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| xHylianKnightx
# Statistics
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# Comments
Comments: 687
dragonricca [2017-09-10 08:34:23 +0000 UTC]
Hey, I know you haven't been online for a long time. I hope you're ok and that I'll hear from you someday.
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dragonricca [2015-12-26 00:26:37 +0000 UTC]
Merry Xmas!
I sent you a mail around 2 months ago, I understand if you havn't had time to reply, I just want to make sure you didn't miss it.
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Mr-Sardini [2015-05-11 15:44:29 +0000 UTC]
I am Amazes at what you can do with Cardboard! The work you did on Link's sword and shield are mind blowing.
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xHylianKnightx In reply to Mr-Sardini [2015-05-11 22:29:06 +0000 UTC]
Ah, thanks! I'm glad people enjoy them!
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Obscurity-X [2015-04-23 22:09:12 +0000 UTC]
You are extremely talented!! Oh my gosh ; o; I'm so envious!Ā
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xHylianKnightx In reply to Obscurity-X [2015-05-01 20:41:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it! Don't be envious though, it just takes practice to get better at anything we choose to do.
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natalyasdad [2015-01-27 01:31:39 +0000 UTC]
how have I missed your awesome work for so long?!?!?
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xHylianKnightx In reply to natalyasdad [2015-01-27 19:14:47 +0000 UTC]
Ah, thanks! Haha, maybe because I don't update as much as I should. *shameful*
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FanGirlStephie [2015-01-02 17:48:00 +0000 UTC]
please, all tmnt fans, please take a moment and vote fangirlstephie.deviantart.com/ā¦
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2015-01-02 17:47:06 +0000 UTC]
Happy belated New Year! (Sorry I usually do big celebrations on this holiday, I hope you did something fun too!)
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dragonricca In reply to xHylianKnightx [2015-01-07 12:24:46 +0000 UTC]
Good! Celebrate hard haha
Let's make this year the best so far ^_^
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dragonricca [2014-12-24 22:26:03 +0000 UTC]
Merry Christmas! (ļ¾Ā“ć®Ā“)ļ¾*:ļ½„ļ¾ā§
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2014-12-25 01:38:22 +0000 UTC]
Merry Christmas to you too!
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KetsuekiakaSomeone [2014-12-10 09:59:25 +0000 UTC]
Hey there! You might remember we talked about making the Hyrule shield from wood. It's been finished for a few months now and I'd like to show you the results :3 So tadaaah~ mileslibertatis.tumblr.com/posā¦ There are more pictures on the rest of my tumblr c:
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xHylianKnightx In reply to KetsuekiakaSomeone [2014-12-11 03:36:09 +0000 UTC]
I do remember! It turned out really great! I love the colour too, and even the backing looks spot on! Really impressive work, thanks so much for sharing with me~
How did you enjoy making it? Is the weight decent?Ā I haven't had much luck on the wood props, but busy life is busy, I guess.Ā
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KetsuekiakaSomeone In reply to xHylianKnightx [2014-12-12 22:24:08 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much as well! Glad you like it!
It was really fun but really difficult to make. As you might have seen, it's bent wood. At first, I wanted to stay true to the original design and bent it two ways (backside flat, upside bent in two ways, like a sphere). But the radius was too high and the wood would break, so I settled for bent in one way. Also, it was quite hard to think of how to attach the handle. I couldn't screw it, as I would have to screw through the nut veneer and ruin the upper layer, so I had to screw the handle on a loose piece of wood and screw that on the back side. But after all the hard work, I'm quite proud of it! It's about 4 kilograms, so your muscles hurt quite a bit after wearing it for a full day and my knuckle gets damaged every time, so I still have to sand a dent in the back side.
