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yumiko-strange [5246844] [] "E~"

# Statistics

Favourites: 536; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 100

Watching: 26; Pageviews: 14585; Comments Made: 838; Friends: 26

# Comments

Comments: 114

Cadycassy [2012-08-08 05:54:29 +0000 UTC]

ya no andas por deviant D:

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yumiko-strange In reply to Cadycassy [2012-09-12 19:54:02 +0000 UTC]

Not really D: desde que empecé a estudiar diseño gráfico me desaparecí un pocoMUCHO. No sé ni qué subir, tengo puros bocetos, y cuando llego tampoco me quedan muchas ganas de comentar u.u Necesito vacaciones.

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Cadycassy In reply to yumiko-strange [2012-09-13 01:11:50 +0000 UTC]

DDD: TE CREO xDD pero yo nunca te olvidareeee ajja

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yumiko-strange In reply to Cadycassy [2012-10-08 19:42:18 +0000 UTC]

jajaja Dama <3
Uno de estos días voy a tratar de subir al menos las tareas que hago de diseño, que me hacen dibujar mucho. Y tal veeeez hasta visite pika, debe estar todo tan cambiado!

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MorganeXD [2012-01-20 17:19:36 +0000 UTC]

'bout your drawing 'Red and Black' First: I Luv it!!!
Second: lol... I also ALWAYS have my drawing stuff & MP3.....
Third: I have totally Red hair...A bit washed out now ( need to do it again...^^') but still!!

" Here comes the rain again,falling from the stars.
Drenched in my pain agian, becoming who we are.."

I'm a Green Day fan ( )....DEAL WITH IT!!!

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yumiko-strange In reply to MorganeXD [2012-01-21 22:04:52 +0000 UTC]

lol thank you!
I don't have red hair anymore ): it's plain black now

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Cadycassy [2011-06-27 22:12:33 +0000 UTC]


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yumiko-strange In reply to Cadycassy [2011-06-28 03:39:50 +0000 UTC]

En la escuela o en el trabajo o durmiendo DDD:

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Cadycassy In reply to yumiko-strange [2011-06-28 22:45:23 +0000 UTC]

D: VUELVEEE. yo te extraño, era la primera k veia cuando iva al pika u-u ademas muchos han preguntado por you

y tu eras la lider en el club del deskite sakura u_u

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yumiko-strange In reply to Cadycassy [2011-06-30 02:47:18 +0000 UTC]

D': gracias Dama! En serio alguien preguntó por mí? Es que cada vez se me hacía más difícil seguir el ritmo, y con tanta entrada de gente nueva terminé sin conocer a nadie ni entender nada y lo fui dejando.
Extraño el Deskite u_u era muy desestresador

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Cadycassy In reply to yumiko-strange [2011-06-30 11:41:39 +0000 UTC]

-o- ademas.. no hay tanta gente nueva, al menos en fan art sigue los mismos, kabato chan, tsu_chan, maldock,y etc..etc.. D:

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Pikku-Piru [2011-05-05 16:19:53 +0000 UTC]

muchas gracias !! thanks for the fav' and comment

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punkxoosugi [2011-04-06 18:37:26 +0000 UTC]

fave. arigatou ☺

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Kai-Kimura [2011-03-19 19:54:54 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave.)

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yumiko-strange In reply to Kai-Kimura [2011-03-20 04:51:03 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome :]

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september28 [2011-01-31 07:09:11 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for adding "rise against" to your collection on music!

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yumiko-strange In reply to september28 [2011-02-01 05:30:02 +0000 UTC]

You'r welcome C: I really loved the concept

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Ritawolf [2011-01-20 05:17:19 +0000 UTC]

I love your style! and plus you like Green Day too sooo....

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yumiko-strange In reply to Ritawolf [2011-01-21 03:05:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! ^^
I LOVE Green Day

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Ritawolf In reply to yumiko-strange [2011-01-21 16:44:41 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! I love Green Day too. With all my heart.

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alexskyline [2010-10-06 09:31:19 +0000 UTC]

Thankies for the fave on little Fender!

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yumiko-strange In reply to alexskyline [2010-10-06 23:48:45 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome! It's amazing <3

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Cadycassy [2010-10-03 23:34:51 +0000 UTC]

XD te acuerdas de miiii??


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yumiko-strange In reply to Cadycassy [2010-10-06 03:49:19 +0000 UTC]

DAMA!!! *corre a abrazarla* (?)
cómo olvidarte! XD
tanto tiempo sin leerte, cómo te va?? :'D

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Cadycassy In reply to yumiko-strange [2010-10-06 21:19:52 +0000 UTC]

asdsadads bien bien *-------* sdgdsdssd y a ti k tanto tiempo k no te veo : B?

