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| xBlackHeartbreakx

xBlackHeartbreakx [39205307] [] "the world may never know"

# Statistics

Favourites: 788; Deviations: 34; Watchers: 13

Watching: 102; Pageviews: 4000; Comments Made: 290; Friends: 102

# Comments

Comments: 95

klg18 [2017-05-03 00:29:47 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the Favorite

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to klg18 [2017-05-03 02:01:47 +0000 UTC]

Ur welcome

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Renata-s-art [2017-03-19 08:49:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the !

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to Renata-s-art [2017-03-22 01:06:42 +0000 UTC]

ur welcomeΒ Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

UszatyArbuz [2017-02-23 09:26:27 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to UszatyArbuz [2017-02-23 12:24:24 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Silent-Sid [2017-02-16 20:44:07 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the Watch

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to Silent-Sid [2017-02-16 20:46:37 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!!!Β Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Kokoa-Derp [2017-02-01 03:57:55 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

yuuike [2017-01-23 03:33:14 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhh thank you so much for the watch bby Β I really appreciate it <333

If you like my art feel free to check me out onΒ Instagram ,Β  Tumblr ,Β Facebook Β orΒ YouTube Β  Β //shamelessly advertises LOL

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to yuuike [2017-01-28 02:00:52 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

JayLeyPrice [2016-12-28 03:45:54 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fave

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to JayLeyPrice [2016-12-28 03:51:14 +0000 UTC]

ur welcome!!!!Β Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Shylless [2016-12-27 23:49:35 +0000 UTC]

Thx for the fav!!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to Shylless [2016-12-27 23:53:45 +0000 UTC]

ur welcome!!!!!Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

CaptainCatbillion [2016-12-27 02:57:25 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to CaptainCatbillion [2016-12-27 02:58:43 +0000 UTC]

ur welcome!!!Β Β Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

RainbowGlambert [2016-12-13 04:03:04 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch back

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-13 10:26:05 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!!!! and thx for the follow on Wattpad!!!Β Β Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-14 19:18:23 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!! Is that Pikachu in your profile pic?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-15 21:51:48 +0000 UTC]

Yeah i love PIKACHU!!!!!!Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-15 22:29:06 +0000 UTC]

Me too! Was Pokemon your firs anime?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-16 00:50:48 +0000 UTC]

Yep!! Including dragonball zΒ Β Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-16 14:11:41 +0000 UTC]

Those were mine too!! Do you like Ouran?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-16 14:17:52 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-16 14:25:18 +0000 UTC]

Yay!!! XD How about Yuri on Ice?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-16 15:16:15 +0000 UTC]

Omg yaaaaassss!!!!Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-17 13:44:32 +0000 UTC]

I don't know if I mentioned this, but we have the same taste in music. Do you like Adam Lambert?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-17 17:20:52 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-19 22:13:08 +0000 UTC]

Yay!! How did you become a glambert?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-20 16:06:35 +0000 UTC]

When he was on American idol, I literally fell in love with his voice!!!!!Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-20 23:57:43 +0000 UTC]

Cool!! I wish I could say the same, but I fell in love with him when he performed Never Close Our Eyes on Idol. Β It's kind of a long story and it's one of my journals, I can link you if you want. He's helped me accept myself as panromantic ace, I owe him and Tommy loads.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-21 16:20:50 +0000 UTC]

That's awesome!!!!Β Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-21 19:55:52 +0000 UTC]

Yep!!v Here is the link:Β rainbowglambert.deviantart.com…

I'm guessing you like Adommy?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-21 22:50:56 +0000 UTC]

One of my top 3 favorite pairingsΒ Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-22 23:01:34 +0000 UTC]

Yay mine too How about Kradam and Saulbert?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-23 03:16:08 +0000 UTC]


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RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-24 19:39:53 +0000 UTC]

Same here XD What is your fave Kradam moment?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-24 23:21:43 +0000 UTC]

When on the idol, I remembered Adam licked Kris neck! then my fam looked at me weird because i was fangirling!! Β Β Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-25 01:37:13 +0000 UTC]

Cool Don't let them get to you. When did he do that exactly? Is there a video? Mine is when Kris hugged Adam from behind

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-27 02:56:04 +0000 UTC]

I think so!! it also happen on the idol but there is a picture of that happeningΒ Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-28 00:48:00 +0000 UTC]

Nice!! I think I know which you mean but it may be photoshopped. I don't think Adam would have done that. Have you red any Kradam fics?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-28 02:49:13 +0000 UTC]

on wattpad yeahΒ Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-28 22:50:18 +0000 UTC]

Cool Which ones?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-29 01:55:24 +0000 UTC]

let see uhmm light in his darkness and cold as ice r my favorites so farΒ Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-29 23:10:35 +0000 UTC]

Neat I ish I could live i he IIHY vid

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-30 00:00:57 +0000 UTC]

omg same!!!!Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2016-12-30 10:56:41 +0000 UTC]

You like Victuuri?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

xBlackHeartbreakx In reply to RainbowGlambert [2016-12-30 16:24:52 +0000 UTC]

yess i do!!!!!!!Β Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RainbowGlambert In reply to xBlackHeartbreakx [2017-01-01 10:38:29 +0000 UTC]

Yay!!!! Do you have a favorite Adommy kiss? Happy New Year!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

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