I can imagine. Wood can be quite difficult to work with, especially if you don't have the right tools. I'm lucky with that, 'cause I'm studying to be a cabinet maker/harp builder. I work with wood daily and have a school with a huge availability to many great machines <3
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xHylianKnightx In reply to KetsuekiakaSomeone [2014-12-18 15:44:35 +0000 UTC]
I did notice it was bent one way (I understand the logistics on how much work is needed to get it domed shape), but it still looks really good! I didn't know the handle caused so much trouble though, good thing to keep in mind. I guess the right kind of bolts too, helps to not break the surface, or ruin the hard work already done. Hopefully you were able to rest it down throughout the day, to give your arm a break. I thought about harnesses needed to support something like that for wearing on your back, but you'd need good quality belts, otherwise it couldn't take the weight. Eesh...
Well your wood working skills do show in that prop, I think you'll have a lot of fun in that career choice.
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dragonricca [2014-09-09 09:00:52 +0000 UTC]
I'm not dead, I have just been away from DA
I had almost no internet this summer so I kinda stayed away from the computer and I havn't drawn anything.. (or answered any posts at all..) Hopefully I'll start to be normal and do all these normal stuff hehe
I hope everything is good for you
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2014-09-10 00:39:25 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad to hear back from you, and that everything is fine. I hope even without internet, you enjoyed your Summer while it lasted! (I've also been neglectful of my DA, working on cosplays, so less drawing has occurred here too...)
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dragonricca In reply to xHylianKnightx [2014-09-23 14:52:08 +0000 UTC]
The summer was good relaxing
but autumn brought a nasty cold.. been lying in bed for days XD
I hope this autumn/winter will bring some inspiration, feels like I have had zero for months
Inspiration and energy, I have no idea where my energy fled? I really miss it
How are things at your end? I really hope it's better for you, not that it's terrible for me but still..
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2014-09-29 15:24:19 +0000 UTC]
I hope you have a blanket, or something to keep you warm then. Feel better soon!
I've felt unmotivated myself throughout Summer, but it's probably due to being overworked, and stressed. I've had a good amount of creative ideas though lately, which I'm hoping to start this October. I'm also hoping to do more on festivals, and take days off. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a day off, so maybe it'll help. Maybe look back at your days, see why you feel like you have no energy, you might be running around doing a lot of things too?
I might be on par with you, my Summer wasn't bad, but wasn't great either. Just busy. I finally caught up on all the episodes of turtles a couple days ago, the finale ended pretty solemn. I'm looking forward to the new season.
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dragonricca In reply to xHylianKnightx [2014-10-21 10:52:38 +0000 UTC]
Stress is really a killer of everything! I hope you'll soon get free time to just.. remember who you are and create amazing stuff
Yeah I.. think it may be old thoughts, fears you know. Things that hold me back and drains me. But I'm doing some changes in my everyday life right now and hopefully it will pay off.
I'm still behind. I really need to watch all the eps. So we can analyse and.. well talk about it and analyse some more XD haha
I think I started to fall behind after Casey's introduction, something about it made me less enthusiastic. It's not just the character, it's more how they started to make the turtles
look less capable.
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2014-10-23 15:04:33 +0000 UTC]
Is it! It's even stressful thinking of stress... ehh. Things are getting better though, which is nice. Thank you for the kind encouragement. I hope your little changes are helping you too, and you feel better.
If you need a listening ear, I'm always happy to lend it.
I was also not impressed with Casey's introduction. I understand they wanted to keep it classic, but have minor changes, but I actually found it the less impactful version of their meeting. They were saying the words, but I just couldn't see any emotion behind it. They kept it light, and slightly rushed... there are ups and downs in the later episodes. Some are done well, others are fillers. The finale of Season 2 was pretty good overall, it reminded me of the first season finale. Yes, April & Casey are extremely strong in this version, it gets worst overtime, that they can be on part or better than the turtles. Hmm....
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dragonricca In reply to xHylianKnightx [2014-10-27 08:08:59 +0000 UTC]
Haha we should eliminate the s-word.
I always get stressed when it feels like I have no control.Ā Like I'm powerless in the current situation.Ā
I realised my parents never taught me to believe in myself or in my judgement and I think that's my reason.
Instead of feeling "I know I can do this, I know what is best for me, I can decide for myself" I search forĀ
validation and direction from someone else. It need to stop and I'm working on it XD
Thank you I do feel a bit better now.
