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| vankata
# Statistics
Favourites: 45; Deviations: 61; Watchers: 221
Watching: 116; Pageviews: 33086; Comments Made: 1624; Friends: 116
# Comments
Comments: 370
vankata In reply to Siregar3D [2010-11-23 00:07:34 +0000 UTC]
hahahah shhh, just turning 16 hey thanks mate !
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Supuhstar [2010-09-05 15:52:36 +0000 UTC]
do you know how to check up on and vote on submissions in ?
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Supuhstar [2010-08-29 23:10:13 +0000 UTC]
Hey! I was looking through your Gallery and saw your Revit stuff, and it looks awesome! I was wondering if you'd do me the honor of joining , the group for Deviants who use Revit.
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vankata In reply to Supuhstar [2010-08-30 22:31:10 +0000 UTC]
I definitely would, its just that the model was simply modeled using Revit although it was rendered in 3ds max. I hope that will count.
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Supuhstar In reply to vankata [2010-08-31 03:33:15 +0000 UTC]
of course! The dirty work was done in Revit
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AllisonBarraza [2010-07-07 03:55:35 +0000 UTC]
I just realized I've yet to give you a meaningless llama badge. Please, have one.
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vankata In reply to AllisonBarraza [2010-07-07 07:26:37 +0000 UTC]
hey could you explain what are those lamas all about...never really understood them they are funny though
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AllisonBarraza In reply to vankata [2010-07-07 07:36:43 +0000 UTC]
They're just for fun. People just love llamas for some reason, so deviantArt decided to add it as a feature, I guess. Good times.
But quite seriously, how are you doing?
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vankata In reply to AllisonBarraza [2010-07-13 22:58:11 +0000 UTC]
hey...I was off for some summer fun on the Bulgarian las vegas haha...returned pretty refreshed, well now thinking about how to get there again soon...
on the professional side - discussing a huge project including modeling, texturing and rendering a huge resort place, there will be a bunch of walk troughs. the deadline is really short...like 20 days, I might have to find some help. The projects is still on the discussion table so theres nothing already decided but...
did I asked you already if you play Aion ? (or ever played?) asking because that was one of the side projects. we built a private server for aion - www.24aiononline.com. we got several other game servers...
do you have a job right now?
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AllisonBarraza In reply to vankata [2010-07-14 05:12:44 +0000 UTC]
That sounds like fun! Is it a gambling-type place, a show-type place, or is it just pretty much Las Vegas in Bulgaria? Better yet, what's the name of this place? I bet I'll never be able to pronounce it. In any case, it's good you got a break, especially since you may have that project coming right at you. I certainly hope it pays well (but I assume it does).
As for Aion, no, I haven't played it. I do like MMOs, but alas, I find myself strapped for cash more often than not these days. I must say though, pretty cool that you helped create with a private server. I have no idea what goes into that entirely, but rest assured, I'm impressed.
And jobs... No job right now. I'm working on a game with Oliver, though. It's actually pretty cool, and I've gotten to do most of the animations for it so far. We just brought on a second animator though, so it'll lighten my workload if we're lucky. One of my teachers e-mailed me asking if I was available for some freelance 2d work, but I don't know if it'll work out. I'm at Stanford with Oliver most of the time, so I don't even have a scanner (which explains my epic lack of recent work on dA).
In any case, keep me updated. It's always fun.
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vankata In reply to AllisonBarraza [2010-07-14 10:24:38 +0000 UTC]
hahah well, its called Sunny Beach not that hard to pronounce haha. Its an international tourist destination...actually only half of the people there are actually from Bulgaria - a bunch of people from Germany, UK, Poland, Russia, Ukraine...and many more: [link]
its pretty much like...eastern European type of place for having all the fun...
What do you mean "i'm at Stanford". You are getting Masters over there ?
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AllisonBarraza In reply to vankata [2010-07-15 01:44:59 +0000 UTC]
No, unfortunately I'm not getting my Master's here. A friend of ours actually did a little digging, and with our degree (at least in the USA), we can only pursue Master's Degrees from schools owned by EDMC. I wish one of those recruiters had told me that little tidbit. In any case, I think we're ineligible for Stanford. I also heard a rumor that since Ai is based in Pennsylvania (and is thus accredited by Pennsylvania), we can apply for any school in that state, but who's going to jump across the country in this economy (or overseas)?
I'm just here because Oliver is teaching a program for school-age kids. It's fun for him, but you know how pre-teens are... They're annoying.
And I must say, I was expecting a name composed entirely of consonants in Bulgarian. Sunny Beach is so... internationally friendly. Awesome. But I guess most people speak English over there... I wish the US had the same emphasis on language. I'd love to be able to claim a few different languages (though Americans are generally presented with fewer opportunities to use those skills).
Eastern Europe sounds like fun. Maybe someday we'll actually manage to travel a bit... Thbbt.
