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| xXLilyLeoXx
# Statistics
Favourites: 1845; Deviations: 163; Watchers: 83
Watching: 247; Pageviews: 18771; Comments Made: 5906; Friends: 247
# Comments
Comments: 810
Merilda16 [2016-01-03 20:36:44 +0000 UTC]
"Hi. I noticed that you have an interest in Role-play groups and wondered if you would be interested in joining this new groupΒ Β It is about three dog packs living in the two-leg parkΒ
It's still being setup, but if this interests you, please check out the group!
Thank you for your time, and have a good day!"
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astralIsopod [2015-07-02 09:03:54 +0000 UTC]
Hello there! I saw that you have in interest in RP, so I'd like to tell you about a new group!
It'sΒ surroundsΒ Prehistoric mammals, and has Tribal elements~
It's still being setup, but if this interests you, please check out the group!
Thank you for your time, and have a good day!
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Tikitimes [2014-12-22 04:16:26 +0000 UTC]
Hey there! I saw that you like canines and I was wondering if you wanted to join TheGradualNight
We would love to have you! c:
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LaceyCheshireGrin [2014-09-27 04:00:39 +0000 UTC]
Hello there! This is a message to my rp friends~! For some of you this is very long overdue, sorry for that For a very long while I've lost touch with many of you, either by losing notes because dA derped out, one of us getting busy and forgetting, or just ending it because we had no more ideas. These for the most part are my fault, so I'd like to establish contact again ^w^ We could pick up where we left off or start with a new story all together. Not me if you'd like to, and if not, just answer this message with a simple 'No.' No need for an explanation if you don't feel like it, just let me know.
Thank you, and love to all of you~ <3
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vaniIIasprinkIes [2014-07-16 11:30:47 +0000 UTC]
Hey, Lily, how've ya been? By the way it's me, Yuuk!
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satoridaseaking [2014-07-12 17:56:40 +0000 UTC]
Hey just reminding you about the rp because its been three days.
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to satoridaseaking [2014-07-09 00:34:08 +0000 UTC]
Sure we can, is there a way you can resend your reply? if not it would take me some time to find the reply
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satoridaseaking In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-07-09 00:37:19 +0000 UTC]
You might want to find it ...I posted a lot of rps.
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to satoridaseaking [2014-07-09 01:01:06 +0000 UTC]
Alright I found it, and resend it.
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N1njaStar28 [2014-06-26 00:13:44 +0000 UTC]
Hi there! I saw you liked to rp and was wondering if you'd be interested in a yaoi rp? <3
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gdpr-19899093 [2014-06-22 05:44:53 +0000 UTC]
Hi there I just wanted to check up on you , felt like I haven't done it in a long time X3
Β so how are you doing? :3 and I heard you were moving soon so I wanted to have a chance to talk to you since I might not be able to talk to you again ;.; I just hope that you enjoy your new home, god bless you and your family
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to gdpr-19899093 [2014-06-23 01:27:29 +0000 UTC]
OH Hello their jalen <3 how have you been as well?
I been doing so well, a bit tired from moving but over all alright. What do you mean you will not get to talk to me any more? i still be on DA
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gdpr-19899093 In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-23 01:52:46 +0000 UTC]
I 've been good, just trying to practice art everyday when I can ^^ and oh I thought that since you were moving
Β you wouldn't have internet access .-.
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to gdpr-19899093 [2014-06-23 01:59:13 +0000 UTC]
well that's good <3 i'm trying to make my cats look better XD and work on the group and stuff.
OH i have internet access..just not for a good week when i move over their, but i will be back on DA and stuff when we do.
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gdpr-19899093 In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-23 02:09:53 +0000 UTC]
oh okay that is good to hear Well you keep working Β at it Β ^^
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gdpr-26018953 [2014-06-22 05:07:32 +0000 UTC]
Hello my watcher, I wanted to check on you and remember you.
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satoridaseaking [2014-06-21 22:14:05 +0000 UTC]
Are you having problems with the notes again?
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to satoridaseaking [2014-06-22 01:08:33 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry ;6: I forget to tell you guys, but i have a blog up, I'm moving away soon >.> (this month) and i may not be on at all let long on at all.
I will be on next month.