It's so hard to get impressed when it comes to Casey haha
I really.. arghhh why do they over power characters? How does it improve the story?
I guess it means you would beat Splinter and Shredder if you ever got over into their world XD They would so fear you
I would probably just beat the turtles, I mean.. I have no martial art training to speak of so
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2014-10-29 17:20:06 +0000 UTC]
I agree completely, on the entire thing. I have control issues, so my friends think I'm a bit stern. I had validation problems when I was younger, I thought I had to live up to very high expectations, and actually I still try to live to those standards to this day. It was hard to gauge if I was doing something right (especially since I was told how much of a failure I was constantly), so I kept looking to others and their reactions or input. I found that there is no real "right or wrong", but rather actions and consequences. I also learned that what was said when I was growing up was abuse, and thus lies to avoid their own problems. So even though it affects me still in a way, I try to be the best me, and do what I feel is right or helpful. I can't control all the reactions, to my frustration, but it's a learning experience, and one I'm finally able to accept the results because I'm the one doing the first move. All of that is not out of your reach, and I think you've come a long way from where you were, so keep moving forward. I like who you are today, so I'm happy you've been so strong and we could become friends.
I try to understand Casey, I think him as an over-muscled, always at the gym type of adult makes more sense then a teen who can somehow crush things like mutant turtles. I can see adult Casey doing well against foot soldiers (humans), because he's unpredictable, and physically strong, so he can knock people out, rather than having any finesse. He's a very good diversion, while the turtles could handle the larger enemies, or more skilled ones. I guess in a comic-book world, anything goes... I even like April as the tech assistant, so she was excellent support behind the scenes, she doesn't need to battle on the front lines to be of great value. I like that she was the bond between the turtles too, so not only tech help, but emotional help. Most shows undermine all the work, and importance of those type of people behind the scenes. Having nothing but crushing/over-powered characters Hulk smashing everything each episode, leaves much to be desired. I guess it is just a kids show... though hard to instill good ideals in the youth. :/
Apparently I'm rambly today, my apologies!
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dragonricca In reply to xHylianKnightx [2014-11-19 14:38:54 +0000 UTC]
You don't need to apologise If you feel the need to ramble, ramble on
I can completely relate to what you write. I think it's not about trying to
take control but to let go and have faith. You do your best in every situation
already, you always do even when you are tired or stressed. Even when itĀ
seems like things are getting worse, you still did your absolute best from where
you were in that exact moment. We always do, the rest is just judgements.
It's our perception of what happened, of the consequences. We judge our
actions and try to hold on and stop it from happening again, and as the saying goes,Ā
what we resist persists. If we try to avoid something or control something fromĀ
happening, it persists and it'll keep haunting us.
I realised this when I tried to not be as my parents, tried to do better...
I just have to look back at my old relationship and well.. I can see I have both
been my father and my mother. The trick is to let go and support yourself and
believe in yourself, love yourself. I hope something of this can help you as
it has helped me.
Thank you, really. I appreciate all your kindness and the person you are
This friendship is really precious to me even if we don't have contact all the time.
Or maybe it's just that, that we can be off and on and the friendship is still there.
The distance doesn't matter nor the internet connection, the friendship exists
as long as we do.
I so agree with you about everything Casey. It's strange how children shows
are more in the past, with stereotypes and abusive relationships.Ā
The kids are our future and we are teaching them this?? Doesn't make sense.
Oh, btw.. I started to watch The 100 recently and well I love the show.Ā
Have you seen it? The ratings arn't the best and I really want a season 3..
If you havn't watched it please do and tell me what you think The first
episodes arn't that impressive but it gets better.
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2014-11-24 23:38:32 +0000 UTC]
Those words were very helpful, thank you sincerely. It's always a great reminder, one we sometimes forget too often. I also have many qualities like my mother, which makes me angry, because I don't want to be that person. So instead I try to take those flaws, and do the best I can regardless. Having people still accept you for you, is a powerful thing though. So I want to thank you for still being a great friend, and not getting offended by my actions.
