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# Comments
Comments: 10
amin005 [2009-06-06 06:55:28 +0000 UTC]
My bublisher wat a illustrator for his primery education books project. can you do work for us. It is primery books illustrations project. from prep class to fifth class. Math, English, Urdu, Social Studies, Science etc. we want a illustrator who work for us. Can you....
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
wilham In reply to amin005 [2009-06-07 13:53:56 +0000 UTC]
Hi,thanks for your offer,
I can work with you, we can talk better if you send me some samples about what you want.
my e-mail is hakanulusman@gmail.com
I am able to work coloured and also just ink. I did story book illustrations for primary school.
I'm waiting for your mail.
have a nice day
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