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yctham [1847975] [] "Tham Yang Chee"

# Statistics

Favourites: 85; Deviations: 85; Watchers: 99

Watching: 204; Pageviews: 21802; Comments Made: 1945; Friends: 204

# Comments

Comments: 307

Redrupeethief [2008-09-04 18:27:21 +0000 UTC]

Sweet gallery! Great anatomy.

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richiebrave [2008-08-22 14:06:29 +0000 UTC]

tham.. i didnt see u this semester.. where were you? btw how r u?

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richiebrave [2008-04-26 14:10:28 +0000 UTC]

Richard was here....


wahhhhh our senpai here....

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yctham In reply to richiebrave [2008-04-28 08:02:17 +0000 UTC]

LoL.. what is senpai, btw?

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richiebrave In reply to yctham [2008-04-28 10:49:23 +0000 UTC]

guru or teacher.. LOLS

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yctham In reply to richiebrave [2008-04-29 14:55:19 +0000 UTC]

LOL.. i see i see.

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Mrzant [2008-03-15 04:27:14 +0000 UTC]

this is the great artist gallery

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catchmeasifa11 [2007-11-04 08:02:20 +0000 UTC]

hey! how have you been? how's school and your art classes going? haven't heard from you in a while...hope all is well

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yctham In reply to catchmeasifa11 [2007-11-12 05:00:20 +0000 UTC]

Keke^^ yep, it has been so long we never contact each other.

I'm going to end my this semester soon (tomorrow!), so it means the time for holiday, yay!!

Nevertheless, i think i will keep occupied also during these 2 months of semester break, 'coz i have to rush as many as painting i could. I'm doing paintings to sell at gallery now ( so i'm officially entitled as an artist, ha!) I'm not planning to post my fine arts to Deviant Art anyway. Maybe i'll try to post them to my Saatchi, but too bad maybe the server problem i can upload anything to the account till date. T.T

By the way, how is your days then?

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catchmeasifa11 In reply to yctham [2007-11-12 07:02:16 +0000 UTC]

Helloo!! seems like you've accomplished a lot since starting college that's great that you are able to sell your artwork to the public, i don't know many people our age who are able to do that here!

My winter break starts in mid-december and will last through the first week of January. Until then, I have midterms and all those finals to take care of. haha college has been fun and interesting so far. I'm majoring in landscape architecture so next quarter, I will be taking AutoCAD and design classes. I'm really excited because the only hands-on experience that I've had so far was with drafting which I took last year.

Nothing much has been going on lately. I'm trying to find a job to support myself because I really don't like relying on my parents for money. I haven't had the chance to take many photographs either. OH OH! Today was my second dragon boat race. I'm not sure if you know what dragon boat is, but it originated from China and involves a long slender boat with 10 rows, 2 people per row, and we race against other teams. Anywho, my college team placed first overall against UCLA and USC! It was a close race, but we managed to pull through with energy at the end.

Well, good luck with your artwork sales and enjoy college life Keep in touch!


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yctham In reply to catchmeasifa11 [2007-11-14 03:49:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for your wish. Yep, I feeling so lucky for having the opportunity to do what I love to do. Thanks God! I was told I am the second youngest artist in the gallery. There is another young artist is one year younger than me, and the artist has already start selling artwork since at the age of 14, WOW~

I'm glad to hear that you enjoy your college life. My life in this semester is quite bad, as all my close friends in my class during last semester already moved to other classes. It's worse when group members don't give full co-operation during group project (did you having this problem before?). However, fortunately I manage to keep good relationship with my lecturers, ha ha!

So fast you start your majoring. I will only start my major in the following semester. I have not decide what to major yet, either advertising or multimedia, hmm...

It's good for you to get a job. It's not really popular for youngsters working to support themselves here. I also don't like to rely on my parents for financial support, and i really found a design job last semester break. But then the boss never pay me a single buck, so I left after three months, what the...

By the way, I really surprise when you told me about the dragon boat race. In my country, although Chinese is the second largest community, but still quite hard to find dragon boat race here, even when it is Dragon Boat Festival. I wonder do you celebrate Dragon Boat Festival there.