I agree too, the friendship will always be there, through quiet times, or rough times. I'm not always the most social, so it can take me a bit to reply, but I'll have your back if you ever need it, or a listening ear. It's always nice hearing from you, and I appreciate that we can have serious conversations, without judgement or expectations. Something I find rare...
I never heard of The 100, I don't normally watch TV, but I'll look into it. What is it about? There are many flaws with how society teaches our youth, and even our standards. But that is something very difficult to upheave and change without completely destroying the bad foundations, and starting a new. Change one life, and let it snowball, until hopefully one day society will know better, or make moves to change to be better.
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dragonricca In reply to xHylianKnightx [2014-11-27 12:07:22 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad I could help you
Want to talk about the qualities? Maybe it will help you see them
differently. Or even help you understand why you are behaving
in a certain way and let go. You know, you arn't your mother even
if you are mimicing some of her behaviours. You do so for a reason.
These behaviours, they don't define you, you're so much more.
What you experienced in the past, what she did to you, that made
you feel bad and scared, guilty.. Those feelings are still with you and
they will stay until you let go of whatever you believe in, and believing
may cause you to behave certain ways.Ā Talking about it will help you.
Hehe I don't even know what actions you're talking about, I should
be offended by what?
"I'm not always the most social, so it can take me a bit to reply"
That makes us two! I can be sooo slow at times. I just look at messages
and try to figure out what to write and well.. can take me time to
think of something and other times I am super fast at replying.
I love our conversations. I'm glad we can stayĀ judgement-free, and yes
it's rare. Most people I know can't handle.. well normal conversations.
It's moreĀ like pretend-conversations.. We say what is expected.
Like they can't handle what I am, and most of the times it's true..
But I think it's because they can't handle themselves. They are too
afraid to look inside themselves and face what is really there. Which
is something not as horrendous as they may think.. not horrendous
at all. It's just our judgements on it that scares us.Ā
Describing a show, let's see if I can do it haha
It's a scifi, I think the year is 2150-ish. It's been a nuclear war 97 yearsĀ
ago and the people who are still alive lives on a space station called the Ark.
In the pilot we see 100 juvenile convicts being sent back to earth. TheyĀ
have this rule that if you commit a crime they send you out of the airlock.
But not before you're 18 and the oxygen system is failing so that's why
they sent them down to earth. More oxygen for the rest of the people.
And they think no one can survive on earth yet because of radiation lvls
soĀ it's a test. So we follow these 100 on earth and also what happensĀ
on the Ark. Ofc they arn't alone on earth, this show is about survival and
characters die all the time. It's about human behaviour as well and it isn't
black and white. They do stupid and awful stuff but that doesn't makeĀ
them evil and I like it. And there arn't any typical stereotypes, even if
it may seem so in the beginning. Characters are rounded.
Does it sound like a show for you?
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2014-12-18 16:07:26 +0000 UTC]
I've stared at this message, probably for weeks now, and I still can't seem to answer the first part properly. I guess I'm old enough, that even if I have those inherited flaws, they are part of me, and I can work around them. Of course there'll be days that are frustrating, and others that things are fine, but that's part of life. Perhaps I'm also having trouble answering because I do think about this sort of thing, almost every day. I do know where most of it stems from, and what triggers repeat offenses. I'm a introvert most times, so talking about it isn't my forte... I'd rather think about how to use that energy in a positive way to move forward.
I still really value your kindness, and offer to help tackle the issue though. That appreciation hasn't changed. Maybe something will come up to bring it up again, to be able to talk about it. Maybe also in part, that there's a -lot- of issues, or issues that most people would find negative that I don't think similar. I can be very aggressive, or over-confident, but that also helps me in certain situations to take charge, or action. I can be horribly morbid, but it helps me relate to people in dire times. I don't think anything is wasted, it's just knowing when to let what emotion/action be used at the proper time. Hmm...
