Published: 2006-03-28 00:35:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 52710; Favourites: 681; Downloads: 276
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Redesigned: [link]The revamped version of the first, this one boast a whomping 13 aspects of how elements are used. 4 base elements (Fire, Air, Water, Earth), the least complex, but the least restricted. 4 child elemtents (Thunder, Ice, Wood, Ore), or "schools", used in learned magic. 4 cosmic elements (Light, Dark, Terra, Stratus), the most powerful, and of the more complex to understand. And finally the stand alone "element" (Void), where time, space, balance, and chaos all coexist to form the surrounding elements. I'm so proud of this.
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Comments: 229
6WingDragon In reply to IceMountainDragon505 [2015-09-26 02:29:21 +0000 UTC]
Fire and Lightning
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IceMountainDragon505 In reply to 6WingDragon [2015-09-26 14:34:38 +0000 UTC]
are they your favorite?
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6WingDragon In reply to IceMountainDragon505 [2015-10-01 06:28:55 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, I suppose they are. I was responding with the first two elements that came to mind. Huh.
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Gearogenix [2013-08-06 18:55:24 +0000 UTC]
i have nothing negative to say about this
you did....ok better than most idiots
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luizvc [2013-03-12 17:25:59 +0000 UTC]
see my version and give yur opinion:
wild (plants,animals,fungi...)
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coolzgirl164 In reply to luizvc [2022-06-19 05:55:27 +0000 UTC]
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6WingDragon In reply to luizvc [2013-03-15 04:23:40 +0000 UTC]
You cover a broader range of elements than I do, taking into account more aspects; from the looks of it, you specifically sought out to include everything you could. I have less elements in my wheel because I began with the 4 and only built from them, specifically. It's limiting, I won't deny, fitting the elements into a formula, but it is how I built my wheel. Your designs for the elements are beautiful, as I said. How would you think to arrange them, if you indeed intend to arrange them?
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Hiorou [2013-01-11 03:34:54 +0000 UTC]
This is cool, I like the element you put her, but I dont undestand some of them... I have something really similar, but got 16 element instead of 13, though in some moment actually got 13.
How you created them? Because I based mine on real form people see the elements like taoism (8) the chinese calendar elements (5) plus common interpretation of the element and their nature/symbols/meaning on cultures.
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6WingDragon In reply to Hiorou [2013-01-17 06:58:19 +0000 UTC]
Your elements are fascinating, specifically explaining how one would use them in battle and utility. I based mine on what information I could find, the alchemical elements of the base 4, adding in the Eastern 5, and just considering how some would mix together to get certain elements, and expanding on them as I saw fit. I could expand this to 15 by adding steam and dust/sand (for Water/Fire & Air/Earth, respectively), but that would require a 3-dimensional diagram.
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Hiorou In reply to 6WingDragon [2013-01-19 00:53:20 +0000 UTC]
Well, the utility come with the element nature, a light element dont demand much energy but can be erratic.
Well I based mine on many info to, like taoism, chinese elements, alchemi elements too, pokemons/avatar too XD and other mores and mixture, but the mix part was hard :l
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6WingDragon In reply to Hiorou [2013-02-01 09:03:34 +0000 UTC]
The crux of my Elements came from something a friend of my sister described, how the elements combined. I got what I could from him and developed them thusly.
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Hiorou In reply to 6WingDragon [2013-02-05 01:55:24 +0000 UTC]
Well, all the elements come from the imagination
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ngjovan [2012-04-01 03:08:13 +0000 UTC]
Can I use this in the second part of my story? (I'm only at the first chapter of the first part.)
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6WingDragon In reply to ngjovan [2012-04-09 16:33:44 +0000 UTC]
By all means, please do. I'd like to see the story when finished. :3
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ngjovan In reply to 6WingDragon [2012-04-14 02:00:09 +0000 UTC]
It's more of a anime-style story... Let's hope I can c=go for drawing classes to turn it into a manga.
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Manah-Angel-Eyes [2012-03-12 08:59:10 +0000 UTC]
I have a similar elemental wheel
Though instead of void I have balance (yin-yang), spirit instead of terra and planet instead of stratus
Spirit and planet symbolise the natural and supernatural, or life and death, many meanings really
Yours looks really stylish <3
👍: 1 ⏩: 1
6WingDragon In reply to Manah-Angel-Eyes [2012-03-14 22:01:51 +0000 UTC]
Aye, the "Void" element has the same properties of Yin-Yang (notice the shape). Why do you choose Spirit for Terra and Planet for Stratus? Perhaps Spirit could be Stratus and Planet could be Terra?
