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# Comments
Comments: 110
DC-26 [2024-01-03 13:37:01 +0000 UTC]
π: 1 β©: 1
CDRFox [2022-08-31 04:39:03 +0000 UTC]
π: 2 β©: 2
CDRFox [2022-06-13 10:19:13 +0000 UTC]
π: 1 β©: 2
DC-26 [2021-05-23 23:57:33 +0000 UTC]
π: 1 β©: 0
DC-26 [2020-09-07 14:32:34 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 1
Barosus [2020-08-17 14:19:53 +0000 UTC]
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DC-26 [2020-06-18 03:14:38 +0000 UTC]
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DC-26 [2020-04-17 16:23:20 +0000 UTC]
Spottedchest drew Ca!!
LTCW has fan art!Β
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zang-zip In reply to DC-26 [2020-04-19 19:58:02 +0000 UTC]
So cool to see Maze's buddy brought to life here in all of his Phase II, blue-trimmed, ARC Lieutenant glory.Β RIP, Ca.Β I wasn't expecting to see anyone do fanart of him, but it's so awesome that someone did.
Awesome job, !
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DC-26 In reply to zang-zip [2020-04-19 22:22:33 +0000 UTC]
I am soooo giddy about it!!
A great motivator to dig back into writing.
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DC-26 [2019-02-21 03:41:53 +0000 UTC]
This little ditty is not actually about clone troopers, but that's all I can think of.Β
An Ode to MeguminRoses are red
Violets are blue
I can make things go "boom"
That'sβ¦all I can really do
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zang-zip In reply to DC-26 [2019-03-04 08:07:17 +0000 UTC]
Ahaha!Β When I read it, Scorch's voice filled my ears.
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DC-26 In reply to zang-zip [2019-03-05 03:37:08 +0000 UTC]
I love all of those voice actors so very much.
I was going to try to pick a favorite, but just couldn't make up my mind.
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ForeverEvanescent In reply to DC-26 [2019-02-21 03:43:10 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the appreciation. I'm glad you liked it.Β
As the description says, it's from an anime called "Konosuba" which is actually pretty good.Β
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DC-26 In reply to ForeverEvanescent [2019-02-21 03:43:59 +0000 UTC]
I am not familiar with the source material, but this definitely made me smile.Β
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ForeverEvanescent In reply to DC-26 [2019-02-21 03:45:34 +0000 UTC]
Then the poem did it's job, and I'm glad.Β
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Gallusrostromegalus [2018-11-29 09:33:24 +0000 UTC]
Hi! Your blog was reccomended to me by Spottedchest for mando fic and it looks fab but I was wondering if you had a beginner's guide?
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zang-zip In reply to Gallusrostromegalus [2018-11-30 03:14:16 +0000 UTC]
Hey there!Β That was very nice of Spottedchest to send you my way.Β It looks like my friend, DC-26, already beat me to the punch and answered your question.Β I would absolutely take her up on those two recommendations.Β
Please let us know what you think of the stories if you give them a shot.Β We both have plenty of other SW fan fiction if you have interest in reading more, and our writing partner and pal, Ultrabountyhunter, has some really great stuff I could recommend, too.
Thanks so much for your interest!
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zang-zip In reply to Maximum993 [2018-10-06 19:11:25 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure.Β Keep up the awesome work.
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zang-zip In reply to piktips [2018-06-05 23:02:55 +0000 UTC]
Of course!Β Keep up the awesome work.
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DC-26 [2018-03-09 13:03:45 +0000 UTC]
You should read this!
RetiredThere were thousands of us in the beginning. Brave, desperate kids with no opportunities on Earth. When the Department of Youth Employment put out the word that we were wanted, most of us signed up without even asking what the job was. When I found out they needed me to explore our solar system for 'Enhanced systems capable of sustaining human life' and 'Extraterrestrial resource locations,' well, I was glad to be one of the first to put my name on that list. Who wouldn't want to pull a Kirk and explore strange new worlds, right?
It was a six month training program to learn how to operate the interplanetary skuttles. Tiny bottle cap shaped ships with just enough shielding to keep out the radiation, but too fragile for atmospheric entry. We trained on the lunar base. Our team, the Russians, Chinese, Indian and Pakistani kids. We all had the same story. Poor, unemployed, a burden if you want the honest truth. The recruiters said as much. They promised us our families would get paid for o
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zang-zip In reply to DC-26 [2018-03-09 15:19:20 +0000 UTC]
Yes!Β I saw that pop up in my watch feed yesterday and skimmed the first few paragraphs.Β It looks great.Β I've been wanting to read some of Zara's stuff for a long time now, but her Marfath series is pretty long and I haven't been able to commit to anything big.Β This short one-off (or very beginning) seemed like the perfect thing.
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DC-26 In reply to zang-zip [2018-03-10 01:51:04 +0000 UTC]
It is sooo good - a perfect, self-contained short.
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zang-zip In reply to DanBrindleyArt [2017-09-30 22:44:49 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure.Β Keep up the great work!