On a different note, I can't seem to find that show on our channels. I asked my friend about it, but he didn't seem to know it either (he at least has those paid channels, so we'll try to look there next time I see him). It sounds really interesting, almost like Fallout (the game), except with a colony in space. I like the human behavior aspect a lot, it does sound like a show I'd watch. I'm not a big TV fan, the last show I've been up to date on has been Gotham. It's not the best show... but I'm a Batman fan, haha.
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dragonricca In reply to xHylianKnightx [2014-12-19 13:03:58 +0000 UTC]
That's ok I don't think anyone just starts talking about
the things on the inside, it takes time. You'll now when you
are ready to talk about it
Reading your reply makes me wonder though, is it really
a problem what you percieve as the problem? You say you
can be aggressive and over-confident and it can help you
handle some situations, so why would that be a problem?
Maybe that's you, you just judge it as something bad/wrong?
You can take action, you can handle things others can't, I
don't see that as something bad. But you also say others have
a problem with that part of you.. or that you percieve it that way.
That's the tricky part, what we think others think about us can
be how we judge ourselves and then project on others.Ā
Of course you got it from somewhere.Ā Someone made you feel
bad about who you are, it may haveĀ been what someone said
directly to you or you just sawĀ someone judge themselves the
same way and picked up thatĀ belief. You know how kids mirror
And people who judge you or have a problem with who you are,
they arn't worth being with tbh. We should only be with people
who make us feel good about ourselves and help us grow.
It's on cwtv. I use VPN to be able to watch it, Netflix Canada has
all episodes I tried netflix and found the show that way hehe
(It made me watch all seasons of The Walking Dead too, no regrets)
I love good stories.
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2015-01-18 16:29:31 +0000 UTC]
I definitely agree, that if people can't accept you, for who you are, they aren't worth giving time too. My bad days don't overshadow my good days, so I have no problem being who I am, or being over-confident. I'm just noting what qualities people have mentioned to me over time the most often. It gives a new perspective, how others see you, compared to how you see yourself. I think it should be a learning tool, and not something that controls us, or makes us want to change. Our own views can be bias, or limited, so I think just ignoring everyone can be just as neglectful as allowing everyone's words to shape us. Personal growth is understand both sides, still being yourself, but learning how to work in this world, and progress with that knowledge. I'm a little rambly today, so sorry if this is hard to understand, or I'm not wording it properly. Just wanted to let you know, that even if I just write about bad days, I'm very happy where I am, and who I am. You should be very proud of who you are too.
I asked my friend about that show you mentioned, and he said he'll try to find it and we'll watch it after our Gotham show is done! We have a backlist of shows, but we only watch one episode while we eat lunch, so it's hard to tackle lots. I'll let you know how it is when we watch it.
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dragonricca In reply to xHylianKnightx [2015-01-19 15:26:01 +0000 UTC]
I can be totally wrong here but I feel the need to point it out
bc I have seen it a few times now..
It seems to me like you don't want to talk too much about
some things.. I'm not sure what it is but I haveĀ this feeling when
I read your answers. Like you want to changeĀ the subject or maybe
not worry me? Is that it? That you don'tĀ want to worry others so
you try to change the focus? If it's so,Ā no worries, I can handle bad
and I do understand not every dayĀ is bad just bc you feel down
sometimes. I have those days tooĀ and I still feel good most of the time.Ā
I prefer to word it differently We are each others mirrors, so
if someone find something "bad" about you it doesn't necessarly
mean it's something bad. The other person may just project
whatever they believe on you or you believe this about yourself
and others pick it up. So I usually listen but think more aboutĀ
what is behind their words than what they actually say. Do I
believe this about myself or is there another reason why they
tell me this? If someone tell me I'm selfish, as an example, it could
be bc I feel selfish(guilt feelings) or the other person is insecure
and instead of taking care of that they attack other people, or
maybe a mix of them. I did hear a lot of bad stuff about me in the
past but that changed when I realised I wasn't a bad person.
