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| yesconsin
# Statistics
Favourites: 257; Deviations: 50; Watchers: 139
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# Comments
Comments: 335
yesconsin [2016-05-24 03:45:09 +0000 UTC]
don't talk to me unless you can offer me a pbr
heh, just kidding--sorta ;;please leave all ooc comments and rp starters here! thank you! :v)
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enrlched In reply to yesconsin [2016-11-12 01:45:16 +0000 UTC]
lets say you really loved this person
like they were the love of your life and you see them being the main component in your future
how dumb would it be to take a cheeto in the asshole for them
legit question tho
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yesconsin In reply to enrlched [2016-11-24 05:36:53 +0000 UTC]
" well!
someone's gotta do it
get ready for the flamin' hots my friend, "
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mishigamaa In reply to yesconsin [2016-11-01 21:35:20 +0000 UTC]
/ frowns
"You're still not the mitten."
/ Aglaja why do you need to bring that up
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yesconsin In reply to mishigamaa [2016-11-02 01:24:14 +0000 UTC]
" STOP. lemme spell it out for ya--er, well... map it out. "
[/ he stands beside her and holds out his left hand
the rest is the mitten!
yer blind or somethin' cuz it's plain as day! "
[/ this is an argument that has been going on for centuries
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ball-tee-more In reply to yesconsin [2016-10-16 09:08:05 +0000 UTC]
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yesconsin In reply to ball-tee-more [2016-10-16 09:09:00 +0000 UTC]
excuse me boy where is your shitpost license
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ball-tee-more In reply to yesconsin [2016-10-16 09:09:49 +0000 UTC]
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ball-tee-more In reply to yesconsin [2016-10-16 09:34:12 +0000 UTC]
ive bean liming up for years now to have you throw those words at me
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ball-tee-more In reply to yesconsin [2016-10-07 06:42:13 +0000 UTC]
// RAIN rain rain,,
// huffs out his cheeks
// this is what he gets for not bringing an umbrella
"-- Sorry, Mason,,
The forecast didn't say anything about rain"
// :^(
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yesconsin In reply to ball-tee-more [2016-10-07 07:07:16 +0000 UTC]
" if i told you wisconsin had consistent weather patterns i'd be lyin'. "
[/ aw man and he wore shorts
[/ now it's gonna be chilly,,,
[/ he shields himself with his backpack but then looks over at noah
" you ain't got nothin'...?
--here, we'll wait it out! "
[/ motions for noah to follow him underneath an overhang
" i think i, umm... "
[/ removes his backpack and rummages through it
[/ yesss he has a rag for sweat
" here! dry off. "
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ball-tee-more In reply to yesconsin [2016-10-07 07:37:07 +0000 UTC]
// he's wearing cargo shorts and a black tee so he's getting nippy as well
// and squinting his eyes oh gosh he can't even see anything through these glasses
// u gotta drag him to that overhang mason he's losign the will to Go On,,
"-- !!!"
// stands there. mortified at how dramatically soaked he is
// ;_; like a drowned rat
"Thanks dude,,"
// quickly takes off his glasses in a delicate manner and wipes on them first
// before impulsively goin crazy on his hair - and the top of his hairline, to try and dry himself off
"Here --"
// hands the now olive-toned rag back to mason
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yesconsin In reply to ball-tee-more [2016-10-07 07:42:22 +0000 UTC]
[/ he hesitates to accept the rag
[/ he's actually confused as all hell right now
[/ he slowly looks up to give noah his full attention and... woah
[/ this certainly isn't a sight he's ever seen
[/ but he... accepts the rag
[/ and he's just speechless for a bit
[/ the scars around his nose and right cheek were the most prominent, and mason felt bad for staring
[/ he quickly looked at the rag instead, since he felt his gaze linger a bit too long
" uh...? "
[/ he simply... raises the rag and points at the flesh colored makeup that was very brightly visible
[/ ,,,
[/ he's just so shocked but he feels so bad for being shocked
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ball-tee-more In reply to yesconsin [2016-10-07 07:49:53 +0000 UTC]
// tilts his head
// and furrows his brows
Gosh Mason it's not like you've never seen me without my glasses on before,"
// shakes his head and pops them back on
// ew they're still wet --
"dang it, they could do with a bit more drying-- I might need that rag again,"
// looks at him and hes still got that look on his face
// but then his eyes fall on the cloth
// ,,,
"Oh my God"
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yesconsin In reply to ball-tee-more [2016-10-07 07:55:34 +0000 UTC]
" no no, it's just that ... "
[/ immediately moves the rag out of view
" ...this foundation has too much orange in it, and you could do with somethin' more yellow, ... "
[/ sorry he's awkward and isn't sure how to respond so he cracks a bad joke
" i, uh... i'm sorry i didn't know that'd happen--... "
[/ A N X I E T Y
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ball-tee-more In reply to yesconsin [2016-10-07 08:16:28 +0000 UTC]
", , ,"
// great now hes gotta buy new foundation
// it was a nice attempt but alas.
