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| xflavoured-realityx
# Statistics
Favourites: 343; Deviations: 82; Watchers: 32
Watching: 281; Pageviews: 7434; Comments Made: 1638; Friends: 281
# Comments
Comments: 377
xflavoured-realityx In reply to Summer-Sketch-15 [2014-10-01 18:46:20 +0000 UTC]
Hey Magic (:
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TheIceViking [2014-09-26 19:06:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the watch and I am so sorry how long this took me D: <33
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to TheIceViking [2014-10-01 18:46:00 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! I apologise in advance if I'm not the most active watcher, but I'll say it now that you have a fantastic gallery
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Deltapotamus [2014-08-04 10:44:20 +0000 UTC]
You're most welcome (:
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to impassioned-dreams [2014-07-14 19:36:25 +0000 UTC]
You're most welcome, m'dear ^.^ (and so sorry for the late reply D: )
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Venari-Stock [2014-06-16 12:22:40 +0000 UTC]
Yo, Becky here. Changed my username and shizz. Don't get confused now you silly penguin <3
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Venari-Stock [2014-06-16 14:37:46 +0000 UTC]
Well now I have to come up with a new nickname for you xD
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hhopeful [2014-02-26 07:44:44 +0000 UTC]
dA kind of banned my last account Furrure so I've moved here ;~;
Also, I just logged onto Silverthistle for the first time in a year or so, and thanks for the happy birthday
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to hhopeful [2014-02-26 19:10:04 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome How are you?
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hhopeful In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-26 19:11:28 +0000 UTC]
I'm amazingly amazing, because something so inexplicably amazing happened recently, you?
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to hhopeful [2014-02-26 19:45:23 +0000 UTC]
Oooh what inexplicably amazing event happened?
I'm alright thanks, same old really ^^
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hhopeful In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-26 19:51:03 +0000 UTC]
Toby died in December and I was really down and augh, until my mum came home and told me that her friend knew someone who had horses and that they owned Rappy (who I rode along with Toby) and said I could exercise him a few times a week!
Have you been on MHC lately?
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to hhopeful [2014-02-26 19:53:48 +0000 UTC]
Aww that's great! Rappy is muy lucky ^^
Haha no. I've been on once to apologise for my absence to the other mods at the weekend, and that has been it. I've had no time.
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hhopeful In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-26 20:51:47 +0000 UTC]
Me neither; is there actually any active mods on there anyway? cx
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to hhopeful [2014-02-27 07:01:41 +0000 UTC]
I think there are. The German mod whose name I can never spell (Werbinich?) is usually on when I log on, not sure if that's the case now, and DragonDawn is occasionally on. It's just not as often because everyone is moving on with their lives and have less time, but there's not much need to do anything because we aren't told anything by the new admins and people are good at keeping the forums clean themselves. So really it doesn't matter how often there's an active mod because it's not all that often a topic needs to be locked ahaha. My little rant of the day ^^
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hhopeful In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-27 20:57:01 +0000 UTC]
Woah, I haven't seen DragonDawn on since early 2012 : o
And yeah, loads of the people on MHC are doing their GCSE's and A levels... they seem so much older than when I joined.
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to hhopeful [2014-02-27 21:10:35 +0000 UTC]
She does still pop on here and there. Her last post that I saw was January time.
It is really weird, and all the people I used to know on there seem to be gone, or are nearly adults now. But the new site layout bugs me too so I don't like spending much time on there anyway, it just reminds me of how things used to be when I joined aha.
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hhopeful In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-27 21:25:10 +0000 UTC]
I might go on in a bit, I think Magic's still active
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to hhopeful [2014-02-27 21:27:53 +0000 UTC]
Most likely (: When I have time to kill where my intention isn't to relax, I'll go on. That won't be for a while aha
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Rhianna4554 In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-23 11:50:02 +0000 UTC]
*pounces on and snuggles heyy there how are you doing?
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Rhianna4554 [2014-02-23 21:06:13 +0000 UTC]
*huggles* Howdy partner ^^ I'm doing as well as can be expected. How about you?
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Rhianna4554 In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-24 20:16:49 +0000 UTC]
*purrs* exams being pretty stressful? I'm doing okay...it's been a pretty stressful year but I'm doing okay
I'm so sorry I let our chatzy go downhill ): I was enjoying it but then life got...hetic xD
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Rhianna4554 [2014-02-24 21:45:21 +0000 UTC]
Only had my mocks so far, but the teachers trying to cram in everything we haven't yet covered is certainly stressful D; I'm glad you're doing okay though (:
Don't worry about it, I haven't done any writing in months thanks to life just draining muse. Life has a habit of getting hectic xD
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Rhianna4554 In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-26 17:53:24 +0000 UTC]
I'm not suprised it is D: well I hope the actual exams go well when you have to do them
Yes it does annoyingly -.-" I'd love to get the chatzy back up but you already have a ton load on you plate *snugs*
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Rhianna4554 [2014-02-26 19:44:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you ^^ How are things going with your training?