The energy you put out is what you get back, doesn't matter if
it's what you do or how you think, how you think will at least
uncounsiously be picked up by others bc you act a certain way
based on your beliefs. That's my explanation on how I see it..
So if I were you and some qualities were mentioned a lot, sure
the good qualities arn't a problem , I mean if some thing
I didn't feel good about got mentioned over and over again..
I would start to ask myself if this is what I believe aboutĀ
myself or something similar.Ā Or maybe it's how you see those
qualities?Ā There is always a reason why youĀ hear the same thing
over and over again, like there is a reasonĀ if the same problems
appear..Ā There is a lesson to be learned but not always the most
obvious one. I have met too many people who believe they need
to learn to be more or less whatever-they-believe-they-are. LikeĀ
that is the lesson. They don't dig deeper and try to find the reason
behind those beliefs they have, not their fault, we usually learn not
to handle those things.Ā
Anyway, this is how I have helped myself.Ā I'm just saying all this bc
most people I know don't even knowĀ how to or even realise there is
a problem. But maybe you already do somethingĀ similar? I learned
this when I was at my lowest and it has beenĀ good tools for me.Ā
Sorry for all the text but I wasn't sure if you understood what I
meant, we may say things a bit differently so we could meanĀ
exactly the same thing but I wasn't sure..
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2015-01-27 19:40:23 +0000 UTC]
Ah, well it certainly wasn't the intention. I do change topics when I find something is repeating, or derailing from the original topic. I will change when a point is getting mistaken too. I tried to talk about a different view on the last matter, because the issues that seemed worst than they were, really weren't issues. Maybe when I was younger, but it's strictly observance of past events now. I don't think you deserve that sort of non-attachment to the conversation. It is largely part, to not worry the other person, because it seems more dramatized than it is. If that makes sense?
I like the idea of being mirrored, especially since every views life differently from their own experience to that point. I have many international friends, who can't speak English well, but the intention can always be clear when you know how to look for it. I'm definitely not the type of person to get upset if someone uses a term incorrectly, because the intention was still there. People who get caught up on baggage terms and words solely, do make me sad.
I've studied a lot of different religions, and cultures, and political views of individuals, so I understand that everyone is subjective to their own ideals, morals, and what they even think is "right". I actually don't believe in right or wrong, but rather actions and consequences. Take responsibility for what you decide and do, but whatever you do, stand by it. I've tried to find ways to understand why certain terms were repeated by individuals, either those words say to me, or others. I want to understand why they do this, and how to expand and help to look past that narrow view. I enjoy figuring out how to solve problems... So I really enjoy sharing different ideas and problems with you, because you are a lot more mature, and realize things, through the experiences you've been through. You still struggle, but I think we all do, and there's no perfect solution, but that's why life is intriguing.
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dragonricca In reply to xHylianKnightx [2015-03-06 14:01:07 +0000 UTC]
You learn so much through sharing thoughts and ideas. It's like the world is a big puzzle and every person is a piece in it. So when we share our views we make
the overall picture clearer. I really enjoy seeing things clearer and talking to you and realising how we see/tackle things differently feels like an eye opener Ā
I usually let ppl talk about whatever they are talking about, if their thoughts bring up another topic or repeat I believe it's because they need that right now.
So I try to be open and let them go on and hopefully it will help them in some way.
I think I see listening and being there as more important than the actual topic, even if the subject discussed can be of importance too. It probably comes from my past,
you know wanting to be seen and feeling like I'm important and so on. Listening and letting the other vent or whatever they need is my way to try to give that to others.
Give some kind of emotional support, validate their feelings and thoughts.
I can still understand your way of being there for others and I'm glad we do things differently, since we humans need variety. How boring and predictable the world would be
if we did things the same way..
So what in your past made you decide to help people the way you do?
I read about perception several years ago and I still go back to it. Like how we see things because our mind or subconscious is focused on it.Ā
Our thoughts are filters our senses signals pass through. Two people can be at the same place at the same time and still witness two different scenarios,Ā
a depressed person is more aware of the negativity and may misunderstand good intentions as something bad, and so on.Ā Explains why the world seems
the way we think it is. Why we see proof for whatever we believe in. Like our beliefs builds limits for what we can see and experience. Another argumentĀ
for being as open minded as possible
"I've tried to find ways to understand why certain terms were repeated by individuals, either those words say to me, or others."