// ,,,
"the label said waterproof and everything,,"
// ha ha,,
// ha
// .
// defeated, he covers the side of his face as it grows redder
"Good God,,, this fucking weather!"
// takes off his glasses and does a full-on cover up with his hand over his eyes
// this shouldn't be such a big deal but here we are
"Sorry, Mason"
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yesconsin In reply to ball-tee-more [2016-10-14 21:55:00 +0000 UTC]
" wh--noo! no don't apologize!
oh jeez, noah ... "
[/ this is not a normal noah reaction
[/ W O R R Y
" noah how are you feelin'-- are you alright? hey--
it's not that bad! it's really not i think it adds a lot of character-- "
[/ he's trying so hard rn
[/ please don't cry noah p l e a s e
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ball-tee-more In reply to yesconsin [2016-10-14 22:05:35 +0000 UTC]
// too late bucko
// shakes his head and pulls the hand off
// good thing it Rains.
"N,,no - don't worry about it.
It's just.
// looks around for any possible escape route ... he can't escape the fact it's out there in the open tho gotta face the music
// covers the side of his face again
// he looks back at mason with a sad smile and pulls back the hand, eyes getting damper by the second - while knitting his brows
// keep it together boy
"Ugly things, scars. Aren't they?"
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yesconsin In reply to ball-tee-more [2016-10-14 22:17:07 +0000 UTC]
" dude, i'm tellin' ya it's not bad! ... "
[/ and now he just starts taking off his jacket
[/ and pulling up at his shirt????
[/ this isn't a porno i promise
[/ and once it's off he bunches the shirt up in his hand
" my shoulder and neck look like uncooked beef, "
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ball-tee-more In reply to yesconsin [2016-10-14 22:32:20 +0000 UTC]
// ,,,
// , , ,
// o h.
// his stomach drops, and he bites his lip. ouch.
",,that looks like,"
// swallows
// he cant hold it back, that hurt to look at.
// even if mason dudn have the same emotional response,,
// oh gosh,,
",,Did it hurt you?"
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c-ardinal In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-28 19:22:21 +0000 UTC]
Hot damn, bro. Let's sing One Direction together.
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c-ardinal In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-29 21:11:55 +0000 UTC]
you roast like chestnuts on an open fire
i can go on for hours crisco
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yesconsin In reply to c-ardinal [2016-10-07 05:56:20 +0000 UTC]
get out of my caucasian home
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N-orthStar In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-21 16:50:40 +0000 UTC]
//after having gone to the petstore with mason to do some regular pet shopping ethan got an idea as to how to make their trip a bit more interesting
//having walked to the car to put all of their purchases away
//looks over at mason, clearly there's something on his mind
"hey- masey- What'ya say on our way back we stop by a local animal adoption center?"
"y'know... jus for the sake of it, since this day has been all bout pets anyways-"
"i think it would be quite a nice time~"
//shoots him a grin, thinking it wont take much to convince mason to agree
//ethan probs does this a lot
//just stops by the and plays with the doggos and kitties there
//so why not bring mason along this time as well hehe who knows
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yesconsin In reply to N-orthStar [2016-09-23 18:46:36 +0000 UTC]
[/ mason just gives ethan the most goofy look ever
[/ like you DON'T EVEN KNOW
" ethan...
you KNOW how i get when i see animals that need a home!!
are you sure yer prepared for this trip with me? "
[/ he raises an eyebrow now
" it might be different this time with you to talk some sense to me right on the spot, though...
y'know what? let's do it!
why the hell not?
let's go look at some FLUFFY FRIENDS ! "
[/ he's so ready SO SO READY
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c-ardinal In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-05 04:53:00 +0000 UTC]
boy i feel like pickign on someone
and would u look over there, if its not mason debauch
mason has pretty hair. so ill text him its ugly
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yesconsin In reply to c-ardinal [2016-09-05 05:09:34 +0000 UTC]
[ text ] hey now no need 2 hate on the curls man
[ text ] i think they suit me :v([/ patpats his poof
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c-ardinal In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-05 05:15:16 +0000 UTC]
// texts
[TEXT]: it loosk like hair yound see on an old lady on the bus
[TEXT]: learn to Comb
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N-orthStar In reply to c-ardinal [2016-09-05 05:33:20 +0000 UTC]
[text] Hey Rich
[text] Those things you're saying to Mason...
