10animallover10 — Istach Age of Fire book series

Published: 2012-05-24 15:28:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 1841; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 23
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Description I decided to make some fan-art of my new favorite bookseries The Age of Fire by E. E. Knight.
It's an amazing series and gets way too less love it deserves It's a watership down but then from the eyes of dragons instead of rabbits! It has 6 books and I'm reading the 6th book at the moment

Enough of the advertising XD
Daughter of Auron the Grey and Natasatch; sister to Veratheela, AuSurath, and AuMoahk

I won't say too much since she appeared for the first time in book 4 of 6.
She gets a bigger role in the story then her siblings up till now but I too like her, I thought she was pretty interesting^^ And the stripes on her are rare in the dragons in these books.
I gave her gold eyes because I can't remember if the book said something about her eye color. And mostly it are yellow/gold colors.
I also was playing around with paw pads. I hardly ever draw them but all animals have them

If you know the series, who is your favorite character? Or characters you favor? I like a lot of of them, there are so many dragons @.@ Istach is one I like a lot, Wistala too and much more. They all have their own charms

Comments are highly appreciated :3

Art (c) Me. Don't use without my permission.
Istach & The Age of Fire series (c) E. E. Knight.
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Comments: 25

Mooshter [2017-10-11 12:31:59 +0000 UTC]

She's a cute character. I still read the series and will know more of her when I finish the last two books. I wonder will she find a mate though.

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10animallover10 In reply to Mooshter [2017-10-15 11:22:32 +0000 UTC]

Tnx^^ let me know what you think of the series once you finished it :3

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Savern [2013-10-11 21:23:26 +0000 UTC]

Favorite character..hrm that's tough, but in the end...None can compare the RuGaard the red...he overcame the most challenges and gets bonus points for finally avenging their parents and poor Jizara. Oh and his first mate Haalaflora too... I liked her. Makes me wonder if she was murdered or actually choked, I don't think that was ever given a solid answer.

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AngelOfChange [2012-11-09 03:54:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh man, I cried, laughed, got mad and even yelled when reading those books. I miss them. Might even reread them.

Can you, Draw Little Takea?. She needs to be honored. *Cried at that part*

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10animallover10 In reply to AngelOfChange [2012-11-09 20:40:06 +0000 UTC]

Me too, but since I read it all not too long ago, I'm going further with what I'm reading now. The Inheritance book series of Christopher Paolini^^ I don't know if I can draw her and other characters, maybe in the future. I'm very busy with school since I started a new study.

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AngelOfChange In reply to 10animallover10 [2012-11-10 03:44:54 +0000 UTC]

School in important X3

*Is blank on what else to say XD*

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10animallover10 In reply to AngelOfChange [2012-11-10 09:40:44 +0000 UTC]

That's right
*nothing else to add too xD* oh, goodluck with your school then^^

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AngelOfChange In reply to 10animallover10 [2012-11-11 03:05:23 +0000 UTC]


Thank you!

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SapphireDwhitewolf [2012-07-04 14:50:38 +0000 UTC]

i love all the dragons really. Copper, Whistala, AuRon ect. but so far my favorite of AuRon's hatchlings is AuMoahk (gold). The red is kinda too fiesty and not that interesting too me much. Istach is probably my favorite among the girls. Both AuMoahk and Istach are my favorite out of them. Can i make a request? if so, id really appreciate it if you drew AuMoahk! there is not many fanart of the Age of Fire series and i cant find much. howver i did find a picture of the the red.

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LanexCyteri [2012-05-25 01:31:49 +0000 UTC]

haha I love Istach, she's amazing, all the dragons are amazing, I love them all ^^

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10animallover10 In reply to LanexCyteri [2012-05-25 09:59:08 +0000 UTC]

Agreed Amazing series isn't it? ^^ a real watership down but with drgons if you ask me and the characters are also very detailly described. I love that you grow to love them all. did you too felt sad when some particulsiar drgon you liked died? I did. havn;t finished the series yet (I'm in the last book now) but so many characters die unfortiontly.. but that makes it even more emotionl endearing and well made I also love it not always happy go lucky. like a fairy tale

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LanexCyteri In reply to 10animallover10 [2012-05-25 17:22:40 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, out of all the dragon books I read, Knight's dragons to me were the most realistic, I love all the dragons regardless if they were conniving backstabbers, and yes I did cry when Knight killed some of them off, IE the females, who I just love to bits

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10animallover10 In reply to LanexCyteri [2012-05-25 17:33:16 +0000 UTC]

Spoiler for some who havn't started in book 6!