I believe we repeat things because there is something there we need to understand (also my reason for letting people repeat). Like itās a subconscious mantra we are witnessing.Ā
I agree that right and wrong is subjective. What is right for me may not be right for you. Thatās why I try to give suggestions to others and encourage them to ask themselves
what feels right for them. But no one is perfect and I know I react or say things sometimes that isnāt helping.. That I get defensive or even passive aggressive at times.
We are where we are, itās a journey after all Ā
This made me think of something I read today..
āThe meaning is within the word "tolerance."
Most people pretend to like (or love) others, when really they're just "putting up with" a person because they feel they have to.
This creates a split in the heart - people feeling negatively towards a person, yet acting nicely. Tolerance lacks integrity because it pretends to express kindness when kindness is not actually felt.
In other words, tolerance is a form of subconscious (and sometimes conscious) hypocrisy.ā
Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this
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xHylianKnightx In reply to dragonricca [2015-03-16 04:17:00 +0000 UTC]
About helping people, and reasons from the past. I had to really sit, and think on how toĀ answer this question, because you know... it's a lifetime of injustice, abuse, death, anger forged into a passion, or obsession even to stop it, or show people the better values of life, what is important to us, the simple things, and what makes us smile. I don't even think I can answer that question properly, because that essence is why I'm alive and who I am. It's not one thing, or several things, it's everything. Every day, every action, every thought. The day it stops, is probably the day I die, and with great honesty, I know it won't stop at that point either.
What about you? What makes you want to help others? Or what shaped your path? I do agree though, that certain types of help are needed for certain situations, and the right person will be there when needed.
Perception is a huge thing, and very difficult to gauge because it's different for each individual. It's a large part why I'm fascinated with learning about people, and their pasts, and views. You can learn a great deal about how a person is, how they act, and react to situations from even a little information. Because as unique as we are, we also fall into patterns, and routines. It's all amazing.
As for tolerance, I hate it. Something quite fierce.... Etiquette is one thing, but tolerance is just acknowledging bad behavior, or something wrong, and doing nothing about it. It's being aware, and that what's rubs me the wrong way about it a lot. What do you think of it?
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dragonricca In reply to xHylianKnightx [2015-06-14 09:20:35 +0000 UTC]
Why stop with death when it's just the beginning
So it's like part of your life purpose then?
My background and the feeling of unfairness was one reason, but some things
have changed since then. The way I look at it. I saw people as victims in the past,
now I know they arn't.Ā
It's not like I want to help all the time, or at least it's not like that anymore.
I want to inspire others or help them help themselves. Help them realise
things thatĀ held them back from being their awesome selves.Ā
I agree, and you learn so much about yourself when you observe others
Haha, you even hate it? Or is it just tolerance for some behaviors?
I use tolerance when I realise there are no reason for me to intervene.
I may not like everything, but I know it's sometimes just my perception
of the situation that makes me irritated/angry/whatever. Sometimes
it's something in meĀ and has nothing to do with what is actually going on.Ā
So maybe I'm neutral? Or it depends on situation. I can hate it too, if the
reason for tolerating is fear based.Ā
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IzzahEleinaSai [2014-08-11 22:17:23 +0000 UTC]
Give ā„ļ»æ Thisā„ Toļ»æļ»æ ā„ The ā„ Twelve ā„ Nicest ā„ People ā„ You ā„ļ»æ Know ā„ If ā„ You ā„ļ»æ Get ā„ļ»æ Five ā„ļ»æ Backļ»æ ā„ You ā„ Mustļ»æ ā„ļ»æ Beļ»æ ā„ Perfectļ»æ ā„
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Riku-Link [2014-08-02 22:09:57 +0000 UTC]
Please make a full tutorial for the master sword and the hylian shield,pleeease <3
(I mean, with the sizes, etc.)
