AceLive-Project — Animating using Paint Tool Sai - LS Screen Record

Published: 2013-06-09 21:28:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 7796; Favourites: 100; Downloads: 45
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This is to show that you can animate using Paint Tool Sai or Gimp or other Layered software without the need of buying expensive softwares unless you have the money to buy it. Animation on Paint Tool Sai takes hell a lot of patience and effort. It's not easy to animate and don't think animation will be a fly since animation takes time.

If you can afford softwares such as Toon Boom, it will be best as Toon Boom is way faster than Animation on Paint Tool Sai or any software and also animation friend. Toon boom is rivaled with Retas and Retas is famous in Japan. The show such as Naruto, Bleach, Shakugan no Shana, Haruhi Suzumiya and more are all animated using Retas. TV Paint is famous in Europe and Toon Boom is a Canadian software famous in Disney Animated.

Youtube Video Samples::TV Paint Pro - [link]
Toon Boom Animate Pro - [link]
Retas Pro - [link]
Anime Studio Pro - [link]
Adobe Flash - [link]

My Samples::Toon Boom Animate Pro -

Anime Studio Pro -

Paint Tool Sai -

Buy? Here you go!
ToonBoomht tp://www.toonboom.com/products/animate-pro
Toon Boom Animate Pro - $1999 $1199
Toon Boom Animate - $1399 $699
Toon Boom Studio - $349 (They have promo now $199)

AnimeStudioht tp://anime.smithmicro.com/buy.html
Anime Studio Pro - $299
Anime Studio Debut - $49.99

TVPaintht tp://www.tvpaint.com/v2/content/article/store/prices.php
TVPaint Animation 10.0 Professional Edition - $1522.79
TVPaint Animation 10.0 Standard Edition - $638.80

RETASht tp://www.celsys.co.jp/en/products/retas/index.html
Retas Pro HD - $1999
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Comments: 12

VaryuPon [2015-07-22 06:19:20 +0000 UTC]

When you played back the frames in a separate program and saved the frames as a .gif; what program was that?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AceLive-Project In reply to VaryuPon [2015-07-23 08:28:06 +0000 UTC]

It was a freeware software called  "Photoscape" It can edit, batch edit, create gifs, and more etc. Hope I'm helping at any case on your question.

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kawaiihoshi-san [2015-07-22 02:37:31 +0000 UTC]

omygulay lined and color separately?
and sipag ah!! >U< galing (:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Aquamarique [2015-07-21 09:01:59 +0000 UTC]

Ever heard of flash? I want Flash CS6 so I can animate for II. But you're amazing at animating.

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AceLive-Project In reply to Aquamarique [2015-07-21 12:36:52 +0000 UTC]

Yep, I've used Flash on my Animation school before but I stopped using it when I got ToonBoom. Toonboom is completely identical to Flash only that has more power, 3D capabilities, lots of inverse and reverse kinematics. Soothing for frame by frame and one of the most expensive feature is it's vector due to resolution independent so I have no worries what quality the project is made, it will go high quality as long as quality data is saved.

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Aquamarique In reply to AceLive-Project [2015-07-21 19:01:37 +0000 UTC]

Oh. I prefer Flash because I've learned what I needed to know, I  tried the trial and I animated very smoothly. I can't wait to buy it.

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infinsnow [2014-04-17 15:22:52 +0000 UTC]

i tried submitting my sai drawing but it wouldnt work, how can i?

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firesafeara300 [2013-10-13 06:25:59 +0000 UTC]

I'm really confused with the anime studio, especially the bones and movement....

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T3RII [2013-06-11 19:51:36 +0000 UTC]


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MariannaNight [2013-06-10 09:56:48 +0000 UTC]


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HIROmanga [2013-06-10 06:45:49 +0000 UTC]

The way you set your posts up is so professional it makes me jealous.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Virgillia-Auera [2013-06-10 01:12:48 +0000 UTC]

That was a really cool Stream Rj, hope you do more! (I was Animekelsey if you ask)

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