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yumiko-strange In reply to Cadycassy [2010-10-06 23:48:12 +0000 UTC]

lastima que con bloqueo artístico? abfugauiesrsa hace mucho que no dibujo nada en serio XD;
omg, te extrañaba (?)

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Cadycassy In reply to yumiko-strange [2010-10-07 23:07:30 +0000 UTC]

**se va al rincon

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yumiko-strange In reply to Cadycassy [2010-10-08 04:26:20 +0000 UTC]

jajajaja broma, broma.
En serio te extrañaba D:
no sé si volviste a pika, hace demasiado que no paso...

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Cadycassy In reply to yumiko-strange [2010-10-08 15:02:31 +0000 UTC]

ahaha really?
XD no he vuelto, na mas me paso derepente por ahi
ahah nuestra generacion ya no entra a pika XD??

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yumiko-strange In reply to Cadycassy [2010-10-09 05:06:24 +0000 UTC]

really. lol
no estoy segura, yo tampoco me estoy pasando por pika...
pero la última vez que entré había varios de nuestra generación en fanart...

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ColorPunkPrincess [2010-09-04 00:40:48 +0000 UTC]

Me encanto tu ID jaja esta muy buena

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yumiko-strange In reply to ColorPunkPrincess [2010-09-04 04:00:20 +0000 UTC]

gracias! C:

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WayneBenedet [2010-08-29 13:49:26 +0000 UTC]

thanks a lot for the

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Pikku-Piru [2010-08-24 21:42:17 +0000 UTC]

great gallery !!! and awesome green day fan art ^^

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yumiko-strange In reply to Pikku-Piru [2010-08-26 17:41:30 +0000 UTC]

thanks! <3 Glad you like it

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hielorei [2010-08-19 19:20:02 +0000 UTC]

Send this to at least 15 people you love
including me if you care 4 me! *Let's see how many hearts you get!*
Please continue sending your own love to those you care for.
FAKE FRIENDS: Will ignore it ♥♥ But you know I love you

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hielorei [2010-07-21 21:14:14 +0000 UTC]

dime si se parece... Duh [link]

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LucyMeryChan [2010-07-18 18:15:06 +0000 UTC]

owo hola gracias por el fav+!!

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yumiko-strange In reply to LucyMeryChan [2010-07-20 04:02:06 +0000 UTC]

Gracias a vos por dibujar tanto Shaoran y tan... bien! XD

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LucyMeryChan In reply to yumiko-strange [2010-07-21 00:28:32 +0000 UTC]

^///^ je je je gracias

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Maquilishuat-san [2010-07-18 06:55:22 +0000 UTC]

lamentablemente has sido taggeada otra ves....creo q ya t sabes la rutina

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yumiko-strange In reply to Maquilishuat-san [2010-07-21 05:58:30 +0000 UTC]

XD ya lo hice...

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Alptraumkrieger [2010-07-17 01:32:41 +0000 UTC]

hola!! tambien vine a parar a tu deviant desde pika..XD jeje tienes muchos dibujos muy padres!!
tienes mucho talento!! que padre!!

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Alptraumkrieger In reply to Alptraumkrieger [2010-07-17 01:35:22 +0000 UTC]

ojala pronto actualices tu galeria... n.n

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hielorei [2010-07-15 15:03:10 +0000 UTC]

muuajajajajajaj you're TAGGED! [link]

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ykeproblematenemos [2010-07-01 21:42:38 +0000 UTC]

hola, yo no mas pasaba por aqui a mandarte saludos desde pika
ahi te ves

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hypheen [2010-06-13 20:46:46 +0000 UTC]

holaa!!! ya habia visto tu galeria en pika!!
y encontre tu dA!! me encanto tu dibujo de syaoran!!!
checare tu galeria!! (:
saludos (:

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yumiko-strange In reply to hypheen [2010-06-19 05:24:03 +0000 UTC]

Woah, la galería de pika la tengo demasiado abandonada pero es bueno encontrar por acá gente que viene de ahí, gracias por comentar! =]

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KibaFanGirl11 [2010-05-30 07:05:59 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely LOVE your Green Day fanarts! I could never draw them so good, good job!!
Going to fave them all! (:fav: monster )=> W

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yumiko-strange In reply to KibaFanGirl11 [2010-06-02 03:50:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much ^^ I'm glad you like them

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