I just found out Ayafeeia was killed in that massacre not too far into book 6 (when Wistala and Yefkoa traveled together deeper into teh dragon empire) She was one of my favs too Please tell me I read it wrong T-T

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LanexCyteri In reply to 10animallover10 [2012-05-25 20:50:02 +0000 UTC]

I KNOW! I call that event Dragon 911, the Decimation NEVER FORGET IT!

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Drakmanka [2012-05-24 20:12:21 +0000 UTC]

Nice job! Istach is a pretty neat character, I actually wish she'd had a slightly larger role in the books myself.
My favorite character would probably have to be RuGaard(the Copper), I kinda connected with him, his life started out so unfairly, then he was betrayed and taken advantage of, and lost the only member of his family he had a connection with. But he still managed to live and become something he could be proud of.

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10animallover10 In reply to Drakmanka [2012-05-25 10:01:53 +0000 UTC]

I relly like RuGaard too. in the third book, he started to become my fav and now I like Wistale slightly more then him but he's still awesome and I agree, a very interesting and well written history he has. he has the most interesting past of the 3 siblings. he became very good character^^ It's kinda sad the series is almst over (I'm at the last book atm) I'm gonne miss this series for sure. I so wished they'd make a movie out of this series just a the Temeraire series. that would be so cool too

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Drakmanka In reply to 10animallover10 [2012-05-26 04:22:47 +0000 UTC]

I miss the series too(finished the last book a few months ago), it's one of my all time favorites.
I agree, they should make a movie out of it, although it would have to be sorta like Lord of the Rings, with a movie based off each book, since there's so much to cover.

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10animallover10 In reply to Drakmanka [2012-05-26 08:08:02 +0000 UTC]

It would be epic if they made a movie saga out of this. But almost no movies based on books are made anymore.. or unfinished. For example, I hated they didn't finish The Golden Compass saga, or Eragon, and I don't even know if they pull through with the Narnia saga.. THANK GOD, they made the Harry Potter book saga in the full movie saga. And Twilight too, though I love Harry Potter much, much more

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Drakmanka In reply to 10animallover10 [2012-05-27 05:13:56 +0000 UTC]

They made a movie out of Eragon? ididnotknowthat...
I thought that both Harry Potter and Twilight were intended to go to movie production though... idk though I'm not a fan of either(please don't kill me)

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10animallover10 In reply to Drakmanka [2012-05-27 13:51:59 +0000 UTC]

yes they did make a movie out of Eragon^^ but only the first book. (I havn't read the books, only seen the movie)I really liked it but a lot of people who read the books didn't like it.
Yes, both Harry Potter and Twilight have been made into a movie. All the books (the last one of Twilight airs around November this year) I so wish they would finish other great book series they started producing as movies T-T And why would I kill you for not being a fan of Harry Potter or Twilight? Don't be silly, everyone has their own things they like^^ I do like Twilight, but love the Harry Potter serie, but no problem at all if you don't

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Drakmanka In reply to 10animallover10 [2012-05-28 05:14:55 +0000 UTC]

I've read the whole Eragon series(aka Inheritance cycle), but I hadn't heard of the movie. I'll have to take a look at it sometime.
Okay, glad your not one of THOSE fans I've met some people who want you to die if you don't love their favorite series... scary folks.

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10animallover10 In reply to Drakmanka [2012-05-28 08:47:46 +0000 UTC]

Then I wish you to have fun once you find the movie^^

Yes I know, I have some things I really love too, but once some one else doesn't, so what? It's a piy sure, but every one has their own favorites^^ I don't like people like that too, or people who try and try and try to convince you to something when you really don't want to. So yes, I'm not a fan like that

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Drakmanka In reply to 10animallover10 [2012-05-28 18:56:27 +0000 UTC]

glad of that

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Thecreator86 [2012-05-24 15:44:08 +0000 UTC]

Looking great! You're getting better and better at doing things like this! I like the pads under the feet, how you did those! They look really soft!

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10animallover10 In reply to Thecreator86 [2012-05-24 18:54:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much I'm about to post another artwork, also colored^^

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