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Manah-Angel-Eyes In reply to 6WingDragon [2012-03-14 23:43:34 +0000 UTC]
Well I thought of a mechanic for spirit and planet, I provided it in this little "sketch" here: [link]
I implemented Stratus and Terra in a different way
They're dynamic and the static right? Instead I made planet and spirit into major transporters of energy, while the 4 basic elements transport smaller bits of energy, but majorly transport other basic elements (wind systems, floods, sedimentation, condensation, erosion, ocean conveyor belt, heat absorbed by earth and/or reflected etc.)
Dynamic here is the flow and connection of energy and transport of elements, static is when the flow stops or starts to take a different turn
The flow of energy is low to none at metal/ore and ice, therefore they are static elements... while nature and lightning are brimming with energy, being very dynamic :3
As for the names, I already established "spirit faergons" and needed a good opposite, I considered Terra but it was too close to the basic element earth
Planet is a general term though, cosmos works too
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6WingDragon In reply to Manah-Angel-Eyes [2012-03-16 19:38:32 +0000 UTC]
That's fantastic! You even have the child elements of the opposing elements, Sand/Dust & Steam! This is outstanding, you've been implementing all the connections and movements I've been pondering, but haven't put down on paper. :3
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Manah-Angel-Eyes In reply to 6WingDragon [2012-03-16 20:02:30 +0000 UTC]
Steam and mist were easy, but sand and dust were troublesome XD
Personally I had most trouble with finding a good reason why nature was close to ice and metal close to lightning on the wheel, then I came with that theory of energy transportation
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Noratcat [2011-03-29 18:59:03 +0000 UTC]
Wow there are some elements I never even thought of. could Ore also count as Metal?
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6WingDragon In reply to Noratcat [2011-03-30 22:03:20 +0000 UTC]
Could and does! I was going to put "Metal", originally, but then I remember that crystal also is made from fire and earth, and what do both have in common? They are both Ore.
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DeadSkullFace [2011-02-06 15:58:09 +0000 UTC]
very wicked awesome!! im trying to make an element whell, but ive got 15, and some of the ones i have dont even sound like elements....like magma, gas, plasma and steel...those dont seem elementish to me i gotta change it up, but this inspired me greatly
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6WingDragon In reply to DeadSkullFace [2011-02-06 20:05:46 +0000 UTC]
More power to you, chum! Actually, magma was one of the elements I heard about first that should belong in the wheel, combination of fire and earth, but since steel also fits into such a category, I combined the lot of it into a general fire/earth umbrella element of "ore" (Though I know that magma isn't ore). A lot of my elements aren't literal, and that works for me; for example, the element of "Light" could also include the element of "plasma" as you've mentioned, as plasma is the state of matter in such a high fluctuation of energy, it doesn't hold a single form, and will create light. As for "gas", I'm not sure you mean the gas as in air or gas as in gasoline, in either case, you could include them in the category of Air or Earth/Water.
Glad to have helped.
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6WingDragon In reply to Perinel [2010-12-23 04:12:53 +0000 UTC]
I pick up bits of information through life, but a lot actually came form videogames, to be honest. >..>
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Perinel In reply to 6WingDragon [2010-12-23 16:47:48 +0000 UTC]
np ^ ^
I see, I kind of could have guessed xd there's no greater source for inspiration than video games.
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6WingDragon In reply to Perinel [2010-12-26 19:58:12 +0000 UTC]
They really can represent the inner creations of another's imagination, can't they?
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Perinel In reply to 6WingDragon [2010-12-27 02:41:31 +0000 UTC]
how very poetically phrased. I agree The only thing is I get depressed when I finish them.
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duragan [2010-10-25 10:17:41 +0000 UTC]
Great work. I'm trying to make an element wheel for my character and this is really inspiring.
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6WingDragon In reply to duragan [2010-10-25 17:15:33 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. That's awesome! Lemme know how it turns out, okay? :3
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Hyena27 [2010-09-23 13:47:11 +0000 UTC]
Whoa this is really cool hey just wandering what is the element stratuss? I've never heard of it before
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6WingDragon In reply to Hyena27 [2010-09-24 05:31:35 +0000 UTC]
Well, thank you. :3
The element of Stratus is supposed to represent the dynamic nature of existence.
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Hyena27 In reply to 6WingDragon [2010-09-26 19:48:34 +0000 UTC]
No problem oh I see that's cool
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pita-tenten [2010-06-09 07:24:22 +0000 UTC]
Would you be really cool and tell me what all the elements mean (besides the four basics)? Because I keep looking them up and I can't find anything!
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