And good luck for your exams.

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mutualsnigs [2007-10-22 06:00:27 +0000 UTC]


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JasonLim [2007-09-29 09:04:57 +0000 UTC]

yor! ur drawings so good! =.=" make me jealous hahha but i still like ur drawings and somemore u just one year older than me and ur skill is better than me so good!

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yctham In reply to JasonLim [2007-09-29 09:11:54 +0000 UTC]

i think i'm 2 years older than you. i'm 19 actually, just lazy to update my profile. (and i'm bet you too)

thanks for compliment! u can be better than me one day, 'coz TOA is far better in teaching students skill than any colleges n universities!

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JasonLim In reply to yctham [2007-09-29 10:27:00 +0000 UTC]

ahha lolz but now i'm currently is self-learning, no teacher teach me but i learn from the comments given in DA and also some other references ahha and at least i put "16 (2006)" so they know i'm 17 now haha

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yctham In reply to JasonLim [2007-09-29 17:39:59 +0000 UTC]

i see... i thought you are from TOA, coz i saw u call KeenHo as "senior". i used to be self-learning too like you before going to university. Seems like we both share the same destiny and "talent". so now you are not studying?

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JasonLim In reply to yctham [2007-09-30 05:00:57 +0000 UTC]

haha ermm i'm 17 so studying form 5 , i called him senior coz he is elder than me mer and he also teach me how to improve my art so i called him "senior" lor ahha , i wanna call him sifu one but he say we all are learners , we learn together , i think i should call him "sempai"(japanese language) haha

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yctham In reply to JasonLim [2007-09-30 14:17:56 +0000 UTC]

oh, i see. Form 5 ah.. then don't wasting time on net. Guai guai study hard for your SPM.

what is "sempai", btw?

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FREEDOM8111 [2007-09-27 02:24:21 +0000 UTC]

...more great artwork you up-load here....good & talent !
... about the Pumen magazine picture, they get it from Deviantart & contact me through email ask to donated for thier publishing.

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yctham In reply to FREEDOM8111 [2007-09-28 16:43:36 +0000 UTC]


Wow, that's really great they discover your talent here!

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Azureseilue [2007-09-25 16:37:56 +0000 UTC]

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yctham In reply to Azureseilue [2007-09-28 16:41:44 +0000 UTC]

wah... the rabbit is soooo big! can i slaughter it and cook "bak kut teh"?

happy mooncake festival too!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

yctham In reply to yctham [2007-09-29 09:08:29 +0000 UTC]

I want the rabbit drumsticks, both!! i give u eat the ears, haha!

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Azureseilue In reply to yctham [2007-09-28 17:43:45 +0000 UTC]

Sure~This rabit sure delicious~^v^

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KeenHo [2007-08-21 13:04:39 +0000 UTC]

wah how come never put new stuff d : (

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yctham In reply to KeenHo [2007-09-28 16:40:51 +0000 UTC]

haha! thanks for support! having a quite hectic life here (u can see from i only reply your this message after more than 1 month), so very rare will visit DA now. maybe will come back here more frequent when semester break. ^^|||

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randyblinkaddicter [2007-08-09 13:05:47 +0000 UTC]

great gallery!!!!!!!

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BadValentine [2007-07-09 01:48:58 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the

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crhino [2007-07-06 17:14:33 +0000 UTC]

Cheers for the

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Nawaf-Alhmeli [2007-07-06 15:30:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the

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RedRamo [2007-06-29 18:25:35 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the pagevisit! Your gallery is amazing

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yctham In reply to RedRamo [2007-06-30 17:39:06 +0000 UTC]

Oo.. ok, haha! Thanks for your compliment too. Your works are not bad indeed.

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RedRamo In reply to yctham [2007-07-01 11:38:07 +0000 UTC]


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yctham In reply to RedRamo [2007-07-01 17:56:33 +0000 UTC]

No prob. I just telling the truth.

