Ace118 — Lady Isold / Traditional Royal/ Doe

Published: 2015-05-06 20:59:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 2318; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 4
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Open for plots, Meets and greets and RPS.
Name: Lady Ísold (Means beauty,Fair. Arthurian) 
Nick name: Belle
Gender: Doe
Height: 9hh
Build: Light - Medium 
Date of Birth: 749
Colour:  Flaxen Chestnut
Genotype: ee/Aa/ff/Fwfw/nrz
Eye Colour: Brown
Design Sheet: Fawnlings April Pool #24  
Bloodline:Isold Family
Sire: NPC Lord
Dam: Lady Mor
100% Glenmore
Magic: Earth
Hoof maiden:Akora | Doe | Glenmore | Hoofmaiden  

Skill Points
Speed: 7 [Basic Level]
Stamina: 5 [Basic Level]
Strength: 3 [Basic Level] (Build Cap: 15 points max)

Magic: 1 [Basic Level]
Herbs: 4 [Basic Level]

Experience: 0

+5 speed - base bonus
+3 stamina - base bonus
+1 strength - base bonus
+2 speed - starter bonus
+2 stamina - starter bonus
+2 strength - starter bonus
+1 magic - starter bonus
+4 herbs - starter bonus

+1 Skill
+2 Skills
+2 Skills
+2 Skills
+ 3 skills

Daughter: NPC Lady Cashanah 759 by 
Rhov  (open for creation) 
Son: Dracoquis/ Guard Cadet/ Colt  763 by Theon
Daughter: Lady Dolores 764 by Lord Ciardair

Solomon | Stag | Lord  745
Sister: Lady Ylva | Doe | Glenmore  747 
Sister:Lady Asta | Royal Doe | Glenmore   751
Misha | Doe |Adept Newborn Commoner  760

Herd Information
Herd: Glenmore
Herd Position: Royal Doe
Mate: Lord Ciardair

Current Location: Glenmore, in the royal glade

Appearance: Always had a red rose bud in the top of her main to remind those she may be as beautiful as the rose but can have a temper like the thrones.   

Temperament: Lady like, kind, thoughtful, laid back, brave, good at keeping secrets, traditional royal, Opinionated 

History: Born doughtier to Lady Mor she did not really know her farther she may have met him but does not know him to be her father as he did not spend much time raising her. Her mother spent allot of time raising her. While she was very young her mother introduced her to lemons she was not very keen on them like her mother is. Being a usual playful and inquisitive fawn she would often explore but not to far from her mother of coarse. 

753 At three years old she learned she was the kings cousin she hoped to meet him and get to know him one day she also learned about the royals and how to walk and trot more like a royal form Mor at this age. She loved to learn and Mor spent many days teaching her everything Mor knew. 

755 At five years of age she spent more time learnt with her mother which plants can help you and which ones are poisonous. Due to her still being young this and learning everything a royal doe is supposed to learn, stayed humble, sweet, playful and respectful towards others and she grew up to be a fine lady.

758 At eight years old she had caught the attention of Lord Rhov  they made a stunning couple and she loved him dearly she had one fawn with him a daughter in 759 at that the time she accepted even though her colour was undesirable. She was quite happy to be with him until there dougher just was not sitting right with her she left him that winter she made it clear she did not want to have any more undesirable fawns and they parted ways now he and their daughter is her darkest secret leaving him really hurt her at the time she thought she would never love again

760 Being older and wiser now she wants nothing to do with her cousin she was so naive when she was young. She still cares for her mother but is not impressed with her mothers choice of mate. Though she herself these days are to busy looking for her own partner she does not even give them a thought unless its brought into conversation then she does and makes her views about it known.   

  Great Uncle Hrothgar Her closest relative she went to him when she turned her back on her mother and he has been a constant figure in her life. She respects him and seeks him out if she needs to for advice or company. She will go to him as and when she feels she needs him. She sees him as a farther figure more as he has been there for her more than her dad ever has. She holds him very dear to her heart and wont let any one stop her from visiting him.

  Nephew Lord Knox She has known him his hole life nearly. He is a young lord with a lot to learn she wants to meet up again and teach him some valuable lessons weather he would like them or not is another matter. She does care for him but tends not to show it. 

  Theon She met him unintentionally but wants to meet him more her hero saving her from a Blackwood she has chosen this brave sole as her mate she hope he can keep her... She had to leave him after his injuries he would not have ben able to fight for her.

 Lord Ciardair  her new charge as it were she does not know him but will things change only time will  tell. 

Role play
Year: 755  Spring Lessons in being a Lady

759 Literature: 
Early sumer: Know your place Summer:LiteratureWhat Is This Madness? by Ettid Picture: What is this maddness!
by Ace118
760 Literature:  Can the old of heart still love?  Art: Can the old of heart still love?
761 Literature: Meeting Knox the stripy butt  Art: A Little Stroll by HayleyWolf
761 winter Literature : Magic lesson one
Summer Liturature: You Don't Belong Here! by BrokenFawnHill  You do not belong here by Ace118
Autumn Needs a Ladies Touch
Mid Spring Lit: The Arrival of Draco  Picture: The Arrival of Draco Summer Seeking out comfort Mid Summer Meeting a distant relative
Late summer Let me Ask you this
Autumn Late night wonderingLate Night Wondering- Art  by HayleyWolf Meeting Willow 764 
Let me help
Mid Summer:  Isold now look what you've done

Mentioned: Strawberries makes you feel better.

Baby sitting by Ace118
Family outing by Ace118 Dancing in the Moonlight by BrokenFawnHill Isold head shot

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Comments: 9

PrimalInstincts [2015-07-11 19:09:06 +0000 UTC]

Would she be available for rut this season?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ace118 In reply to PrimalInstincts [2015-07-12 13:51:30 +0000 UTC]

No she will be taken buy Theon this rut he will probably keep her unfortunately she has a sister who is open same colour if that is what your after  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrimalInstincts In reply to Ace118 [2015-07-12 13:55:59 +0000 UTC]

Is she royal too? Could you link me to her? I'm very new to fawnlings XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ace118 In reply to PrimalInstincts [2015-07-12 19:12:08 +0000 UTC]

That is one

Lady Asta | Royal Doe | Glenmore  her player has a journal you will get added to think she is doing meet and greats though not 100% sure just comment on her and she will direct you to the journal and you can read it and have a look  
if you want a bit of fun and points the player of Lady Ylva | Doe | Glenmore  is thinking of holding a tornamet so you could enter that too will give him points and experience which is always handy plus if he is a lord you'll get a load of commoners after him hope that helps I will look out for any other ladies and send them to you if you like  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrimalInstincts In reply to Ace118 [2015-07-12 23:23:48 +0000 UTC]

Alright thank you! Right now I have a stag in mind, just need the doe.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LeakyTrain [2015-05-14 02:30:08 +0000 UTC]

She looks gorgeous, Ace!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ace118 In reply to LeakyTrain [2015-06-08 08:42:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you you helped me pick her design so its thanks to you as well  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bovidaeloony [2015-05-13 01:07:02 +0000 UTC]

Yay Mor daughter! I love flaxen chestnuts She sounds like a great traditionalist!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ace118 In reply to bovidaeloony [2015-05-13 08:18:30 +0000 UTC]

Me to why I chose the design for her  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0