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satoridaseaking In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-22 01:14:55 +0000 UTC]
*sighs* hopefully before July sixteenth....
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satoridaseaking In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-22 01:26:37 +0000 UTC]
My parents dont like me being on Da because of some of my dirty rps...and I'm going back to my parents house on July 22
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to satoridaseaking [2014-06-22 01:29:45 +0000 UTC]
D:> well...do you have skype, or...Email?
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satoridaseaking In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-22 01:31:32 +0000 UTC]
No Skype and they monitor my email...
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to satoridaseaking [2014-06-22 01:36:59 +0000 UTC]
i don't know what to say then, we can do a clean role play but that's about it..
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satoridaseaking In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-22 01:39:55 +0000 UTC]
It'll be fine...ok?
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satoridaseaking [2014-06-18 19:39:37 +0000 UTC]
Just reminding you about the rp and saying hi.so hi.
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Rikabreeze [2014-06-17 00:09:06 +0000 UTC]
Are you having trouble with the notes? Because you haven't replied for probably two weeks ;v;
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to Rikabreeze [2014-06-22 01:08:40 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry ;6: I forget to tell you guys, but i have a blog up, I'm moving away soon >.> (this month) and i may not be on at all let long on at all.
I will be on next month.
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satoridaseaking [2014-06-16 22:53:05 +0000 UTC]
Just reminding you because its been two days.
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satoridaseaking [2014-06-14 01:24:55 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for spamming you but why have you been taking so long to reply to the rp I'm not mad or anything I'm just not the most patient person as I always need something to entertain me and this has become my favorite rp so far.
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to satoridaseaking [2014-06-14 01:44:10 +0000 UTC]
Sorry, some of my notes can't be seen...and i knew you reply but your note don't show up, so i had to wait for it to do so. Your not the only one that i don't reply to...but i told anyway that if i don't reply in a day don't comment me, if i don't reply in 2 days then go right on and send me a note or comment.
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satoridaseaking In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-14 01:47:56 +0000 UTC]
Ok I'll remember I'm sorry .
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to satoridaseaking [2014-06-14 01:54:21 +0000 UTC]
NO NO your find, it just my notes act up some time..like this one person, she been working on the note for about 10 days and any time she resend it it don't show up ;3;
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satoridaseaking In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-14 03:01:22 +0000 UTC]
*hugs you* god I love that pic of nightcrawler I wanna cuddle him and rub his big tummy~
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satoridaseaking [2014-06-14 00:24:43 +0000 UTC]
Hey you haven't answered our rp...please reply soon.
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picachuyou [2014-06-09 00:37:17 +0000 UTC]
Hi, I'm one of the admins for Pokemon-Shard-Chaser and I would like to thank you for watching our group. I know it's really late, but the group is opening on June 12th and I was wondering if you were still going to join in? Also...If you can do a tiny favor... Could you...Perhaps... Advertise for us a tiny, little, bit... You don't have to, but I really can't pay you (My account has literally only two points.) Β But I could give you something? I don't know what though... Sorry. Thank you again, and sorry for bothering you.Β
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Asylum-Sama [2014-06-06 23:07:38 +0000 UTC]
Did you get my reply to our RP in the notes?
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to Asylum-Sama [2014-06-06 23:11:53 +0000 UTC]
...I don't think so ;^; Let me take a look through.
Sadly i don't, i will warned others that my notes like to play around some times and i don't get some notes can you resend?
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Asylum-Sama In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-06 23:12:49 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, it may take a while though. I have to retype it.
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to Asylum-Sama [2014-06-06 23:15:06 +0000 UTC]
I know their may be a easy way to find the note..on your side that is. Go to Send notes (In your notes) and it will give you a list of all the send notes you had send out. It as your reply in it and you can resend it.
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Asylum-Sama In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-07 01:25:58 +0000 UTC]
Did you get it now? I'm not really sure that it worked, since I'm on a mobile device..
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xXLilyLeoXx In reply to Asylum-Sama [2014-06-07 01:29:18 +0000 UTC]
no still don't get it.
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Asylum-Sama In reply to xXLilyLeoXx [2014-06-07 01:32:52 +0000 UTC]
Gah, I might just retype it. Everything is harder when using a tablet-
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