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| xxPaperkut
# Statistics
Favourites: 356; Deviations: 50; Watchers: 60
Watching: 40; Pageviews: 14248; Comments Made: 1258; Friends: 40
# Comments
Comments: 139
ashleyjordan [2012-12-27 19:39:03 +0000 UTC]
Hey Miss Michelle! I haven't said hello in awhile, hope you are doing well
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xxPaperkut In reply to ashleyjordan [2012-12-28 02:35:51 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh! Hi!! How have you been! Do you have a twitter by any chance? Then I could talk to you more often lol
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ashleyjordan In reply to xxPaperkut [2012-12-28 23:47:39 +0000 UTC]
Hahah hi there! I've been doing great, although I got a little sick while on vacation. Enjoying the holidays?
I actually don't, I never understood the point of it. Why, are twitter accounts fun/worthwhile?
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xxPaperkut In reply to ashleyjordan [2013-01-01 01:55:29 +0000 UTC]
Oh no. Well I'm glad your vacation was good otherwise :] Things have been hectic since Sandy hit, but everyone is pulling through.
Eh I dunno. I guess it's just a personal preference. I was just curious. :]
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ashleyjordan In reply to xxPaperkut [2013-01-01 03:23:41 +0000 UTC]
My goodness, I did not realize you lived in an area that was effected! I study in VA and we just had a very severe storm but no damage...I hope things are wel there
Makes sense! Hahah it's so embarrassing, I am so behind in technology & I'm only in my 20s...I have no clue what I'll do!
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xxPaperkut In reply to ashleyjordan [2013-01-03 21:33:58 +0000 UTC]
Lol no big deal. Everyone is safe so it's ok :]
You're in Virginia now? You go all over the place, don't you?
Haha I understand. I'm horribly bad with technology and I'm only 20. You will manage! You're probably better off not using social media networks.
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ashleyjordan In reply to xxPaperkut [2013-01-04 03:36:49 +0000 UTC]
Oh good!
Hahah I guess I do It's because life has been a bit chaotic but I think things are straightening out
I'm 21, we'll be lost together
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xxPaperkut In reply to DarkElements10 [2012-06-07 12:32:42 +0000 UTC]
I'm so delayed but thank you so much!!! <3
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Kali--Ann [2011-08-20 16:37:57 +0000 UTC]
Your icon makes me want to hug you so hard, FO' SHIZZLE. c:
deviantART muro drawing
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kaitlinxing [2011-05-30 05:03:34 +0000 UTC]
why....why have I never seen your amazing adorable art before? Why QAQ
I'm so watching you....
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xxPaperkut In reply to kaitlinxing [2011-05-30 17:41:03 +0000 UTC]
You are too nice, knock it off<3 I really appreciate it!!! Thank youuuu!
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kaitlinxing In reply to xxPaperkut [2011-05-30 18:04:03 +0000 UTC]
and no problem <3
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kaitlinxing In reply to xxPaperkut [2011-05-30 19:49:06 +0000 UTC]
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WynterOfGrffindor [2011-03-15 03:08:20 +0000 UTC]
lol, I'm usually a Jarlos hater, so that's why it was in that folder.
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xxPaperkut In reply to WynterOfGrffindor [2011-03-16 02:09:14 +0000 UTC]
haha oh ok XD well that works then.
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CharlieMcarthy [2011-02-12 22:01:04 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the watch!! I may not have the best art on here but it means a lot to me, thank you Have an awesome day!
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xxPaperkut In reply to CharlieMcarthy [2011-02-13 16:52:39 +0000 UTC]
no problem! and that is complete blasphemy! i love you art alot. you have a wonderful day as well :]
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xxPaperkut In reply to DarkElements10 [2011-02-08 02:06:30 +0000 UTC]
what did ya have in mind?
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DarkElements10 In reply to xxPaperkut [2011-02-08 02:20:34 +0000 UTC]
Umm, for me could you draw my characters Riley and James? Here's a reference for Riley:[link]
What would you want?