Good times.
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tursiops33 [2010-06-25 16:14:06 +0000 UTC]
There you go, another for your collection! I also do poems if you're interested check them out here: [link]
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KeremGo [2010-03-30 21:42:38 +0000 UTC]
hey man! how are you?
though I'm already watching you :-/
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eRe4s3r [2009-12-04 11:33:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch Comes a bit late but better than never
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ShengDaFlashPRo [2009-11-29 07:31:58 +0000 UTC]
ill spam ur gallery with comments and faves later. busy atm i just saw ur gallery and instant watch
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vankata In reply to ShengDaFlashPRo [2009-11-29 13:44:22 +0000 UTC]
hehe thanks buddy! hope you will like it!
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SWETQ [2008-12-19 10:09:34 +0000 UTC]
Hey blagodarq za add-a strahotna galeria pi4 prodaljawai w toia duh.
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ionutnicolaescu [2008-12-19 08:13:55 +0000 UTC]
thanks for the comment man, lovely lovely gallery
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RagingAngel [2008-12-11 12:54:32 +0000 UTC]
Zdrasti kolega Gledam si zapoznat i sledish blogowete i postowete na Jeff Patton i Master Zap
Nqma losho, dobri mray trikowe pokazwat
Q daj edin direkten link kym sponza scenata pls?
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vankata In reply to RagingAngel [2008-12-11 13:27:23 +0000 UTC]
da be kak. jeff mn doprinasia za mentalray online ob6testvoto
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vankata In reply to Homogeneous [2008-12-11 11:07:09 +0000 UTC]
е как тряя гледам как се развиват всички )
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gugug [2008-11-29 11:58:02 +0000 UTC]
hy...i am a boy 13 yers,i like cars ...and i want to work in 3dsmax...your cars are in max??pls contact me...send me a message with your msn,or mail...good job
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eye-am [2008-11-01 10:01:49 +0000 UTC]
Ванка, беше ли на Juno Reactor? Хехе гледах си коментите и се сетих за теб, беше нещо нечовешко!
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vankata In reply to eye-am [2008-11-01 18:13:22 +0000 UTC]
mn mi se hode6e!!! Az sam fen4e na juno o6te ot edno vreme... noo v momenta sam v usa i niama6e kak
pusna li conga fury i pistolero ? ole predstaviam si kvo e bilo... razkaji s dve dumi!
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eye-am In reply to vankata [2008-11-02 12:31:28 +0000 UTC]
Пусна, как няма да пусне! И God is God, и Tokyo от последния албум... Бяхме във Фестивална, излязоха в 24:30 с Нина Николина, хората изпадаха в транс, танцувахме като в Матрицата, мисля, че не си внушавах Не съм виждала никога нещо подобно, сякаш цялата музика на света се беше събрала в центъра на Вселената и се пръсна по шевовете, създавайки нова реалност. И след това сякаш се събудихме и намерихме обратно в света, който познаваме, но вече с ясното съзнание, че можем да отлетим от него
Искам да ти благодаря за въпроса - дълго се чудех какво да напиша за концерта в блога си и мисля, че вече подхванах посоката.
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vankata In reply to eye-am [2008-11-03 04:08:52 +0000 UTC]
eeee kak obiasniava samo )) iako, mai ste se zabavliavali...da 4ue6 pistolero na jivo...v zala na takova uzvu4enie...
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memod [2008-10-20 19:02:53 +0000 UTC]
няма начин да видя някой с името ванката и да не посетъ саита му.
I just had to have a look. And wow, you have some really impressive stuff, love especially how you operate with light. the classroom image shows that nicely
I have a feeling like I've been on your page before...
Haven't been in Bulgaria for a while, haha. How's it there now?
Greetings from Germany!
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vankata In reply to memod [2008-10-20 19:25:53 +0000 UTC]
a taka li napravi we izrud !!! mnooo iaki ne6ta maina! pfff mnoo dobre se spravia6 s tableta i az sam bil predi na tvoita stranitsa amaaaa si mislieh 4ee si germanets...ili rusnak ama v germania
a too az po printsip jiveia v california...ama liatoto se pribiram
eee 6e te nabliudavam!
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eye-am [2008-10-18 14:57:05 +0000 UTC]
Trippy beats
Ехх кога бяхме ученици и ходихме на такива партита... Да си призная бях доста зарибена по Astral Projection в началото на века.
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vankata In reply to eye-am [2008-10-19 10:58:27 +0000 UTC]
da da...pomnia vremeto kogato party ozna4ava6e rave...
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vankata In reply to AnimeOne [2008-10-16 20:14:27 +0000 UTC]
hehe e 4ak puk...vsi4ki se u4im )
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AnimeOne In reply to vankata [2008-10-16 20:38:26 +0000 UTC]
vsi4ki se u4im i 6te se u4im dokato sme jivi, no tova ne pre4i
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