*huggles* You can set one up if you like c: I don't know how good I'll be at replying or anything, but I can give it my best shot
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Rhianna4554 In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-26 21:18:09 +0000 UTC]
It was going really but i've had a little bit of a relapse since getting a part time job a couple of months back....im not massivly off on things though other then my running time. Seriously the running time has been a pain in the back side -.-"
*Purs* okay I'll set one up an don't worry about it I completly understand
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Rhianna4554 [2014-02-27 06:58:45 +0000 UTC]
Running is one of the difficult ones to train for though, as any injury at all can completely mess up the time and also if you aren't a natural runner then it's quite difficult to improve upon it sometimes. That's my excuse anyway xD It's good that the rest of it is on course though (:
I look forward to it, not that I remember any of the plot etc haha xD
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Rhianna4554 In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-27 11:21:54 +0000 UTC]
I'm not a natural runner plus i've had shin splints before so I tend to struggle mentally D: it shouldn't take too long to everything else up again
I'll send you over the link and what was happenign in a note
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Rhianna4554 [2014-02-27 20:53:17 +0000 UTC]
That's not good D: I'm sure you'll get through it though, squishy. You're a tough cookie (:
Okie doke, thank you
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Rhianna4554 In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-28 19:52:42 +0000 UTC]
Yeah i'm sure I will darn I have missed you meh pingu
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Rhianna4554 [2014-02-28 23:47:53 +0000 UTC]
I have missed you too my fine, feathered friend
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Rhianna4554 In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-03-27 11:55:32 +0000 UTC]
Do you have skype or anything?
Psst I replied at last to the chatzy as well xD
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Rhianna4554 [2014-03-28 21:33:51 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I have skype, aim and also kik on my phone. Note me ^^
Yay! I'll have a look at that as part of ICT procrastination hehe x)
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Sennokazeni [2013-12-23 14:48:26 +0000 UTC]
Hello Penguin
I've not been around for ages, I come back to nosey around and realised that I didn't get to say happy birthday. Sorry. I feel quite bad now. Happy Belated birthday, Penguin.
How did Little Shop of Horrors go? Hope it went well. x
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Sennokazeni [2014-02-23 11:13:13 +0000 UTC]
Hey there Buddy (: And thank you, although this is even more belated aha. How have you been?
It went really well, thanks. Lots of fun to do, even if badly organised hehe. How did it go for you?
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Sennokazeni In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-24 18:08:36 +0000 UTC]
I'm very well, thank you although a bit exam-stressed (we've got mocks on at the moment), and you?
LSoH was great, although the week was a bit stressful as there was lots of other stuff going on as well. It seems like such a long time ago!
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Sennokazeni [2014-02-24 21:47:21 +0000 UTC]
Oh the joy of mock exams ;-; Hope they're going okay, and that you can relax again soon.
Same for me and it was only at the start of this month! But that certainly does sound stressful, hope you have recovered from it well >^.^<
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Sennokazeni In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-26 17:27:35 +0000 UTC]
Thank you ^u^ .
At least they are just mocks, although I wish the January modules were still around, so that we would get more than one stab at it...
But we must be optimistic *throws stress out of open window. ("Why is there a window open in February?")*
Whoa you only did it at the beginning of the month? It must've been really good if you've been working at it for so long!
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xflavoured-realityx In reply to Sennokazeni [2014-02-26 19:43:09 +0000 UTC]
What subjects are you doing? I'm sure the modules will have been okay. Only thing now is to prove how amazing you are in the mock and real exams c:
Haha we should be *closes the window so we don't all freeze*
It was really good, but we didn't do much work on it. Nothing much happened production wise for the whole cast until Sunday - four days before the first show xD That was the first run through of the entire thing. It's surprising how well it went for how badly organized it was, but apparently that happens every year lol
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Sennokazeni In reply to xflavoured-realityx [2014-02-27 17:05:05 +0000 UTC]
For the mocks, biology, chemistry, physics, maths and further maths. In the summer that'll be joined by general studies (better known as "vague studies of nothing in particular"), and Japanese GCSE... 0.0
I think that purpose of the mocks is really to scare us all into revising lots
Isn't that what happens in every production ever? Everyone's like "omg the thing's soon" and then the directors get stressed and the actors behave like gold...or close enough.
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