[text] Not nice.
[text] You better cut it off.
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c-ardinal In reply to N-orthStar [2016-09-05 05:45:25 +0000 UTC]
[TEXT]: wiht pleasure
[TEXT]: do I use shears oRR clippers
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N-orthStar In reply to c-ardinal [2016-09-05 05:47:51 +0000 UTC]
[text] That is not what I meant.
[text] I'm not gonna let you get close to Mason
[text] His curls are a part of who he is and you can't go around telling him to get rid of it.
//insert its time to stop gif
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c-ardinal In reply to N-orthStar [2016-09-05 05:50:05 +0000 UTC]
[TEXT]: u can cut noahs hair if u want
[TEXT]: a;l of u neeD haircuts
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N-orthStar In reply to c-ardinal [2016-09-15 18:42:20 +0000 UTC]
[text] Who gave you the power to decide this?
[text] no one's gettin hair cuts any time soon
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yesconsin In reply to c-ardinal [2016-09-05 05:21:41 +0000 UTC]
[ text ] stop!!!! Y!!!
[ text ] i dont understand :v(
[ text ] i guess i could gel it from now on...
[ text ] is it that bad????????
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c-ardinal In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-05 05:35:25 +0000 UTC]
[TEXT]: no
[TEXT]: itr needs a Buzzcut
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yesconsin In reply to c-ardinal [2016-09-05 05:40:01 +0000 UTC]
[ text ] shut up
[ text ] u look like ratatouille u rodent lookin ass shut up!!!
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c-ardinal In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-05 05:43:57 +0000 UTC]
// ,,,,,,
// sht hes right
[TEXT]: You Shut up vagina eyes
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yesconsin In reply to c-ardinal [2016-09-05 05:49:17 +0000 UTC]
[ text ] come 2 my place i have some cheese 4 u 2 nibble on with those rat ass teeth of urs
[ text ] i understand they dont have dentists in the south tho
[ text ] the cheese will help u file those bad boys
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c-ardinal In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-05 05:55:35 +0000 UTC]
[TEXT]: Ok millk mouyh yuo eat a steak abd try not ;losign any teeth
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yesconsin In reply to c-ardinal [2016-09-05 05:59:05 +0000 UTC]
[ text ] oh i do & i have the smile of a winner still
[ text ] watch urself bc i have a key 2 ur place & ill shave that beard right off 2 reveal 2 every1 that u have no chin
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c-ardinal In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-05 06:03:10 +0000 UTC]
[TEXT]: .;
[TEXT]: I;m telling the po;ice u Threatened my liev;ihood
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yesconsin In reply to c-ardinal [2016-09-05 06:06:23 +0000 UTC]
[ text ] u text like ur in a constant state of cry typing rich
[ text ] u good bro i can mail u some tissues
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c-ardinal In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-05 06:19:21 +0000 UTC]
// really squintin his eyes
// losign.. energy..
"you type."
[TEXT]: He says bring them in person and he'll be thankful
[TEXT]: ..Don't do it Mason, he says he knows where he'll stick them
[TEXT]: and I don't think he means his eyes
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flordela-canela In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-01 21:42:37 +0000 UTC]
....I already don't like you.
/ wow rude
/ looks wayyy up at him
too tall for me.
/ olivia is2g ur getting ur ass beat one day
/ shes nice i promise
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yesconsin In reply to flordela-canela [2016-09-01 21:51:56 +0000 UTC]
" pardon me but what the hell is that about??
i think i'm pretty damn likeable!! "
[/ ...he's usually the short one,,
" ya know what they say,
the shorter you are the closer you are to hell "
" a simple ' hello, nice to meet ya! ' woulda sufficed, y'know. "
[/ S M H
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flordela-canela In reply to yesconsin [2016-09-01 22:21:39 +0000 UTC]
I'm pretty sure you are, but you and everyone's height here is getting on my nerves.
My neck hurts really bad ever since I got here.
/ is he mad???
/ pls dont be mad
/ folds her arms
/ but smiles like nothings wrong
Well... Who says I didn't came from there already?
/ get it??
/ since she came from the south??
/ ....nevermind
/ waves her hand
Relax I was getting to that! Hi, I'm Olivia.~
/ is2g liv
/ why so e d g y
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