Abt-Nihil — Lion-O by-nc-nd

Published: 2011-07-17 23:02:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 2414; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description This might be a bit unexpected, but believe me, I'd draw a lot more fanart for 80s cartoons if I had the time

I don't remember Thundercats all too clearly, but I know a lot of people are holding the series in high esteem (and I'm certainly looking forward to the new series animated by Studio 4°C!). I've been watching a lot of classic cartoons and anime during the past few months, and have only just begun to (re)watch Thundercats properly...

Anyway. I drew this a few months ago, mainly because I needed to test my new Japanese "Fude pen" - a brush pen. Turned out that there's no way I could use this pen to draw comics (the lines are far too thick, which is my main gripe with all brush pens I've tried so far), and comics ARE my main output. Still, I really like the line quality.

Size: DIN A4
Tools: Pencil, Fude pen, Photoshop
Date: February 2011 (lineart), July 2011 (colors)

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Comments: 29

snarebang [2011-07-28 15:39:27 +0000 UTC]

I totally dig this

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Abt-Nihil In reply to snarebang [2011-07-28 17:03:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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TantzAerine [2011-07-18 23:51:10 +0000 UTC]


I loved thundercats. Any chance of drawing Tigra?

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-19 11:27:15 +0000 UTC]


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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-19 22:13:31 +0000 UTC]


Also, the new series looks to be very ...eh. :/

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-19 23:07:36 +0000 UTC]

You think so? I thought it looked rather nice! Could that be... SERIOUS DISAGREEMENT?!

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-19 23:33:38 +0000 UTC]

It could be >

...or it could mean you weren't a fan of the classic series and you aren't making constant comparisons

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-20 00:00:36 +0000 UTC]

Haha! As I wrote in my comment here, I can barely remember the old series. Basically, the only thing I remembered was the look, but barely anything about the content. I just started rewatching it. And since for me, there aren't nostalgic memories attached, it will have a hard time TRULY impressing me. I think I'm gonna enjoy watching it, but I just might enjoy watching the new series more. I really love the work Studio 4°C has been doing up to now, they're probably my favorite animation studio right now ("Mindgame" and the "Genius Party" short films have managed to impress me in a time when I grew somewhat jaded with anime). So hearing that they were involved with the new Thundercats made me a happy camper! I saw the first nine minutes of the pilot, which are floating around the net, and they look fairly promising.

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-20 00:37:56 +0000 UTC]

Ah, the classic thundercats series has TONS of caveats. But I wasn't talking about the plot, just the art. Everyone looks like they're prepubescent. Doesn't mean I won't check it out but man... Tigra shouldn't be prepubescent.

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-20 00:43:10 +0000 UTC]

What's with that crush on Tigra you're harboring...?

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-20 00:50:54 +0000 UTC]

When I was just a wee little girl I loved his design/character and always felt he should have been the lead. Also being somewhat a tomboy I always tried to jump around and play act him. So he holds a dear place in my heart. (in mid 80s Greece all kids were mad with Thundercats, Candy Candy and Silverhawks)

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-21 20:08:20 +0000 UTC]

Haha! That's so cute ^_^
I don't recall Candy Candy or Silverhawks, actually... but there are some cartoons I simply forgot about, and decades later, someone would remind me, and I'd have this weird, vague deja vu... There are some classic anime series I'm supposed to have seen, but can't really recall.
So, I just watched both openings on youtube, and I recognized Silverhawks. I have definitely watched those back in the day! Weird how many sci-fi Western cartoons there were. The ones I remember most vividly are Saber Rider and The Star Sheriffs, Galaxy Rangers and Brave Starr. I think I preferred Brave Starr, although it seems incredibly weak when watching it now
By the way, now I have "Que Sera Sera" stuck in my head, because of how you started your reply

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-21 20:44:20 +0000 UTC]

Oh, Brave Starr was another favorite of mine. I also liked the Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs, though the Saber Rider himself usually enervated me, being kind of too perfect (at least that's the impression that stayed with me) I liked the guy in the red suit most. The plot in most of those cartoons was flimsy, but at least it had a certain consistency.

With the exception of Candy Candy which was an anime about an orphan girl's life from childhood to adulthood in a very cruel world. It had, as I recall, a Dickens-esque taste, comic reliefs aside. It was one of the first animes where main characters died and stayed dead.

Galaxy Rangers don't ring a bell by the name I'll have to google them.

Que Sera Sera huh? "Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?" I used to sing that song while learning English tenses.

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-21 20:54:24 +0000 UTC]

Yup, Saber Rider himself paled in comparison the other characters. I think the guy in red might have been Colt...?

What you're writing about Candy Candy reminds me of The Dog of Flanders, a series I watched regularly as a child (most of the others I mentioned I didn't watch quite as regularly). It was extremely, extremely sad. I recently watched the newer movie they made (retelling the same story) and it still moved me to tears. It's a story about a boy who lives in poverty, but dreams about being a painter just like his idol, Rubens. At the end, he freezes to death in a church, in front of a Rubens painting. It's so tragic, and yet, it is such a great children's show. I remember how every episode made me very, very sad, but its realistic, empathetic, thorough storytelling compelled me to watch it, and it was probably one of the best shows I watched as a kid, and certainly one of the most impressive.

