-02-11 16:29:00 +0000 UTC]
I love your comment because you've analyzed very well all I wanted to convey and show in this picture. Usually few people realizes about the details which you have noticed (like for example, that the posture in which Rem is wasn't something easy to draw because she has never seen like that in the series), so in the same way that you admire my picture, I will admire your sense of observation
It's pretty that people could appreciate the effort and dedication that you invert in a work like this.
I'm so glad you like my picture, and thank you for this great and nice comment (it makes me think about comments should also keep a button, or something like that, in order of mark them as favorites).
Thank you!
PS: Sorry for my poor English
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Veganotron In reply to AdeLeanis [2013-02-22 01:29:26 +0000 UTC]
Haha, don't worry. I still need to improve my English too. And sorry for replying so late.
Well, I'm glad that you found my comment useful. I think I tend to notice details like the posture and the coloring because those are things that I sometimes have a hard time with myself. I tried to draw Rem once and gave up (not entirely, but at least on finishing that particular drawing) because there was always something wrong with the position I wanted for her, and I couldn't find any similar picture I could use for reference (because I have NO visual memory at all, sadly
). So I'm aware of the difficulty and I admire artists like you who successfully go through with their idea by trying their best.
Also, I'm very fond of art works in which there are lots of details for the eye to linger on, and I could see right away that yours had surely required a lot of meticulous care and hard work.
And besides your execution of the drawing, I also liked the image itself. As I mentioned, I had never really imagined Rem and Ryuk getting along very well (maybe because they're such complete opposites ), but I think you brought the idea in a very natural and believable way, which actually makes it interesting to wonder if they knew each other before the whole story of Death Note took place...
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AdeLeanis In reply to Veganotron [2013-02-28 01:11:25 +0000 UTC]
Practically I agree in everything that you said, so I haven't much to add in my reply except to give thanks again
Seriously I would wish to be able to explain things better in English. You seem a good conversationalist
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Veganotron In reply to AdeLeanis [2013-03-08 05:14:29 +0000 UTC]
Well, in that case, you are very welcome once again!
And thank you for the compliment. It's nice to know that you think I'm good at expressing myself in English even though my native language is French. Having a lot of conversations with people online has helped me to improve my English considerably, but I still need to expand my vocabulary and to become familiar with a lot of specific expressions I'm not quite sure about.
But you seem pretty good too! I would have thought that English was probably your first language if you hadn't told me otherwise.
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koreta10 [2011-11-22 02:18:28 +0000 UTC]
wow, pero ¿no te cansa dibujar tantos detalles?
yo me canso muy rápido y trato de esquivarlos xDD
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AdeLeanis In reply to koreta10 [2011-11-22 20:43:03 +0000 UTC]
La verdad es que no me cansa. Es más; siempre procuro que mis dibujos no queden demasiado simplificados y que puedan mostrar toda la carga que los personajes contienen realmente. Incluso, cuando más cansada estoy, saco fuerzas de la flaqueza y acabo terminando lo que me propongo. Espero que tú también puedas aplicar en tus trabajos esto que te estoy contando
Lo que ocurre es que este es un dibujo muy antiguo y en comparación con mis obras más recientes fue muy fácil de hacer.
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