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KyleReyonld280 [2017-09-28 23:37:38 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! I just got AVP2 for my Pc a week ago and the game is epic! Awesome to see the assets and stuff from the game too you got here!
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zang-zip In reply to KyleReyonld280 [2017-09-29 04:29:42 +0000 UTC]
Yes, it's a really solid game.Β It does such great justice to both of the movie franchises that it derives from.Β So much better than any of the games or movies that have come out since, in my opinion.Β The story, the characters, the atmosphere...Β So good!Β Perhaps the gameplay itself wasn't everything it could have been, but it was still a solid FPS for the day.Β Kind of crazy how old it is now.Β I remember playing it when it first came out.Β I hope you have fun playing through all three campaigns and unraveling the interweaving stories.Β It's quite a puzzle, but when you piece it all together, you get something really great.Β All of the readable "notes" I uploaded her add so much to the story.Β Enjoy playing it, and don't hesitate to send me any thoughts or questions about it that you come up with.Β I love that stuff!
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KyleReyonld280 In reply to zang-zip [2017-10-02 17:07:58 +0000 UTC]
It's one of the best games I've played. And one of the best Aliens games. I think the gameplay is great and aged well. I was genuinely creeped out, I love it.
The only gripe that really gets me is when the bodies disappear, I hate that. It takes away from the fun, the suspension of disbelief and makes it hard of me to collect trophies as the predator if the human corpses disappear. I understand that the xenomorph has acid blood and they dissolve in their own blood, but when you have humans disappear, it really takes it away. Not a major gripe, but I hate when games always does that making the dead enemies bodies disappear. Ah, well. May be a limitation of the engine, but it runs fine still, even with the dead enemies. Ah, well. Overall, just a small gripe, the game is really awesome still.
I loved looking at the readable notes. They help flesh out the universe and story more, which is great! Thanks for uploading them!
So glad to have met you too. Hope we get to talk maybe sometime. That be great.
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zang-zip In reply to KyleReyonld280 [2017-10-03 00:24:03 +0000 UTC]
I'm so glad to hear how much you're loving it.Β I've played both the first AvP, by Rebellion, as well as the 2010 version and liked both of them fine, but neither compared to AvP2 in my book.Β How far into the game are you, and which campaign have you liked the most?
I hear you about the fading bodies.Β That always annoyed me as well, but I remember a lot of games from that era doing that.Β It was definitely an engine limitation, so I understood the need for it, but I was always bummed to lose out on a trophy or health-replenishing head-bite.Β From my understanding, AvP2 used an outdated Unreal engine when it was made, and just missed out on the next-gen stuff that Monolith came out with shortly after.Β I would have loved to see what the game might have looked like if it was made in F.E.A.R.'s engine that Monolith unrolled a few years later.Β That was a wonderful game too.Β Have you played it?Β Monolith made some truly wonderful games while they were around, and you could tell how much they learned from AvP2 when they moved on to F.E.A.R.Β Another interesting thing about AvP2's release was that it came out at almost exactly the same time as the first Halo game (had a lot of the same voice actors too).Β Lots of parallels between those games, but AvP2 has definitely been forgotten while Halo became so incredibly popular.
There are a couple of really wonderful mini-stories that were told in those notes.Β Particularly that big one featuring Joss Blaney and Xavier that detailed how the guards and convicts tried to survive at the POC when the Aliens overran it.Β Oh, it's so good!Β It would make a wonderful comic or something.Β It makes me so happy to see others enjoying that stuff so many years later.Β
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KyleReyonld280 In reply to zang-zip [2017-10-03 00:48:57 +0000 UTC]
AVP2Β ran on a (somewhat) modified version of Monolith's own engine, the lithtech engine. The similar engine which games likeΒ F.E.A.R and Condemned: Criminal Origins uses a heavily advanced and modified version. While it is a bummer, I think the graphic look impressive, even today. I loved how they recreated the look and feel of the universe and they effectively created a excellent astrosphere. Man, I love to see a AVP game using the F.E.A.R engine, that be amazing!
I played a bit of F.E.A.R, I have it for my ps3. It's a great looking game with impressive A.I and scares, but the ps3 controller layoutΒ was too much for me. I want to fire my gun, but I end up accidently throwing a grenade! Wished I could use a keyboard and mouse for it. AVP2 is what I consider a cult classic. A lot of the Alien games to me are cult classics, even if they sold well, like the latest game, Isolation, which is a amazing Alien game. But AVP2 is just a awesome Aliens game. I'm so glad you're into it as much as I am. Means a lot to me.
They're just so good and help flesh out the universe more. I hope they can somehow continue this in a true AVP2 sequel. This was a great game overall. I have completed the Marine campaign. Now I'mΒ on the Alien campaign. The opening was brilliant! I felt that AVP2010 missed out on the face-hugger and chest-buster. Can you imagine how awesome that would have been? I hope they make a new up-to-date AVP game with that gameplay in mind. AVP2 was perfect in that part.
I now adore AVP2 and placed it in my important and awesome games ever made list.
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