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JeanFan [2007-06-09 01:13:27 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the friend add

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KarmaMuseum [2007-06-06 19:15:24 +0000 UTC]

Libraries, or rather the tomes they embrace, have always thrilled me. I love your gallery, thoughts and quotes. All very inspiring!

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yctham In reply to KarmaMuseum [2007-06-08 16:18:41 +0000 UTC]

Keke^^ Thank you, Sandy! It's the first time i heard someone saying likes my thoughts and quotes! I'm glad what i am doing is inspiring to others; it means i am doing something good for mankind. (as what is said in Spiderman 2 by Doctor Octopus, "Intelligence is for the good of mankind" )

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KarmaMuseum In reply to yctham [2007-06-08 18:13:25 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! I find people's thoughts and ideas fascinating. I appreciate people who just take time to ponder. Unfortunately, today's society doesn't seem to promote daydreaming as much as I think it should. It's good to look past the illusions and stay in touch with what is true.

"Long ago Aristotle proclaimed that all men and women desire to know. We instinctively want to learn things. In essence, this is what makes us who we are, distinct from the other animals around us. And it is this passion that brings us our deepest happiness. To gain new knowledge of the world, the past, and our selves, to understand our place in the universe or discover the laws that govern it, these are the activities of human beings at their best. "

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yctham In reply to KarmaMuseum [2007-06-10 07:02:04 +0000 UTC]

Wow! You pull Aristotle into water some more! Thanks for the quotation. I'm agree with that too; but I think people nowadays don't think learning is something brings us joy, not to mention they have the passion for knowledge, ha! It seem like this world is going back to Middle Age. I'm very admire the learning atmosphere during Renaissance Age, when people during the period really had a great passion to know and understand their universe. I wonder when is the "Renaissance Age II" will come in the future.

By the way, I can see that you are a thoughtful person.

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KarmaMuseum In reply to yctham [2007-06-10 13:29:10 +0000 UTC]

Maybe people like us can bring about the "Renaissance Age II" at least to some degree. Over here most people I see are content to work all day, come home and have a beer and watch TV and then get up and do it all again the next day. I always figured there has to be more to life than that, and there is. Hopefully more people will come to realize that.

Thanks for the "thoughtful" comment, I try.

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yctham In reply to KarmaMuseum [2007-06-10 15:47:14 +0000 UTC]

I asked some working class before about the circumstance. Generally the reason (for they just contented to spend their life in that way) is they have to face the hectic working environment everyday, so when come back home they just wanted to do something relaxing (instead of brain-consuming activities again). Hopefully we won't join their club when we become working-class people in the future, haha!

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KarmaMuseum In reply to yctham [2007-06-10 18:05:37 +0000 UTC]

I'm already part of the working class generation and from what I gather the work envirnment is what needs to be toned down. We have created so many fast-paced gadits to compete with that now we can't keep up to what was meant to ease the work load. That's why I say we need those quiet moments to ponder and reflect. I don't plan on joining in, that's not my style anyway.

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yctham In reply to KarmaMuseum [2007-06-11 16:03:05 +0000 UTC]

Ah, i see. Yep, today i read an article about the working class in your country; the content is quite similar with what you mentioned. That's great you have such thoughts. I also won't join them, of course. We are in the same club now.

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KarmaMuseum In reply to yctham [2007-06-11 17:20:07 +0000 UTC]

Sounds good to me! I always wanted to be a Renaissance gal.

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yctham In reply to KarmaMuseum [2007-06-12 16:04:27 +0000 UTC]

And I am the Renaissance boy!

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farvan [2007-06-01 02:57:58 +0000 UTC]

wow~awesome gallery~
i m in luff with ur works~

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yctham In reply to farvan [2007-06-03 06:20:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for your compliment, farvan! It's still a long way to go for me to reach the standard of professionals in industry, haha! Your works are really great on earth too.

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Raz1n [2007-05-30 09:44:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for adding me to your list!

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yctham In reply to Raz1n [2007-05-30 13:50:58 +0000 UTC]

No prob! You deserved it!

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chrishon [2007-05-15 17:58:21 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the support

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