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SnowyP7 [2010-12-19 19:05:06 +0000 UTC]
it's youre lucky day
you win a new Watcher hahaha lol
but seriously you are a Epic drawer
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xxPaperkut In reply to SnowyP7 [2010-12-19 23:23:22 +0000 UTC]
hahah score! lol thank you so much, i really appreciate it!<3
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ashleyjordan [2010-12-19 02:27:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so very much for watching my account, I really appreciate it
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ashleyjordan [2010-12-17 01:04:29 +0000 UTC]
Ah I can't believe that I haven't found/veiwed your account till now! Man, have I been missing out! Ah your artwork is beatutiful, so cute and well drawn and I'm also thrilled that you make many fanars of the BTR boys, especially Jarlos Thanks so much and I can't wait to veiw your gallery and become better acquainted with you
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xxPaperkut In reply to ashleyjordan [2010-12-17 02:52:05 +0000 UTC]
Haha, you haven't been missing out! I am such a lazy artist lol. Thank you so much! I really appreciate that!!! Haha I do alot of fanart of the boys, I just never upload it Aw, again, thank you! Hooray for friendship!
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ashleyjordan In reply to xxPaperkut [2010-12-19 02:45:48 +0000 UTC]
Haha don't worry...I'm pretty lazy about getting pics completed. But I'm planning on changing that on Christmas break so there'll be a flood of artwork hopefully
Aw why don't you upload it? I'm sure it's amazing! told me she doesn't upload like half of her pics and I wish she would because she's incredible...but I think I remember her saying that you and her have a story that is private or something, which is totally understandable.
No problem and yay for friends
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xxPaperkut In reply to ashleyjordan [2010-12-19 04:35:27 +0000 UTC]
Haha sometimes I just don't have the time. Good! I'm excited to see more of your works!
I will once I stop being so lazy, lol. Yes we do She is pretty much my sister so we draw alot for each other. I would upload things from the storyline, but people would be extremley confused. I'll upload stuff at some point!!! I promisseee!
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ashleyjordan In reply to xxPaperkut [2010-12-26 01:22:34 +0000 UTC]
I know how you must feel, I'm in college, Great Ippeh is too and I'm assuming you are? So we all have busy scheduals Too bad cause I wanna draw and write!
Awww thats so great! I have a best friend who is like a sister to me...but she doesn't like the same things especially not art and singing so we don't share that in common like I wish we could. So that's so cool that you're lucky enough to have that Oh awesome, I can't wait to see some!
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xxPaperkut In reply to ashleyjordan [2010-12-26 03:50:46 +0000 UTC]
Oh, you are? Yeah I go to college too. I would love to go out to California for school. Busy busy stuff, so I hear ya. You can find time to write and draw! Just set aside some you time. :]
Thats good! Everyone needs someone in their life like that. Gasp! You sing?! Lets somehow do a duet, haha.
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ashleyjordan In reply to xxPaperkut [2010-12-26 21:47:04 +0000 UTC]
Yeah that's what I've been doing, finding a little time in the morning and before I go to bed to go online, well after my quiet time and stuff
You sing too? Oh how awesome! I've only been singing for a few years and I'm in my university choir and musical theater club. Oh my gosh that'd be fun...I don't know how we could do a duet though heheh
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ZombiePlatypusRush [2010-06-05 22:23:04 +0000 UTC]
so for some reason i love your icon.
its just...making me crack up.
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xxPaperkut In reply to ZombiePlatypusRush [2010-06-06 06:24:45 +0000 UTC]
haha im glad it amuses you.
batman is rad like that
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xxPaperkut In reply to Rollerdog [2010-02-05 01:38:46 +0000 UTC]
no problem! i love your art.
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marbear [2009-08-06 18:45:43 +0000 UTC]
O_O..... dude.. you got really awesome ;; <3333 like mad skill awesome D: *+fav*
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xxPaperkut In reply to marbear [2009-08-06 21:11:44 +0000 UTC]
oh why thank you !!!<333
how have you been mary?!
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xxPaperkut In reply to marbear [2009-08-09 18:27:07 +0000 UTC]
college stuff im asuming?
ive been pretty much just lying about doing nothing
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