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xHylianKnightx In reply to Riku-Link [2014-08-04 18:29:44 +0000 UTC]
I tried to describe the process as best I could throughout my WIP images. They were done within a very short time, so I couldn't take as many photos as I was hoping. Everything was done through trial and error, and fixed throughout construction. The ratios are to my body height & size, so there's no set pattern. I'm terribly sorry...
I do plan to make a new set of weapons in the future, so I'll try to document it better! (Hopefully for the new Zelda coming out)
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LinkIRL17 [2014-08-01 21:16:10 +0000 UTC]
Random question for you. How on earth did you make that collar on your awesome OoT Link Tunic? I'm working on mine right now, and I have no idea how to even attack this thing. -Rob
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xHylianKnightx In reply to LinkIRL17 [2014-08-04 18:43:26 +0000 UTC]
It took me a moment to find the image, but you're right. I don't explain it very well! I'm also sorry for replying so slowly. D:
I cut out a basic pattern of the shape with thick interfacing (this helps keep it shape better), you can find that stuff at fabric stores, usually behind the cutting tables, so just ask one of the workers to help you out. Afterwards, I cut 2 larger pieces of actual green fabric in the same shape (taking into account seam allowance, so half an inch all around the edging, so I could fold/sew it in), and stitched the underside, so it was secure to the interfacing. I used strong adhesive fabric glue to tuck the top layer snug underneath, and trimmed as necessary.
It's not a perfect job, but it gives the right look, and you can get it pretty clean. I know there's some proper sewing method for collars.. I just suck at sewing, so I treat it like a prop, haha.
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chanellenumber5 [2014-07-16 04:24:31 +0000 UTC]
You my dear - are the awesome Hero's shade coser I met at anime north last year afer the masquerade. I met you a second time at the Zelda symphony as Link with Groose and team haha. I am really impressed with your work from cardboard! I've been trying to avoid worbla because it is extremely costly - though my friends shell out hundreds for it. Do you live in the GTA? I wish I saw you around at cons more often D:
- chanelle
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xHylianKnightx In reply to chanellenumber5 [2014-07-16 20:23:26 +0000 UTC]
Hey! That was definitely me, haha. I actually really like your Ravio cosplay, it looks great~
I have the same issue with expensive materials, I try to stay away from them at all cost, and tried to learn how to use cheap/free cardboard instead. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend many conventions this year because of life woes, but I'm hoping to make AN again next year (and hopefully help host the Zelda shoot again). I live in the Niagara region, so it's not too far away from Toronto.
I might not get out much, but I'm always happy sharing cosplay ideas, and construction projects! Plus, having another Zelda fan to talk too is always a bonus, haha.
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chanellenumber5 In reply to xHylianKnightx [2014-07-22 00:18:05 +0000 UTC]
Aw thank you!! I am just uploading pics from our ALBW shoot yesterday =3
I see - I am about 40-45 min from Niagara, I hope you make it out to some other cons soon! Yes definitely - I will be starting on Hyrule Warriors Impa quite soon so look out for that
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xHylianKnightx In reply to chanellenumber5 [2014-07-23 17:39:47 +0000 UTC]
Awesome! I hope your shoot went well!
I'll try my best to make more cons next year, definitely. I'm really looking forward to your Impa too, I'll be making Link's for a local event here! I can't wait for that game to come out, haha~
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chanellenumber5 In reply to xHylianKnightx [2014-07-24 05:50:19 +0000 UTC]
It did thanks! Gonna add more pictures here soon
Oh me too! I'm gonna make Link and Sheik after. Looking forward to your work ^^
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xHylianKnightx In reply to chanellenumber5 [2014-07-25 14:05:09 +0000 UTC]
Oh nice! I actually really liked all the designs they had in Hyrule Warriors, it gave them more of a armour-feel, and a little more creative leeway to their designs, than the normal franchise has. I'm actually really curious on how Link will look in the new Wii-U game too (his classical green tunic, I mean)!
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