The Galaxy Rangers were one of the straightest no-nonsense sci-fi Western cartoons, I believe. Just like Thundercats, I am also rewatching them these days.

I never knew Que Sera Sera would be part of a curriculum

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-21 21:07:52 +0000 UTC]

I have never heard of the Dog of Flanders, but now I must check it out. The story reminds me of an old italian movie, Pan y Vino, about an orphan kid living a hard life, that offered to a statue of Jesus bread and wine, as if the icon was really Jesus, in a sort of prayer (right now the details are blurry), and the statue comes alive, and Jesus comes and eats with the kid, telling him he is very kind and for that kindness He will grant one wish. The kid asks to see the Virgin Mary and his dead mother, so Jesus takes him, and the priests find the kid dead, but with a very peaceful, happy expression. It was one of the movies of the peak of the Italian cinema.

As for Saber Rider, I never EVER remembered their names. Don't know why but it was impossible. Colt sounds right. Unless it was the blue guy with the guitar.

Not only Que Sera Sera... I come from a family of educational and psychodynamic innovators, so you'll be surprised what can be incorporated in a curriculum.

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-21 21:29:21 +0000 UTC]

As with all things one has grown attached to as a child, one can never really judge them objectively. But I think it's very much considered a classic, and if you do try to hunt it down: I don't know in what countries and under which title "The Dog of Flanders" was released in the 80s - so I'm referring to it by the English translation of the Japanese title. In Germany it's known as "Niklaas, ein Junge aus Flandern" (Niklaas, a boy from Flanders). The newer movie (by the same title) is a good way to get an impression, but of course it lacks some of the emotional involvement and impact that comes with watching 50 episodes or so.

Pan y Vino really sounds similar. I didn't mention that Niklaas was also an orphan, living with his Grandfather, essentially working with him, trying to make a living under miserable conditions. And his best friend Annika was from a well-off family... her parents don't want her to be around him, so there's that standard part of social drama in there too But again, I believe it's really well made. With all these ingredients, and the empathetic way it's handled, it's not too far from kitsch - but far enough, I believe. Much like some of the Ghibli movies. In fact, the saddest movie I've ever seen was a Ghibli movie, "Grave of the Fireflies". Have you seen it? It is insanely impressive.

You're right about Colt being the blue guy. The red one was Fireball! (I just googled them )

And, well, I do believe you and/or your family could incorporate most anything into a curriculum...! It's just that I rarely meet people of your calibre.

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-22 00:50:36 +0000 UTC]

Oh I will definitely check it out very soon- we got the mid summer heat waves here, so noon is the time to watch while it scorches.

I haven't seen Grave of the Fireflies. In fact I am not sure if I have seen any Ghibli movie.

And for your last sentence... Thank you!

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-22 12:04:40 +0000 UTC]

Ah! Well, it's been raining here a lot, so that's the equivalent when it comes to the perfect occasion for watching TV

You haven't seen any Ghibli movie? That's almost... disturbing! No, seriously, I'd recommend you watch one.

And you're welcome. It's true!

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-22 13:02:03 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I googled Ghibli! Of course I've seen several, Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away being the most recent ones, but there was one about Puss in Boots if I recall right- generally I really like Miyazaki's style and approach to storytelling.

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-22 15:09:10 +0000 UTC]

Phew! I was worried there for a moment Miyazaki is indeed quite a singular storyteller.
I'm pretty sure the Puss in Boots movie wasn't a Ghibli movie. There are some which look or feel like Ghibli movies, but might have been made by some of the later Ghibli staff when Ghibli hadn't yet been founded.

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-22 17:26:48 +0000 UTC]

No I think it was miyazaki's. It wasn't titled like that. It was more like a king of felines living in a city of parallel dimension, very much in the general trajectories of spirited away. There was a girl this king cat was attached to, and so the story unfolds.

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-22 17:31:53 +0000 UTC]

Ah! Now I know! That was "Kingdom of Cats" aka "The Cat Returns". A Studio Ghibli film, but Miyazaki wasn't involved. Basically, every second Ghibli film is directed by Miyazaki. In my opinion, all of the Miyazaki ones are great, except "Howl's Moving Castle". The non-Miyazaki ones which are (IMHO) great are "Grave of The Fireflies" and "The Borrower Arrietty" (the newest one).

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-22 17:47:58 +0000 UTC]

I'll need to check those out.

Howl's moving castle has some grave storytelling errors is why.

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-22 18:10:58 +0000 UTC]

"Howl's moving castle has some grave storytelling errors is why."

YES. A lot of people don't see that, but it's clear as day to me. Very comforting to know there's someone who shares my opinion

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-22 19:05:31 +0000 UTC]

Eh, a lot of people aren't authors themselves

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Abt-Nihil In reply to TantzAerine [2011-07-22 19:48:27 +0000 UTC]

As if I was one

Here's a little gift you demanded-- er, requested-- er, suggested earlier in this conversation: [link]

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TantzAerine In reply to Abt-Nihil [2011-07-22 20:36:35 +0000 UTC]


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Weirdolod [2011-07-18 01:08:32 +0000 UTC]

Sweet job

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Abt-Nihil In reply to Weirdolod [2011-07-18 01:50:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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